Divided Loyalties (19 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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“He’s got five younger siblings, or at least he did.” she added under her breath.  “He’s used to kids.”

“But he’s so cold and hard.”

“Not underneath all the front.  He does have a heart, a good one.”

Beth saw how her friend looked at Ryan.  “You fancy him, don’t you?”

“Maybe I do but I can’t do anything about it.”

“Why not?”

“Lots of reasons.  The first one, we’re business partners.”


“And I don’t think Alex and Martina would be too happy about me taking up with a Law.”

“Don’t you worry about Alex, I’ll handle him and Martina would just be relieved that you’re not alone anymore.  She worries about you.”

“I appreciate that Beth but the main reason is that he’s still in the life I’ve just got myself out of and I’m still not sure I’m ready for another man yet.”

“I see, but he’s crazy about you.”

“No he isn’t.”

“Rach, it’s obvious.  He ran into your house to rescue you from a nutter with a gun.  That says it all.  And are you seriously telling me nothing’s ever happened when you’ve been closeted away together discussing business?”

She thought back to that night in Martina’s Bar, which seemed so long ago and her face filled with longing.

Beth caught the look.  “It has, hasn’t it?”

“No, I’m a lady.”

“No you’re not.  Come on Rach, tell me before he comes back.”

“It was nothing really.”  But that was a lie, it had been volcanic. 

Ryan and Leah returned with the snacks and drinks so mercifully the awkward conversation was at an end.  Beth was her best friend but she wanted that delicious moment to remain private between her and Ryan.



The launch of the spa was a tremendous success.  All their contacts had come through for them and the most prominent members of society were in attendance, as well as plenty of curious onlookers and Scott Barker fans.  The film star’s presence had, just as Rachel predicted, attracted scores of women who hung around him like flies.  She thought he’d be a bit of a tosser but on the contrary he was very nice, patiently signing autographs and chatting to his legions of fans.  He’d even promised to tell his showbiz friends about the spa.  Plenty of bookings had already been made, promising a very good start.

Despite their success Ryan couldn’t keep his eyes off Rachel.  She looked stunning in a floor length turquoise gown.  Men were fawning all over her, pissing Ryan off royally and he was contemplating causing the worst of the offenders, an overweight councillor, some serious damage.

“I think you can class tonight as a triumph, you must be happy,” said Beth, sidling up to him.  She’d spotted how Ryan and Rachel had been casting glances at each other all night and she was determined to finally bring the pair together, she was fed up of them tiptoeing around each other.  She never thought she’d see the day Ryan Law was good for her friend but it was clear he was, they worked so well together and the chemistry between them was explosive. 

“I am,” he replied tightly.

She followed his gaze to Rachel surrounded by admirers, one of whom was Scott Barker, who was fascinated by her beauty and notoriety.  He’d been angling to get her alone all night but so far she’d managed to keep him at a distance. 

“They don’t mean anything to her.”

“Don’t they?” he said doubtfully.

“I’ve known Rachel since we were little kids and she’s a one man woman and deeply loyal.  Besides, her interest lies elsewhere.”

He looked at her curiously.  “Where?”

“Come on Ryan, I thought you were an intelligent man.”

“Beth, what do you mean?”

She gave him a knowing smile.  “I mean that you of all people don’t need to worry about other men.”

With that she wandered off, leaving him to stare after her with a puzzled frown.  Did she mean what he thought she meant?  Damn women, why couldn’t they just say things straight?  He looked back at Rachel and caught her gaze through the swarm of men surrounding her.  Sod it, he couldn’t take it any longer.

He walked over to Rachel, noting how her eyes turned blacker the closer he got.  His presence was so commanding that all the men stepped aside to allow him to reach her but he ignored them, his gaze fixed on her.

“There you are Ryan,” she smiled.  “I’ve been waiting to dance.”

“I’ll dance with you,” offered the fat councillor.

“So will I,” said Scott.

“Sorry gentlemen, I believe the lady asked me first.”

Ryan held his arm out to her, which she accepted and he led her to the dance floor.  Sweat broke out on the back of his neck and he was grateful it was a slow number.

“I’ve got a confession to make,” he said as he took her in his arms.

“What’s that?”

“I can’t dance.”

“You’re always hanging out in nightclubs.  Have you never picked anything up?”

“No.  I’m either doing business or standing around looking sinister and brooding.”

“Just hold onto me, can you manage that?”

“I’m certain I can.”

His arms went around her trim waist, just the feel of her beneath his fingertips unbearably exciting.  Rachel gazed up at him, her eyes pitch black and she felt a longing inside.  His hands moved slightly, fingers brushing the bare skin of her back and her pelvic muscles clenched deliciously.

Beth watched them move together, completely enraptured by one another and smiled.  Her work was done.  If those two didn’t get it on tonight she would lock them in a room together until they did.

After the last of the guests had left and the staff were cleaning up, Rachel retreated upstairs to the office to look over the business they’d drummed up and was astonished.

“We’re booked solid for the next three months,” she grinned at Ryan.  “There have also been enquiries about five weddings.  I think our notoriety helped, for some reason people find it exciting.”  She took a bottle of whisky out of her desk drawer and poured them out a glass each.  “I’d love to see Richard Spencer’s face right now, the slimy bastard.  Marcus told me he’d got some Z-lister with a huge pair of fake boobs and a string of broken marriages behind her to open his place.  I also noticed he’d sent a couple of his spies tonight.”

“So did I and one of them is now our spy,” smiled Ryan.

She raised an eyebrow.  “You made them come over to our side?”

“It wasn’t difficult.  He thinks Richard’s an arsehole.  Apparently his launch party wasn‘t as successful as ours, there weren’t half the people at his as there were here.”

Rachel raised her glass in a toast.  “You really are a genius Ryan.”

“I think most of the credit for tonight should go to you.  You look so gorgeous all eyes were on you.”

“You think I’m gorgeous?”

“Yes.  I thought you already knew that.”

“I know you did once but I’m not so sure anymore.”

Ryan could have kicked himself.  He’d just assumed she knew how he felt when she actually had no idea, their last encounter had been so long ago.

Deciding enough was enough, he couldn’t hold back any longer, he put down his glass and sauntered up to her, enjoying how her lips parted and her breathing quickened.  He stopped just inches from her, taking the glass out of her hand and putting it down on the desk.

“Rachel Maguire, I’m crazy about you.”

“You are?” she smiled.

“I have been from the first moment I saw you and that feeling has only got stronger and if I don’t kiss you now I will go mad.”

“It’s about time.”

Ryan took her face in his hands, heart thudding in anticipation and pressed his lips gently to hers.  Rachel responded passionately, the chemistry igniting between them and suddenly he was pushing her back on the desk, thrusting his tongue into her mouth while she ripped his shirt open.  When he felt her hands on his bare chest he groaned into her mouth and pushed up her dress, his fingers finding the stockings.

“Oh Jesus Christ,” he breathed shakily, enjoying caressing the lacy tops of the stockings and the silky skin beyond.  “Wait, stop,” he panted when she started to unzip his trousers.

She pushed herself up on her elbows.  “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t just want a quickie on a desk with you Rachel, I want it to last longer.  I want to make you come again and again and I promise, you will.”

Her eyes were black with arousal, cheeks flushed and nipples straining against the thin fabric of the dress and Ryan thought he must be insane not to thrust himself inside her right now.  But he’d dreamed of this for so long he didn’t want it over with in a few minutes.

“Okay,” she replied, pushing herself up to a sitting position.  Her eyes alighted on his bare torso, every muscle standing out in high definition and she let her fingers play across his firm flat abdomen.  “You’re stunning.”

He inhaled sharply, enjoying the feel of those gentle fingers, his erection straining angrily, desperate to be released.  “Where shall we go?”

“The cottages are free.  We could use one of them.”

“Good idea.  Come on, let’s go before I take you here and now.”

They straightened their clothes and after Rachel snatched up her purse and the key for the honeymoon cottage he took her hand and they exited the office, careful to sneak past the remaining staff and out the back to the row of cottages.

She unlocked the door and the moment they stepped inside Ryan pulled her to him and they locked in an embrace.  Rachel pushed the shirt off his shoulders, eager to see that fabulous body properly, her hands exploring his bare shoulders and back.  They stumbled towards the bedroom and Ryan unzipped her dress and it fell to the floor, pooling into a heap of silk at her feet.  He was bowled over.  She’d always promised to be an exciting package and she didn’t disappoint.

“Are you going to stand there staring or are you going to fuck me?” she challenged.

Her forward way of speaking caused his excitement to spike and wrapping an arm around her waist he pulled her to him.  “Definitely the second.”

He unhooked her bra, revealing two beautiful breasts and gently pushed her back onto the bed, his mouth clamping down on a nipple.

The pleasure ran straight from her breasts down between her legs and she gasped, her hands fisting in his hair.  It had been so long since she’d felt this way and she rejoiced in the wonderful sensations flooding her body.  Ryan’s fingers pressed against her wet panties, making her moan.


The sound of Ryan murmuring her name pushed her closer to the edge.  Her heart hammered in her chest, the ache in her stomach so intense it almost hurt and her entire body was on fire.  For the first time since Danny died she felt well and truly alive. 

“I remember this,” he purred as his hand slid inside her panties and started to massage.  “So hot and wet.”

“Oh please Ryan now,” she panted.

She couldn’t hold out much longer, he was so good.

He knew it had been a while since she’d last had sex so he decided not to tease her anymore.  Besides, he couldn’t wait himself.  He slid her panties off and cast them aside and suddenly his dream had come true.  Rachel Maguire was naked before him.

“I can’t believe how beautiful you are,” he said, running his fingertips down her neck, over her breasts, between her legs and down her thighs.

She fixed him with her black eyes, which were almost feverish and yanked his trousers open.  Frantically he kicked them off, his underwear following suit.

She glanced down his body and her eyes widened.  Bloody hell he was huge.

“Do we need a condom?” he said.

“I’m on the Pill.”

“I’m clean.”

“Me too.  I want you inside me.  Now.”

He nudged against her, seeking entry almost teasingly and when she pushed her hips up to his he sank into her, making him groan loudly.

He filled her up, pushing in deep and she gasped and arched her spine. 

She grasped his shoulders as he started to move inside her and the pleasure built quickly.  She pulled his mouth down to hers and welcomed his hot tongue, which worked in conjunction with what was going on down below, creating a hard steady rhythm that caused her body to pulsate with pleasure.  His lips moved down her neck to her breasts, his arm going around her waist and yanking her harder against him. 

“Sit up,” she told him in a way that brooked no argument.

With a grin that caused her heart to pound harder he sat up on his knees, pulling her up with him so she was straddling him.  She bore down on him hard, sending him in even deeper and he took her breath away.  Rachel was so close but she wanted to make this bliss last longer so she held off the approaching orgasm with everything she had.

Ryan growled as her nails scraped down his bare back and he was sure she’d drawn blood but he loved it.  Rachel threw herself into the act wholeheartedly, as she did with everything and he was even more amazed by her.  His mouth claimed hers and she sucked his tongue eagerly.

“Oh God Ryan I’m going to come,” she moaned.

His thread of control snapped and, grasping her thighs, he tipped her onto her back and thrust up into her hard twice before she clamped down on him, her head falling back and spine arching up as a cry flew from her lips.  Pleasure exploded inside Ryan and everything blurred as he experienced the most intense orgasm of his life.

With a satisfied moan Rachel flopped back on the bed, body covered in a fine sheen of sweat and a contented smile on her lips.  Ryan rested on top of her and mumbled something into her neck that made her laugh.

“Did you just say thank you?”

“Yes.  I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”  He kissed her tenderly.  “You are an incredible woman.”

“So are you.”  She realised what she’d said and grinned.  “You know what I mean.”

“Please tell me we’re going to do that again.”

She lightly nibbled his neck.  “That was just the beginning.  I‘m not done with you yet.”


Ryan was amazed with himself.  He’d been laid awake for a full hour watching Rachel sleep.  She was curled into him, long dark hair streaming across the pillow.  He’d kept his word and given her another two orgasms during what was the wildest, most passionate night of his life and not just because she was fantastic in bed.  It was because he felt something for her, which was a novel experience for him.  He’d had plenty of girlfriends before but never anyone he thought might go the distance, Chelsea having gently been given the boot shortly after Rachel returned to the city.  He wanted the whole package with Rachel, a future together. 

Ryan kissed her shoulder and she murmured something inaudible and nestled into his chest.  Rachel’s eyes flickered open and he experienced a moment of fear that she’d regret the previous night however when she smiled he was reassured.

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