Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (7 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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“Hi Sheik. How are you?”

“Wassup YaYa?” He asked while giving me the
once over.

“I am good. I have been working trying to
make a dollar out of fifteen cent.” I responded.

He couldn’t keep his milk chocolate eyes off
of me. I was trying to play it cool because he had already proven
he wasn’t the ego trip type.

“May I join you?” I asked. It was more like
me telling him I was going to sit there than me asking.

I sat my purse on the table and removed my
glasses from my face to expose my signature grey eyes. The waitress
made her way to our table and took my order of baked turkey wings
smothered in gravy, with mashed potatoes and collard greens. Sheik
turned his attention back to me. “Where you gonna put all that? Why
don’t you go home and cook that kind of stuff. Or in your case,
have the maid or the chef get that popping for you?”

“So glad you think it is that easy playboy.
I work and I have no time to cook for myself, and the maid is a
twenty-three-year-old chica who never fixed a turkey wing in her
life. She damn sure doesn’t know anything about collard greens.
She’s too busy running behind my father!” I retorted.

“Damn Ma’, don’t take my head off and you
call what you are doing working huh? I hear your father got you
handling that work. Are you still fucking with that cat Papi?” He

I had been wondering if he was going to make
the conversation personal at some point, or if he was going to
brush me off as he usually did when we were in passing.

“For your information…yes, I am handling
business for my father; and no, I am not dealing with Papi. Are you
still dealing with Shawnna?” I asked trying to throw shade and pry
for more information on his relationship status.

“Naw, she and I stopped messing with each
other a little while back. She didn’t wanna hold a nigga down. For
real out here in these streets that’s what a nigga needs; a shawty
that will be there no matter what. Even though we may not be living
right by society’s standards, we are doing what we have to do to
survive. I was willing to take care of her and give her all the fly
shit she wanted, but she wanted me to leave the game. I am going to
leave this shit alone real soon; but once I do, I have to make sure
I never have to come back to the game. I got plans on making it big
outside of the hustle. What about you YaYa? What are you gonna do
with yourself? Shit, you shouldn’t even be in this game your damn

That was the first time Sheik showed any
interest in me and I didn’t want him to lose focus.

“Well, I have been thinking about opening a
clothing store or something like that. You know something that
NiQue and I could do together. Maybe move to some place sunny.
Maybe have some kids, do the family thing.” I said not really
meaning half of it, but it sure sounded good.

Sheik perked up like he believed the bull I
was spitting.

“That sounds like a plan YaYa. You can’t
live off this dirty money forever. Your Dad was able to make it as
long as he has because he is smart and has his hands in other
ventures too. I respect him for his hustle.”

The waitress returned with our food and we
chatted for what seemed like hours. I never knew Sheik was so
smart. I knew he was street savvy, but I didn’t know he was so
intelligent in other arenas. I looked down at the time and realized
that I had Corrine’s pick-up and I also wanted to take Neko out. I
laid a hundred dollar bill on the table and told Sheik he would
have to forgive me for being rude, but I had business to tend to. I
let him know dinner was on me and wrote my number on one of the
napkins and left the café before he could even say anything.

I had been in there too long with money
waiting to be collected. I hopped in my Caddy and pushed over to
the Southside. Fortunately for me, Corrine’s house wasn’t too far
from the café. I pulled up in the Villages of the Parklands in
front of one of the units. Looking at the particular neighborhood
during the day, you would never know it was one of the worst places
to live in DC. The place housed mostly hustlers and drug abusers.
All of whom were my clients in one way, form, or fashion.

Walking up to the front door of where
Corrine had set up camp, I could here babies crying and smell the
scent of some hydro in the air. I walked up the flight of stairs
and instantly reached in my purse for my heat. I knocked on
Corrine’s door and I heard her say, “come in.” I twisted the knob
and Corrine looked like she was entertaining a few guests and not
in the traditional manner. She was seated on the couch, and two
girls were lying on the floor in front of her having sex. They
didn’t even bother to stop once they knew I was in the room.

Corrine had a look of satisfaction on her
face when she saw the bewildered look on mine. I was watching the
floor show, and I felt my pussy start to tingle. I knew I had
better get what I came for and leave before I became a willing
participant. I have always been a sucker for good head. I tore my
eyes away from the show and focused on Corrine on the couch.

“The next time I am here to make a pick up
can you make sure I don’t have to walk into this gay shit.” I

“YaYa, I don’t even know why you are
tripping. Besides you said an hour and it has been three since I
spoke to you last. Was I supposed to keep them waiting?” She
laughed pointing at the two broads who still hadn’t come up for

Corrine rose off of the
couch and motioned for me to follow her to the back. With every
step I took to follow her, I could feel the tingle getting
stronger. We entered what looked to be her office which housed a 37
inch flat screen TV, and a top of the line
computer system complete with
scanner and printers. She sat down behind her cherry wood desk and
pulled a briefcase from underneath it. She unfastened the snaps and
revealed my weekly pay-out.

The sight of my money made the tingle grow
larger and I began to lose focus. I saw Sheik’s face in my mind and
I couldn’t fight the urge to have someone take me, but it damn sure
wouldn’t be Corrine. I only mixed business and pleasure when it was
money to be gained. I counted the stacks Corrine pushed across the
table as she started to explain why she would need more product.
She was talking some shit I was trying to hear. More product meant
we were doing more business.

“Mami, I have some major moves to make. I
got a spot off of Southern Avenue that I have on lock, and I am
looking to move a few more bricks through that way. I need to
venture out a little more too. There is a drought on the Southside,
and I am trying to get these thirsty ass niggas a drink. You feel

I nodded to let her know I was listening,
but I was more focused on the neat stacks of cash that were in
front of me. I finished my count and placed the bundles into the
briefcase I had come in with.

“Expanding with what?” I finally asked after
locking my briefcase.

“I was thinking of moving some green through
this way. I know you only fuck with that powder, but I know your
man Papi got that green.”

At the sound of his name I shuddered. I
didn’t want anyone associating him with me. I knew I could take
another angle to get the green so Corrine could expand her growing
mini empire. Sheik was known to keep some fire on him. That would
be just the excuse to talk to him on the regular.

“That is not my man. I will make some calls
and see what I can do for you. I will call you later and let you
know what I have worked out.” I said.

We walked out through the
living area and Corrine’s company had switched it up a bit and was
engaging in random sex acts on the couch. Corrine all but pushed me
out of the door. She wanted to get back to her homemade
She gave me a knowing smile and I
left. Once I hit my car, I was thinking about Sheik; and more
importantly what I was going to do about Papi. I hated when I
started thinking about my problems too much because even as a child
I didn’t handle pressure too well. Bad shit happened when I got
into tight situations. I knew I couldn’t just make a move on him
because I didn’t know exactly what he was up to.



Chapter 12

Holiday’s Bar and Grill

Branch Avenue

Temple Hills, MD


A few months had gone by and I had
successfully arranged to buy green exclusively from Sheik. I was
officially handling all the business on the Southside. The
Parklands and the surrounding areas of Congress Park and The Valley
were being locked down. I also had most of Benning Road, Trinidad,
and Saratoga on lock too. With the help of Corrine, Southern Ave
was well on its way to becoming infested with my brand, and Caesar
couldn’t be happier. Week by week we were upping our orders, and he
respected me bringing him more money than he had seen even while my
father had been running shit in the hood on his own.

I hadn’t heard too much from Papi. He had
tried to call me several times and each time he was forwarded to
voicemail. I knew he was pissed. He was mad because I hadn’t
returned any of his calls and I had also taken over his beloved
Saratoga operation. I knew there was going to be blood shed. I was
constantly on watch. I always had my heat and Oscar and his goons
in tow. Business was going well and I know with me making that kind
of money and with haters all around, someone was bound to test my

I was taken away from my thoughts by the
sound of my cell phone ringing. I didn’t bother to look at the
caller ID which I should have.

“Talk to me.” I said, answering the call

“Oh, so now you can talk. I haven’t heard
shit from you!” Papi said sizzling into the phone.

“Papi, I have been tied up. You know I am
busy.” I yawned into the phone. I sounded bored and uninterested
and I could tell he knew I didn’t care about what he had to

“YaYa don’t fuck with me! I know you have
locked down the major areas in the Parklands and most of Benning
Road right into NE. You moved right into my fucking spot! Since
that pussy was good as a mutha fucka, I am going to let you out
easy.” He said knowingly.

“What do you mean, ‘let me out easy?’” I
laughed. “I will get out when I am ready or someone takes me out.”
I sneered.

“YaYa since we have some past, I will let
that shit go. Just return what you owe me and we can go our
separate ways.” He demanded.

“I don’t need any favors from you or anyone
else. I am not going to be punked for what’s mine. Now you can take
this any way you want, but I know your shady ass is trying to set
me up and I think we need to end this shit before it gets ugly.” I
seethed into the receiver.

“Bitch, I got you! Watch your step or you
might come up missing. Ain’t no trick ass broad gonna’ take my work
from me. Fuck you YaYa! I’ll see you again.” He screamed in to the
phone. I disconnected the call. I knew I had better get my squad up
to speed and make sure Saratoga was on constant watch. If Papi
wanted a war, war was what he was going to get. What he didn’t know
was that I had already been prepared to battle him since I took
over Saratoga. I knew that taking over his strip would set off his
explosive temper. I think I did it just to spark some shit with him
so I could dead him for trying to play me. I didn’t want Daddy to
know any of the noise Papi’s punk ass was trying to make, and I
definitely didn’t want the streets talking.


NiQue thought I was being careless because I
was more focused on going to an album release party for a friend I
grew up with named Crack. He was doing big things on the Southside.
His artists were making their mark, and niggas were feeling what
they had to say. Cap Citi records was doing some damage on the
airwaves and they were selling out clubs. I hadn’t made it to see
Crack’s team live, and they were teaming up with another local
label, “Free From Bondage.” Sun and Starr had an ill flow. I
figured I should go ahead and catch them at Gee’s because that
nigga Dread from Cap Citi was sexy. A sexy nigga like that one
could get me to shake my ass any day. I don’t know if he was
married or not, but fuck it…he was eye candy. It didn’t hurt that
Crack’s team had some ballas with some verbal skills that made me
want to show some love.

NiQue felt as though I should be watching
the streets and definitely watching Papi. I wasn’t even worried
about him and his shit. I was ready to go and get my high on.
Partying was the mission for the evening. No one was going to stop
my flow! Not even Papi’s hating ass.

After taking a bath in my
over-sized bathtub and softening my skin with my favorite
Bath and Body Works
scent, Cherry Blossom, I put on an emerald green thong and
bra set. Then I slid my apple into some dark blue, low-rise jeans.
My fresh Kush Girl tee-shirt had the words, “Got Green?” and a
large weed plant on the front. My green boots, purse and my
signature shades set my outfit off right.

I called NiQue’s slow ass,
and headed towards my car. It seemed like I couldn’t do much of
anything without smoking a J, and I had two rolled. One was for the
ride over to NiQue’s and the other was for the ride to the club. I
hopped in my Caddy, turned my
to my favorite playlist; and Devin the Dude, and
some dude named Bobby Ray, reminded me of why smoking weed was

I rode down Wisconsin Ave and bucked a left
to hit M Street right through the heart of Georgetown and all of
the shops. The streets were lit up like it was Christmas; inviting
tourists from all over the world. Georgetown was mainly for the
wealthy white folks and tourists who just had to take a piece of DC
home with them. What those same tourists didn’t know about Drama
City was that there was a whole different world once you got to the
other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. Once you crossed Potomac Avenue,
life was different. This side is where all you could get from a
vendor was little baggies containing a crack head’s dream and all
the other shit that kept my pockets thick.

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