Electus (Regnum Series Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Electus (Regnum Series Book 1)
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“We are going to create something called a smokey eye to enhance those beautiful gems. Then, we are going to apply a light pink gloss, just a shade darker than your natural color,” the lady informs, pulling out her containers of eye shadow, along with brushes, blush, foundation, mascara, and lip gloss.

When they are finished, Tia is sent off for a manicure and pedicure. Her nails are now a light shade of pink with white tips. She is advised not to touch anything until they put her hands and feet under the dryers.

After all the candidates are polished, they are shuttled to the arena, where an assistant is assigned to dress them in their formal evening wear. Tia’s stripped down carefully by her assistant until she is completely naked. Her assistant hands her clean silk panties to put on. The woman pulls out two nude colored stickers.

“What is that for?” Tia asks, her hands across her breasts.

“To cover your nipples,” she answers, pulling Tia’s arms away. She sticks each one in place. Tia feels slightly less exposed, but still uncomfortable. Next, her assistant brings over a long, champagne colored, fitted gown. She climbs inside the dress that hugs her curves perfectly. It has long sleeves and a layer of shear fabric with beading that meets her neck in the front. The back is open, ending just above her buttocks. Her assistant completes the look with silver open-toed heels.

“I don’t see holes for your earrings,” the lady remarks, holding up silver loops.

“I never had them pierced,” she replies, slightly embarrassed. The assistant pulls out a piercing gun. “You can wear diamond studs, then,” she assures Tia, piercing her right lobe.

“Ouch!” she cries out, not expecting it so soon.

“Just a little pinch.” The assistant pierces her other ear. “That necklace. We need to remove it.”

Tia glances at the pendant Javan gave her. “I can’t take it off.”

The assistant stares blankly at her.

“How about this?” Tia offers, unclasping and removing the chain. She re-hooks it and wraps it around her wrist, tucking it under her sleeve.

“Works for me,” her assistant answers, placing jewels around her neck. She then turns Tia around to face the mirror. This is the first time she’s had a chance to see her reflection since this morning. She doesn’t even recognize herself. The girl from Urbi, who climbed rock walls and lived a simple life, is now gone.

Each candidate is prompt for the bidding ceremony, elegantly dressed and lined up on the platform, just as they were the first day. Tia catches Quade glancing at her, out of the corner of her eye. He is dressed in a tux, complete with a silver vest and tie. His hair is combed back as it was the first day. She doesn’t acknowledge him, just stares straight ahead at the closed curtain. Tia knows that Kira is keeping a close eye on him. She is radiant, as well, in a sapphire, strapless gown and her long hair, in waves, swept up on one side of her head.

A lady calls everyone to stare ahead. As the curtain lifts, the audience appears, standing and cheering. The judges are setting, this time, on a platform, facing the stage down in the arena. Tia spots Javan. He doesn’t return the gaze, just glides his attention right past Tia. He is professional, as always, in his all black tux, vest and bow tie. The only hint of white is a hanky in his pocket and the white stitching of his tux jacket.

The other leaders chat amongst themselves. He appears to be in a haze. Tia isn’t sure from where she stands, but it looks as though his hands are shaking.
Could it be possible that he is nervous?
she wonders.

Carmen Flame enters the stage, donning a purple chiffon gown with an empire waist. The crowd roars at the sight of her, flashing her million dollar smile. The applause take longer than usual to die down.

“This is an exciting evening. We reach the end to another Electus. Out of all the years, I think we can all agree, this has been the most thrilling!” Carmen commentates from the front of the stage. Tia’s nerves eat away at her. This is the moment where her fate is determined.

“Let the bidding commence!” The audience applaud again, then Carmen begins with her announcement of the candidates. “First, is Nathan Adams. Nathan scored forty-five in the Brawns category, forty-two in the Artistry category, and thirty-nine in the Brains category. Giving him a combined score of one-hundred and twenty-six points.” The audience applaud Nathan’s score. Tia forgot about reading her scores.
I don’t even know what my final score was. How will I know if anyone will even bid on me
, she panics.

“The bidding starts at one-hundred pers,” Carmen declares.

Mrs. Winslow calls out, “One-hundred!”

“One-fifty!” Mr. Kramer voices. The battling over Nathan continues for a while, then Javan buys him for eight-hundred pers. Each candidate is introduced, just like before. Mina is sold to Mrs. Pusillus for over seven-hundred pers. Tia is slightly surprised by her going rate.

Every candidate that is sold does not climb back up on the platform. Instead, they enter the arena, and stand under the flag of their new leader. This marks the transition from candidate to employee.

Tia watches the groups of candidates under each flag. They all appear to fill up fast, except for Javan’s capitol. She wonders what his strategy is. There are only two candidates underneath his flag when Kira is up for auction. Her score is only one-hundred. Apparently, the judges were not pleased with her performance in the Brawns category. She eventually goes for two-hundred pers to Mr. Avery.

Next up is Quade. Tia’s heart races, suddenly, at the thought of losing him. She senses a piece of her leave, as he walks down to the front of the stage.

“Now, for Quade Tendo. Quade scored fifty in the Brawns category, forty-seven in the Artistry category, and forty-one in the Brains category. Leaving a combined score of one-hundred and thirty-eight,” Carmen announces, then allows the audience to applaud.

“One hundred pers,” Mr. Kramer calls out.
Could he end up in Maior?
Tia wonders.
Even if he ends up there and I stay in Urbi, we could find ways to visit each other, once a year or so.

“Two hundred pers,” Mrs. Winslow calls, lifting her hand.
The leaders bid back and forth, as his price climbs rapidly. Each time, Tia races through the possibilities of the outcome.
I don’t even know where I’m going, yet,
Tia reminds herself. Finally, Javan buys him for twelve-hundred pers. Quade exhales and glances back to Tia.

“Our next contestant is Conscientia Trumble.” Tia walks down to the front of the stage, without falling in her heels, surprisingly. Her weak stomach does not fight her this time. She no longer holds the role of nervous girl from Urbi. This week turned Tia into something new, a braver, stronger woman. Unlike the first day of the Electus, she is prepared for whatever comes her way.

“Conscientia scored fifty in the Brawns category, fifty in the Artistry category, and,” Carmen pauses. The audience is quiet, awaiting the final score. Someone coughs in the crowd. Carmen continues, “fifty in the Brains category. Which makes her the first candidate in history to earn one-hundred and fifty points!”

The audience applaud Tia, some stand up and whistle. Her heart pounds hard in her chest. The cheering doesn’t cease, just grows as the rest of the crowd stands in support of Tia. She catches her breath, completely speechless. Tia, never for a moment, imagined this.

“The bidding will start at one...” Carmen doesn’t even finish her sentence before someone bids.

“One-hundred,” Mr. Avery calls.

“Two-hundred,” Javan jumps in after him. Some of the other judges bid in-between. Mrs. Pusillus makes an offer of seven-hundred. Mr. Kramer squeezes his bid in around a thousand. However, this is mainly a fight between Javan and Mr. Avery.

“Sixteen-hundred,” Mr. Avery offers, his face gruff.

“Two thousand,” Javan calls, sweat dripping from his forehead. Tia feels faint. She never expected all of this to happen. The bidding continues, reaching over three-thousand. The other judges back down, leaving Mr. Avery and Javan to battle.

“Fifty-five hundred,” Mr. Avery bids. It’s quiet for a moment, Tia peers at Javan, who stands up in his seat. Everyone in the audience whispers amongst themselves. She holds her breath, waiting for him to speak.

“Ten-thousand pers,” Javan offers. The audience falls silent. Tia’s heart stops as Mr. Avery shakes his head. Carmen calls it, “Sold for Ten-thousand, folks!” Tia exhales, her eyes closed. Finally, the guessing and waiting is over. Tia is leaving her family, Fera, almost everything she knows. She suppresses tears that burn in her eyes, trying not to allow them to glow. Tia calms her mind, and opens her eyes, once more.

When she looks down at Javan, his eyes are calm, but she notices a slight smirk. Tia wonders if her father’s heart is breaking, watching from home, but she knows there is no choice.
I had no choice.

Shortly after the bidding ceremony, each candidate is advised of a meeting held with their new leaders. Tia is told they will gather in room B back stage. She is the last candidate to arrive. Javan is conversing with the other ones he selected. His face appears youthful and care free. His hands move as she speaks to everyone, and his body is relaxed. Tia grins at the sight of him. Finally, he turns in her direction, short of breath at the sight of her.

“Welcome, Miss Trumble. Please join us,” he greets her, then turns back to the other candidates, rapidly.

Tia enters the room, surprised how well she can move in her heels. There are only four other candidates on Javan’s team this year. Tia knows it is because he spent so much on each of the ones he chose. In the room is Quade, Daniel, Delilah, and Nathan. She stands next to Quade, who pretends not to notice her.

“Now that all of you are here, I believe it is time to explain what is expected of you, under my leadership.” Javan pulls out a scroll.

“This is the contract in which our treaty requires me to have you all sign. In here are the rules that you know already. Unfortunately, I am required to refresh you on them.”

He unravels the scroll to read. “First rule, ‘Each person of Regnumian descent is bound to work for a leader, after the age of eighteen, for the remainder of their lives. They are required by the treaty to do as their leader commands, without hesitation or resistance. If not selected or abiding by the rules of a leader, the candidate must carry out their days working at the lands of Letum.’ It sounds more severe than it is, guys, no worries,” he re-assures them.

“Second rule, ‘At no point may a Regnumian employee share, with any one person, their duties or personal conversations for or with their leaders. This is the only law punishable by public execution, in whichever form the leader desires.’”

He places the scroll on the table for a moment and examines all of the candidates in front of him. “This is extremely important, I rather not see any of my people die a painful death. So, if you have a problem, feel scared or confused, discuss it with me one on one. Understand?”

Everyone nods, and Javan continues, “Good. Third rule, ‘All Regnumians are required to dwell in public housing, provided by the capitol.’ I have homes available for each of you. Now, if you wish to dwell with your family in Elatus, Nathan, that is fine. Our housing may be an improvement to what some of you are accustomed to. Still, law prohibits me from upgrading too much. So, don’t expect anything like your hotel rooms.

“Rule number four, ‘At no time is a Regnumian permitted to accept new clothing or other possessions from a human. This rule applies unless they are hand-me-down items or approved by the Capitol in which the Regnumian works.’ Basically, I think this law is, for lack of a better word, bullshit. If you receive a gift from a human, just tell me. I will approve it nine times out of ten.

“Rule number five,” Javan clears his throat, “‘No Regnumians may enter into an emotional or physical relationship with their leader.’ Now, you need to know, I am not opposed to being your friend. Unfortunately, the law requires any type of relationship between us to remain strictly professional.”

Quade’s eyes fall on Tia, however, she ignores him. Javan tries not to gaze at her, but moves on. “There are a few more parts to our ‘agreement’ I wish to discuss, before you all sign. There might be times that you don’t understand what I am asking for you to do. I need you to entrust me to not put you in harms way.

“I have no desire to torture you, which is something that the other leaders and I disagree on. Alas, that is the difference between me and everyone else in the capitols. As far as these rules, they must be followed. Not because I necessarily believe in them, but rather for your protection. Your lives depend on it.”

Everyone stares at him. “Now, it is time to sign.” Javan pulls out a pen and a sharp knife. “First, you all need to take the knife and cut a tiny slit in your finger. Then, place the pen on the cut to absorb the blood. Use the pen to sign here, next to the little ’x’s. Sound simple enough?”

The group of five nod, still speechless, then Daniel grabs the knife. The prick in the finger doesn’t hurt as much as Tia imagined. She writes her name in blood, surrendering her life to Javan.

“Fantastic, everyone! Welcome! I think we are going to accomplish great things together.” With the word together, Javan’s eye finally catches Tia’s. He then turns to the scroll, rolling it up again.

“I believe you are all to be shuttled to the dining room, in your hotel. So, follow me and I will lead you to the bus,” Javan suggests, as they exit the room. Tia is leaving the arena for the last time, she senses a weight lifting, but at the same time, an ache deep inside from losing her family.

Somehow, Tia feels she is in the right place with the group Javan picked. Not only does she still have her best friend, but some new ones as well. She catches up with Delilah for small talk, hoping to keep her mind off of her family.

“Your dress is really pretty this evening,” Tia compliments her. Delilah is donning a full-length, burgundy strapless gown with pearls. Her dark hair is swept up in a bun.

“Thank you, I love yours as well,” she smiles back at Tia.

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