Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (14 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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He took our drink orders and NiQue gave him
her credit card to start a tab. I was feeling real good and decided
to go and find a boy toy for the night. NiQue and I made our way to
the middle of the dance floor and started to dance. We were really
having a good time when a light skinned brother with bad acne tried
his hand. He was rubbing his hard, little dick all on my butt. I
wasn’t feeling it at all; mentally or physically. NiQue knew the
look I was throwing her and quickly pulled me close to her and
started grinding on me from the back.

NiQue shot the dude a look
that said,
she’s with me,
and home boy looked like he had just nutted in
his pants. After a few more dances and plenty rounds of
, we were just
about ready to leave. NiQue turned her attention to Sheik who was
bunned up in a booth with his on again, off again, girlfriend
Shawnna. I walked over to their table and greeted them. I kept it
short and sweet since I knew there was no hope for me and him after
she had flashed me a huge rock on her left hand. I told him I would
get up with him on that business he was discussing with NiQue
earlier, and then I made my exit.

The DJ was playing “No Hands” and I wanted
Sheik to know exactly what he was going to be missing. I didn’t
give a fuck what Shawnna thought about it either. My dress had
risen right to the cuff of my chocolate ass cheeks and I started
making my ass clap to the beat. Shawnna just stared at me with
looks that could kill. Sheik on the other hand couldn’t stop
watching me make my ass bounce to the beat of the music.
NiQue knew exactly what I was doing and even though she was
friends with Shawnna, I was her dog. She understood what I was
doing. She told Shawnna she had to get my drunk ass home and we
left. I could hear Shawnna screaming at Sheik for watching my porn
show antics with so much lust. I felt satisfied that my work was
done and we hopped in the Escalade just as the DJ said, “Last call
for alcohol.”

Once we got to my house,
NiQue was still rolling off of the four pills she had taken through
the course of the night. I was so gone off the drink and green that
I was keyed up. I stood to remove my dress exposing my partially
naked body to NiQue who was watching me lustfully. She stood and
walked up behind me and ran her hands down the sides of my
bottle hips. I
shuddered from her touch. Normally, I wouldn’t even entertain the
thought of NiQue touching me, but with all the shit going on, and
my stress and frustration rising, allowed me to enjoy her touch.
She turned me around to face her and she pulled me close to kiss
her. I accepted her warm tongue and rubbed her huge ass; pulling
her closer to me so that we were skin to skin. NiQue wiggled out of
her shorts and pushed me backwards to the bed. She lay on top of
me, kissing and sucking on my breasts.

“Sssssssss…YaYa, imma’ make that pussy cum!”
She said in between sucking on my nipples. Just the thought of her
tasting my pussy made my pussy thump. No one had touched me in
weeks, and I was due to cum and not by my own hands. I needed some
maintenance and I didn’t mind that it was coming from NiQue. She
licked all over my stomach and moved down further still. Her head
went down further, and she licked on my healthy thigh and parted my
shivering legs. I was so wet with anticipation of feeling her suck
on my clit. As if she knew what I was thinking, NiQue buried her
face in my neatly waxed pussy. I was moaning and tossing and
turning in no time. I was cumming over and over and NiQue showed no
signs of stopping. She licked on my swollen clit like I was her
lollipop. I thrust my hips upwards to her warm waiting mouth. I
could feel my orgasm building as she continued to keep up with my
rhythm. I was about to go over the edge when she slid her finger
into my ass. It sent chills up my spine. I could hear the sounds of
my wet pussy as she continued to finger fuck my ass and lick on my
clit in a circular motion.

“Awwww…shit NiQue! You are gonna’ make me
cum!” I shouted while grinding my pussy all over her face. NiQue
grabbed me by my soft ass and dug her nails into my cheeks raising
my hips off of the bed.

“Fuck my mouth YaYa.” She said between me
humping and grinding on her face.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed the
back of her head and wound my wet pussy in her eager mouth and
came. NiQue moved from between my legs with her face glistening
like a glazed doughnut. She worked her way back up my body kissing
me; allowing me to taste my own juices. NiQue had settled her
middle over my leg and I could feel her wetness and it turned me
on. She began to move up and down and back and forth on my thick
thighs. I could feel how wet she was and wanted to help make her
cum. She dismounted my legs and ordered me to turn over. I did as
she said and she settled on top of my ass and began to ride until
she yelped with pleasure. She grinded on me while she slid her
slick fingers in and out of my moist pussy. I was rolling my hips
around to meet her thrusts when she started to shake as she came
all over my rotund booty.

NiQue climbed off of me panting, then rolled
over on her side right behind me. I knew what we had done had
crossed the line, but I didn’t give a fuck because it felt great. I
laid there feeling NiQue working her fingers in and out of my pussy
until I came again and drifted off to sleep.



Chapter 17

420 Friendly Radio

Oxon Hill, MD


I woke the next morning to
my cell phone vibrating across the dresser. I looked for NiQue, but
she obviously had left. I rolled out of the bed and grabbed my
phone. I had missed three messages. One of the messages came from
Corrine informing me that she needed to hook up with me. I knew
that was a money move. The next message was from NiQue that simply
said, “Our lil’ secret.” I erased that message and tried to shake
what had happened the night before from my mind. I knew a line had
been crossed. The last message was from an unknown number. It just
stated that I needed to call the number back. My head was throbbing
slightly from the
, so I knew it was going to be a long day. I waited on
calling the number back. I showered, dressed, and made my way down
the hall towards the staircase when I saw that Neko’s door was
ajar, and he was in his room alone for once. Curious to what was
going on with him, I pushed the door open further and walked

“Damn you don’t knock no more shawty?” Neko
said, grinning when he saw me.

I flopped on the bed and just stared at my
brother like he was an alien. He had changed so much since the
first day I had met him. He had grown a few inches taller, and I
could tell he had much more bass in his voice from when he first
moved in. He was becoming a man. Worse than that, he had a taste
for the street life and it wouldn’t let him go.

“What’s your plan for the day? Which chick
you hooking up with?” I asked.

“Damn, nobody! I was gonna
probably hit the mall with NiQue. She said she wanted to find some
new shoes. I saw some fly ass
that I got to get. Neko

“Since when did you and NiQue get so close
that you are hanging and shopping and shit?”

“Ain’t she like family to you? Why can’t she
be like family to me?” I thought about it and felt guilty. I felt
guilty for half ass accusing my brother of sleeping with my best
friend who I had fucked the night before. “I ain’t tripping; she is
family. I was just wondering how you got to be so close. I barely
see her these days.” I said trying to play it off.

“Naw, she come by every now and again. We
smoke and talk.” He said.

“Have you seen Daddy? I saw him last week
and then that was it.” I asked him.

“He and Oscar have been hanging real close.
They have been talking about a lot of business and how Pops got
some trouble with some folks.” He said nonchalantly. My heart
started pounding and I could feel my palms getting clammy. It felt
like someone had cut off my air supply.

“So, when was someone going to tell me some
shit was happening? What kind of trouble? Trouble with who? Why
hasn’t anybody said anything to me?” I asked.

“I got this around here!” Neko said.

He lifted the plain white tee he was wearing
and exposed the butt of a gun. I couldn’t tell what kind it was,
and it didn’t matter either.

“What the fuck are you doing with that?”

He let his shirt fall back over his
waistband and walked to me.

“YaYa, it’s real out here. Pops got some
shit going on and he ain’t talking about it. You know he ain’t
going to tell me anyway. You’re running around here smoking niggas
in parking garages and you bugging because I got a pistol? Come on!
Get the fuck out of here with that! I mean you really thought I was
going to sit around and wait for niggas to come for one of ya’ll
without going out without a fight?” He shook his head and stopped
moving towards me. “Look, YaYa you ain’t the only one around here
that can put a nigga on his back. All I am saying is, I got it for
protection.” He explained.

I didn’t even want to hear any more. I just
wanted to go and make arrangements for my brother and father to
leave the area. I started to walk out of Neko’s room without saying
a word about what I was doing or where I was going. I turned to
face him and simply told him to pack his shit because we were going
to be gone by morning. He didn’t say a word back. He just looked at
me like he wasn’t really trying to hear what I was saying. He
didn’t know I would force his ass out by gunpoint if I had to.

I walked out and slammed the door behind me.
He was out of his mind if he thought I was going to sit around and
just wait for some shit to pop off and not try to avoid it. I went
down the stairs to Daddy’s office. I walked straight in without
knocking, and as usual, no one was there. Not Oscar or Daddy. I
kept it moving and headed out the house to Corrine since she had
some money for me. I was sure I was going to need it because as far
as I was concerned, we were leaving in the morning! I remembered
the message that said to call them and decided I should do just
that. I dialed the number and the phone was answered by a gruff
voice. “Cap Citi Studios, you got Butta.”

“Well, Butta is it?” I asked. “Did someone
call YaYa?”

I heard him ask the voices in the background
did someone call me. I heard some more shuffling and then Dread
came on the line. “Damn girl, took you long enough to call me
back.” He joked.

“I have a lot going on, plus I don’t answer
numbers I don’t know on this phone.” I said giving up much

“Well, I am glad you called me back. You
busy today? I have a show and I would love for you to come.”

“I have some stuff brewing with my family,
but I am sure I could make some time to see your performance.”

He gave me the address to
the venue and hung up.
I pulled out of the
driveway headed into the city to Southeast to collect my



Chapter 18

The Goodman/Barry Farms

SE Washington, DC


I had made my way to Southeast in under
fifteen minutes, which had to be some kind of world record. You
can’t get anywhere in DC in fifteen minutes, yet, somehow I did.
Traffic was always a nightmare and not to mention the one-way
streets that confuse even the most seasoned driver. Although the
Nation’s Capital is only a hole in the ground, no bigger than four
or five miles, I am sure I haven’t seen all of it yet. I stepped
out of the car and entered Corrine’s building. When I reached her
floor, I noticed her front door was ajar.

I hesitated because Corrine was very
cautious and played by the rules. She would never just leave her
shit open. She lived in the heart of the hood. Southeast is the
Devil’s Playground. No one was safe. A Preacher ain’t safe in his
own church on Easter in the DMV. A nigga was always on the prowl
for a come up, what a thirsty nigga would need to hit pay dirt was
an open door. I hated to do it in her pissy hallways, but I removed
my heels and stuck them in my purse. I exchanged my shoes for
Chase. My heart was pounding and I was sure the whole hood could
hear it thumping in my chest. I pushed the door open further as
quietly as I could. I walked in to what appeared to be an empty
apartment. Amazingly, all of Corrine’s stuff was still there. I
pushed the door closed behind me. I could feel my heartbeat slow
down and my breathing return to its normal rhythmic pace.

I guess the silly bitch left out and didn’t
close it all the way. It’s a wonder she hadn’t been robbed blind. I
sat my purse down on the coffee table and made my way to the back
of the apartment. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and sent
off alarms that something wasn’t right. I still had Chase in my
hands because I swore I would never be caught without her again.
Something told me even though shit looked sweet, it looked too
sweet. I entered the first bedroom and everything looked ok. I
backed out of that room and headed where Corrine’s office was. That
door was open and I could see a clear view of the desk. I inched up
the hallway and entered the room. Everything seemed like it was in
order, until I looked at the closet door which looked like it had
been kicked in. I tip toed over to the closet and peeked

It took everything in me not to scream from
the horror show inside. Corrine was shot in the head. She was just
laying there with a blank stare on her face. She looked as if she
knew the end was coming and there was no way to stop it. Somehow,
whoever got in had managed to hit Corrine and two bitches she had
in the apartment with her. I could feel the bile building in my
throat looking at their bodies shoved into that small space. Each
girl had been shot with no regard. I could not believe what I had
just walked into. I turned to leave when I saw one sheet of paper
on the desk. Damn near running over to the desk, I snatched up the
piece of paper. It simply read, “YaYa, we got you next.”

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