Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (10 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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Something in me knew she was being dramatic.
That nigga wasn’t hardly interested in her groupie ass and I knew
it. She was trying to sice it up like it was nothing to her. I knew
her better than that. NiQue ain’t really have the heart to ask that
nigga for his number. She was probably feeling too ashamed to ask
him for it after she had given him the punani.

We chit chatted and I was
ready to roll. I had had enough of being in that little ass
with a million
and one things on my mind. NiQue and I agreed to get up with one
another later. I told her I had to handle my problem and I rolled
out. I was half way to my man Benny’s chop shop to try and
negotiate a deal with Papi’s car when my cell rang

“This is YaYa.” I answered.

“YaYa, this is detective Gatsby. I am one of
the detectives handling your boyfriend Papi’s case.” I looked at
the number and tried to remember to store it in my phone as Private
Dick so I wouldn’t answer it the next time his nosy ass called. I
knew there would be a next time.

“Yes sir, I remember who you are.” I said
trying to sound sad. After all, my drug dealing boyfriend had been
gunned down in his home in front of me less than twenty-four hours
ago…or at least that was the story I was trying to sell.

“Yes, ma’am, I was calling to see if there
was anything else you could remember about the men who took your
boyfriend’s life.”

That stupid ass detective had no idea my
skin was crawling at the sound of someone referring to Papi as my

“All I can remember is all I told you sir.”
I said sheepishly. We had just come in from a friend of mine’s
function and when we entered into his home, four armed men
bombarded us at the door.” I sniffled into the receiver.

“Ms. Clayton, can you remember anything?
Something…anything to help us? What were they wearing? Did they
speak to you?” He questioned.

“They all wore masks like I told you before.
I couldn’t see any of their faces. All I remember is that the one
who spoke had a thick accent. Detective, honestly Papi was involved
in a lot of activity that would piss off Lucifer himself. It could
have been anyone. He never involved me in any of his affairs. I
never wanted to know more than I did. He said it was better that I
knew very little.” I started really laying on the tears then.

“Detective, I can’t really do this right
now. I have a funeral to prepare myself for.”

“Ok Ms. Clayton, I understand. If you can
think of anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me.”

I promised him that I would call him if I
could remember anything that I hadn’t already told him. I knew I
looked like a suspect. Who the fuck walks into a hail of gunfire
and walks away untouched? I continued out of the city and headed
into Prince George’s County to Greenbelt where Benny owned a
warehouse district. Inside his warehouses he stored all of the hot
cars he had some of his boys lift from the street. Benny had a
whole operation going from top to bottom. Within the docks of the
warehouses were all kinds of cars; foreign and domestic. Luxury
vehicles and exotic; it didn’t matter. Whatever you needed, Benny
had it, and he also had his wife’s family in place at the DMV to
make sure that you could easily register the vehicle with no

Benny owned a fleet of tow trucks. If you
watch the news on the DMV, chances are you have heard about the
mysterious happenings of folks having their cars towed away in the
middle of the night. Yeah, well Benny had everything to do with it.
His goons would case out places, find whatever vehicle suited their
fancy, load them onto the flatbed tow trucks and roll out with
them. I knew getting rid of Papi’s Lex was nothing for Benny. It
was easy and clean. He and his guys didn’t have to run the risk of
some angry car owner busting one at their asses for their car.

Once I drove around to the loading docks
where Benny had told me to meet him, there were some guys smoking
cigarettes and talking shit. I cut the engine on my car and got
out. Just as I was trying to decide which one of the greasers I was
going to ask to go get Benny, he walked out of the docking bay.

‘YaYa what it do?” He said walking towards
me with a big grin on his face. You would think he was eyeing me,
but he was really peeping the car.

You see Benny is just like Nicholas Cage in
“Gone in Sixty Seconds.” He had much love for the cars he lifted.
He had some kind of relationship with them. I almost felt sorry for
his wife. She always came in second next to a car.

“Hey Benny. You can stop drooling over my
car; my baby is not for sell.” I said. The car I got for you is a
Lexus 430. You can send your folks to get it today.

Benny’s eyes widened at the sound of a
Lexus. “What you want for it YaYa? Better yet, what’s wrong with
it? Ain’t nobody just gonna’ give away a Lexus that ain’t got no

“Look it was my boyfriend’s car and he got
murked last night. I need the money to handle his funeral
arrangements.” I lied. Benny knew what my family was about and he
knew damn well that I didn’t have to sell a car for some bread, but
hearing that my boyfriend got murked seemed to erase any
reservations Benny had. Just like that I gave him the address to my
house where he could pick up the car. I told him where the keys
would be and everything. He gave me ten grand for the car and gave
me an extra five for it being a no hassle transaction. I was more
than half way to my goal of twenty-five thousand. I guess some was
better than none. I would go and retrieve the rest of the money and
give the mysterious men with revenge and murder on their minds,
what they felt was rightfully theirs.

I hadn’t seen too much of my father and Neko
lately and spending time with them meant a lot to me all of a
sudden, being that my life could have ended last night. I figured I
would take them out for dinner at the Gaylord at The National
Harbor. I heard the food was pretty good and there was a lot to do
at the Harbor. I pulled into the garage of our home and saw that
Papi’s Lexus was still parked in front of our home. I hopped out of
my car and walked back to the driveway and popped the trunk of the
Lexus. I don’t know what made me do it, but I felt like going
through the car was in my best interest before Benny’s people’s
arrived to take it.

What I saw nearly knocked the wind out of
me. The trunk contained four black leather bags. Two of them
contained raw uncut cocaine and the other two bags contained neat
stacks of cash that was bundled up. I looked around because I was
out in the open and I knew I wasn’t always as alone as I had felt.
I slammed the trunk closed on the car, hopped in the driver’s seat,
cranked up the engine, and pulled the car into the garage next to
my own car to inspect the contents of the Lexus in private.
Unbeknownst to me, I had good reason to move the car to the garage
because I most certainly was not alone.



Chapter 14

The Legend Nightclub

Naylor Road

Temple Hills, MD


Detective Gatsby sat in his unmarked cruiser
across from the Clayton home, eating a glazed donut and sipping
re-heated 7-Eleven coffee. His partner, Detective Lockley, was
sitting in the car with him, playing around on the laptop that was
mounted into the car’s console. Gatsby hadn’t had a good feeling
about the details of the case and decided that maybe they should
watch the coming and goings of the late, Trevor “Papi” Yosemen’s
girlfriend, YaSheema.

He knew there was more to the whole story
than what the girl was telling. It could have been out of fear, or
it could have been because she didn’t want anyone knowing what had
really happened when the dearly departed met his demise. He had her
tested for gunpowder residue and she checked out clean. Not so much
as a spatter of blood was found on her clothing. He just couldn’t
figure out why, if Papi had been shot in cold blood in front of
her, had the killers left a witness. Twenty years on the force had
taught him to always follow his gut. When he pulled the Clayton
woman in the room for questioning, something about her didn’t sit
well with him, and he wanted to get the truth out of her. She was
cold as ice. That too could have been one of two things making him
uneasy about her. Either she was hiding something or shock had set
in. Something about the beautiful grey-eyed black girl intrigued

Gatsby sat looking out of the window towards
the Clayton home hoping that the girl really didn’t have anything
to do with the murder of her boyfriend. He really wanted to see
what she felt like. He had always had a thing for black chicks, but
being that he was from a very strict Italian upbringing, fucking
niggas was definitely forbidden in his world. Sure he had nothing
against black people, and had even been in love with a chick from
Haiti who made him happy to come home to and see her face everyday.
Only she wanted more from him than he could offer. She wanted
acceptance into his entire world, which meant his family. There was
no way he could bring a nigga before his father and proclaim his
love for her to him. There would be blood shed if he even thought
of doing so.

Just like all good things in life they come
to an end. Anona was not feeling being kept as his little dark
secret, and decided that she would rather return home to Haiti
instead of being a prisoner of love. Anona had returned for visits
to the States frequently, and had returned with good news on her
last visit. She was pregnant from her last visit three months
before. Gatsby was excited and didn’t give a damn about what his
family thought of who he decided to be with. All he cared about was
pleasing Anona and being a good father to his child. Gatsby and
Anona had planned on sharing their good news with his family. He
had forewarned Anona about their hostility towards blacks, and how
he would be out casted and shunned because of their wicked and
nasty ways.

Being that Donald Gatsby was his parent’s
only son, the news of the nigger baby wasn’t received well. His
mother could barely control herself. She walked around the large
dining table they were all seated at during dinner, and she smacked
Anona so violently that she saw stars before her. Anona pushed
herself away from the table; too stunned to react. Gatsby moved in
to help her stand so they could gather their things and be done
with his family forever. If they could not accept his new family
for who they were, then fuck them all. As they exited his childhood
home for what he knew was the last time, Gatsby unleashed every
vile feeling he had for his parents.

“Hell has a place just for the two of you in
it!” He yelled at them while ushering Anona out of the front door
and down the drive way.

“You are a disgrace to the family and you
wait and see, that nigger ain’t gonna do nothing but bring you
trouble. That mixed breed baby will be cursed and so will
everything you touch.” His father shouted back.

His mother was acting like a mad woman
screaming and crying on the front lawn. She was throwing things all
about. “She put that voodoo curse on you. She made him her slave.”
She hollered out. Gatsby got them to the car safely without being
hit by any of the projectiles his mother was launching from the
front porch.

Anona had been warned of his family’s
behavior and had pushed him into the unfortunate experience. She
felt guilty and wasn’t in the best of spirits, even though Donald
told her that he didn’t need them in his life. He told her she was
his everything and their world would be complete as long as she and
the baby were in it. Over the next few weeks Anona started coming
out of her depression. She was starting the process of moving
herself back to the States so that she and Donald could be married.
There wasn’t a day that went by that Gatsby didn’t think or feel he
had made the right decision. Anona was his life, and he would do
anything to appease her. He needed her unconditional love to
survive. She gave him pure happiness, which was something he was
not accustomed to.

The weeks turned into months, and his soon
to be wife and unborn child held his undivided attention. Their
wedding was days away. It was nothing extravagant, just an intimate
affair among friends and Anona’s family. Some of his sister’s had
agreed to be there and did not care what race their baby brother
was marrying. As long as Anona treated him right, and did right by
their baby, they vowed to remain by their brother’s side. On the
day of the wedding Anona was rushing around trying to take care of
last minute preparations. She told Donald she had errands to run
and would meet him to be his new bride.

Donald continued on with getting himself
prepared to become the perfect husband that he knew he could be. He
left for the church in good spirits. When it was time for his
blushing bride to walk down the aisle, she missed her queue. She
had left him standing there. No reasons or explanations were given.
Donald sat at the church hopelessly for hours awaiting Anona. The
guests had all left and Donald couldn’t understand why she had left
him there alone when that morning she seemed so happy to be his
wife. Donald’s anger slowly turned into fear. He knew Anona
wouldn’t just leave him like that. A thousand different scenarios
played out in his head as he left the church and headed home. He
began thinking what if she had gone into labor? What if she had
been hurt? He drove through the streets of upper Northwest like a
bat out of hell. Gatsby was hoping against hope that she and his
baby were alright.

Gatsby pulled up in front of the home he had
shared with Anona and was relieved to see her car out front. He ran
through the front door calling her name. Anona didn’t respond. He
began to taste the vile of fear creep up from the pit of his
stomach and into his throat. He pulled his service revolver and
crept up the steps that lead to the bedrooms. The master bedroom
door was slightly ajar. Gatsby pushed open the bedroom door and
could not believe the horror he found.

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