Divided Loyalties (6 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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It was said that when Frankie separated someone from a part of their body with his axe he kept it as a trophy.  Danny used to think it was just a rumour spread by Frankie himself to enhance his reputation but when he discovered Frankie kept the severed tongue of the last man who cheated him out of money he knew it was in fact true.

“Any idea who did it?” said Frankie darkly.

“Not yet.  My men are pulling in all the usual suspects.  We will find who did it, I promise,” he hastily added.  “This is a personal attack to upset our businesses but we won’t allow that.”

“So who’s dealing with the money now?”

“Alex, for the moment.  He’s good with numbers but we need a professional.”

“I know just the man, he’s a genius with figures.  I’ve used him for years.”

Danny felt he had no choice but to accept Frankie’s offer.  “Alright, that’s fine by me.  I think whoever took out Douggie was after stirring up trouble between us.”

“I think you could be right.  Are you sure Ryan Law’s as trustworthy as you think?”

“He’s not been out of prison long and our family’s never been stronger.  He can’t afford another war right now, which is what he’ll get if he fucks with us,” he scowled, the memory of Ryan’s eyes on his wife niggling him. 

“He’s in the weaker position but he’s a clever bastard, I wouldn’t put it past him.”

“Neither would I and don’t worry, if he is behind Douggie’s murder then there’s no second chances.  I’ll put a bullet in his head personally.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”  Frankie had no doubt that Danny meant it from the look in his eyes.  He still wasn’t sure Danny had done the right thing with Ryan Law, if it had been him he’d have hacked him to pieces but he could understand why he’d decided to let him live.  The Laws had a lot of powerful backers with a vested interest in Ryan Law continuing to breathe.  If they’d taken him out then the Maguires would have had to take them on too and that would mean a serious disruption to business.  He’d wait and see how it panned out but if it didn’t he was confident Danny could sort it out.

Their discussion was suspended while Danny’s drink and steak were brought to him.

“What do you think?” Frankie asked Danny as he tucked into the food.  “I’ve got a new chef.  Unfortunately he’s French but I‘ve forgiven him that failing because he’s a genius with food.”

“It’s grand Frankie,” Danny replied, devouring the steak eagerly, ravenous after the long drive. 

The waiter hovered, waiting for a break in the conversation to ask Danny if he could get him anything else.

“What the fuck do you want?” Frankie frowned. 

“Sorry, I just wanted to ask Sir if he would like any sauces?”

“How about your fucking freshly pumping blood?” Frankie retorted, brandishing the steak knife.  “Piss off, we’re trying to talk.”

“Sorry Mr McVay,” he replied, before scurrying off, pale with fear.

Danny couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.  To quote Frankie himself he was pure mad mental.  Danny was glad he was on his side.

“Have you considered this could be The Coalition rearing it’s ugly fucking head again?” said Frankie as they continued to eat.

Danny dabbed at his mouth with a napkin and nodded.  “It did cross my mind but they didn’t murder anyone themselves, they stirred up trouble between us and the Laws.”

“There’s always someone willing to take someone out for a few grand, no questions asked and you said you were having trouble with that stuck up arsehole, what’s his name, Spencer?”

“That’s right,” said Danny thoughtfully.  “He would have the money and contacts to find someone to take Douggie out and hitting our money is smart.  I think I’ll have a chat with him when I get back.”

“Whatever happens nothing can be allowed to interfere with our arrangement.  I’ve got another client lined up who will almost double our profit.”

“It won’t.  We’ll find who did this and make an example of them.”

Frankie nodded.  Danny Maguire was a serious man, one whose word wasn’t given lightly.  “Let me know if you need any back-up.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that.”

Danny returned to Manchester feeling better for talking to Frankie.  At least he was still onside and they’d got someone else to deal with the money.  Now to find Douggie’s murderer.  He gripped the steering wheel hard, furious that someone had dared to fuck with him like that, it was a piss take, that’s what it was.  The thought that The Coalition could be back in business worried him.  By taking down Lord Davenport they were weakened but wouldn’t Richard Spencer make an ideal replacement?  He was just as rich and connected as Davenport had been.  He intended to make a concerted effort to find out.



Rachel lay on the couch gazing idly at the television, her hands gently stroking her swollen stomach.  The baby shifted inside her and she smiled at the strange sensation.  Although she was really looking forward to finally getting to hold her child she’d miss being pregnant too. 

She was tired and lost in her thoughts, consequently she failed to notice the twisted, distorted face pressed up against the glass, the skin puckered and ruined.

Pure hatred coursed through Steve Watts as he watched his ex-girlfriend languishing in the lap of luxury, the baby of the bastard who destroyed his face growing inside her.  Rachel and Danny Maguire had ruined his entire fucking life, left him with practically no face after Danny and his insane brother took a sander to him.  He was an outcast, a reject living alone who could never form a normal relationship with anyone and could only get sex by paying the most desperate of prostitutes while they lived like fucking royalty.  He’d conveniently forgotten that his scarred face was punishment for attacking Rachel.

The hatred was almost overwhelming, his fingers twitching over the hilt of the knife hidden in his jacket.  He could take her out right now, she was too big to fight back.  Let Danny come home to find his wife and child dead, then he’d get a good idea of what it was like to have your life completely devastated.  Then, when he was at his lowest, he’d put him out of his misery too.  Vengeance could be so sweet.

When he heard a car approach he retreated into the bushes and watched as Danny’s gleaming black luxury Mercedes pulled up the drive and came to a halt.  Just the sight of him caused Steve’s bowels to move as horrific memories returned of that sander being brought down on him in that stinking lock-up, of the agonising white hot pain that accompanied it.  No, now wasn’t the time.  He couldn’t tackle Danny Maguire head on, he’d have to wait until his back was turned and he was off his guard but get him he would, he’d promised himself that much.  Everything was already in motion.

“Danny,” beamed Rachel when he strolled through the door.

He perched on the couch beside her and kissed her.

“How did it go with Frankie?” she said.

He saw the worry in her eyes and determined to make it go away.  “Fine.  He’s still onboard and he’s got someone who can fill Douggie’s shoes.  Don’t worry, it’s sorted.”

She breathed a sigh of relief.  “That’s a weight off.  He can be unpredictable.”

“He’s also a smart businessman and knows our arrangement is too lucrative to give up.  As long as we keep making him money we’ll stay on his good side.”  He rubbed his hand over her belly.  “And how are you two?”

“We’re good.  There’s been a lot of movement.”

He dipped his head to kiss her stomach.  “Does that mean it could be any day now?”

“Maybe but I would like he or she to wait just a little bit longer.  I’ve still a couple of weeks to go and the longer this one stays inside the stronger they’ll be.”

“They’ll be strong enough with you as their mum,” he said, kissing her.

“Ow,” grimaced Rachel.

“What’s wrong?”

In response their expensive couch was suddenly flooded with water.

“Have you wet yourself?” he said awkwardly.

“No I haven’t you idiot, my waters have broken.  Quick, get my overnight bag from our bedroom.  We need to get to the hospital.”

“Okay,” he said, feeling more nervous than he did during his meeting with a psychotic Glaswegian gangster.

He sprinted upstairs and returned clutching Rachel’s hospital bag.  She’d managed to pull on her coat, flushed with excitement and nerves.

“Thank God I got back in time,” he said.

“The baby must have been waiting for you to come home.”

He kissed her and smiled.  “Let’s go have our baby.”

She smiled back and he helped her to the car.

Any illusions Danny had about a nice serene birth, mopping the sweat from Rachel’s brow while she gazed up at him adoringly, were ripped apart in a whirl of blood and screaming.  Then he was handed his new baby daughter and he was hit by a love so strong it almost floored him.

He was still feeling dazed but very happy when the family arrived to see the new addition to the Maguire clan.

“Oh my God, she’s so beautiful,” said Martina, tears shining in her eyes as she gazed down at her first grandchild with the trademark Maguire mop of dark hair.  “What’s her name?”

“Leah,” said Rachel with a tired but happy smile.

“That’s so pretty,” smiled Beth, heavily pregnant herself.  “Can I hold her now?”

Reluctantly Martina relinquished the baby to her.

“You did good Sweetheart,” said Mikey, kissing Rachel on the forehead.

“Thank you,” she smiled, struggling to keep her eyes open.

“Come on everyone, let the poor girl get some rest.  Childbirth is exhausting,” said Martina in her most authoritative tone.  “When are they letting you out?”

“Tomorrow, hopefully.  I lost some blood and had to have a few stitches so they want to keep an eye on me.”

“Urggh,” said Mikey.  “That’s got to be painful.”

“Out you silly boy,” said Martina, clipping him round the back of the head.  “Get some rest Love.”

“I will,” yawned Danny.

“I wasn’t talking to you.  Honestly, men,” she said good-naturedly, shepherding them all out of the room.

Danny gently replaced a sleeping Leah in her cot and joined his wife on the bed.  She nestled into him and he cuddled her tightly.

“Thank you for giving me Leah,” he said.  “She’s perfect.”

“She is, isn’t she?” she replied, smiling at the little pink bundle in the cot.  Finally she had everything she ever wanted.  Life was perfect.

“Shall I call your parents?” he said.

“Yes please.  No doubt they’ll want to come and see Leah.”  She looked up at her husband uncertainly.  He was well aware what his parents-in-law thought of him and it hurt him.

“And they’ll be made welcome.  They’re Leah’s grandparents after all.”

“Thank you,” she said, reaching up to touch his face. 

He kissed her gently before heading to the Relatives’ Room to make the call.

“Gill, it’s Danny,” he said when she answered.

“Oh, hello,” she replied icily.

“I thought you should know, Rachel’s had the baby.  It’s a girl.”

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed, suddenly full of enthusiasm.  “What’s her name?”

“Leah Rose Maguire,” he replied, unable to resist emphasising the name Maguire.

“That’s beautiful.  Are they both okay?”

“They’re fine.”

“Wonderful.  We’ll set off in the morning, if you don’t mind?” she added begrudgingly.

“Of course I don’t mind, you’re welcome to see her,” he replied smoothly.

“Thank you.  Well, see you tomorrow then.”


He hung up, not looking forward to seeing Rick and Gill.  He’d lost a lot of respect for them when they’d disowned Rachel simply for standing by him.  Rachel was an incredible woman and he thought they were spiting themselves by missing out on her life.  Still, it was Rachel’s decision if she wanted to use this opportunity to build bridges.  He’d support her and keep his active dislike of his in-laws inside.


Danny wasn’t allowed to stay at the hospital after hours so he was forced to leave by a formidable sister, which he was not happy about, with a promise to return as soon as he could the next morning.  That night Rachel didn’t get much sleep, Leah waking every couple of hours for a feed but the hospital was private so she had plenty of assistance from a sweet fresh faced nurse.

But she did receive a late night visitor.

“Ryan,” she said, surprised.  “How did you get in here?”

“Me and one of the nurses go way back.  You don’t mind, do you?  I can go if you want,”  he said, placing a bouquet of lilies and a little pink teddy on the table at the end of the bed.

“No it’s okay.  Do you want to meet Leah?”

“Yes please.”  He gazed down at the beautiful little bundle in the cot, Rachel’s loveliness shining out of her face and jealousy reared its ugly head.  How he wished the child was his.  Fucking Danny Maguire had everything.  “She’s gorgeous.”

Rachel smiled, happiness positively shining out of her eyes.  “I can’t believe she’s mine.”

Ryan saw now that he could never have her.  She was Danny’s and as far as she was concerned that’s all she’d ever be.  He willed the unbearable, frustrating sense of longing away but it stubbornly refused to go.  Would he never be free?

“You’re happy, aren’t you Rachel?” he said softly.

“Very.  Now we’ve got Leah, everything’s complete.  I know that maybe once you hoped things would turn out differently.”

He took her face in his hands and shook his head.  “All I want is for you to be happy Rachel and if Danny makes you feel that way then that’s fine.”

“We’re still friends?”

He smiled down at her.  “We always will be.”


He dipped his head to kiss her cheek.

“I still dream about you Ryan,” she said softly.

“And I you,” he breathed in her ear before straightening up.  He stroked a stray strand of hair back off her face.  “Pity though, we’d have been great together.”

“I’m sure we would.”

He took a step back and looked down at the child.  “You’ll make a wonderful mother.  Congratulations Rachel.”

“Thank you Ryan.”

With that he left, trying to ignore the niggling feeling that he’d missed out on the one woman he could ever love, thanks to Danny bloody Maguire.

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