Divided Loyalties (8 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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“No but I will find out,” replied Ryan.

“Thank you.”  Danny was well aware of Ryan’s feelings for his wife but right then he was glad for them because it meant he would do everything he could to get her out.

“I’ll help too,” said Jez.

Danny nodded at him in gratitude.  “Let us know if you need anything.”

“Will do,” replied Ryan.

Danny felt better now they had some sort of plan.  They’d get Rachel back, they had to.


“Come on Maguire, time to get up,” called PO Fletcher cheerfully.

Rachel glanced at the clock, which read six am.  She groaned and rubbed her eyes.  She hated getting up early.

Breakfast was a basic affair but it meant Rachel got to meet some of the other women.  A few were obviously addicts, pale and sickly-looking with gaunt faces while most of them looked absolutely terrified.  There were a few hard cases who were old hands at prison life.  All of them watched Rachel curiously with a hint of unease.  They were aware of who she was and were worried as to how she’d react to incarceration.  But they needn’t have worried because Rachel paid them no mind.  All she could think about were her husband and child.  The pain of separation was a physical one and it was making her irritable.  So when Fletcher approached her with a sunny smile and patronising camaraderie she felt like punching her.

“We’ll get your induction done once you’ve finished breakfast then we can get a visit arranged with one of the legal advisors about the bail application.”

The thought of bail pleased her somewhat and she managed to give Fletcher a small smile.


Ryan’s fury at Rachel’s imprisonment boiled over when he arrived at the house of Michael Saunders, a nasty character who’d been known to kill for just a few grand.  Rather than knock Ryan kicked the door in and found the fat greasy bastard sat in his armchair, the newspaper open on his lap, staring up into Ryan’s angry face with his mouth hanging open.

Without a word Ryan grabbed him by the scruff of the shirt and threw him to the floor.

“Did you kill Douggie Jones?” he demanded.

“No,” he cried.

“Wrong answer,” snarled Ryan, delivering a kick to the ribs.  “I’ll only ask once more nicely.  Did you kill him?”

“No I didn’t, I swear on my kids’ lives.”

Ryan hauled him to his feet, threw him against the wall and delivered two punches to his gut, crumpling him in two.  “Did you kill him?” he bellowed.

“No,” gasped Michael, the air knocked from his body.

Jez put a steadying hand on his brother’s shoulder.  “I think he’s telling the truth.”

“Bullshit, he’s a fucking dirty assassin, we all know it.  Who ordered the hit?”

“Please listen Ryan,” said Michael, trying to remain calm.  “Why would I take Douggie out?  We were in business together and his death has fucking hurt me.  I don’t know who did it.  All I can tell you is that it wasn’t me.”

Something in his eyes told Ryan he was being truthful but he wanted to vent his rage on someone.  However this wasn’t the man to do it on.  He was respected and worked for a lot of people.  Hurting him would only bring more trouble down on their heads.

“Alright,” said Ryan, running a hand through his hair.  “I believe you.”  He threw a wad of notes on the floor beside him.  “That’s for the door.”

With that he strode from the house, Jez hurrying after him. 

“You can’t go around treating people like that,” said Jez once they were back in the car.  “Michael has powerful friends, you’re only going to make things worse.”

“I know.  I apologised nicely, didn’t I?”

“As nice as you ever get.  Take it easy.  You’re not going to help Rachel acting like Dirty Harry.”

“I’m doing this for us all.  If Benton can fit Rachel up he can do it to any of us.  We can’t let him win.”

“That’s bollocks, I know you’re crazy about Rachel.”

Ryan’s grey eyes hardened.  “What did you say to me?”

“That doesn’t work on me anymore Ryan, I was scared of you once but not now.  Even Danny knows how you feel about his wife but he respects you enough not to take you on over it.  You’ve got to keep calm for your own sake as well as hers.”

“Makes sense,” he spat through tight lips.

“Danny trusts Rachel enough to leave her alone with you.  Surely that says it all?  He knows she’ll never stray.”

It was clear Rachel had never told Danny about that night in Martina’s Bar.  If she had he wouldn’t let her be alone with him.  That secret soothed his rage and stoked a passion in him that was solely reserved for Rachel. 

“I can hope.”

“You can but it’s a vain hope.  She and Danny are made for each other, everyone knows it.  She’ll never leave him.  It’s time you moved on,” Jez said gently.

For once Ryan’s eyes were open and honest, revealing his inner pain.  “What if I can’t?”

“She’s one in a million I grant you but there’s no way it’s ever going to happen.  Find someone else or you’re only going to cause yourself more pain.”

The hardness returned to Ryan’s eyes as he started the engine.  “Listen to you, Jeremy fucking Kyle all of a sudden.”

“You know I’m talking sense Ryan.”

“I do know,” he said softly, pulling the car onto the road.  “But there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”

Jez sighed in frustration and sank back into his seat.  Ryan’s infatuation with Rachel was only going to lead to something bad, he could feel it.



It was time for Rachel to leave the peace of the First Night Centre for Waite Wing.  As she entered the building the first thing that hit her was the horrendous noise.  It was all around her, filling the cavernous building.  As it was recreation time everyone was out of their cells and yet again Rachel was a one woman circus as they all stopped to watch the newcomer.  Unlike the other remand prisoners, Rachel walked with her head held high, staring right back at them.  She didn’t notice Liz Law watching from the gantry above.

“I don’t believe it,” Liz exclaimed to her four cronies.

“What is it?”

“That’s Rachel Maguire and I owe that bitch some payback.  Her husband killed mine.”  Liz had been married to Ryan’s brother, Simmy, who was murdered by Danny and Alex in retaliation after he killed one of their men.

Liz’s mean piggy eyes narrowed as she watched Rachel being led into a cell.  With the back-up of her cronies she wasn’t afraid to take Rachel on.  She wouldn’t get a chance like this again for revenge.

“Jenny, you have the honour of sharing with our VIP,” Fletcher told the chubby redhead stretched out on her bed.

She jumped up when Rachel entered, looking distinctly nervous as Rachel eyed the cell with distaste, which was significantly less comfortable than the First Night Centre.

“Hello,” she squeaked, relieved when Rachel’s expression softened slightly.


“Jenny’s on remand as well so you two should get along,” said Fletcher with her false sincerity.  “Enjoy.”

With that she left the two of them together. 

“That’s your bed,” said Jenny, pointing to the one on the left.

“Thank you,” she replied tightly, sinking down onto the lumpy mattress.

“It’s association at the moment if you fancy going to the library or the gym or something?”

Rachel couldn’t just sit in the cell, she’d go mad.  “I might check out the gym.  Why are you sat in here?”

“Some of the other women have been giving me a hard time,” she mumbled.


“Liz Law, among others.”

Rachel’s eyes blackened, causing Jenny to swallow nervously. 

“So she’s in here, is she?  That could be fun.  Don’t worry about her, I’ll sort her out.”

Jenny visibly brightened.  “Thanks.”

“So, what are you in for?”

“Shoplifting.  I just got a bit desperate with all the bloody cuts this government’s making.  How about you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Murder,” she replied matter-of-factly.  When Jenny paled she hastened to add, “don’t panic, I’m innocent.  I’ve never actually killed anyone.” 
Well, apart from Superintendent Jarvis,
she thought but didn’t say.  “There’s this one bastard copper whose got it in for me because of my family.”

“I see.  Shall I show you the gym?”

“Yes please.”

Jenny felt rather proud as she walked with Rachel through the prison.  Rather than be the butt of everyone’s jokes, being shoved and generally roughed up, they all stepped back to allow her to pass.  No one would touch her as long as she was Rachel Maguire’s cellmate.  She felt guilty for praying she would be residing here permanently.

Rachel had to admit she was impressed with the gym.  It had weights, resistance machines, even a sauna.  There were also a variety of sports available.  Rachel put her name down for as many activities as she could, knowing staying active was the only way to keep her sanity.  Then Jenny led her to the library to take out some books.  There were also various classes and open university courses available but she resisted putting her name down just yet, she didn’t intend to be in that long. 

After their wander, Jenny intended to head back to the cell but Rachel stopped her.  Most of the other women were milling about in the Recreation Room.

“Come on, let’s go in.”

“I generally like to avoid going in there, it usually leads to trouble for me.”

“Why are you being picked on?”

Jenny cast her eyes to ground with shame.  “Because it turned out my uncle was a serial rapist.  I had no idea, I swear.  I’ve had nothing to do with him since I found out and he’s locked up for life in Manchester Prison but for some reason the women here blame me.”

She looked so stricken that Rachel felt sorry for her.  “Don’t show your fear or they’ll eat you alive.  You’ll be safe, I promise.”

Jenny nodded and followed her inside.  The room went silent as Rachel entered, some of the inmates hard, violent women.  Rachel knew there was already a pecking order and her arrival was in serious danger of upsetting the balance but she had to make her mark early so she’d be left in peace.  She homed in on the obvious top dog, dog being the obvious word.  Tina was a flabby woman with a hatchet face, greasy mousy hair scraped back into a severe bun and home made tattoos.  Rachel walked up to her confidently, glad when she saw her swallow nervously.

“Hello, I’m Rachel,” she began.

“Yes, I know.”

“Me and my cellmate want to play pool.  Is that going to be a problem?”

Jenny was astonished to see Rachel’s eyes burn, positively gleeful at the prospect of battle.

Tina shuffled nervously.  She herself was a hard woman who had fought police and men bigger than herself but Rachel was in a different league, ran with a much stronger pack.  She’d taken on truly violent, dangerous men and won but Tina couldn’t be seen to back down.

“You’re welcome but she’s not,” she said, pointing at Jenny.

“Why not?” replied Rachel coolly. 

“Because her uncle’s a scumbag rapist.”

“That’s not Jenny’s fault.”

“She’s tainted by association.  I’m sorry but that’s how it is.”

“Then it’s time things changed around here,” retorted Rachel, taking a step closer.

Sweat broke out on Tina’s forehead.  She couldn’t hit a Maguire, she just couldn’t but she would lose face if she didn’t do something.

“I respect you Rachel but there’s a hierarchy in here and you must respect that if you’re to survive.”

Rachel’s lips curved into a smile.  “I couldn’t give a shit about your fucking hierarchy.  Don’t cross me and I might just allow you to keep your position.  I don’t intend to be here very long.”


Before anyone could react, Rachel punched Tina in the face, sending her rocketing backwards.  When one of her friends made the mistake of moving to help her, Rachel head butted her and she joined Tina on the floor.

  Rachel turned to address the room.  “No one touches my cellmate.  If they do they’ll have me to deal with.  Is that understood?”

Everyone nodded, realising Rachel’s reputation was well deserved.

“Come on Jenny,” said Rachel.

As she moved to join her at the pool table everyone stepped out of Jenny’s way to allow her to pass and she couldn’t help but smirk.  Rachel started playing pleasantly as though nothing had happened and the room once again filled with noise, no one paying Tina any attention as she was helped to her feet and staggered from the room.  There was a new top dog.


Alex handed the accelerant to a sweating DS Sharples, who was sick to his stomach.  He was actually in the famed Maguire compound, a vast warehouse with more security than Fort Knox where they conducted their most serious business, they didn’t want anyone overhearing what they were planning.  It was the first time he’d been here and his nerves were on edge.  So many walked in here but never left.  When it was all over he was going to request a transfer to the other end of the country so he could get away from the Maguires once and for all.  If he continued on this road he was definitely going to end up in prison.  However before that could happen he had to perform this last service and he was absolutely terrified.

“All you have to do is light it,” said Alex.  “Our contact in the fire brigade will do the rest.  You don’t have to touch the gun or the coke and don’t worry about getting in there, we‘ve already sorted that for you too.”

This heartened him a little.  At least he wouldn’t have to steal anything.  Hopefully he’d get through this unscathed then he could get himself out once and for all.

“You’re sure you know what to do?” said Danny seriously.

Sharples nodded miserably before leaving, shoulders slumped.

“Right, that’s the evidence sorted.  Have you found who killed Douggie yet?” Danny asked Ryan.

“No joy.  I’ve pulled in everyone I can think of and no one’s owning up, although I’ve used my most persuasive techniques.  Douggie was liked and respected, everyone seems to be in shock that he’s been taken out.”

“Benton’s all over this so I’m sure it’s down to The Coalition,” said Danny.

“But I can’t see him pulling the trigger personally, he must have got someone to do it,” said Mikey.

“True.  We need to be looking at who he’s got in his pocket.”

“Sharples says he guards his grasses with his life.  None of our contacts have been able to get close to finding out who they are.”

“Battler, Bruiser, follow Benton, see who he meets with.”

They both nodded solemnly before heading for the door.  As they left Alex’s mobile phone beeped.  He read the message and his eyes widened.  “Beth’s gone into labour,” he said excitedly.

“Brilliant,” smiled Danny.  “Get yourself to the hospital.”

Alex was reluctant to leave his brother in his time of need.  “What about you?”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.  Go on, your wife needs you.”

“Thanks Bruv,” he smiled before rushing for the door, yanking his car keys out of his pocket.

“Now, we’ve just Rachel’s alibi to sort out,” said Danny, pausing when his mobile phone rang.  “Hello?”

This time it was Joe, the manager of The Wherry Tavern.  What he had to say lifted Danny’s spirits.

“Thanks Joe, bye.”  He looked to the group to explain.  “Apparently there’s some women off the Montford wanting to talk to me at the pub.  They’ve heard about what’s happened to Rachel and want to help.”

Ryan, Mikey and Danny smiled at each other as the same thought crossed their minds simultaneously.

“Looks like we might have sorted her alibi,” grinned Danny.


Rachel was extremely pissed off.  It was her fourth day inside and she was sick of it already.  She hated the noise, the lack of privacy and the uncomfortable surroundings.  She missed her family and friends horribly and her arms ached to hold her baby.  On top of that she was used to being serviced regularly by Danny and the sexual frustration was setting her teeth on edge.  At least the other women had wisely decided to give her a wide berth because she was itching for a fight and she didn’t want to spoil her chance of bail. 

On the plus side, she was enjoying Jenny’s company, who was sweet and knew exactly when Rachel wanted to talk and when she wanted to be left alone, for which she was very grateful.  She and her cellmate were in the association hall chatting when they were approached by Liz Law, backed up by three of her cronies.

“Alright Rach?” she smirked.

Rachel’s expression was stony as she turned to face her.  “Hello Liz.  What are you in for?”

“GBH,” she replied proudly, hoping to intimidate Rachel.  “What about you?”


Realising she’d been trumped, Liz drew herself up to her full five foot five inches, causing her considerable bosom to stick out even further.

“Is that it?” said Rachel, “only I was in the middle of something.”

She turned her back on Liz, who looked furious and she tapped Rachel on the shoulder.

“What?” Rachel demanded, whipping round, eyes blazing.

Liz swallowed nervously but didn’t want to lose face in front of the other women.  However, like all bullies, it was only the knowledge that she had the back-up of her friends that gave her the guts to stand up to Rachel.

“I haven’t finished.”

“Well I fucking have,” spat Rachel, turning her back on her again.

Liz glanced sideways at her friends, who appeared embarrassed.  Steeling herself once more she tapped Rachel on the shoulder again.  Jenny was a little frightened by the sudden coldness that descended on Rachel, her eyes devoid of expression.  She watched as she glanced around the room, ensuring no guards were watching.  With lightning speed Rachel spun round, twisted Liz’s arm up her back, yanked her head back by her hair and smashed her face into the table beside them.  Liz slumped to the floor, unconscious while Rachel, thinking quickly, knocked a cup of water onto the floor beside her.

“What’s going on?” called one of the guards, rushing to Liz’s side.

“She slipped on the wet floor, didn’t she?” said Rachel, looking at Liz’s cronies, who were staring at their fallen leader in astonishment.  Catching the look in Rachel’s eye they all nodded dumbly.  However the guard was not convinced.

“Mallory, is this true?”

“Err yeah, absolutely,” replied Jenny.  “Slipped, daft mare.”

The guard looked at Rachel suspiciously, who gave her a sweet smile.

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