Divided Loyalties (27 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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Three years later


“Where is she?” Ryan demanded of Mikey the moment he burst through the hospital entrance.

“First floor,” he replied grimly.

“How is she?” said Ryan as he hurried to the stairs, Mikey following.

“There’s not long left, you have to hurry.  It happened so fast, there was no warning.  I brought her here myself.”

“I owe you one.”

Mikey hung back as Ryan raced into the delivery suite.

“Rachel,” he exclaimed.

“Ryan,” she gasped, extending her hand out to him.

He fought the urge to knock out the nurse who delayed him from reaching his wife’s side by making him put on a gown over his clothes. 

“Thank God I’m not too late,” he said, grasping Rachel’s hands.  “How are you feeling?”

“How do you think I’m feeling?  It bloody hurts.”

“Alright Rachel, push,” ordered the midwife.

Ryan tried not to wince as she squeezed his hand hard.  Then she relaxed, taking in deep breaths.  Ryan stroked her hair back off her face, feeling helpless.

“I can see the head,” called the midwife.  “One more push Rachel.”

Ryan watched proudly as the steely determination filled Rachel’s black eyes and she pushed with everything she had.  As the child slipped from her body she breathed a sigh of relief and sank back into the pillows, exhausted.

“You’ve got a boy,” said the midwife a moment before a lusty cry filled the air.

“A boy, we’ve got a boy,” cried Ryan excitedly before planting a kiss on Rachel’s lips. 

He watched in astonishment as the child was placed in his wife’s arms.

“Oh my God,” he breathed, trying to get his head round the fact that he was looking at his son and he was hit by a fierce protective love.

Rachel looked up at him and smiled.  “Wow, are you crying?”

“Yes and I’m not ashamed,” he said quietly, kissing the top of her head.

The three of them were taken back to a private room on the ward and Ryan plucked up the courage to hold his son for the first time.  He was so tiny he was afraid of hurting him.  He perched on the bed beside Rachel, cradling the boy and she rested her head on his shoulder.

“To think I could have missed out on all this,” said Ryan quietly.  He gazed down at Rachel.  “You saved me.  Without you I would have ended up dead or back inside. Thank you.”

She reached up to touch his face.  “So you’re happy?”

“Yes, more than I ever thought possible.  I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” she said as he kissed her hard.

He wrapped an arm around her and held her close, the baby cradled in his other arm.  Rachel ran a fingertip through the child’s downy dark hair then down one plump cheek.

“You do know you’re going to have to show me how to do everything?” said Ryan wryly.

“Even dirty nappies?”

He hesitated before smiling.  “Yeah, alright.”

The nurse popped her head round the door.  “Ready to try feeding him?”

“Yes,” she said eagerly.

It took the baby a few attempts to latch on but eventually he managed it.  Rachel sank back into the pillows with a sigh of contentment.  She found breast feeding so peaceful, despite the sore nipples.

The door opened and in strolled Mikey.

“Get out,” snapped Ryan, not wanting him to see Rachel bare breasted.

“Sorry,” he said, holding up his hands and turning his back.  “I have a habit of doing that, don’t I?  I just wanted to let you know that the family are on their way.”

“It’s okay Mikey, he’s finished,” said Rachel.

Ryan took the baby from her so she could cover herself up.

“Can I turn around now?” said Mikey.

“Yes,” replied Rachel.

“Let’s have a look then.”  Mikey walked round the bed to stand beside the proud father.  “He’s gorgeous.  Obviously he takes after Rachel,” he grinned.

“Yes he does,” replied Ryan without taking his eyes off his son.

Martina, Leah Alex, Beth, Alfie and Jez all descended upon them at once.  The nurse objected to so many people in the room at once but when they all ignored her she gave up and left them to it.

“Can I hold him?” said Martina eagerly.

“Of course,” replied Ryan, handing him over.

“Oh he’s beautiful,” she beamed, rocking him gently.

“He is.  Congratulations,” said Alex.

“Thank you,” smiled Rachel.

She knew Alex hadn’t been happy about their getting married at first, although he’d kept quiet about it.  However when he realised it was a bold statement to the world that the Maguires and Laws were united by more than just business he relaxed.  He’d also seen how good they were together and how happy they made each other so he’d quickly got over his doubt.

“Well done Bruv, I didn’t think you had it in you,” grinned Jez, shaking his hand.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” smiled Ryan.

There was a day when Jez wouldn’t have dared make a comment like that to his older brother but since he and Rachel had got married he was a changed man.  He was so much more relaxed and patient and didn’t take himself half as seriously.  Jez adored his sister-in-law, not just for who she was but for what she’d done for his brother and for the close relationship he now enjoyed with Ryan.  He dreaded to think what would have become of him without her.

“It’ll be your turn next,” said Ryan.

Jez’s new wife Cathy, a sweet little blond they all liked, had just found out she was five months pregnant.

“I can’t wait,” he smiled.

Four year old Leah stood at the back of the room uncertainly.  Ryan saw her and held his arm out to her. 

“Come on Cupcake.”

“Daddy,” she smiled, throwing herself at his legs.

He hugged her tightly.  She’d started calling him daddy two years ago.  Neither he nor Rachel had suggested it to her, it had been entirely her own decision and had made his day.

“Want to meet your little brother?” he asked her.

“Yes please.”

“Okay, sit next to Mummy.”

She plonked herself on the bed beside Rachel and Martina placed the baby in her arms.

“He’s so cute,” she smiled.  “What’s his name?”

“Ethan Frank Law,” replied Ryan.

Tears welled in Martina’s eyes.  “Thank you.”

Alex nodded approvingly.

“How did the birth go?” said Beth.

“It was over very quick, thank God,” replied Rachel.

“Good.  I called your parents, they’re on their way up here.”

“Thanks Beth.”

Rachel recalled the moment she’d told her mum she was marrying Ryan Law.  They’d taken a trip down to Devon to tell them personally, feeling it wasn’t something they could do over the phone.  She’d thought her mum was going to pass out when they broke the news but eventually they’d come round to the idea, especially when they saw how much Ryan had changed and when they learnt that he’d given up his criminal lifestyle.  Now they were rather fond of their son-in-law, much more than they’d ever liked Danny.

Eventually it came time for everyone to leave. 

“Leah can stay with me until you’re ready to pick her up.  There’s no rush,” Martina told them.

“Thanks.  Would you mind if we had a word before you go?” said Ryan.

“Course not.”

“We’ll wait for you outside,” said Alex.

When they’d gone Ryan began, “Martina, we hope you’ll be as much of a grandmother to Ethan as you are to Leah.  My mum isn’t someone I want in his life and Rachel’s parents live so far away.”

Her eyes filled with tears.  “I’d like that very much.”  She kissed Ryan.  “You’re a good man.  You’re a wonderful dad to Leah and you’ll be just as good to Ethan.”

“Thanks,” he blushed.

She kissed Rachel too.  “You’ve done well Love.  I’m proud of you.”

Rachel squeezed her hand.  “We’ll be round later today for Leah, they’re letting me go in a few hours.”

“No rush, you know how much I love having her to stay and Ethan will be equally welcome at my house.”

When she’d gone Ryan put a sleeping Ethan in his cot and sank onto the bed beside Rachel.  “Christ I’m tired.”

“You’re tired,” she exclaimed.

“It’s hard work being the proud father,” he replied, dipping his head to kiss her.

They’d come so far together, achieved so much in such a short space of time.  Ryan had sold his house and together they’d bought their own vast edifice set in acres of land on the edge of the city, close to the family and businesses but just far enough away to keep them out of their old lives.  Business was positively booming and they’d carved out an empire of their own, opening up a second leisure centre and spa, branching out into property development, opening more restaurants, bars and clubs.  They’d made millions and owned a huge chunk of property in the city, crushing the incompetent Bruce Spencer beneath their boot heel.  Best of all it was legal, taking a huge weight off them both. 

“So, when are we going to start trying for another one?” grinned Ryan, indicating Ethan with a nod of the head.

“Can I have a rest first?” she smiled.

“Okay, just for a little while.” 

“Anyway, you won’t be saying that when you’re being woken every two hours to feed him.”

“That often?”

“Yes, maybe more.”

He shrugged.  “I don’t need a lot of sleep anyway.  Besides, all I have to do is talk in Latin and you positively melt.”

“I’m afraid there won’t be any melting for a while,” she said, shifting on the bed and wincing.

She nestled into his chest, sleep starting to overtake her. 

“Get some rest Babe, I’ll watch over him,” Ryan said softly.

Rachel knew he would, for the rest of their lives.  Happy and contented she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of their long future together.












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