Divided Loyalties (4 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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“You’re really in it now you wanker,” growled Ryan, yanking his head up by the hair.  “Beating women, you cowardly bastard”

Rachel watched with satisfaction.  Ryan hated women beaters and always exacted bloody retribution on them.  She had no doubt he would now. 

Ryan dragged him upright and threw him into the wall.

“Go and pack your stuff.  You’re out of here.”

“But this is my home.  Where will I go?” he wailed, voice pinched and nasal.  Rachel had broken his nose.

“I couldn’t give a shit.  Pack up, you’ve got five minutes and if you’re lucky I’ll let you leave by the door rather than throw you out the window.”  He looked at his watch.  “Four minutes fifty seconds.”

“I’ll be out on the streets, I have nowhere else.”

With an impatient sigh Ryan pulled a knife from his pocket and waved it in front of Tom threateningly, who staggered back from the vicious blade.  “If you don’t get a move on it won’t matter because you’ll be fucking dead.  Four minutes thirty five seconds.”

Rachel was astonished by the fury in Ryan’s eyes.  Clearly women and child beaters had an impact on him at some point in the past.  She was curious to know how but now wasn’t the time to ask.

Tom raced into the bedroom, grabbed a bag and started throwing things into it.

“Keep an eye on him Jez,” said Ryan.  “Make sure he doesn’t take anything Kaylee and Emma need.”

Jez nodded and followed Tom into the bedroom, leaving Ryan and Rachel alone.  She watched as he put away the knife and shoved his hands into his jeans pocket.  Fortunately the anger had disappeared from his eyes, which were firmly fixed on her.  She was annoyed with herself when she experienced that familiar tingle.  Why did he affect her like this?  She loved Danny so much and it pained her to have these feelings for another man.

“I’m very impressed with the way you dealt with Tom,” said Ryan.  “He’s known for being excessively violent and you took him down no problem.”

“Thank you but is that all you’re going to do, kick him out?”

“No, I intend to give him a hiding too.  He won’t bother Kaylee or Emma again.”

“And what about Gavin Morley?  Are you going to deal with him?”

“Do you want me to?”


“Then I will.”

He continued to stare at her, the tingle inside her turning into a definite ache. 

“Will you please stop staring at me?” she said. 

“Sorry, I find it hard not to.”

“You must try.”

When he refused to draw his gaze from her she sighed and turned her back on him, staring out of the window at the sprawling grey mass of concrete.

“I can’t believe I used to live here,” she said.

He moved to stand beside her, Rachel acutely aware of where he was in the room, his presence radiating heat.

“Me neither,” he said, looking out at it with distaste.  “I was born in that block across from us.”

It was the first time he’d ever mentioned his childhood.

“Really?” she said, hoping he’d give away more information.

“Yes, to a useless crack whore,” he replied darkly.  When his eyes hardened she knew he was reliving unpleasant memories. 

“That must have been a difficult childhood?”

“It was.  That’s why I hate it here.  The moment I had enough money I was off.  I was fifteen when I moved into a bedsit a few streets away.  It wasn’t much but it was better than this toilet.”

“You’ve come a long way,” she said, thinking of his huge house in the best part of the city.  “But there are people who haven’t the ability to get themselves away from here, who will always be trapped and some of those people don’t deserve to be terrorised in their own homes.”  She didn’t add that Ryan’s own heroin was in a large part responsible for the degradation on the estate, no matter how much she wanted to.  “Your family were a check on that but the only Law left on the estate is Liz.”

“She’s not family, she was married to my brother once, that’s all.  I always hated her, the fat useless bitch.”

“If everyone knew you were taking an interest again it might encourage them to toe the line.  Scum like Gavin Morley might think twice if they knew you’d punish them.”

Ryan’s hands balled into fists.  He hated rapists too.  “What is this good Samaritan kick all of a sudden anyway?” he said a little harshly.  She was making him feel guilty and guilt wasn’t something he was used to.  “You have a good life.  Why do you care about these people?”

Her eyes darkened and a thrill ran down his spine.  He loved it when she did that. 

“I was a nurse once, remember?  Believe it or not I do care about people.  Just because I have money now doesn’t mean all that stops.”

In their mutual anger they both took a step towards each other, breathing hard.

“I thought you knew me Ryan.”

“I do, better than you realise,” he replied, eyes and voice softening.

Before he could add why there was a loud crack from one of the bedrooms followed by a groan.

They hurried down the hallway to find Tom on the floor, fresh blood pouring from his nose.

“What happened?” said Ryan.

“He tried taking the little girl’s jewellery box, it’s silver plated so I decked him.”

“Good,” replied Ryan.  “Time’s up Tom, you’re out of here.”

Ryan dragged him to his feet and pulled him to the door and out into the stinking corridor.  Then he shoved him down the first few steps and Tom landed at the bottom in a crumpled heap.  Ryan chose this moment to vent his anger, laying into him with his fists and the man curled into a ball, helpless against the onslaught.

Rachel followed, enjoying the show.  Ryan hauled him upright again and dragged him from the building.  More people were moving about the estate now and stopped to watch the show.

“Where will I go?” snivelled Tom.

Ryan punched him in the kidneys and he dropped to the ground.  “I don’t give a fuck but if you ever come back here and bother Kaylee and Emma again I will kill you, I swear to God.”

Ryan and Jez stalked Tom as he scurried off the estate clutching his pathetic bag of possessions, making sure he really did leave.  Then they returned to Rachel.

“Now we’ve dealt with that twat shall we tackle Gavin Morley?” Ryan asked her.

She nodded and the three of them made their way up to the second floor flats.  Ryan banged on the door and when Gavin’s father, Barry, opened it he reeled back when he saw who his visitors were.

“Where’s Gavin?” said Ryan.

“He’s not here.”

“How strange because that looks like him trying to climb out of the window.”

They pushed past Barry and Ryan hauled Gavin back into the living room.  He was a big lad with greasy hair and bad acne and Rachel regarded him with distaste.

“You have to answer for what you’ve done to Tiff and Jade,” said Rachel.

“I didn’t touch them, it’s all lies.”

“It’s true, he’s innocent,” interjected Barry.  “Tiff’s fancied my boy for ages and when he told her he wasn’t interested she made up this rape story.”

Rachel thought of the pretty blond and couldn’t imagine her looking twice at this creep.

“So did Jade Anderson fancy you too Gavin?  You’re a regular Brad Pitt around here, aren’t you?” she said sarcastically.

“Jade’s a lying little cow, she’s known for it,” said Barry.

“Why don’t you show your dad your Facebook page Gavin?” said Rachel.

“What’s this?” frowned Barry.

Ryan shoved Gavin into the office chair set up before a small computer.  “Go on, show him.”

With shaking hands Gavin did as he was told.  Barry turned white when he saw it, his eyes filling with disgust.

“You swore to me you were innocent and I believed you, you dirty little bastard.”  Barry yanked Gavin off the chair and pummelled him with his fists.  “You pig I’ll kill you.  How dare you rape two girls?”  When he’d spent his rage he spat on him.  “You’re no son of mine.  Do with him what you will,” he told them before storming into the bedroom and slamming the door shut.

“Dad,” cried Gavin, staring up at them fearfully.

“Come along Gavin, we’ve got a little surprise for you,” smiled Ryan.

Outside on the estate Rachel regarded the scene with an amused expression.  “I must say Ryan you are very imaginative.”

“Thank you,” he replied genially.

Gavin Morley was trussed naked to a lamppost, placed in such a way that he was bent over, hands tied to the post before him, backside in the air  The women of the estate were all too aware of what he’d done and poured out of the flats grinning and pointing.  They all knew who was responsible for this vigilante justice. 

Mrs Dawson took Rachel’s face in her hands and kissed her cheek.  “Thank you Love.”

“You’re welcome but it was actually Ryan and Jez who did it.”

She kissed them too in turn and Rachel was surprised when Ryan’s face softened. 

“We’ve not been keeping an eye on this place like we used to but that’s going to change,” he explained.

Mrs Dawson clasped his hands, genuine affection in her rheumy eyes.  “I always said you were a good boy Bean.”

With that she wandered off to enjoy the show as the women of the Montford, including Tiff and Jade, pelted Gavin with a variety of objects and slapped his bare backside with sticks, making him squeal.

“Bean?” said Rachel quietly, lips twitching up into a smile.

“That’s what she called me when I was a boy, string bean because I used to be as skinny as one.  If it wasn’t for her I probably wouldn’t be here now.”

When she looked at him questioningly he closed himself off.  Ryan rarely revealed anything personal and he thought he’d already said too much.

“I’m going to have a word with the Payne brothers,” he said.  “I’ll get them to keep an eye on things here.  They can let me know when anyone steps out of line again.”

Rachel knew the Payne boys.  They were three huge brutes with good hearts beating beneath their frightening exteriors.

“I’ll see how Kaylee and Emma are getting on.”

The Payne boys lived two floors above Kaylee, so Rachel and Ryan took the stairs together, leaving Jez to oversee the circus outside.

“You’ve really impressed me today Rachel,” said Ryan.  “Once again.”

“Thank you.  I wanted to ask you something,” she said as they stopped outside Kaylee’s door.

“Oh yes?” he purred, taking a step closer.

She put her hands up.  “Easy.  I just wanted to ask if Kaylee is one of your customers?”

His face fell and he took a step back.  “Yes, why?”

“Because a heroin addict isn’t fit to care for a young child.  Emma looks dirty and neglected.”

“Don’t put that on yourself Rachel.  Let Social Services sort it out.”

“They’re overstretched and overworked.  Emma will slip through the cracks and God knows what will happen to her.”

“You can’t help everyone.”

“But I can help someone.  Besides, it’s your heroin that’s hurting her family.”

Ryan’s gaze hardened.  “I don’t force her to take it.  It’s Kaylee’s decision.”

“You’re just filling a gap in the market I suppose,” she said sarcastically.

“Yes, just like you and your cocaine.”

“It’s not my cocaine it’s…”

“Your family’s.  You can’t call me when you’re doing exactly the same thing.”

The barb hit its mark, the drugs had always bothered her, especially after the horrors she witnessed as a nurse.

“Excuse me,” she said, stepping past him to Kaylee’s door.


“What?” she snapped.

“Kaylee has a sister on the Henley called Fay.  She’s a good woman with a clean lifestyle and she adores Emma.  She’s called Social Services more than once on her sister.  I’m sure she’d take Emma in”

He was relieved when her gaze softened.  “Thank you.”

“See, I’m not all bad.”

“I know that,” she smiled before entering Kaylee’s flat.  “Hello?” she called.  She pushed open the door and saw that none of the mess made by Tom had been cleaned up.  A quiet snivelling came from the corner of the room.  “Emma?”

The little girl raced up to her and flung herself at her legs.

“Come here Sweetheart,” she said, picking her up and cuddling her.  “Where’s your Mummy?”

She pointed with a shaking finger to the bedroom door.  Rachel walked in to find Kaylee spread-eagled on the bed, a tight band around her upper arm and a syringe lying beside her within easy reach of a five year old.

Jaw set, Rachel closed the door.

“Do you want to stay at Aunty Fay’s, Honey?”

She was pleased when the girl beamed and nodded eagerly.

“Let’s get your things.”

Emma’s room was cold and bare with a battered bed, the sheets unwashed and crusty.  There were no curtains and the carpet was threadbare.  The laundry basket was overflowing, no clean clothes hanging in the wardrobe.  The only things Rachel took were a dolly and a ripped teddy, the only toys in the room.  She brushed Emma’s hair, which was the colour of spun gold and plaited it for her, to Emma’s delight.  After leaving Kaylee a note explaining where Emma was, she took the girl’s hand and walked her across the estate, shielding her from the sight of a naked and sobbing Gavin still being tormented by the women, the three Payne brothers looking on.  It seemed Ryan and Jez had left.  The Paynes nodded at her respectfully as she passed and she nodded back.

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