Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (13 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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I finally spoke up. “Oh, so you are signed
to Crack’s label?” I asked.

He gave me the once over and was surprised
to see that I knew who Crack was.

“Oh, so you know my people then huh?” He

“I might.” I laughed.

“Well, it sounds like you know more than
most. But you can get the shirts from the website.” He said and
then turned to finish his task of sifting through the jeans.

“Well, thank you for the information…Ahhhh,
I didn’t catch your name.” I said hoping he wasn’t going to just
end the conversation like that. I was interested in seeing him
naked and he was going to allow me that opportunity.

“The name is Nato but you can call me Jo.”
He offered.

“May I ask how you got Jo from Nato?” I
asked trying to keep the conversation going.

“My stage name is Nato and
that is short for
Niggas Are Taking
. Jo is my name.” He said

His smile was infectious and I smiled up at
him, hoping he could sense that I wanted him to take me in the
dressing room and fuck me. I learned that Jo was one of the newest
members of The Cap Citi label and was well on his way to being what
The Cap called, “God’s Gift.” We stood in the store and talked for

“Well Miss…you never gave me your name.” He
said looking me over again.

“You never asked for it, so I ain’t offer
it.” I said real cocky like. “Since you want to know…my name is

“So, YaYa, do you have plans this evening? I
would like to get to know you better.”

I remembered that I had already made plans
with NiQue.

“Yeah, I have plans to go out with my girl.
We planned on hitting up the club.” I informed him.

“Well, are you busy now? I have to go to the
studio and handle this music thing and then I am free. Why don’t
you go with me and then we can get lunch or something?”

I wasted no time accepting his offer and
decided that going with him was a better option than sitting alone
at home with Daddy, who was in his own world; or Neko, who was sure
to be into something if he was even home. I purchased my items and
walked out of the store with Nato. We headed to my car, since he
didn’t drive, and I followed his directions to a neighborhood
Southeast. Once we pulled up in front of our destination, I cut the
motor off and exited the car following NATO’s moves. We walked up
the steps to a house that sat right on MLK Jr. Avenue. He used his
keys and opened the doors to the Cap Citi recording studio. The
entrance was painted red and there were all sorts of framed
pictures of Crack and Dread and various other people posing with
stars. Dread was in one of the pictures with a mean mug on his
face, giving Mark Wahlberg a pound. There were pictures of Crack
with celebrities like Dr. Dre and the famous pimp, Bishop Don

I was amazed that Crack was doing so well.
It looked as though he was eating good and so was everyone around
him. I paused to check out a few more pictures of Dread and
couldn’t figure out why I was so taken by him. Even though I was
standing there with a handsome specimen of a man, I couldn’t help
but be envious of NiQue. We walked further into the house and the
living room area was a reception area. Nato explained that there
was a receptionist that worked there Monday through Friday. They
were using the studio for themselves and renting it out whenever
the Cap Citi artists weren’t using the studio. They had a very nice
hustle going on and I respected it.

We walked down some steps and into a sitting
area. You could tell it was where all the magic happened. There was
a booth and a separate room for the sound engineers equipped with
top-of-the-line sound equipment. There were some guys seated in
plush chairs and some hood rat looking groupies seated with them.
There were thick plumes of smoke coming from the rotation of Js
that were being passed around the room in a cipher. The men were
free-styling, trying to impress the chicks that were obviously
thirsty for them. The men all acknowledged me and Nato, then they
went back to their lyrical battle. Out of a room from the back
walked Crack, Dread, and some other dude who had a thick African
accent. They were laughing and talking when they noticed they had a
new guest in their presence.

I hugged Crack. “I guess I was more
interested in your business than you think.” I laughed.

“YaYa what brought you here? Or should I
even ask?” He said looking from me to Nato smiling.

“So, we meet again shawty.” I heard Dread
say. His voice commanded attention with it’s deep smooth

I snapped out of the trance I was in from
seeing him again. I remembered that he had just fucked my best
friend a few hours before. Nato asked me was I cool, and I let him
know Crack was like family so he headed towards the booth to lay a
track for an upcoming mixed-tape. Crack informed us that he and
Queen had plans on meeting a few investors over dinner and he left.
I took a seat and Dread found a seat next to me just as a pretty
brown skin girl with hazel eyes walked down the steps. She rushed
in the room issuing apologies for her tardiness. She introduced
herself as Kimya.

“Ain’t nobody thinking bout you Kim. You’re
always late for a session. You say one o’clock that shit means
three o’clock.” One of the niggas who had introduced himself as
Shaq laughed.

Kimya cut her eyes at him and reached for
the J from one of the other dudes sitting in on the cipher. She
inhaled the thick smoke, passed the J and walked into the
engineering board. That shit shocked me because Kim looked like a
fly girl – like she had no business fucking around with music. Shaq
quickly followed her into the room that held the equipment and
said, “Time to make magic.”

I was in awe that she was going to run the
boards. Dread brought me back from my thoughts.

“So, you couldn’t have enjoyed the show that
night I met you because after I got off the stage you were nowhere
to be found.” He said smiling and showing me all thirty-two of his
pearly whites.

“Something came up.” I stammered. I hear you
had a good time anyway.”

“You heard? What you hear about me?” He
quizzed looking puzzled at my statement.

“You ended up having some groupie love with
my best friend.” I blurted out. Dread instantly turned red. He was
obviously embarrassed by the situation.

“Wow! Now that’s different. I guess the odds
were against me. That shit just happened. I didn’t go at her, she
came at me.” Dread said.

I looked at him with major attitude. No he
didn’t just sit there and try to go on about NiQue. I knew she was
a roller, but he didn’t have to put it out there like that.

“Look shawty no disrespect; it is what it
is. It happened. It might not have happened if you hadn’t rolled

I folded my arms and tried to ignore him. I
focused on Nato laying down some mean lyrics. I understood why they
called him God’s Gift. He was nasty with his delivery and punch
lines. Dread tried to capture my attention by passing me the J.

“Look shawty, you can sit there with your
face balled up if you want. Shit happened, I wish it wouldn’t have
gone down like that, but I can’t change it. You gonna’ stay mad at
me forever?”

He poked out his bottom
lip and made a puppy dog face. He stuck out his hand as a gesture
of a truce. I took his hand and shook it. We sat listening to some
of the different members of The Cap lay down verses. I found
talking to him was different from talking to dudes who didn’t know
anything but drugs, sex, and money. He was college educated,
although he looked like he was a drug dealing thug. Nato had
finished his recording and noticed that Dread and I had become
quite friendly, and he didn’t seem to mind. When he joined our
conversation, Dread explained that we had met previously. I wasn’t
sure, but I don’t think Nato gave a damn either way and he went in
search of
. Another group entered the studio and it was beginning to
get crowded. It was starting to get late and I made my way out of
the studio accompanied by Dread who insisted that he walk me out to
my car.

“YaYa, I enjoyed chatting it up with you.
Maybe we can do it again sometime.”

“I would like that.” I said writing my cell
number on a flyer that I had taken off of my windshield.

He was standing next to my
driver’s side window, leaning his 6’3” frame partially inside. I
couldn’t help but want him. He was the complete package. He was
fine, smart, and best of all…had no street dealings. Although we
had spoken on many things, I did not discuss my line of work. Dread
leaned in further and I could smell the scent of
Big Red
on his breath
and he kissed my lips so tenderly that my body shook. I gathered
what was left of my composure and pulled away from him thinking of
NiQue. Even though she was going to use him for all she could and
could care less about him, I felt guilty.

“Dread, I don’t think we
should go there. You gotta’ understand that NiQue is my folks.
She’s like my sister, I guess you could say. I don’t want to betray
her trust.” I said sliding my shades down over my eyes so he
couldn’t see that my eyes were saying,
want you

“I hear you shawty.” He said backing away
from the car window.

Damn he was fine; from his
long red locks, down to his
clad feet. This man was on the
money. I knew I had better pull off before I decided to say,
fuck NiQue
! I waved at
him again and headed to Georgetown to get ready to live it up with
NiQue at Ibiza. Once I reached my driveway, I saw NiQue’s truck was
there. I wondered how long she had been there. I walked into the
house with my bags from earlier. “I’m home.” I said entering the
foyer. I was greeted by Oscar who was coming from Daddy’s office
which was right off the front door entrance.

“Oscar, how long has NiQue been here?” I

“She has been here for a few hours. She came
in with her brother. He had some business with your father. Why?”
He countered.

“Oh, I just wanted to
know, I said continuing on to the family room where I found NiQue
and Neko playing the
. They were deep into the game
they were playing and hadn’t noticed me enter the room. Neko was
high as hell and NiQue was probably just as fucked up.

“Hey ya’ll.” I said
letting them know I was there. They both jumped like they had heard
the words,
this is a stick

“Sup sis.” Neko said turning to greet

“Imma’ get up with you later on for that
rematch.” NiQue winked her eye at Neko. He blushed and turned back
to the game. I found that shit to be funny.

“We gonna’ get this party started or what?”
NiQue said brushing past me and heading to the stairs towards my

“Looks like you already started.” I said

We were both getting ready
for our night out and thoughts of Dread kept creeping into my mind.
Damn, I hated when a nigga had me feeling all school girlish. NiQue
was eyeing me while I stood naked in front of my full-length mirror
applying apple-scented lotion to my juicy black skin. NiQue was
pulling on the “loud” she had twisted up, and from the look in her
eyes, she was rolling hard off of the X. I wasn’t rolling, but I
was high as hell, and we were sipping on some
so we would be nice and fucked
up before we got to the club. I pulled on my teal bra and thong set
Fredrick’s of Hollywood
and slid into my little black dress that I had
purchased earlier from the Solbiato shop. I made sure the holster
containing my knife couldn’t be detected.

NiQue was dressed and
ready to party. She wore a blue fitted top with some bad ass
shorts that stopped right at the cuff of her fluffy ass. With
some strappy
shoes and bag to match, she was ready to stop traffic in her
outfit. I stepped into my shoes and was ready to go out and let my
hair down because I swear I needed to have a good time. Too much
had happened and it was time for me to release some tension. We
hopped in the back of the Escalade that was to be driven by Daddy’s
driver. We decided to have someone else drive us because we were
far to fried to drive anywhere. We pulled in front of the club and
walked right to the front of the line which was entirely too long.
We flashed our boy, Brucie from Trinidad, a smile and he ushered us
into the club.

It was good to know Brucie was doing well
for himself and had landed himself a legal job. Brucie had been
caught up on some murder beefs and somehow, anybody who had
anything to do with the case turned up missing. After being held
for a year and some change, Brucie was free to go. Since his
release, he had been on the straight and narrow and wouldn’t even
think about illegal activity. It still amazed me that he could
still live and work in the same city that had almost caused him to
spend the rest of his life in jail or put him six feet deep!

We found ourselves being groped and fondled
as we made our way through the hot club. The females all resembled
Nicki Minaj with colorful hair and loud apparel. I guess Nicki was
the “in” thing. The “Barbie” look was a bit much for my taste
though. I swayed my hips to the beat while I walked to the bar to
elevate my high. NiQue was right on my heels. We made it to the
overcrowded bar and NiQue was trying to get the bartender’s
attention. Her cleavage was bursting out of her v-cut shirt and
that made the bartender take notice.

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