Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (4 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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“Sometimes we do things we don’t wanna do
and we have to live with it for the rest of our lives. Sometimes,
we do things to protect the ones we love the most. Whatever the
reason, never regret it. Regret will get you caught up. In time,
you will learn how to handle shit like this. You will eventually
learn how to turn your feelings off altogether. The best warriors
were cold blooded. They made themselves numb to feelings and

I shuddered at the lesson my father was
teaching me. Yeah, I had done some devious shit in my lifetime, but
nothing could compare to what I had just done. Yet my father was
sitting there nonchalantly; explaining that killing my mother was
ok and that she was simply a casualty of war.

“I know I've done some shit that if the Feds
knew about it, I would've been knocked a long time ago. This is
just the beginning. You will end up taking my place YaYa, and there
will be people who will try and stop you. You always have to think
on your feet, and if it comes down to you or them, you better make
sure it’s the other nigga. Fuck everyone else because no one else
cares about us. This family should always protect itself no matter
who gets in the way. If we cannot hold strong as a family, any
muthafucka’ on the streets will succeed in taking us down.

You know I wondered if you would ever be
ready to see what I am about and now I know it is time to get you
ready to get this money out here. We will talk about all of this
later.” He said as he turned to leave the dining room. “Oh, and
YaYa…you did take care of all of the particulars concerning Christa
didn’t you?” I looked at him confused. I wasn’t sure what he was
asking me.

“Has everything been disposed of?” He asked
me as though he were inside my head. I nodded my head up and down.
“Good. I take it Neko knows nothing of this?” He questioned. I
finally found the courage to speak.

“Yes, I took care of letting him know
Christa was gone and she wanted us to take care of him.” I

“Good.” That was all my father said as he
left the room. I felt relieved that my father was in my corner
about everything. I knew if Daddy could forgive and forget, so
could God.



Chapter 7

Anacostia Park

SE Washington, D.C.


Three days later, NiQue and I were cruising
through Anacostia Park. It was Memorial Day and Ana was on point.
There were people cooking out and music was thumping from the cars
that were riding the strip. We rode through the park twice before
we found a place to park near where the rest of our folks were
partying. We were not too far from the spot where only three nights
before we had dumped Christa. I was on a mission to find someone
that could help me relieve some of the sexual tension I had been
feeling. We pulled in the spot next to Sheik's Chrysler 300 with
the custom paint and deep dish rims. Sheik was definitely a catch,
and his money was long.

NiQue and I stepped out of the truck looking
like we were royalty and all eyes were on us. We commanded
attention and we knew it. I pulled my shades down over my eyes,
waiving at a few of the girls we came up with while I focused in on
my prey. NiQue went off to be the social butterfly that she was
known to be. I had one goal in mind, and that was posting up on

Sheik was a chocolate drop
sent from the heavens. He stood 6’2” and his body was rock hard.
Just the way I liked it. He had long, thick locks that hung well
past his shoulders. When he smiled, he displayed thirty-two white
teeth. His demeanor was thug. He ate, slept, and breathed the
streets. He was the one. I had to have him. He was absolutely
delicious looking, dressed in a white tee and a pair of cargo
shorts with fresh
. Nigga was fly by design and he knew

I sashayed over to where he and a few other
niggas from around the way were engaged in a debate over who had
the best track record with the ladies. They quieted the
conversation once I spread my blanket out on the grass under the
shade of one of the trees that lined the park. Once I knew all eyes
were watching me, I bent over in my mini skirt just enough for them
to see the one good thing my momma gave me. I sat the cooler down
and stretched out on the blanket and acted as though I could care
less that they were watching me. Actually, I didn’t care if they
did, just as long as the right person had his eyes on the

Domo, a grimy, no money getting ass nigga
was the first one to speak. “Wassup YaYa? Ma’ you looking good over
there. What you got in that cooler?”

Pulling my shades down to
the tip of my nose and sucking my teeth. I uttered a tired “Wassup
Domo, ain’t nothing in there but some
” That tired ass nigga was
already getting on my nerves and he hadn’t even said much yet. The
entire time I was eyeing Sheik who simply glanced at me and went
back to cooking the food he had on the grill. He acted as if I
didn’t turn him on and that pissed me off. I got up and sauntered
over to where Sheik was manning the grill.

“Wha’ chu’ got going on over here?” I asked
him seductively.

“Nuthin’ Ma’, just some burgers, chicken,
some ribs and some other stuff. You know how we do. Why? What you
want?” He asked.

I took off my shades and swung my freshly
done wrap. I looked him up and down and simply said, “You.”

“Go ahead Shorty,” He laughed. “I ain’t got
time to play games with you.”

I was angry that he had shot me down, but I
couldn’t front, he turned me on . No man had ever turned me down,
and I wasn’t about to start letting the niggas out here carry me.
“I am a grown ass woman and I damn sure don’t play kiddy ass games.
You just let the best thing to ever grace your presence get away.”
With that, I dipped off before he could see I was angry about him
shooting me down in front of his homeboys. I heard his boys telling
him he was stupid, and calling him a “lame” for not trying to get
up with me. Domo’s nasty ass even went as far as to say he thought
Sheik was a faggot for turning me down.

I walked through the park to see if I could
catch up with NiQue. I was nursing a slightly bruised ego and
needed my friend for backup. Hearing a familiar voice, I turned to
see who was trying to get my attention. It was a dude from Saratoga
named Papi, and he was waving for me to come to him. Papi wasn’t
doing as much as he thought he was, but he was making moves.
Originally from Baltimore, he was moving weight between Up top and
NW Baltimore, including a few places in between. He was known to be
a lover, and the chicks dug him because he spent that cash. The
bitches liked him because he was a trick. I had heard he had a few
folks under his belt and was a shiesty ass nigga.

“What it do Papi?” I asked.

Papi wasn’t all that easy on the eyes, but
he could be good for a few dollars in the pockets. Being part Cuban
and part Nigerian, I had to admit, he had a lot of natural born
swagger. As I walked towards him, Papi licked his thick lips and
began laying his game down. He looked like he was hungry, and I was
going to be his last meal before going to prison.

“Why are you out here alone?” He asked,
trying to see if I had come with someone or not.

“I’m not alone. My girl NiQue is out here
somewhere and the rest of my folks are over there on the grill.” I
said pointing in the direction of Sheik and Domo. Papi looked like
he had seen a ghost when he locked eyes with Sheik. He quickly
regained his composure and tried rapping me up again.

“Oh, so you over there with your man and his
lame ass friends huh?” He said trying to make himself feel like a
hood star. I figured if Sheik didn’t want me I would make him feel
like he was missing something special.

“Naw, those are just my friends.” I said

“Well YaYa, you are here with me now.” He
pulled me into him like we were lovers.

I had gotten so wrapped up in making a
public scene with Papi that I had totally forgotten about NiQue. He
had me sitting under a shelter with him, his boys, and some bitches
who were giving me the evil eye.

“Papi, I really have to go and find my
friend. She is probably looking for me.” I said as I tried to

He wasn’t happy about me trying to leave the
little party he and his boys were throwing; but the truth of the
matter was that I hadn’t seen NiQue in over forty-five minutes. Our
rule was if we come together, we leave together, unless we mutually
agree to split up.

“I’ll see you later tonight. Make sure you
make yourself available. Don’t keep a nigga waiting!” He said.

He walked over to his car and started
blasting “Hood Star” by Coogi Ty. The females who were in our
immediate vicinity started to party. One girl dropped low to the
ground in front of Papi and was simulating riding dick. He didn’t
even look back to make sure I was gone before he had the trick bent
over the hood of his car grinding his dick on her to the beat of
the music. I was glad they were helping me make it easy to get away
from him.

I headed towards the spot where everyone
else was still drunk and partying. My blanket and cooler were just
where I left them and Sheik and Domo were still listening to music
and talking shit. I re-joined the group and their conversation.
Sheik was the first to ask me about Papi.

“Aye Yo YaYa, wassup with that fake ass
nigga you were with? That nigga be out here on the streets faking.
You need to leave his dirty ass alone. That nigga will rob your
young ass blind and we know Pops will light into you.” They all

“I can handle myself. I
got this.” I went to my cooler and pulled out two fifths of
Patron Anejo.

“Shots anyone?” I asked
the whole group. Half of those thirsty niggas was with it. We all
set up for shots. Domo eyed the
. “I thought you didn’t have
anything in there but beer. I knew your ass was lying.” Domo said
holding his cup up. Ten or so shots later I was busted. Sheik and
company looked as if they were done too.

NiQue finally showed up as I was getting
into Sheik’s grill about not wanting to taste me. Sheik was dusted,
but he was still holding strong about not fucking with me and I was
tired of trying. As she walked towards me, there was a glow about
NiQue, and she wasn’t alone. She had Shawnna and Twan with her.
Looking at her, I immediately know why I hadn’t seen her in over an
hour. She had probably rolled out to meet up with Twan so he could
get his rocks off before moving on to his next pussy mission.

Shawnna was the chick that Sheik was dealing
with, and at the sight of her I wasn’t in a partying mood anymore.
The bitch was my competition and I wasn’t in the mood to act like I
wasn’t aware of that fact. Just as I was thinking of how to get out
of their presence, NiQue announced that we needed to get moving to
make sure we hit all of the Memorial Day party spots. I was glad my
friend was ready to roll because I sure wasn’t in the mood to watch
Sheik and Shawnna engage in their love affair. Call me naïve, but I
always got what I wanted. Even if that meant I had to act childish
or whorish to get it and I was going to get a piece of Sheik.



Chapter 8

Ben’s Chili Bowl

U Street

NW Washington, DC

Just as I had packed up my things into the
back of NiQue’s truck my cell phone started ringing. The number was
one I didn’t recognize. Against my better judgment I answered it.
On the other end of the line was Papi. For the life of me I didn’t
remember giving him my number.

“Wassup Ma?” He slurred. I knew he was just
as dusted as I was.

“Wassup Papi?” I responded, not really
wanting to talk to him.

“I was trying to see what was up with you
for the rest of the night. Maybe we can go out and maybe in the
morning we can go shopping or something.

I perked up at the sound
of shopping. It wasn’t like I was hurting for cash, I just wasn’t
turning down spending that nigga’s money. Papi snapped me out of my
thoughts of those new
Baby Phat
sandals I wanted.

“Ma, where did you say you were again?”

“I am headed towards NiQue’s. How did you
get my number? I don’t remember giving it to you.” I asked.

“Bet, I will meet you over there.” He said
and hung up the phone before I could even tell him I had other
plans. An hour went by before I heard a loud horn honking in front
of NiQue’s house. I had just adjusted my make-up and ran my fingers
through my hair. I peered out of the master bedroom window.

“Shit. I forgot that nigga said he was gonna
slide through. NiQue, who had just stepped out of her bathroom with
a towel wrapped tightly around her body, looked confused.

“Who is that outside leaning on their horn
like that? Where are you going? I thought we were going to the

“Girl we are! That’s Papi. He decided to
come through here. I told him I was headed this way and he must
have just dropped pass.”

I gave her the “trust me we are going out”
spiel and headed towards the door to handle that nigga.

When I got to his car I could tell he had
sobered up a bit. He had changed his clothes and looked better in
the cover of night. He was tall and muscular which made him
fuckable. He had the body of a God! The way he leaned on the side
of his car watching me made my panties moist. His presence demanded
respect. Money, power, and respect; that’s what it took to make me
weak. I stepped into an embrace that Papi offered.

“Ma, you looking good. Aye let’s bounce.” It
dawned on me that he wasn’t asking.

I figured I better speak up and let it be
known I had other plans. “Papi, I was on my way out to the club
with NiQue. You never gave me time to hip you to that.”

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