Electus (Regnum Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Electus (Regnum Series Book 1)
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“Thank you,” Tia responds. Her face is now pink. She is not comfortable with compliments.

“Are you going to drink with us tonight?” Delilah asks, finishing her appetizer.

“I don’t drink much,” Tia replies. Delilah stares at her. “Usually.” Tia recalls the first night they met and her decision to down three shots of whiskey.

“You should try a margarita, then. They are so good,” she suggests, her smile intact. Delilah is a kind person once her guard is down.

“That sounds great, I’ll try it.”

That is the first, in the long line of alcohol consumed by Tia that evening. After the margarita, she decides to order another one, which disappears amongst the laughter at the table. Tia begins to feel at ease with Delilah and Nathan, who seem to be hitting it off. Daniel also tags along, and Tia takes a stab at being sociable.

“How did you think you did today at the um...” Tia is feeling the alcohol take affect on her speech.

“The obstacles?” Daniel finishes her sentence, obviously having a higher tolerance than her.

“Yes,” she smiles.

Daniel laughs and sips his beer. “You don’t get out much, do you?”

Tia shakes her head. Daniel waves the waitress over to the table. “Could you get my friend, here, another drink? It’s on me.”

“Thank you!” Tia acknowledges, rather excitedly. Daniel laughs, “Quade told me how little you let loose, just figured I would help you out.” Tia giggles but is unsure why.

“This should be fun,” he responds, sipping his beer.

After a few rounds, locals offer to pay for the candidates drinks, treating them like celebrities.

“Can I get a picture with you?” one woman requests. “I’ve been watching this whole week and you are just a doll.” The woman is slightly younger than Tia’s uncle. She has her hair up in a pony tail and has her sunglasses resting on top of her head.

Tia feels a little uncomfortable. Usually, she does not receive this kind of treatment from humans. Once people notice the mark on her neck and her hand-me-down attire, they tend to snub her.

“Sure,” she responds, since the woman is being so kind. They pose and the lady takes a picture with her camera. A couple from Otium, there for just the event, offer to buy her and a few other candidates another round. From the sights of the couple, they are not too concerned about their wallets. The man can barely stand and the woman is beginning to disrobe. Tia decides to try something new and allows the couple to make a suggestion. It’s a tall dark bottle of their favorite brew.

It’s not at all what she expected it to taste like, however, she doesn’t want to be rude and finishes it, anyway. Before Tia can order herself anything else, she is handed a new beverage, someone bought her. This time it is a glass of orange juice with vodka in it. She isn’t sure if she will enjoy the taste, but after she takes a sip, realizes it is better than the beer. There are a few more shots that Tia vaguely remembers. Before she knows it, she is up for the bathroom, the fourth time in the past hour.

She climbs out of her seat and almost falls over. Someone bumps into her and their elbow hits her stomach. Tia yelps in pain. Her side was sore earlier, however, she forgot about the pain with all the excitement. Tia is now frightened. Everyone she knows is either severely drunk or left for the evening. Tia makes her way to the bathroom, her body slumps on the toilet seat.

After she is done, she attempts to sit back on the stool, but her side aches too much. She needs help, but has no way of reaching Allison. Tia pulls out the necklace that is under her shirt and presses her thumb into the pendant. It doesn’t take long for Javan to respond with his print, then in writing appears her address. Tia thinks it must be the alcohol in her system that is causing her to hallucinate.

Tia feels an excitement build inside her.
Javan is coming for me
, she thinks, wandering out the front door of the bar. There are no benches to sit, so she just lays down in the grass, beside the sidewalk. It feels cool against her back, and she soaks in the scent. Tia starts to feel rather cold and upset that she forgot to bring a jacket. Still, nothing can move her from that spot until Javan’s car pulls up, outside the front of the bar.

“Tia?” he calls, his voice stern.

“Hi!” She waves, rather excited to see his face.

“Are you alright?” He pulls her up, and she winces a bit. “Are you drunk?” he asks, appearing slightly irritated.

“Maybe,” she puts her finger on his nose. “Are you?”

“Tia, stop that,” he pushes her finger away and looks around.

“Get in the car before someone sees.”

“Alright, Mr. grouchy pants Leporem,” she huffs as she wobbles into the back seat. Javan slides in beside her and shuts the door. The car moves forward. Tia leans over the seat and stares at the driver.   

“Are you Jacob?” she asks.

Javan pushes her back into the seat and buckles her seat belt. His hands scrape her side, and she lets out a cry.

“What’s wrong?”

“My stomach hurts where my boo boo is,” she pouts. He doesn’t utter one word to her, just pulls out a cell phone and dials, “Yes, Allison. Our patient has a little problem.” He glances over at Tia with anything but amusement. “My hotel, I guess. Yes, thank you.” Javan hangs up and remains quiet, his hand on his chin, staring out the window.

“Allison will meet us at the hotel. Unfortunately, I am in the middle of a very important meeting that I was pulled away from. I can’t stay with you. She will attend to you.” He is silent for the remainder of the car ride.

As before, they enter the back door of the hotel. Javan saves time by carrying her up the stairs to his room. She absorbs the scent of him as she clings tight to his shirt. Javan remains cold and quiet on the way up.

Once they are in the room, he places her on the bed. “Don’t leave. I want to have a word with you when I get back.” With that note, he exits the hotel room. Tia begins to cry, unsure why his anger is directed towards her.

She lays there for a few minutes, letting her hot tears streak his pillow that smells too much like him to make her feel any better. She wishes she didn’t need his help. Finally, Allison arrives. Tia answers the door, and Allison frowns at the sight of her.

“Are you alright dear?” she inquires, concern across her face. “You must be in a lot of pain, then, if you are crying.” Allison enters the room and sits down on the couch with Tia.

“Where does it hurt?”

“My stomach, where the cut was. Someone bumped it, and I’ve been in pain ever since,” Tia responds, drying her eyes.

“Let’s see the damage,” Allison suggests calmly, lifting Tia’s shirt. “It looks like you irritated it quite a bit today. I was afraid of that. I’ll get you some pain reliever. It also appears to be infected, so I’ll see if I have any antibiotics.”

Allison pulls out her bag, which appears to be a small pharmacy. She leans down revealing a mark on the back of her neck.

“You are Regnumian?” Tia pries, not filtering her thoughts. Allison doesn’t remove her concentration from her bag. She just answers, as though it is a common question, “Yes, I am.”

“How did you earn a degree in medicine?” Tia poses. Realizing it is probably rude to ask.

“I didn’t. I have healing powers as well as an extensive background in medicine. I studied in secret.” Allison smiles, pulling out a small bottle of pills.

“So, you taught yourself?” Tia is fascinated by this woman.

“Yes,” Allison responds, reading the label to herself. “Even though I can not use my powers to heal you, I am able to treat you as a regular patient.”

“I’m really sorry to bother you so late at night,” Tia remarks, feeling mournful of what she must be doing to Allison’s schedule.

“Not a problem at all. My hours constantly change to the needs of whichever leader is in the capitol. I was lucky to always have leaders who were thoughtful. When Mr. Tersus passed away, Mr. Leporem made sure none of us lost our positions. He didn’t think it was fair that we had to change where we already made a life, just because a new leader took office.”

“Oh, that is nice of him,” Tia responds, her heart melting.

“He is a gentleman. Though, I admit, I miss Mr. Tersus. He was the best leader we could ask for,” Allison remarks, opening the bottle. Tia is surprised to hear a Regnumian talk about their leader in such a positive tone, without it being forced.

“These should work for you. Take one now, and I will leave the bottle. I suggest drinking lots of water to drain the alcohol from your system.” Tia hangs her head, her face pink. “I can tell you had a few drinks, my dear.” She hands Tia a pill and the bottle, then stands up.

“Thank you, again,” Tia utters, then swallows her pill.

“You are very welcome,” she responds. “I must be leaving, though. Will you be alright?”


Allison nods and walks toward the door. She pauses momentarily, “I really like you and think you are a sweet girl. Although, if what is going on between the two of you, what I think is going on, I advise you not to drink like that again. At least not around Mr. Leporem.” With that comment, she exits.

Tia sits on the couch, puzzled by Allison’s words.
What does she think is going on between us?
Her hand rubs her chin, she begins to feel tired. Not moving from the couch, she lays her head down and is out within a few minutes.


Day 5: The Bidding


Chapter 13

“Tia, wake up!” Javan startles her, as he stands above her in his hotel room. He slowly comes into focus.

“What time is it?” she asks, rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

“It’s midnight,” is all he responds as he folds his arms. Tia realizes she was only out for twenty minutes, but it felt longer. His jacket is off, and he is donning a black collared shirt and black pants. The sleeves are rolled up, exposing his forearms.

“Tell me something. What were you thinking this evening?” he questions her. Tia can tell by his face that he is not pleased with her, still.

“I was in pain, so I needed Allison. I didn’t know how to reach you but through that necklace. I’m sorry to bother you during a meeting.” Her eyes are dry, but she senses tears coming on.

“I’m not talking about that. Why were you out drinking that much, when you were alone? Especially, considering you’ve never drank that much before, not knowing how your body reacts to something like that. Not to mention, you were kidnapped just last night. Don’t you think they are still watching you, looking for ways to take advantage of you in a setting like that?!” he is almost screaming.

“How did you know I’ve never drank like that?” she defends.

“Now is not the time to ask questions, Tia. You haven’t answered mine. I need an answer!” His anger is beginning to boil her blood as well.

“I wanted to spend some time with people and enjoy what could be the last few days that I actually get to see my friends. Excuse me for wanting to be young and foolish. I know you don’t understand how to have fun and act your age, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop me from doing it as well.” Immediately, she regrets her words. The alcohol made her a little more outspoken than she realized. He is silent. Tia is almost more frightened of his silence than his yelling.

“I see,” is all he responds, then enters the kitchen area. It looks like someone kneed him in the stomach. Tia wants to apologize, but her fear of him keeps her quiet. Javan grabs a bottle of wine. He pours himself a glass and drinks it, then pours another. “You want to have fun? Let’s have fun.” He downs the second glass, his eyes glued to Tia.

“Javan, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that,” Tia responds, wishing he would stop.

“No, you are right. It’s been a long time since I’ve acted my age.” Javan begins to nurse the bottle. His eyes focused on a random object in the room, as though he is in a haze. She stares at him, her eyes beginning to welt. Javan turns his attention back to her.

He struts toward her and places his hand on her cheek, gently. “Tia, you have to realize something. For the first time, in a long time, I have someone to worry about.” Before Tia can respond, bile rises in her throat.

She races to the bathroom and throws up everything she drank that evening.
I feel like death.
She lays on the floor for a moment, sensing the room spinning. Tia rinses her mouth out with mouth wash, then enters the room again.

“Come on, we need to get you back. We both have a long day tomorrow, which is already today,” Javan remarks.

Tia nods, wondering what the sudden shift in attitude is about. She follows him down the back stairs and out to a car. They both scoot into the back seat and are quiet for the remainder of the car ride.

All she wants is to crawl into her bed and sleep, hoping that tomorrow Mr. Avery will bid on her, instead. At least that way she could stay with people who are always there for her. She wouldn’t have to start a life wondering what might happen with Javan. Then, something else tugs at her heart. In a short amount of time, she feels a closeness to Javan. She doesn’t want to leave him.
No, I must not become attached to anyone else,
she thinks.

The car stops outside the entrance of her hotel. She climbs out and turns to him, handing back his necklace. “Thank you for taking care of me, this evening.” Without a response, she struts toward the hotel entrance. Then, she hears the car door shut.

Turning back, Tia catches Javan running towards her. He doesn’t utter a word, just pulls her close to him, his hand around her waist. Then he leans down, his breath caressing her mouth, just before he kisses her.

As his lips touch hers for the first time, Tia’s whole body melts.
This is what it should feel like,
she thinks. Her arms wrap around the back of his neck, as their lips move in rhythm. She is lost in him, every inch of his mouth feels like it belongs. He slowly releases her from his embrace.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw you,” he remarks, placing the necklace in her hand again. Javan turns and walks back over to the car, leaving Tia speechless on the sidewalk.

Tia lies awake, tracing her lips with her index finger where, just hours before, Javan kissed her. Her attempt at sleep is futile, considering the congestion of events from this evening and the lingering uncertainty of tomorrow’s outcome.

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