Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (9 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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“Buenos noches. I take it you aren’t happy
to see me Papi.” One of the men said.

Papi started backing up to the door from
which we had just come. I could tell the situation was going to get
worse. I tried to figure out how I could out of the shit my pussy
had somehow gotten me into.

“Juan, I got your money son. This bitch
right here has what I owe you. She is the reason I haven’t been
able to make the math right. This shady bitch has moved into my
arena with her father. They are the ones you should be after, not
me!” Papi stammered trying to get out of whatever he had gotten
himself into.

I must admit it wasn’t looking too good for
me, but it damn sure wasn’t looking good for Papi either. That Juan
character didn’t look like he cared about what Papi was saying. He
motioned for me to come to him. Papi was reluctant to let me go,
being that I was his shield. If that mutha fucka let off a shot, I
was the only thing protecting Papi from getting smoked in the foyer
of his own home. Papi released the grip he had on me. He must have
felt like by telling Juan and his goons I was the cause of the
money being funny would ensure him his life being spared.

“Chica, are you all he says you are?”

I looked Juan in his eyes and could tell he
was about his money. He didn’t give a fuck about me or Papi. He
just wanted his money. I knew that either way things played out, I
wasn’t gonna go out like a bitch. I took my stance. “I only took
what was there for me to take. He left it out there and I took it.”
I stated with an attitude.

Juan cracked a smile. “I like this bitch. I
knew there was something special about her the first day we saw
her. She got balls. I knew she couldn’t just be fucking with this
lame nigga for nothing.” He chuckled at his own joke. What they
didn’t know was that I had been fucking with him for nothing. His
betrayal is what caused me to fuck Papi on his block. It was me
being mad for being used. It was just a minor mind fuck which had
turned into a great big fuck you. Now, I had plans on fucking Papi
big time.

Juan laughed and stepped forward towards
Papi. “Well, I see your dick has caused you a problem chico. You
got caught slipping and a chick is the one who has you by your
balls. Damn homie, did you ever think you would be caught like
this? Now, I am going to ask you one more time. Do you have my
money? Before you answer, don’t gimme no more excuses about your
bitch here having it, or her being the cause of you not having my
money.” He said pointing at me.

Papi squirmed around and was sweating like
two mice in a blanket fucking on a hot summer’s day. He looked
around nervously and began to open his mouth to speak. Before he
could utter one word, Juan emptied a clip into Papi’s body. His
body looked like a life-sized connect the dot game. He was dead
before his body even hit the floor. I watched him fall to the floor
and didn’t even blink. Juan’s goons separated and engaged
themselves in ransacking Papi’s house.

“So you do know your little boyfriend’s debt
is now your debt. What he owed me, you now owe me.”

I rolled my eyes not believing the shit Papi
was getting me into even in death. I didn’t owe them bammas shit,
and I didn’t plan on giving them anything. Juan pulled his nine
millimeter and aimed it at my head. “You understand what I am
saying to you punta?” He asked sternly. I nodded my head up and
down slowly, never taking my eyes off of his to show him I wasn’t
afraid of whatever he threw my way. Juan’s thugs had re-entered the
hallway and were ready to exit.

“YaYa, you will do what I say. Once we have
left I want you to call the police and tell them your boyfriend’s
home has been burglarized. Tell them you all walked in the door and
armed men stormed you at the front door. Other than that, you don’t
know shit else. Can you handle that?”

“I can handle it.” I responded.

“Good, because I would hate to have to mark
up that beautiful body of yours!” He said.

The slimy bastard kissed my hand and walked
over Papi’s bloody, bullet-riddled body, and walked out the door. I
ran behind Juan and asked, “What did he owe you?”

“He owed me twenty five G’s.” He said as he
got into his car.

“I know it is chump change for me but, it is
the principle. He should have paid me or at least attempted to
settle his debt with me.”

I was stunned. Twenty-five thousand wasn’t
shit. Hell, I know Papi had the money, but the cheap bitch just
wasn’t trying to come up off of it. I walked back towards the house
wondering if I should make good on paying Juan, just to keep him
out of my hair. Besides, he could have possibly saved my life and
didn’t know it. If for no other reason than his being at the right
place, at the right time, was enough to pay him what Papi owed him.
Before calling the Feds, I went through Papi’s house and took all
that I wanted. I stuffed all that I had collected into the trunk of
his car and called the police from my cell phone as Juan had

The police were there in no time flat and I
began crying big crocodile tears. When they found me I was on the
floor next to Papi’s body like I cared about what had happened. I
was weeping for the twenty-five grand I had to pay Juan. Not for
the sorry sack of shit that was being carried out in a body bag.
The police believed my story of a home invasion because the
neighbors told the police that we had just pulled up, they heard
the shots, and saw a mysterious truck speed off not long after the
gun fire. After a round or two of questioning, I was home free and
the police let me leave. I gathered my composure and drove off in
Papi’s car which was going to be sold to the highest bidder by
morning to keep me from having to pay the entire twenty five out of
my pocket. I couldn’t believe that nigga was costing me money in

My thoughts drifted from what had happened
to how the hell it had happened. Where the fuck was NiQue? That
bitch hadn’t even called me to see if I was alive or not.



Chapter 13

Big Chair Records

MLK Jr. Avenue

SE Washington DC


The next morning I awoke to my cell phone
ringing. “Yeah.” I answered groggily into the phone.

“I’m glad to know you are aight girl. What
the hell happened with you and Papi? Where is he? NiQue had
bombarded me with at least six questions before I could even get a
word in edgewise.

“Girl, slow down! I can’t talk to you over
the phone. Where are you gonna be in about an hour?” I asked her,
somewhat annoyed at the fact that she was finally getting around to
checking on my wellbeing. Damn near twelve hours had passed since
the whole ordeal with Papi, and NiQue hadn’t blown up my phone to
check on me.

“I am going to get some
breakfast at
on Benning Road. You can meet me there.”

“Aight.” I said hanging up before I snapped
on her for not being there when I needed her the most.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed and
tried to shake off the sleep that was trying to consume me. I had a
lot of shit to work out, including what I was gonna do with that
nigga’s automobile. I don’t know what possessed me to keep it
instead of calling Daddy or Oscar. I’d much rather not involve them
in the minor shit I had going on. I drug myself into the bathroom
and started the shower. I let the hot water trickle down my skin
which was the perfect treatment for washing my sins and cares

My hands started wandering over my body and
I realized that I had been so tied up in my work and nonsense that
I had no time for play. I massaged my nipples into two hard knots
and let my hands roam down to my sweet spot. Closing my eyes, I
thought of Dread caressing my slick skin. I imagined it was his
hand kneading into my flower. I closed my eyes tighter and I swear
Dread was in the shower with me. I heard him say, “Now you can call
me King too baby.” I exploded all over my hands. I didn’t want the
feeling to end. I tried to hang on to the fantasy for as long as I
could. That is until the water began to get cold. I cleansed my
skin and felt like I could handle the shit I had to deal with. I
could even deal with talking to NiQue without smacking her for not
being a concerned friend. I got dressed and headed out to meet up
with her so I could tell her what a crazy ass night I had been

When I pulled into the
parking lot in front of the
, I could see NiQue was
already there. Why she was smoking a J in the hot ass parking lot,
I will never know. She was always getting smacked. I knew I could
smoke a grown man under the table, but NiQue was ridiculous. She
spotted me pulling up and a Fed pulling up behind me. She
successfully got the J out before he rode past her looking for a
space. I swear that bitch needs rehab. I can get into some shit
but, she was looking for trouble. Benning Road is not the place to
be firing up a J. Especially not in the tiny ass parking lot we
were in.

I exited my car and walked
towards the entrance. NiQue joined me after spraying herself down
with some body spray so she could cover up the weed smell. I am
glad she was smart enough to do that because the
was a Fed hang
out. We waited in the small waiting area and being that it was
Saturday morning; it was crowded as all get out in there. Half the
waitresses were straight hood rats who all had bad attitudes and
the dudes all looked like ex-cons. I know working at
couldn’t have
been their dream job. The shade they were throwing and smug
attitudes let you know that they hated their low-paying jobs. Once
we were seated, NiQue couldn’t wait to start questioning

“So, what the fuck happened last night?” She
said sounding like a nosy ass teenager.

“Papi took me back to his house.” I looked
around nervously, hoping no one was listening to us. I doubted if
they were because there was way too much going on around us for
anyone to hear anything. I started to feel uncomfortable with
talking to NiQue about the details. I shrugged off my doubt and
continued with the assorted details.

“While we were driving out there he didn’t
say a word and you know I was shook ‘cause I left my tool in the
car. Not to mention my blade was under the seat of my ride because
I didn’t want any hassle from security at the club. When we get to
his house he forces me inside. You would never guess what happened
when we get inside. I ain’t sure if it was a good or bad thing.
Papi must have pissed off the free-fucking world because there were
dudes inside waiting on him. They shot his ass in front of me. They
killed that nigga right in front of me.”

“Stop acting like you have never seen a
nigga get murked. We did the same shit a few months back or did you
forget?” NiQue said menacingly. Her coldness caught me off

“Shhhh bitch. I don’t want the whole
restaurant knowing all my business.” I said trying to get her to
bring it down a notch.

“Anyway,” I continued. “These niggas killed
him and gave me instructions on what I had to do to live. They gave
me a way out of the situation with Papi, but now I have to give
them the twenty-five G’s Papi owed ’em.” I concluded. I
intentionally left shit out to protect NiQue in case any of the
shit came back on me.

“Twenty-five G’s is a cake walk for you.
Just give it to ‘em.” NiQue said she wasn’t seeing my point.

“Bitch, twenty-five grand is way too much to
be spending on that ignorant nigga who was gonna be deaded anyway!
I wouldn’t want to spend a dime on his sorry behind. I can’t even
believe you think paying off his debt is a solution.” I shot

NiQue looked at me in a way I had never
seen. She looked disgusted with me. “Life or death, you decide.”
She said coldly. I sat there dumbfounded and pondered my next move.
My thoughts were once again interrupted by the sound of my cell
phone ringing. I had a text message from an unknown number. The
message was simple and threatening all in one stroke. It read,
“Twenty-five grand, one week.” I know NiQue could see the change in
my attitude, and I didn’t feel like explaining what that was about.
I wasn’t feeling her vibe, but I was going to try and move past

“So, what happened to you that you didn’t
come after me or try and see that I was aight?” I asked.

“I was tied up girl. Literally! After you
and Papi left the club, I needed a ride because you were the one
that drove, and I was fucked up remember? I had no way to come
after you. So, I waited until I saw your boy Crack and his wife
Queen. I asked them if they could help me out with a ride. Crack
got that dude who was shitting all over the mic, Dread, to run me
around the way.” At the mention of his name I sat up and hoped that
she wasn’t going to tell me that she had fucked my latest sexual

“Girl, he drove me home and let’s just say,
I thanked him immensely for the ride. Ya’ dig?” She laughed.

I wanted to spit in her face. I knew that if
that shit with Papi hadn’t played out the way it had, I would have
been all on that dude Dread. I played my hate cool though. I didn’t
want her to see I was upset in the least bit.

“YaYa, that nigga was working with some
fiyah down below; you hear me?” She continued.

“So are you going to see him again?” I asked
trying to act like I wasn’t jealous. She didn’t know I was trying
to holla, so it wasn’t her fault. I started to soften my demeanor a

“Aye, I didn’t even get his math. I wasn’t
even trying to get it because I know if he wants this,” she said
pointing to her stale ass pussy, “He will get up with me. I mean he
did take me home so he knows where I live.” She finished.

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