Electus (Regnum Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Electus (Regnum Series Book 1)
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The gurney comes to a halt and Tia is in a room with other candidates, who are being treated. They wheel her next to Quade, who lays unconscious. Her heart speeds up at the sight of him.

“What happened to him?” she questions the nurse, who is setting up the IV above her bed.

“Him?” she motions to Quade. “He took a beating.” The nurse applies alcohol to Tia’s arm. “They both did, actually. Put up a good fight, but he tired out after we brought him up here. You are going to feel a pinch.” The nurse inserts the IV into Tia’s arm. “We also need you to take this.” She hands Tia two small pills and a glass of water.

“What’s this for?”

“It speeds up your body’s healing process to three times its normal pace. You need to be fully recovered before tomorrow night’s event,” the nurse responds.

Tia swallows the pills, feeling the pain in her throat, from when Delilah punched her.

“I suggest you try to rest. Laying still and sleeping help the medicine to work more effectively.”

“Thank you,” Tia mumbles. The nurse turns away to check on another patient. Tia peers up and notices the screen on the wall, showing the next opponents fighting each other. This time it is Mina and Kira fighting. Both are barely touching the other. It’s mostly a slap fight, when they actually can find where the other one is at. Tia chuckles, then stops, because it makes her body ache in several places.

She gazes over at Quade, who is still asleep. His one eye is black and blue, his chin is wrapped in gauze, and the arm he doesn’t have an IV in, is in a sling. Tia barely recognizes him. His ash brown hair is tousled as usual, however everything else is either bruised or swollen.
Did I not do enough to train him?
she wonders, her body aching, as she takes a deep breath. Her eyes begin to burn, fighting back tears. She focuses on the screen again.

Now Mina has Kira on the ground and is choking her.
They must have found each other,
Tia thinks. For the first time since they were kids, Tia finds herself secretly rooting for Mina. She strangles her, and Kira attempts to push Mina off, but Mina is a little more curvy than Kira. Tia figures their weight must balance out due to Kira’s height. Mina attempts to punch Kira now, missing with nearly each swing. It isn’t long before Kira lifts her flag into the air, and a whistle blows from the referee. Claire yells, “Stop!” at Mina, and she releases Kira’s neck.

“Appears like this cat fight is over,” Carmen announces over the screen. Tia can’t help feel a small triumph as Kira surrenders. For the first time, Tia can grasp the concept of why this is entertainment.
Maybe if all the fights were this funny.
Her eyes become heavy, as the medicine kicks in. Smiling, she falls into a deep slumber.

The woman, from her previous dreams, stands in front of Tia, holding a wooden box. They are in a heavily wooded area, at midnight. Without a word, she opens it, releasing an owl. Tia follows the owl, for what seems like an eternity. It lands on a shoulder, a shoulder that belongs to Osborn.

She tries to ask her father why he is there. Her father remains silent. Tia attempts to gain Osborn’s attention, but he just stares blank into the darkness. She turns to look out in that same direction and sees a man walking slowly towards them. Tia turns back to her father and the owl screeches in her face, before flying away. She peers back towards the other man. It is Javan Leporem, dressed in an all white suit, with a black tie. He snaps a finger, and before Tia’s eyes, her father turns into dust.

Tia wakes in a cold sweat. She is still in the hospital bed next to Quade. She turns to him and he is sitting up, enjoying a bowl of ice cream. His eye and chin are completely healed. The only mark left from the fight, is his arm in the sling. Tia lifts herself up, the pain removed from her body. Quade’s eyes wander over, after hearing her stir.

“Look who’s up!” Quade beams at Tia, his grin wider than usual, especially, considering everything he endured this morning.

“What time is it?” she probes, still groggy.

“It’s eight o’clock.” He takes another spoonful of ice cream and puts it in his mouth, making noises of satisfaction, and licking the entire spoon. Tia wonders what kind of medicine they gave him.

“Wow, I’ve been asleep that long?” she asks, rubbing her eyes.

“Yep. I just woke a little bit ago, myself. You should ask them for something to eat. The nurses will get you anything you like,” Quade offers, grin still intact.

“That’s okay.” Tia sits up more, attempting to wake herself fully. She is afraid to try anything, with the way Quade is acting.

“I saw you won your fight,” Quade mentions, scraping his bowl.

“How? You were out cold when I arrived.”

“They have been replaying them all day, in case anyone missed them. They also replayed the ceremony from last night. Your barfing didn’t look as bad as you thought. Most commentators have been sympathetic about it. They say it humanizes you. Which is funny, cause you are half human.” He laughs at his own words, as though it is the funniest thing he heard all day. Tia’s concern for Quade rises.

“Oh, boy,” she moans. “Who won in your fight?”

“Neither of us, actually. We were the only ones to make the twenty minute mark.” Quade smiles again, with chocolate ice cream around the corners of his mouth.

“That’s great!” Tia replies, trying not to laugh at him.

“Yeah, Dan is actually a pretty cool guy. Once we are feeling better later, we plan on getting some beers to celebrate. Wanna join?” Quade offers, almost too excitedly.

“No thanks,” Tia starts, “I had enough alcohol last night. But you guys have fun.” For the first time, in a long time, she feels peaceful about Quade. He appears content. It is comforting to Tia to know that someone she cares for is truly happy, even if it appears to be drug induced.

Tia’s eyes peek around the room. She spots Delilah, laying on one of the beds. Her IV is hooked up and she seems to be slightly better than she was earlier. Tia notices her stir, so she knows Delilah must be awake. Tia glances up at her IV, then down at the floor, to make certain the pole is mobile. Tia crawls out of her bed, and wheels the pole over to Delilah’s bed.

Delilah sits up, panicked. Tia takes a seat down on the empty bed beside hers.

“What do you want?” she interrogates, her one eye still slightly swollen.

“Just wanted to see how you were feeling,” Tia states, softly.

“I suppose I’m alright.” Delilah glances down at her hands, which are fiddling with the edge of her blanket.

“You hit pretty hard. I mean, that punch to my ear, the first time, I didn’t want to admit it, but it was a smart move, blocking another one of my senses,” Tia yammers, attempting to make conversation.

“Did you come over here to gloat or make me feel better?” Delilah spits out.

“No,” Tia stares at her feet, “I just thought, maybe it would be nice to be friends, you know, instead of ripping each other apart all the time.” Tia lifts her head up again. Delilah mulls over the idea for a while.

“I understand, though, if you don’t want to. I mean, I do have a tendency to piss people off easily.” Tia laughs, nervously. Delilah smirks and begins to laugh as well.

“Maybe a truce would be nice. I don’t really know anyone here, anyway. All of my friends back home are a year below me,” Delilah admits.

“I know what it’s like to not have a lot of friends, trust me. The only friend I have came with me to the Electus. He is pretty pre-occupied with someone else since we arrived here. In fact, I made her mad too.” Tia motions over at the bed where Kira sits. She is bruised and her face is contorted into a snarl at the sight of Tia.

“I’m noticing a pattern,” Delilah chuckles. Tia laughs, as well, and nods.

“Is that the girl who pummeled you this morning?” Delilah asks.

“Yeah, like I said, it’s a gift. I tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Someone really should put a filter on my mouth.” They both laugh, and for the first time since she met Delilah, she feels comfortable.

The nurse releases Tia, and she heads for her hotel room. Of course, not until she is forced to eat some ice cream. She feels better than she felt in two days, skipping up the stairs to her room. Everything is light and happy, she wonders what they put in that ice cream.

When she opens her door, she enters to find a gift on her bed. It’s a flat rectangular package, wrapped in black paper, with a white bow. Carefully, Tia shuts the door and walks toward it. She opens the package, unsure of what it is or who it is from.

It’s a plain box with a lid. Inside is a black, strapless, satin, knee-length dress with white, high-heeled shoes. Underneath the dress is a note. Out of curiosity, she unfolds the note to see who it is from.

Congratulations on your victory today, Miss Trumble. I wish to celebrate with you. Meet me out back of your hotel at midnight. Yours Truly, Javan Leporem. P.S. Wear the dress.


Chapter 6


Tia showers the mud, from earlier that day, off of her body. It takes a few rounds of shampoo to completely cleanse her hair. Afterward, she applies lotion to her skin, ensuring it is smooth to the touch. Tia notices a full length mirror hanging on the back of the door. Curiously, she inspects her body, wrapped partially in a towel. She beholds her cream colored skin, her toned muscles from years of physical training, and her soft curves.
So this is what other people see,
she thinks before opening the door.

Somehow the dress fits perfectly.
How do so many people know my size?
She dries her hair and decides to place it up in a loose bun, with some pins. It appears elegant, and she adds her mother’s necklace to make herself seem more feminine than she actually is. Tia remembers the mascara and lipstick that Fera gave her to use and attempts to apply it in the same fashion as before.

For ten minutes, she stares at the high-heels. It is a luxury that Tia could never afford, nor has interest in owning. Glancing at the clock, she sees it is eleven thirty.

“I have a half hour to learn how to walk in these,” she remarks out loud, climbing in the shoes. At first, she wobbles, trekking her hotel room. She falls once or twice, but catches herself on the bed or a nearby counter. With a little practice, she manages to glide in them, without appearing like a newborn giraffe.

To avoid injury, Tia rides the elevator down to the lobby. The sound of her heels echo off the sidewalk out back, as she enters the cool night air. She stands, waiting, no one appears to be out at this hour. Tia utilizes one of the benches, lining the curb, to rest her feet. A gentle breeze glides across her body, as she soaks in the sounds of the night.

At twelve, sharp, a limo pulls up to meet Tia. Mr. Leporem exits the back, dressed in a black suit, with a white dress shirt and black tie. He holds the door open, motioning for her to enter. Slowly she walks over and scoots along the seat. He closes the door and walks around the other side, crawling in beside Tia. His eyes meet hers, when he buckles his seat belt. Reality sinks in, and Tia wonders what she is thinking, accepting an invitation such as this.

“The Princeton hotel, please, Jacob.” Mr. Leporem commands smoothly. He turns to Tia who appears pale.

“I see you found the dress I sent you,” he mentions, with a deep silk voice.

“Yes, thank you. Although, you know it is against the law for you to buy me this,” she states, as her foot jitters. Mr. Leporem places his hand on her knee, to steady her leg. Then he releases it. Her cheeks turn pink.

“I write the laws, Miss Trumble. I can break them if I wish.” The one corner of his mouth lifts slightly.

Tia’s palms begin to sweat, as she sits on the fine leather seats of the limo. Mr. Leporem pulls out a bottle of champagne and two glasses. She watches him move gracefully. He hands her one. His fingers are slender, with his nails, completely chewed to the beds.

“So,” he starts, pouring into Tia’s glass, “that was quite a show you put on today, Miss Trumble.” He finishes pouring his own. “I had no idea that you were so... diligent.” Tia sips her glass of champagne, uncertain of what to say. Instead, she asks the first thing that pops into her head.

“Nervous habit?” She points to his fingernails.

“You can say that,” he responds, glancing down at his fingers. “Tonight, I planned a dinner, for the the two of us, at the hotel where I’m staying. It’s a private room, where no one will bother us. Do you feel comfortable with that, Miss Trumble? If not, I can take you back to your hotel. I never allow a lady to feel as though she doesn’t have a choice, in my company.”

“That must be why you agreed to lead a capitol that enslaves them,” she adds politely.

“Good point, Miss Trumble. However, I would still like an answer about dinner.” Tia weighs her options for a moment.

“I will join you, on one condition.”

Mr. Leporem laughs. “She has a condition. What is that?”

“That you call me Tia.” She smirks and sips her champagne.

They arrive at Mr. Leporem’s hotel. He leads her down a hallway to a private dining room. He turns on the electronic fireplace, and walks towards the table. Mr. Leporem pulls out a chair for Tia. She sits at the small table, set up for fine dining. There is candle light, illuminating his face, as he sits across from her.

“I hope you like lobster,” he comments, picking up his cutlery. Her plate is arranged with lobster tail and asparagus with poached eggs and shaved parmesan.

“Yes, thank you.” Tia is so nervous, she forces herself to swallow each bite. “Are you enjoying your stay here, in Urbi?” she poses, still uncertain why he wants her there.

“It is a beautiful city. The country side is more appealing to me, though. Such a shame what happens to a planet, when creatures do nothing to preserve it.”

Tia is taken aback by the conversation. Humans do not usually talk like this. Other than her uncle, most humans Tia met discuss wealth or self-improvement projects.

“When did you have time to see the country side?” Tia inquires, taking a sip of champagne.

“I grew up in Vetus,” he states, “not far from Maior, actually.”

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