Divided Loyalties (22 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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Mikey’s expression turned serious as he looked at Ryan.  “If you hurt her I will kick the shit out of you.”

“I won’t hurt her, you can bet your life on it.”

Ryan’s eyes locked with Rachel’s and Mikey saw the connection between them, it certainly seemed to be the real thing.

“In that case I’ll leave you to it.  Sorry for bursting in on you like that,” he said, flashing his cheeky grin, telling Rachel that everything was okay.  “I’m going to need therapy to block out the image of Ryan naked.”

“Cheeky little bastard,” grinned Ryan.  “And thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Did you come round for anything in particular?” said Rachel.

“Just to let you know that I’ve got a date with that redhead from your spa.  I wanted to get your blessing first.”

“Of course you have it.  By the way, she has a weakness for Italian food and red roses.”

“Thanks for the tip.  Right, well, I’ll let you get back to it then,” he said saucily before sauntering out.

Ryan and Rachel looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Has that interruption killed the mood for you?” she said, looking up at Ryan.

“Nothing could do that to me where you’re concerned.  Let’s go back upstairs but this time, make sure you lock the door first.”

After she’d locked the front door he took her hand and they raced back upstairs together.


The relationship between Ryan and Rachel continued covertly for another few weeks, Mikey and Beth the only two people in on the secret.  Their feelings for each other deepened, Ryan spending most of his free time at Rachel’s house and he grew closer to Leah too, who worshipped him.  As Rachel realised her feelings for Ryan were swiftly developing into love she was struck with guilt.  Danny had only been dead sixteen months.  So she took a trip to visit his grave, carrying a bunch of flowers for both him and Frank.  She came here every week, usually to sit in contemplative silence and enjoy being close to them but today she had the need to talk.

“I want to tell you that I’ve started seeing Ryan Law,” she began, staring at Danny’s name carved into the black granite in gold letters.  “And it’s getting serious.  I know you and Ryan didn’t always see eye to eye but he makes me happy and Leah adores him.”  Tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.  “But my feelings for him do nothing to diminish my love for you.  I’ll love you forever Babe and I miss you constantly.  You’ll always be Leah’s daddy and I swear she’ll know who you are.  You can never be replaced,” she said, running her fingertip along the ‘D’ of his name.  “But I have to get on with my life and I don’t want to be alone.  I hope you’ll understand and be happy for me.”  She looked to Frank’s grave.  “You’re missed too Frank and we all love you both so much.  Your deaths tore holes in our lives that can never be filled so we just go on as best we can without you.  You’d be so proud of Alex, he’s doing really well running the businesses and he’s a good husband and father too but he learnt from the best.”  She touched the top of Danny’s gravestone.  “I love you Danny and no one will ever make that stop, I promise.  Goodbye Babe.  See you next week.”

With that she got to her feet and walked back to her car, feeling much better.


Mikey rushed into Martina’s Bar to find Rachel talking with Dolores.

“Alright Mikey, what’s up with you?” smiled Rachel.  “You look like one of your girlfriends told you her period’s late.”   

She’d been on a constant giddy high since her relationship with Ryan began and everyone had remarked on the change, although only Mikey and Beth knew why.  However Dolores did have her suspicions. 

“Rachel, listen,” said Mikey.

She caught the urgency in his voice.  “What is it?”

“It’s Ryan.”

All the blood drained from her face.  “What’s happened?”

“He’s been rushed to hospital.”


“I don’t know, I don’t have any details.  I just got a garbled message off Jez.”

“I need to get there.”

“I’ll drive you.”

The tension radiating off Rachel was palpable in the car and Mikey knew exactly what she was thinking.  She was afraid she was going to lose Ryan just like she’d lost Danny.

Mikey had to run to keep up with her as she sped through the hospital towards the wards. 

“Ryan Law?” she demanded at the nurses’ station breathlessly.  She was aware that she’d worked with the nurse she was talking to a long time ago, when she was a different Rachel, but for the life of her she couldn’t recall her name, she was too flustered.

“Are you a relative?”

“I’m his girlfriend.”

“Oh.”  The nurse’s smile faltered slightly as she thought Rachel must have a thing for dangerous men.  “Room two.”


She burst into Ryan’s room to find him dozing on the bed.  His eyes opened at the clatter she made and he smiled weakly. 


She clasped his hand and bent to kiss him, Mikey hanging back in the doorway to give them some privacy.

“What happened?”

“It’s my bloody appendix.”

The tension drained right out of her and she almost laughed out loud with relief. 


“It was very sudden.  I was at Jez’s house when I was struck by a horrible stomach pain.  He called an ambulance, they brought me here and whipped it out.  It’s very embarrassing being floored by a relic of the stone age.”

“Yes I’d be embarrassed too” grinned Mikey. 

“Yes very good,” he replied sarcastically.  “I hope you brought me some grapes Mikey Maguire?”

“I didn’t know I had to.”

“Isn’t that the protocol when you’re in hospital?  I don’t really know, it’s the first time I’ve been in one, as a patient of course.”

“Do you really want some grapes?” smiled Rachel.

“Yes I do and a newspaper, I’m bored stiff.”

“I’ll get them,” said Mikey.  “Do you want anything Rach?”

“No thanks.”

When he’d gone Rachel took the chair by Ryan’s bedside.  “You had me so scared and all the time it was just your appendix.”

“Just my appendix?  Have you ever had an appendicitis?”


“It felt like I was being jabbed with hot needles.”

“When Mikey told me you were in hospital I thought the worst had happened, that you’d been stabbed or shot.”

“That’s never happened to me before and I don’t intend to start now.”  He saw how pale her face was.  “I’m sorry Rachel, you thought it was Danny all over again.”

He was shocked to see a tear roll down her face.  “I can’t lose you like that too.”

“Oh Sweetheart, I’m fine.”

“I couldn’t go through that again.”

“You won’t.”

“How can you know?”

In that moment they both saw a huge obstacle to their future together, the future they were just daring to hope for.

“I’m thirty seven and I’ve never been scratched.”

“There’s a first time for everything.  The first time Danny was shot he died.”

He hung his head and nodded, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes as he realised his lifestyle would come between them.  He knew it was inevitable but it seemed that day was approaching faster than he would have liked.  He was still in the business and no matter how hard she fought against it, one day she would be dragged back into it all, it was inevitable.  If he did get seriously hurt or worse she wouldn’t stop until she’d tracked down the culprit and made them pay, it was who she was.

Rachel saw he didn’t need this now, he was tired and in pain.

“Anyway, what’s most important is that it’s just an appendicitis and you’re okay,” she said.

He breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed her hand.  He knew he would probably lose her but at least it wouldn’t be today.



“Bloody hell Ryan you’re a miserable patient,” said Rachel as she helped him settle onto the couch at her house.  They’d agreed that he’d stay with her until he’d recovered.

“I’m sorry but I’m not used to being laid up.  Laid yes but not laid up.”

“Very funny,” she said wryly.  “Are you comfortable?”

“I’d be more comfortable if you took all your clothes off.”

“Did they give you Viagra in there or something?”

“I don’t need that,” he said, pulling her close.

Rachel knew he was just trying to compensate for his physical weakness in other ways.  

“Behave yourself,” she chided.  “You need peace and quiet and rest.  You’ll be back to normal in a couple of weeks.”

“Weeks?” he exclaimed.  “Oh Christ, what am I supposed to do for two weeks?”

“Rest, read, watch TV, use your imagination.”

“I’m going to go insane.”

“I’m sure you’ll manage.  Now, do you want anything to drink?”

“Whisky please.”

“No, try again.”

“Tea I suppose,” he muttered sulkily.

She smiled and ruffled his hair, making him grin.  When Rachel walked back into the living room a few minutes later with two mugs of tea he was sound asleep.  She sat on the armchair next to the couch so as not to disturb him and watched him sleep.  He was so gorgeous she could watch him forever.  She did have an ulterior motive for inviting him to stay here for his recovery.  She was hoping a bit of normal family life would wake him up to what he would be missing because if things continued as they were then they would have to split up and that was the last thing she wanted.

They enjoyed a quiet evening together curled up with Leah and when it was time for them to go to bed Ryan wasn’t up to anything but cuddling.  For the first time since their relationship started they fell asleep wrapped around one another without making love, which was just as nice had they spent the night getting hot and sweaty.

Their peace was shattered when Jez came round to discuss business the next day.  He’d been let in on their secret and he was made up for his brother.  Rachel was the perfect woman for him and probably the only one in the world who might be able to get him to settle down.

“I’ll make some coffee,” said Rachel, just like she used to when she first started seeing Danny and he wanted to discuss business with his dad and brother.  She’d soon been dragged into their world and now history was repeating itself.

“You can stay if you want,” said Jez.  “We could use your opinion.”

Ryan looked at her hopefully but she turned away.  “I’ll stick with the coffee thanks.”

With that she marched into the kitchen and shut the door and Ryan stared at it for a moment before turning his attention back to his brother.

“You’ve landed on your feet with that one,” said Jez.

“I know,” he replied absently, wondering how long he’d be able to keep hold of her.  “Anyway, what did you want to talk about?”

“Two more of our men have been attacked and we don’t know who’s behind it.”

“Oh fuck,” he muttered.  “Are they alright?”

“A couple of black eyes, that was it.”

“How did they get off so lightly when our other lads were almost killed?”

“That’s what I found suspicious so I asked them about it, with Mikey’s assistance.”


“They were paid to hand the drugs over and make it look like they were robbed.  Whoever got them to do it doesn’t know them too well because he chose two of the laziest bastards on the payroll who didn’t want to hurt their ugly mugs.”

“Who paid them?” demanded Ryan, eyes filling with fury.

“They don’t know.”

“They’re fucking lying.”

“I don’t think so.  When I put the blowtorch to their feet they would have told if they’d known, they screamed like girls.  They said the same thing Nathan did.  Some bloke phoned them.  No names, no faces.”

“I want to talk to them myself,” Ryan said, pushing himself up off the couch. 

“I can handle it.  You need to rest.”

“I’ll be fine, it’s just an appendicitis…ow, Jesus Christ,” he groaned, putting a hand to his stomach.

Hearing his cry of pain, Rachel returned to the room.  “Why are you getting up?” she demanded.

“Some business has come up, I’ve got to sort it out,” he said, face tight with pain.

“You’re in no fit state to go anywhere, you’ve just had surgery.”

“It was just a minor op.”

“It won’t be if you don’t give it time to heal.”

“Honestly Ryan I can sort this out myself,” interjected Jez.  “For God’s sake get back on the couch.”

“You heard him, you don’t need to go anywhere,” said Rachel.

“I do.”  He pushed himself up to standing, face scarily white.

“Sit down before you fall down.”

“Pass me my jacket.”

“Don’t you dare Jez,” Rachel said so aggressively Jez halted in his tracks.  “If you go out in that state you’re only going to make yourself look like an idiot.  What will everyone think if you faint?”

Ryan appeared insulted by the insinuation.  “I’ve never fainted in my life.”

“You’ve never had your appendix removed before.  Now sit back down.”


“If you don’t then I will taser you,” she said in a low quiet voice.

“You wouldn’t,” retorted Ryan.

“Try me.”

Jez looked from one to the other as they glared at each other hard, wondering whose will was stronger.  His money was on Rachel, her eyes were jet black with wrath.

Ryan reached out a shaky hand for his jacket.  As he lifted his arms to throw it on his eyes widened. 

“I think I’m going to throw up.”

Rachel calmly picked up a grey plastic bowl she’d left on the floor for this purpose and put it under his face just as he vomited violently.  Jez grimaced and turned his back in disgust, he never could stomach throwing up but Rachel was unperturbed.

“Sit down,” she told him once it was over.

“I hope in future you’ll listen to her?” said Jez.  “She knows what she’s talking about.”

“Fine,” Ryan muttered as he sank into the couch, not wanting to admit how horrible he felt.  “But I’m trusting you to sort it Jez.”

“I will, don’t worry.  You concentrate on getting better.”  He shot Rachel an apologetic look before leaving.  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you with this.”

“I’ll see you out,” she said, following him to the door.  “Do me a favour Jez,” she said quietly just before he left, “can you leave him out of it just until he’s better?  You can always go to Alex.”

“No worries Rach, I will.  I hope you two can make it work, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”

“I hope so too.”

She closed the door behind him and returned to find a sulky Ryan on the couch.

“Put your bottom lip away, you look like a moody little girl,” she said.

“I’m not accustomed to being told what to do.”

“I’m not trying to tell you what to do Ryan, I’m trying to stop you from making a fool of yourself.  What would you have done to those men if you’d gone with Jez?  Thrown up on them?”

“You’re right,” he sighed.  “But I’m not used to being so helpless.”

“You’ll soon be fighting fit again and you’ve got good people around you who can handle whatever’s going on until then.  Give Jez a chance, he’s very capable.”

“I know, it’s just difficult for me to relinquish control and I’m sorry for acting like an arse but you have to understand, this between us is all so new to me, I’m still finding my feet.”

“I understand that and you should know I’m not trying to control you but I care about you and I only want what’s best for you.”

He reached out to stroke her face, no one had ever told him they cared about him before.  “I do know and I care about you too, a lot.”

She smiled and nestled into him.  “I like having you here.”

“I like being here, believe me.”

Rachel beamed, hope shining inside her like a beacon.  Maybe he could be saved after all?


Ricky French armed himself with a machete, butcher’s knife and flick knife, gleefully looking forward to the fight ahead.  The voice on the other end of the phone had assured him where the Maguires’ couriers would be and at what time.  It was easy money; attack quickly, grab the drugs and kick the shit out of them in the process, a bit of payback on the bastards for their threats to him in his own club.  Who the fuck did they think they were?  Yes they were powerful but everyone had their day and both the Maguires and the Laws were due theirs.  He’d also been informed that the couriers were armed with nothing more than knives so Ricky thought he’d indulge in a little massacre.  The fewer men the Maguires and Laws had, the better.

He snorted a long line of cocaine before he left, sending him on a major high, making him feel like he could take on the world.  After picking up three of his men they drove to a quiet back street on the edge of town and parked up to wait.  Sure enough a few minutes later two figures came strolling along, not drawing attention to themselves.  Ricky looked up and down the street to make sure it was clear.

“Let’s go,” he said eagerly.

They all clambered out of the car, pumped full of adrenaline and drugs, drawing their machetes and brandishing them before the two figures.

“Give us the drugs,” snarled Ricky.

The figures threw their back hoods and Ricky was horrified to find himself staring into the faces of Alex Maguire and Jez Law.

Two more figures leapt out from the shadows behind them.  Battler’s and Bruiser’s massive forms were made even more terrifying by the shotguns they wielded.

Two cars with blacked out windows drew up out of nowhere, driven by the Sugar brothers.  Ricky and his three men were separated into pairs and bundled into them before the cars drove off.  The whole operation took less than a minute, the street once again quiet.


“Oh God,” cried Rachel, her head falling back as Ryan made her come for the third time in a row.  He was once again fighting fit and keen to make up for lost time.  Her body relaxed and she slumped into the pillows, exhausted as he lifted his head from between her thighs.  They were in bed at his house and he’d been going at her like this for what felt like hours, exploring every inch of her with his tongue and fingers but he’d not had sex with her yet, despite his very obvious arousal.  He was still fully clothed while she was completely naked, making her feel vulnerable and at his mercy, which was a complete turn on.

“How are you holding up?” he said.

Every part of her was so highly sensitised the tingling from his warm breath on her neck ran through her body and she shivered. 

“Good but I’m tired.”

“Come for me once more and I’ll let you rest.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“Course you can.  You’ve got a minute to get your breath back.”

“Is that all?”

“Yes,” he said, removing his t-shirt.

The moment she clapped eyes on that fabulous muscular torso her exhaustion was forgotten.  His jeans and underwear followed suit and when he was fully naked every muscle in her body went tense with anticipation.  Finally he was going to get inside her, which she’d been aching for.

He glanced at his watch.  “Minute’s up.”


He gazed into her burning black eyes and his excitement peaked.  He knelt before her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed up into her.

“God Rachel you feel so good,” he breathed shakily.

He ground his lips against hers, devouring her, grasping her hips and pulling her harder against him.

“Come on Sweetheart, you can do it,” he said as he felt his own climax approach.

Pulling her legs around his waist he lifted her, pushed her up against the padded headboard and thrust into her hard.  This tipped her over the edge and she came for a fourth time.  Finally Ryan let himself go, losing himself in her entirely.

Rachel collapsed onto him, exhausted and slick with sweat.

“Are you okay?” he said, tilting her face up to his as it seemed an effort for her to lift her head.

“So tired.”

He pulled her down onto the bed with him and she rested her head on his chest.  Shattered, she mumbled something incoherent before drifting off to sleep.

When her breathing slipped into a regular rhythm, Ryan gently laid her back on the bed and covered her with the duvet.  After showering he headed downstairs for something to eat.  Whereas Rachel had been exhausted, Ryan was energised and he was ravenous.  He moved about the kitchen happily preparing himself an omelette and a pile of bread.  This woman really was something special and he was making plans to make her a permanent fixture in his life.  He’d already bought the engagement ring, twenty grand’s worth of diamond and gold sat in his safe, waiting for the day he plucked up the courage to propose.  Ryan just prayed she could live with his businesses.

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