Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (11 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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His bride was lying on the floor at the foot
of the bed with her body contorted like a circus side show freak.
She was lying there in her wedding gown which was no longer white;
it was a bright shade of crimson. The worst part of it was that her
dress was pulled up over her pregnant belly, and carved into her
stomach were the words, “Nigger bitch.”

There was no denying that she had died a
horrible death, and there was no doubt by whose hands it had been
caused. Gatsby sat there just holding his bride’s bloody corpse. He
was rocking her back and forth. His fellow boys in blue found him
just like that, holding Anona staring blankly at the wall. It had
taken him months of therapy and numerous evaluations before he was
able to deal with the pain of loosing the love of his life and his
unborn baby. Anona had been beaten and raped so badly that their
baby girl had no chance of survival against their attacker. Gatsby
played the game the doctors wanted him to play. After his wife and
child were laid to rest, he made them believe that he was sane and
that he was healed of the wrath that had been looming inside his

Once he was released back into society and
had returned to work, he had his mind set on revenge. It didn’t
matter who he had to kill, as long as the death of his love was
avenged. He knew who did it and he knew why. No one else cared that
she was black, no one else but his mother and father. They would
rather go to jail and burn in hell before they let their only son
marry a black girl. He knew that Anona and their baby girl, Naylah,
couldn’t rest until he had set their souls free by killing the very
people who had destroyed his fairytale.

Weeks of planning had gone into how it would
be done. Donald snuck into his parent’s home when he knew their
tired, old asses would be asleep. He crept into their room where
they slept in two separate beds like the old fashion biddies they
were. He swung the metal bat against his mother’s head first,
causing a sickening thump that sounded like a watermelon being
dropped from five stories down to the pavement. She never even knew
what was happening. She was dead before she could fully wake.
Donald’s father stirred from the commotion, and could barely sit up
before his son descended upon him.

“You no good son of a bitch. You took my
whole world from me because you can’t accept people. So you see
your dead wife over there? You will be joining her in hell. Donald
had taken hold of his father around the throat and forced him to
look at his dead wife’s bloody, battered body. Her head was a heap
of mush, and the elder Gatsby couldn’t bear to look at her.

“Look at her mother fucker!” Donald
screamed. “Do you know what it felt like to walk in on your dead
wife’s body? Well, I guess now you can know what it feels like!”
His father sobbed his wife’s name over and over again.

“Oh, GiGi. What have I done to you? Oh,
GiGi, please forgive me.” He cried.

“Oh, you want that dead bitch to forgive
you? What about me? How about you beg for my forgiveness?” Gatsby
said as he released his grip from around his father’s neck. He
pushed him back into a laying position on the bed and ripped away
his pajama bottoms.

“Do you know what it’s like to be violated?”
He flipped the old man over face down and began brutally raping the
old man with the baseball bat that was covered in his dead mother’s

Gatsby slipped into a state of metal
unstableness, and couldn’t control his actions. He just wanted his
father to feel the pain that he had inflicted upon Anona. Gatsby
had been so deep in thought about Anona and Naylah that he hadn’t
realized that his father had passed out. The only thing that
brought him to his senses was the smell of the blood and shit that
was now covering the bat. He quickly removed the bat and rushed to
the bathroom, careful not to touch anything in any of the rooms. He
began cleaning the bat and wiping down anything he had touched.
When he had re-entered his parent’s bedroom, his father was
semi-conscious and moaning in agony. Gatsby rushed to his side and
pulled the gun he had brought with him to finish the job. He shook
his father until he parted his eyes.

“Did you do it Dad?” Gatsby asked his father
holding the gun tight in his hands.

His father was barely audible. He was
slipping in and out of consciousness. Gatsby shook him again and
asked his father again, “Did you kill my wife and daughter?” His
father smiled a sickening smile and shook his head up and down.

“Yeah, I killed them and if I woulda’ known
that black bitches had good pussy like that, I would have had me
some of that years ago too. Fuck you!” The old man sputtered. That
almost drove Donald crazy. He placed the nine millimeter to the old
man’s temple and told him to enjoy purgatory, the he pulled the

That had been ten years ago. Thinking back
on it felt like someone had opened the wounds and poured salt into
them. Gatsby never regretted killing his parents. He didn’t regret
burning their half-a-million-dollar home to the ground, and walking
away like ain’t shit happen. If he had it all to do again, he
would. Anything for Anona and Naylah.

Gatsby sat up when he saw YaSheema pull up
into the driveway. He watched her walk back down the driveway to
the Lexus that had been at the crime scene the night before. She
popped the trunk and examined the contents inside. Apparently,
whatever was in the trunk was something that she didn’t care to
share with the rest of her prestigious Georgetown neighbors,
because the way she looked around surveying her surroundings warned
Detective Gatsby that something was inside that car that he wanted
to see. She hopped in the car and moved it into the garage and
closed the mechanical doors behind her and the cars.

Gatsby sunk back into his
seat. His partner had missed the whole damn scene because she was
too busy
to care about what was going on with the Clayton girl. Gatsby
knew there was more to it than YaSheema was letting on, but he
would be there when she either slipped up or was ready to tell the
truth. Gatsby had had enough of watching the girl for the day. He
decided he would call it quits, head to his empty home, and drown
his sorrows and misery with a bottle of whatever he had in his
liquor cabinet. He pulled his unmarked car from the curb just as
the tow truck pulled up into the driveway.



Chapter 15

The Cross Roads Nightclub Bar and Grill

Peace Crossing

Hyattsville, MD


I had taken all of the bags out of the car
and discovered that Papi was holding some major figures in the
trunk. I had also pulled out all of the stuff I had taken from his
house. There was over five hundred thousand dollars bundled in
those stacks. There was more coca in the car than I cared to put my
hands on, but I knew I had to get it out of there before Benny’s
boys came to scoop up the car.

I removed ten grand out of the stacks and
thought how lucky I was to not have to come out of pocket on any of
the shit going down. Not only did my Papi situation get handled,
but the money issue with his killer had resolved itself as well. I
sent a text to Juan and let him know that I had retrieved all of
the money and he sent me a reply telling me where to meet him to
drop it off. I wasn’t happy about having to see him again, but if I
wanted to be rid of him and not bring anymore drama, then I knew I
had better meet him. I decided for that for the transaction, I
wasn’t going to go alone. I was going to take Pinky with me just in
case Juan wanted to go back on his word.

Pinky was this broad who
worked for Daddy every now and again. She was just as ruthless as
any nigga on the streets. She may have been worse because she
didn’t look like a threat. She looked like your average hood bitch.
You would never guess she was packing heat. I didn’t have to get up
with Juan until later in the evening and I had already hipped Pinky
to my plan, so I had some time to kill. I went to the rec room and
found Neko playing a game on the

“Hey boy, what you up too?’ I asked him.

“Nothing just
Why? What you got planned?”

“I was thinking maybe we could go out and do
something. Maybe go eat. Have you seen Daddy?” I inquired.

“Naw, I haven’t seen Pop since earlier. We
had breakfast and you know how he do.”

“Oh well, are you game for going out to eat?
Daddy is going to have to catch us on the next trip.”

“Yeah, as long as you’re paying, I am
eating.” He laughed.

I stood in the rec room and looked at my
little brother and admired him. He was becoming a fine young man
and I was so proud of him. My mother could never afford him the
things that Daddy and I could. I guess he could feel me staring at

“Why are you standing there grinning at me?”
He quizzed.

“I am looking at you because you are me,
smart ass.” I laughed.

He had the same stormy grey eyes as I did. I
guess that was the only thing our no good ass Momma gave us. Or so
I thought. We rolled out to the Harbor to enjoy each other’s

“YaYa, what was it like growing up like
this?” Neko asked over dinner.

“What do you mean, ‘like this?’?” I

“I mean with all the money and all the stuff
that Pop has. I have never had anything. Christa ain’t care about
what happened and she only lived to get high.” He said.

“I never really took the time to think about
what life would have been like if I didn’t have money. I mean,
Daddy didn’t make his money like most folks do, so life was
different. I guess life has been good. It is much better now that I
have you in it.” I said truthfully.

“Well, I am glad that I have you now because
Christa wasn’t shit and I know she was going to lead me down a path
of destruction. Whatever happened to her YaYa? Did she really just
leave me with ya’ll?”

“Neko, she was no good to any of us. She had
to go. I asked her to leave and she left. I guess she went on to
get high and just kept going. I told her she could do anything she
wanted with herself, but she was not going to include you in the
equation and she left.”

I could not believe I had lied to him about
where his no count ass mother was, but he was better off not
knowing anymore than that.

“Well, whatever her reason for rolling out,
I sure am glad she left me with you.” He smiled.

Neko and I talked more about how he was
excited about starting a new school and the friends he had made. We
talked so much that I almost forgot about the business I had to
tend to. I had forty-five minutes until it was time to meet up with
Juan and Pinky. I decided to just take Neko with me because it was
no way I was going to be able to make it across town and back in
enough time. All I wanted to do was get Juan out of my hair and the
sooner the better. Pinky hit me on my cell and let me know she was
in route to where we were supposed to meet Juan. Neko and I were
already in the car listening to the CD Crack had given me.

I was a little nervous taking Neko with me;
but I had no other choice. I whipped around the beltway to Capital
Heights to the Addison Road metro station Juan told me to meet him
at. I got there ten minutes before I was to meet Juan. As soon as I
parked, I saw Pinky dismount her hot pink Ducati. When Pinky hopped
off her bike and removed her helmet to reveal a head full of hot
pink locks with blond tips, I could see Neko staring her down like
if he could jump into her pants, he would. I had to admit Pinky was
the truth. She was stacked from head to toe. She was beautiful, and
she almost made me envious of the fiyah she possessed. Although she
was beautiful, she was also very deadly. Quick to cock, aim, and
shoot. That’s why I knew she had to come along because where some
niggas would bitch up; Pinky wasn’t scared to make her Nina clap.
Best of all, she didn’t look like an assassin and no one would
expect it coming from her 5’4” frame. Her high yellow skin glowed
and it was speckled with the cutest brown freckles. Her outwardly
appearance gave her a youthful teenage look that would make niggas
suspect she was more of an overly-developed eighteen year old than
a twenty-eight year old killer.

I told Neko to wait at the
car for me and no matter what happened; he was to stay in the car
unseen. He wanted to question me, but I gave him a look that said
that it wasn’t the time for Q and A. I walked over to Pinky with
clicking against the pavement with every nervous step I took. I
patted the small of my back with my right hand to make sure “Chase”
was where she should be in case shit got sticky. I wasn’t going to
be caught without her again. I carried the money in my left hand. I
was surveying my surroundings cautiously behind my
frames that hid me
eyes from outsiders who tried to enter the doorway to my soul.
Pinky and I joined each other and walked about twenty paces to
where I was to meet Juan. As I was filling her in on the exchange,
a white Mercedes CLS 550 pulled up in front of us. The window
rolled down just enough for me to see Juan’s face peek over the

“Hola Mami.” Juan said
with a
Chester the Molester
type smile. That shit made me uneasy, and made
the hair on the back of my neck stand to attention.

“Hello.” I said in a low monotone just
trying to hurry the shit along because I ain’t trust Juan one bit,
and I think Pinky felt it because she reached for the briefcase
that was in my hand.

Pinky stepped up to the car with her long
dreads hanging down her curvy frame. She extended the briefcase to
the opening in the car and Juan shook his head.

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