Divided Loyalties (7 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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Danny and Rachel were back at home with Leah when the doorbell rang.  They look at each other nervously.

“I’d better get it,” said Rachel.

She handed Leah to Danny then got up to answer the door.

“Mum, Dad,” she smiled.  “It’s so good to see you again.”  And she meant it.  Seeing them reminded her how much she’d missed them.

She kissed them both on the cheek, which they accepted gracefully.

“Come on in,” she smiled, her face aching with the strain.

They walked into the living room to find Danny stood there with Leah in his arms.

“Hello Gill, Rick,” he said politely.

“Danny,” replied Rick.

Gill peered down at her granddaughter, practically hopping with excitement.  “Can I hold her?”

“Of course you can,” said Danny pleasantly, handing her over.

Gill took her in her arms and tears stung her eyes.  “Aren’t you an angel?” she breathed.  She looked to Rachel.  “You did well Love.”  Her eyes flicked to Danny.  “Both of you.”

“Thank you,” he smiled, surprised

Some of the ice was broken and they sat down to talk over a cup of tea.  Rick and Gill also managed to be quite friendly towards Danny, the fact he’d given them Leah endearing him to them slightly.  They were over the moon with their baby granddaughter and when it started to get late Rick had to practically prise the baby from his wife’s arms.

“We need to get to the hotel before they lock the door for the night.”

“Oh alright,” Gill sighed.

“You can stay here if you want?” offered Danny and Rachel smiled at him gratefully.

“Thank you that’s very kind but you need your space with a new baby in the house,” said Gill.  “But we’ll be back in the morning, if that’s okay?”

“Definitely,” said Rachel

Before they left Rachel’s parents hugged her for the first time in a year and she clung onto them.

“I love you,” she whispered in her mum’s ear.

“I love you too Sweetheart.”  She pulled back to touch her daughter’s face.  “See you tomorrow.”


She returned inside with a big smile, walking on air.

“Well that went better than I thought it would,” said Danny.

Gill and Rick stayed for a week, visiting them every day and thanks to Leah, Rachel’s relationship with them was restored.  Although they’d never be a fan of Danny’s they did see some of the charm in him they’d recognised when they first met him and the week passed harmoniously enough.  When it was time for them to return to Devon, Rachel knew she’d got her parents back.


“It’s working,” Benton told the rest of The Coalition, which was comprised of May Roberts, a Crown Court judge, Jeremy Hammond, owner of a national newspaper and Lord Davenport’s replacement, Richard Spencer.  “Richard’s ensuring the Maguires are being run ragged just trying to keep the legitimate businesses going that they don’t have time for anything else.”

“But surely they have plenty of back-up in the Laws?” said May.

“Yes but there’s only so much they can do, they have their own businesses to run.”

May glanced at Jeremy, looking sceptical.  “I’m not sure how much damage this will cause them.”

“Their legitimate businesses are vital,” explained Benton, attempting to hide his exasperation.  “Without them they have no way of explaining where all their money comes from and I’ve found a way to practically paralyse them.”

“How?” said May.

“A witness has come forward who saw Douggie Jones get shot.”

May frowned suspiciously.  “Why has he only come forward now?  That murder was two months ago.”

“Because he was scared and he’s every right to be when I tell you who killed him.”


“Rachel Maguire.”

May’s frown deepened.  “And why would she do that?”

“That’s the question.  But my witness saw her shoot him in the head then an unknown accomplice shove his body into the river.”

“But two months ago she was heavily pregnant.  When you’re near your due date it’s an effort just to get up off the couch and you think you’ll convince a jury she murdered someone in that state?”

“It just goes to show what an unnatural woman she is.  She’s cold enough to do it too.”

“Superintendent Benton, we’re all aware of how much you want to bring Rachel Maguire down, especially as you consider her responsible for the death of your predecessor.”

“She did kill him,” he said vehemently.

“Although a very eminent pathologist said he died of natural causes.  No poisons were found in his body.”

“She probably wound him up until he had a heart attack then let him die.  I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“And now you’re accusing her of murdering someone while heavily pregnant.”

“It’s what the witness is saying.”

“Do you have anything to back up your claims?”

“I will when I’ve searched her house.”

“You seem very sure of yourself.”

“Look,” he sighed, trying not to sound impatient, “if I get the evidence against her, will you back me up?”

“Yes, of course I will.”

“Good.  With Rachel gone Danny will be hell bent on getting her out, leaving his legitimate businesses wide open for Richard to continue attacking.  Rachel is the glue that keeps that family together and ensures the truce with the Laws holds.  Without her all that might crumble and the families will start fighting each other again.  My contact on the inside tells me Ryan’s got a thing for Rachel and Danny’s well aware of it.  It wouldn’t take much to set them against each other.”

“So we’re back to another war and blood on the streets,” said Jeremy.

“Just think of your headlines,” retorted Benton.  “I need your backing to make sure Rachel gets sent down.  It’s vital she be sent to prison if this is going to work and the Maguires have a couple of judges in their pockets.  If she gets one of them at her trial the plan won’t work.  It has to be you May.”

“Alright.  I’ll do it.”


Rachel and Danny were enjoying a quiet night at home with their daughter.  She was two months old and had just started to smile and every time Danny touched her chubby cheek her little face lit up, filling them both with delight.

The front door burst open and a team of ten police officers poured into the living room.  Rachel instinctively scooped up Leah and retreated to the corner of the room, cradling her to her chest protectively, Danny putting himself between them and the aggressive-looking officers.  Benton strode out of the middle of the group confidently.

“You’re under arrest.”

“On what charge?” demanded Danny.

“Not you, her,” he spat, jabbing a digit at Rachel. 

“Me, why?”

“For the murder of Douggie Jones.”

Rachel’s face fell.  “You can’t be serious?”

“Deadly,” smiled Benton.  “Put the kiddie down because you’re going out of here in cuffs.”

“You bastard,” snarled Danny.  “You’re fucking setting her up.”

He stood nose to nose with Benton, fists clenched.

“Go on Danny, give me an excuse to take you too, I beg you.”

“Danny don’t,” said Rachel softly.  “You need to be here for Leah.”

The need to protect his daughter permeated Danny’s rage and he took the baby from Rachel.  She just had chance to kiss her daughter’s soft cheek before Benton roughly slapped the cuffs on her and dragged her to the door. 

“Search it,” Benton ordered the uniforms, who started tearing the place apart. 

Danny rushed to the phone to call his solicitor.



Rachel glared hard at Benton across the table in the interview room.

“So Rachel, what were you doing with half a kilo of cocaine and a gun in the boot of your car?”

“You tell me, you obviously put them there.”

“I expected better from you Rachel.”

Despite how furious she was at being set up she folded her arms across her chest and smiled.  “Is this really what you’ve been reduced to?  Is this the only way you can get at me, by fitting me up?  You’re pathetic and where the hell is my lawyer?”

“She’ll be here soon.”

“I’m not saying another word until she gets here.”

“Come on Rachel, where did the drugs and gun come from?”

She just scowled back at him, refusing to speak.

“We’re having that gun tested.  If ballistics prove it was the weapon that killed Douggie you’re going away for a very long time.  Little Leah will be married with her own kids by the time you get out.”

Rachel refused to rise to the bait, staring past him at the wall, attempting to block out his frightening words.

Rachel’s solicitor, a tall imperious woman called Veronica, stalked into the room, clutching a briefcase.  Her hazel eyes settled on Benton and she smiled predatorily, relishing the fight ahead.

“What is my client accused of?” she demanded.

“The murder of Douggie Jones, possession of an illegal firearm and possession of  a class A drug with intent to distribute.”

“What evidence do you have?”

“We found the cocaine and weapon in the boot of her car, the same weapon ballistics will prove killed poor old Douggie and she doesn‘t have an alibi.”

“I was at home, alone.  I wasn’t feeling well that night, I was very pregnant,” Rachel exclaimed, at the end of her tether.

“That is not enough to charge my client.  You’ve no proof she pulled the trigger,” said Veronica.

“You’re right, it wouldn’t be enough on its own.  But how about this.  We have a witness who will testify in court that they saw Rachel kill him.”

“They’re fucking lying,” exclaimed Rachel.

“Why would they do that?”

“I have enemies.”

“Now why would an innocent, hardworking mother and businesswoman have enemies?  It’s a puzzler that one,” he said sarcastically.

“I didn’t do it,” she yelled in his face.  “Two months ago I was heavily pregnant, I could hardly move.  Do you really think I had the energy to go around shooting people, you stupid bastard?”

Veronica put a restraining hand on her arm and Benton smirked, pleased that he’d got Rachel so riled.  “Please Mrs Maguire, calm down.”

“Calm down?  He’s set me up.  He’s crazy, he’s had it in for me ever since me and Danny got together.”

When her solicitor appeared sceptical Rachel was a heartbeat away from throttling her.

“Say something,” Rachel cried.  “I’m not paying you all that money to sit there looking gormless.”

Veronica appeared unruffled and turned her attention back to Benton. 

“Superintendent, I would like a break to consult with my client.”

“Alright,” he said, getting to his feet, “for all the good it will do you.”

When he’d left Veronica turned to Rachel gravely.

“This doesn’t look good Rachel.  The evidence is strong,”

“Yes thank you for pointing out the bloody obvious.”

“I’m only going to ask you once and you have to tell me the truth.  Did you do it?”

“No I didn’t,” she snarled angrily.  “Jesus, if you don’t believe me what chance do I have?”

“I’m sorry but I had to ask and I do believe you.”

“I’m telling you, he’s setting me up, he’s got some weird obsession with me.  You have to do something.”

“Alright, please calm down.  When he comes back just let me do the talking.”

“Okay,” said Rachel, taking a deep breath in an effort to relax.

“Break time’s over,” said Benton, stomping back into the room.

“I have advised my client to say nothing Superintendent.  I think she’s been here long enough.  I insist you release her.”

“With the evidence we have?  Not a chance.  Rachel Maguire I am charging you with the murder of Douggie Jones.”

As he continued to read Rachel her rights she sank down into her chair with a sigh.


The moment the police finally left the house Danny dropped Leah off at his mum’s then raced to the police station.  Because of the enormous fuss he made in reception the desk sergeant placed him in an interview room to wait, where he paced back and forth, drinking coffee from a polystyrene cup.  Benton entered the room and Danny’s blue eyes blazed with anger.

“Where’s my wife?”

“Locked in a cell where she’ll stay until we go to court in the morning.  She’s been charged with Douggie’s murder.”

“You bastard, you know she didn’t do it.”

“The evidence says otherwise.”

“Evidence you planted.”

“Are you making an official complaint Mr Maguire?”

“What’s the point?  You will have covered your tracks too well but do you think I’m going to let you take her from me?”

“You have no choice.  She’ll be going down for a very long time.  By the time she gets out little Leah will no doubt be a cold murderess herself, just like her mum.”

Danny grabbed Benton by the throat and pinned him up against the wall.

“Go on Danny, do it,” he goaded.  “I’ll tell what, I’ll even lock you up in the same cell.”

For a moment Danny was tempted to shove his fist down his throat but only the thought of Leah without either parent restrained him.  Taking a deep breath he released Benton, who appeared disappointed.

“I want to see her,” said Danny.

“What do you think this is, a hotel?  Go home.  You can see her in court in the morning.”

With that Benton stalked out of the room, leaving Danny with his rage.


Danny sat anxiously in the gallery with Alex, Mikey and Beth, the latter insisting on being present despite her husband’s objections, her hands cradling her swollen belly.  Danny jumped to his feet when Rachel was led in by a female officer, her hands cuffed before her, making her look guilty already.  She looked up at them and beamed, her heart lifting to see them.

“The Honourable Judge Roberts,” called the usher and Rachel’s smile dropped when May Roberts walked into the room, looking smug.

“I thought she was a crown court judge,” whispered Alex.  “What’s she doing in a magistrate’s court?”

Danny shrugged, equally perplexed.

After the charges were read out May leaned back in her seat and regarded Rachel severely.

“Due to the seriousness of the crime bail is denied,” announced May.

“No,” bellowed Danny, flying to his feet.

“I recommend you sit down,” said May, fixing him with a glare.

“Danny sit down,” said Alex, pulling him back into his seat.  “You’re not going to help Rachel getting banged up.”

Reluctantly he obeyed, watching as Veronica got to her feet.

“Your Honour, my client has a two month old baby.  It would be detrimental to the child to be parted from her mother.”

“Mrs Maguire should have thought about her child before she involved herself with guns and drugs.  She will be remanded to Styal Prison with immediate effect to await trial.”

Rachel looked up at her family, who watched horrified as she was led away.  They’d fully expected her to get bailed. 

She was allowed one mercy.  Danny was permitted to see her in the holding cell before she was taken to prison.  She flew into his arms and he hugged her tightly, drinking her in before she was taken from him.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered in her ear.  “We’ll get you out of this.”

“I know you will,” she whispered back with such faith he prayed he didn’t let her down.

“You’ll soon be back home, just hang in there.  Your name will ensure you don’t get any trouble inside.”

“I’ll be fine,” she bravely replied.  “And for God’s sake don’t tell my parents about this, it’ll only drive them away again.”

“I won’t.”  Danny experienced a flush of pride.  Most women would have been in hysterics by now.

“Alright Maguire, the van’s here,” said the WPC solemnly.

Danny kissed Rachel hard and she responded equally passionately, running her hands through his hair and down his back, not knowing when she’d get the chance to touch him again.

“I love you,” he said.

“Love you too.”

“Come on, break it up you two,” said the WPC, spoiling the moment.


Styal Women’s Prison in Wilmslow, Cheshire, wasn’t as draconian as Rachel had expected.  A former Victorian orphanage, it was made up of sixteen detached red brick houses.

“Well well well, we’ve got a VIP,” said one of the guards in reception.  “Rachel Maguire.”

The other guards stared at her curiously and she stared right back at them as she handed over her personal items.  It pained her to relinquish her wedding and engagement rings.

“You’d better look after them,” warned Rachel.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get them back,” snapped the officer.

“I’d better,” she glowered.

Rachel was then put through the indignity of a strip search before being led to the showers.  As an unconvicted prisoner she was entitled to wear her own clothes, for which she was very grateful.  She was then checked over by a nurse before being taken to the First Night Centre, where she’d remain for the next forty eight hours before being introduced into the general prison population.  This building was new, clean and comfortable, the idea being to ease prisoners into prison life rather than throw them in head first. 

She was greeted by a tall stocky woman who appeared more than capable of taking care of herself.

“Hello Rachel, I’m Prison Officer Fletcher and I’m your personal officer.  You can come to me with any queries or problems.  I’ll also help with your appeal for bail.  I take it you will be appealing?”

“Damn right,” replied Rachel firmly.

“In that case I’ll put you in touch with your legal advisor.  You look tired so we’ll leave the induction until morning.  I’ll take you to your room.”

Rachel was pleased to find that it was warm and cosy with a TV and radio.

“Not bad eh?” grinned Fletcher.  “Get a good night’s sleep and we’ll talk more in the morning, alright?”

Rachel nodded.

As she locked the door Fletcher found it hard to equate the woman she’d just met with the infamous Rachel Maguire, whose reputation was fearsome.  However one thing she’d learnt in her line of work was that the most quiet and demure demeanour could hide a psychotic personality.  Only time would tell.

As the key turned in the lock the enormity of her situation hit Rachel.  She sank onto the bed and buried her face in her hands, murmuring her husband’s name.


Danny had gathered everyone together to witness his rage.

“I want that fucking witness found and if he can’t be persuaded to keep his mouth shut then you fucking kill him.”

DS Sharples shuffled uncomfortably.  “I don’t have the witness’s name.  Only Benton knows and he’s not telling anyone.”

“In that case you get rid of that gun.  Without that it doesn’t matter what the fucking witness says, it’s just their word against Rachel’s.”  Danny downed the whisky and hurled the glass against the wall where it smashed.

“Benton said no one’s allowed anywhere near that evidence,” continued Sharples nervously.  “He knows you’ve got someone in your pay and he’s not taking any chances.”

“Then you’d better get creative Ron because if you don’t sort it and Rachel goes down then life as you know it is over.  Understand?”

Sharples turned pale with fright and nodded dumbly.  Normally his status as a police officer would keep him relatively safe but he realised Danny would stop at nothing to get his wife back.

Danny sighed and turned to Alex.  “Help him out will you bruv?  I’m sure you’ve thought of a way already.”

“Actually I have,” grinned Alex.

Danny smiled at him gratefully. 

“That just leaves her alibi,” interjected Mikey, “and it has to be a bloody good one.  They won’t take our word for it.”

“We also have to find who really killed Douggie,” said Ryan sombrely.  “No matter what you do to try and free Rachel, Benton will find some other way to fit her up because we all know she didn’t do it.  The only way to set her free for good is to find the real killer.”  He was frantic with worry about Rachel, although he was careful to keep that emotion carefully hidden.  He’d been inside himself, unlike Danny and Alex, so he had a better idea than any of them of what she was going through.  He hated the thought of that divine creature being stuck in that filthy hole and was determined to do all in his power to get her out. 

“Any ideas?” said Danny.

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