Electus (Regnum Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Electus (Regnum Series Book 1)
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Tia is surprised by his response. “How did you end up in Novo, then?”

“I enjoy traveling. It amazes me how similar this planet is to Earth. In my spare time I study the history of Earth and discovered that a majority of our culture is modeled after it. Such a tragic story, planet Earth, however it is worth the research if you ever get the chance.” He takes his last bite and wipes his mouth. “That was delicious. The cooks in this hotel have a special talent.”

“It was very good,” she repeats, finishing her meal as well. Her mind is still fixed on the fascinating idea of him growing up so close to her home. “What’s your favorite place that you travelled to?”

“Hmm, I would have to say the northern region of Otium.” He leans back in his chair, appearing relaxed as always. “There is a section of untouched land, with miles of forest. The color of the grass there has a hint of blue, enough that when you are standing far away, it resembles the ocean. The leaves on the white trees, are the same blue, and when the fog settles in, it’s a breath taking sight.”

“It sounds amazing.” Tia finds her chin resting on her hand, her elbow glued to the table. She remembers Mina’s parents advising her and Mina, once, that manners dictate, it is not polite to place your elbows on a table, during dinner. Tia quickly retracts it and sits up like a lady.

Mr. Leporem grabs the bottle of champagne and tops off both of their glasses.

“Are you enjoying the champagne, Tia?” She smiles as he voices her name.

“I like it. First time having champagne, actually.” Her face now pink.

“I guess I did not need to stress over what brand to buy.” For the first time, he appears nervous. Tia wonders what his plan is next.

“Why did you ask me to dinner tonight?” she finally inquires. He eyes her for a moment and smiles, as if he holds a secret.

“You interest me.” He sips his champagne.

“How so?” Tia pries. “I’m pretty ordinary. I mean, if you want to know about me. I grew up in a poor family, without my mother, mind you. Who, god forbid, anyone would tell me anything about. Some huge secret who she is, was, would have been if she stayed in my life long enough for me to figure it out.

“No one in school liked me, except this boy, who is my best friend. Well,
my best friend until he hit on me, and I don’t know what what to tell him. How can I get close to anyone right now, knowing full well I don’t have a choice in my fate. No one has a choice in their life except the damn humans. No offense.” Mr. Leporem nods as Tia continues.

“I never had a choice in my activities outside of school, because I had to prepare myself for one god damned event that determines the rest of my existence!” Tia exhales, exhausted from her rant. Then, swallows the rest of the champagne. Her body, now feeling lighter than before, quivers at the fear of his response to her outburst.

Mr. Leporem just smirks and says, “See. Interesting.”

Tia begins to chuckle. Out of nerves or because of the alcohol, she is not sure. A fit of laughter takes her over.

“I never realized I was such a riot,” Mr. Leporem remarks.

“You aren’t. No worries.” She continues to laugh. “Least humorous human being, actually.”

“You are full of complements this evening, Tia.”

She takes a deep breath, her ribs aching. “You know how to show a girl a good time, Javan.”

“What did you call me?” he questions, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh,” she straightens up, “sorry, Mr. Leporem.”

“No,” he grins. “I like the way you say it. Just not in front of the other officials, or candidates. Understand?”

Tia nods, unsure of what is going on.
Why is he okay with me calling him that? Why am I even here?
Before she can utter another thought, he stands and walks toward her. Tia is frozen in her chair, wondering what this strange man is going to do to her next.

“It’s okay, Tia,” he states, sensing her fear. “You can trust me.”

He extends his hand to help her out of her seat. She stands, much closer to his height with the heels he bought her.

“I actually did have something in mind for us, other than dinner, this evening,” he whispers, his face inches from hers. His scent tickles her nose, an intoxicating cologne mixed with a hint of mint. Tia is now shaking, thinking of ways to escape if he tries to hurt her. Then, he turns on the stereo.

“You need to learn how to dance, properly, my dear.”

Tia exhales and walks with him to an open area of the room. He places his one hand around her waist and the other in hers.

“Do you think this is wise with heels on and alcohol in my system?” she asks, nervously. She feels like jelly in his arms.

“I won’t let you fall,” his eyes are piercing through her again.

They start to dance, Tia watching her footing and counting as they go.

“Remember, Tia, to follow the music. You are too tense. It’s difficult to let yourself shine when you are worried about making mistakes.”

She decides to let him lead. She follows, without thinking, just feeling the beat as she moves.

“There you go,” he breathes. Tia’s pulse is beating in her fingers, toes, even her ears. She finds it hard to concentrate on anything but his hand around her body, his eyes calmly staring at hers. She must start talking, to keep her mind off of his mouth.

“How old are you, Javan?”

“Why do you ask?” His eyes move to her lips.

“You just seem rather young to be leading a city, and to have traveled so much.” She now turns her attention to his ear.
Nothing tempting about an ear,
she thinks

“I’m twenty-three,” he divulges, moving his gaze back to her eyes.

“Really?” she responds, feeling less guilty about how attractive she finds him at the moment. “You are so much more accomplished than I expected anyone to be, at that age.” Her mouth is agape, still in disbelief of his words.

“It’s easy, when you are bread your whole life for it.” His lips are un-readable, but Tia swears she sees a hint of unrest in his eyes. Javan takes a deep breath and closes them.

“I suppose I should get you back to the hotel,” he exhales, releasing Tia’s hand, and waist. Javan walks over to the stereo and turns it off, then turns out the fire. Tia stands still, waiting for him to make his next move.
I don’t want to leave
, she thinks briefly, then shakes her head.

He approaches Tia, again, inches away from her body. “It has been such a pleasure sharing your company, this evening.” Staring down at her lips, he whispers, “Tia.” They stand for a moment, neither knowing what move to make next. Javan breaks the tension. “Come on, I’ll ride back with you to your hotel.”

They travel back in silence, except when they arrive. Tia turns and imparts, “Thank you, Javan. I had a great time.” She then exits the limo and walks toward the doors. The limo does not pull away, until Tia is inside the lobby, where she finds Quade, waiting in a chair.

“Quade, what are you doing here? I thought you were going out with Dan.” She studies him. He appears tipsy. His hair is a little messy and he seems annoyed.

“Where were you?” He looks her up and down. “It’s two in the morning. After coming back from the bar with Dan, I went to your room, to see if you wanted to hang out. You weren’t there. I know you wouldn’t have gone out with someone!” Tia is taken aback by the outburst from Quade. She never expected him to become so upset about her heading out for the evening.

“Because I don’t have any friends, but you, right?” she sputters.

“Well, no. It’s just not like you to take off. Especially dressed like that!” He motions to her outfit. “Are those heels?”

“Yes, actually. They aren’t so bad,” she lies, her feet screaming in pain. However, she is too annoyed with Quade to admit it.

“Where did you get that outfit?” he quizzes her, now inches from her.

“I go out for two hours, and I get interrogated,” she sighs. “I went out, with a friend, who wanted to celebrate today’s victory. That’s all. I borrowed this dress from Fera and the heels, because she wanted me to have some other clothes for the Electus.” Lies are flying out of Tia, leaving a sour taste in her mouth.

“Was it a guy?” he asks, clenching his fist. Tia just now notices his arm is no longer in a sling.

“A friend,” is all she answers, starting to anger.

Quade turns and heads for the stairs. Tia, her feet aching, waits for the elevator. She curses him the whole way up to the fourth floor. In the hallway, they somehow intersect, stomping to their rooms. Neither of them speaking, they slam their doors behind them. Tia rips off her shoes and lets her hair down.

She hears a knock at the door. “Look Quade, I’m tired,” Tia snaps, answering the door. Quade grabs her and pulls her towards him, his lips planted on hers. They move inside the room. He closes the door as Tia runs her fingers through his hair. She feels a quake deep inside of her. His hands land on her back, tightening on every inch he can grab. Quade pushes her against the wall, his lips traveling down her neck. Everything feels fuzzy, her breath becomes shallow.

“Tia,” he whispers, “I want you. Please.”

She struggles with primitive urges and the uneasy feeling in her stomach.

“I can’t, Quade.” She attempts to push him away, “This is not how I want things to happen. Please.” She is begging him to release her from the wall. Tia knows she could never push him off, even drunk. He doesn’t stop, just continues to pry at her clothes and kiss her.

He rips her zipper down; she now feels her back against the cold wall, exposed. His other hand travels to the front of her, wandering inside her dress. Tia can smell the liquor on his breath; she is frightened, as he grabs her exposed breast. Finally, she slaps his face with a free hand. “Quade!”

He releases her from his grasp and stands in shame. His eyes are a bright red, which match his face. They both catch their breath. She pulls her dress back up and zips it. Tia doesn’t even recognize him, this is not the Quade she knows and loves. Hot tears slide down her face, she is frightened by what almost happened.

“I’m sorry, Tia. I am not acting very rationally right now,” he admits, rubbing his face where Tia hit him.

She walks over to him and lifts his chin in her hand. His eyes are bloodshot and glazed over. "Seems to me you had quite a bit of alcohol tonight. Why don't you lay down on my bed for a bit. I'll make you some coffee,” she offers.

Quade nods. She enters the kitchen as he heads for her bed.

"Do you still take it black?" she questions.

"Yes, thank you," Quade answers. He looks across the bed and notices the wrapping from the package Javan sent. Out of curiosity, he leans over and grabs a note.

"So, how was your time with Dan? Is he as nice as you thought he was?" Tia inquires, walking back towards the bed. She catches Quade reading the note from earlier. He just sits, staring at it, without a word.

"Quade?” she begins, uncertain of his reaction.

He glances up at her, holding up the note. “What is this, Tia?"

She is frozen. He peers at her dress, then at the note. "He was the one who you were with?" His voice is somehow calm.

"It's not what you think, he wanted to congratulate me." Tia fiddles with her necklace.

"He is a leader of a Capitol, Tia. Are you crazy? Some guy you don't know just invites you to ‘celebrate’ with him. Without telling anyone where you are going, you just take off!” His voice is louder than Tia believes is necessary.

"Well, we know a little bit about him,” she mumbles.

"Tia, do you realize how messed up this looks? He bought you clothes. Then, he takes you...wait where did he take you?"

Tia really tenses up now. If Quade knew she was alone with a strange man at his hotel, he would flip.

"To dinner."

"In public? With the Electus going on, he is going to take a candidate out to dinner in public?" Quade’s lips are thinning as he speaks.

"It was at his hotel.” She hears herself say the words and realizes how crazy it sounds.

He turns away, the pain in his face is undeniable. Tia doesn't understand how she keeps hurting people she loves, so easily.

Quade rises and walks to the door.

"Wait," she calls out. “I think you have the wrong idea here, Quade.”

He turns and glances back at her. "I used to think you would shine in the Electus, because everything you do, you give all of yourself to. Now I see you will do anything you have to, to make your way to the top. Then again, after the first stage, you need all the help you can get."

He slams the door behind him. His words still cutting through Tia like a knife. She falls to the floor, sobbing. Nothing left in the room, but her and the sound of percolating coffee.


Day 3: Artistry


Chapter 7

When Tia was five years old, she walked along a local park with her father. Clinging to her father with one hand, and a wet teddy bear with the other, Tia tried to keep pace with Osborn.

He appeared to be on a mission, his mind obviously somewhere else. She tugged on his shirt. He glanced at Tia, not helping but smile at her. She looked over at his arm which was wet along with his shirt. On his arm was a large gash.

“Daddy got boo boo.” She pointed to it with her pudgy little finger. He didn’t change his focus. “I know sweetie, but daddy’s okay. No need to worry.”

Tia’s eyes travelled up his arm, discovering several cuts, each one more severe than the previous. “Daddy, why you got so many boo boos?” A tear peeked out of the corner of his eye. “I had an accident, sweetheart. Everything is alright now. Daddy fixed it.” She glimpsed at his face, his smile reassuring, but his eyes were bright red.


It is almost eleven thirty when Tia wakes to a knock at her door. Her eyes sealed shut, she groans and shuffles out of bed. Through the peep hole, Tia spots Fera, standing in the hallway. Tia remembers she is still wearing make up from the night before. In a panic, she runs to the bathroom and scrubs her face, erasing the tear streaks and red lipstick.

Fera knocks a second time, startling Tia.

“Hold on,” she calls, searching for the dress and heels from Javan. She grabs the shoes, dress and note, then throws them into the box. Utilizing the first hiding spot she finds, Tia shoves the box under the bed and straightens the bed skirt.

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