Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (20 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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Neko took a sip from his glass and sat it
down on the table. He watched me while I tried not to look him in
the eyes in fear that he would be able to tell that I was holding
so much back from him. I could tell he was not going to force me to
speak, but he was definitely going to sit there and wait for me to
say something. He didn’t care how long it took either. He had
already made up his mind that I was going to stop bullshitting him.
It was like playing a game of chess. It was a true test of wits. I
wasn’t trying to make a move and lose the game, and he was going to
wait me out move for move. A few more silent tense moments passed
before he finally spoke.

“So how long are we going to sit here trying
to get around the shit she said?”

My eyes met his, and I started to tell him
it all from the day I took my Mother’s life in my bedroom for
disrespecting us and trying to separate us. I wanted to tell him
that I had watched Papi die and that I thought the reason we were
targets was because of it. I wanted to get it all off of my chest.
I wanted to tell him that I had made two huge mistakes, one by
sleeping with NiQue and two by falling in love with Dread. I wanted
to tell him that Corinne, Daddy, and NiQue’s brother Sean, were all
dead because of something I was twisted up in. None of that came
out though.

“Neko, NiQue is grieving and she was just
talking crazy.”

The tears stained my cheeks as I tried to
conceal the drama I had caused. I could tell Neko wanted to believe
me. He was searching my face desperately for truthful answers and
looked so disappointed that he was getting none. He shook his head
and rose from his chair. He walked over to me and pulled me to my
feet. He wrapped his arms around me.

“Whatever it is you need to tell me, I guess
you will tell me when you think the time is right.” His voice was
full of sorrow like he couldn’t trust me anymore, but he seemed too
tired to even try and get the truth out of me.

“Look, when you are ready to talk, I will be
downstairs. Just call my phone. I need to try and get some rest.” I
hugged him back not wanting him to leave me, but not wanting to
talk about any of the mess I had created. He stepped out of my
embrace and left the room. I felt relieved that he was not pressing
the issue and going to try and get some rest. I needed to try and
get some questions answered.



Chapter 23

The Bleu

Lanham, MD


I woke up to Epps knocking on my door which
was weird because I hadn’t even realized I had fallen asleep on the
couch. I grabbed my cell and checked the time and saw I had slept
for an entire day. Rubbing my eyes, I pulled open the door to the
suite and Epps was standing before me looking a little

“What’s going on Epps?” I questioned, not
wanting to have a long drawn out conversation with him about any
more bad news.

“Ma’am, your brother just left the hotel, he
refused to let us accompany him, and he refused to let me inform
you that he was leaving. As soon as I spotted him leaving, I
thought I should let you know.”

I began to pace back and forth. I knew where
he was going and I didn’t like it one bit. He was headed to NiQue.
The only problem was that I didn’t even know where she was. As if
Epps knew my concerns, he spoke up. “I sent Debo to follow him just
in case some shit popped off. I just wanted to let you know

“Call Debo and find out where he is headed.
Tell him not to let Neko out of his sight! If anything looks
strange get my brother out of there.”

“Yes ma’am.” he said backing out of the

“Oh, and Epps…if we need to handle anybody
and I do mean, “anybody” just be ready.” I said before he could get
out of the doorway totally.

I couldn’t believe what had just left my
lips. I would rather kill than have my secrets of betrayal out
there. It was bad enough I had to find a way of fixing the mess
with Neko. NiQue was sure to tell him all she knew about my
mother’s disappearance and God only knows what else. I was way past
being concerned about NiQue. I was borderline ready to dead her
ass. She knew way too much, and she was bitter. She was pissed
because I wasn’t into that lesbian shit and she was mad about
Dread. The more I thought about it, she was more pissed about the
fact that I didn’t want to keep fucking her than she was about her
brother, Big Sean, being killed.

I twisted up a J, turned on my
and sat it in the speaker holster on the end table. “Twirl Off” by
Lucky Lamar and Dread filled the air as I blazed. The Kush I was
smoking had calmed me. I had put just enough “fuck it” into my
system to just deny anything NiQue said to Neko about my mother,
about us fucking, and anything else she had to say. My cell phone
buzzed and then rang out breaking my concentration on getting high.
I looked at the name on the caller ID on the phone and my stomach
started to churn. It was that damn detective. I reluctantly
answered the phone. “Hello.”

“YaSheema, this is Detective Gatsby. I
wanted to know if we could talk. Three bodies of three people were
found in an apartment building in Southeast DC.”

My heart began to beat fast. It never
occurred to me that no one had found Corinne and her company
stuffed into the closet.

“Well, what does that have to do with me? I
obviously don’t live in Southeast DC.” I said trying not to let on
that I knew anything.

“Yeah Ms. Clayton, there was an eye-witness
who put you at the scene of the crime.” My face felt hot. Like
someone had set fire to me. I began to sweat profusely.

“They have to be mistaken because I don’t
know anything about that.”

Ms. Clayton, have you heard from your
brother? We still need to talk to him about your father’s murder
and your uncle’s attack. You know, as a matter of fact, a lot of
folks associated with you and your family keep coming up dead.
Would you like to talk about it? First your boyfriend, then your
father and only God knows who else.”

His voice trailed off. “As a matter of fact,
either they come up dead or missing. I am starting to wonder if
your brother and mother are even alive!” He had struck a nerve
bringing up my brother. I could no longer contain my dislike for
him and the way he was talking to me.

“Look detective, I don’t know what is
happening; I don’t know where my brother, or mother are! I don’t
know who the fuck murdered my father and tried to kill my uncle.
Any number of people could have murdered Corrine and her little
bitches; she was a drug dealer, just like my late boyfriend!” I
screamed into the phone. Before I could stop my chest from heaving
up and down I realized I had fucked up royally. Gatsby realized it
too, and began to laugh on the other end of the line.

“YaSheema, if you didn’t know Corrine was
dead, how did you know the other people she was found with were
females? Better yet, how did you know that they were “friends” with
Corrine like you said?”

I had to think fast because the pig was
trying to pin me with shit I didn’t even have anything to do with.
“The streets talk detective. That is all I can say about knowing
she was with her female friends. Besides, she was into women; I
just figured it was her girlfriend. She didn’t deal with too many
dudes except for with business.” I was hoping he was buying the
bullshit I was feeding him.

“Mr. Gatsby, if you are done trying to ask
me questions I clearly have no answers for, I will be going. I have
yet another funeral to prepare for. Maybe you should focus your
time, attention, and energy on the real killers instead of
insinuating that I know more than I am telling you. Are you done?”
I asked in a nasty tone.

“For now, but I am sure we will talk again
real soon.” He said with an air of confidence.

I disconnected the phone call before he
could say anything else. My head was throbbing. I decided there was
way too much going on for me, and I had to start making moves
before anything else happened. I needed to be proactive instead of
reactive. That shit was getting me nowhere. I left the sanctuary of
the hotel room and got into my car. I knew where I was headed
wasn’t smart because anyone I loved was getting taken from me one
by one, but I had to try and get some answers. I pulled up in front
of PG Hospital. Oscar was doing better and it was time to try to
ask him what he knew about who had tried to kill him. I walked
inside the hospital and decided to go to the gift shop and pick up
a few things for Oscar. I grabbed a few magazines, some snacks, and
a couple balloons that wished a speedy recovery on the front of

After purchasing the items, I headed for the
fourth floor and to the nurses’ station. They pointed me in the
direction of where Oscar was being treated. My heels clicked as I
walked down the hallway. I hated hospitals. I had always wondered
why they were painted in those awful colors. They were all the
same; institutional blue, split pea green, and sickening yellow.
The always smelled like death and decay. I entered Oscar’s room and
he was sleeping. I couldn’t help but notice that he was hooked to
several machines and there was an IV machine lightly humming. I
took the items I had purchased and placed them on his bedside
table. I tied the balloons to the bottom of the bed. When I looked
up, I saw Oscar staring at me.

“Oh, Oscar I didn’t mean to wake you. I
pulled up one of the chairs and positioned myself where he could
see me.

“Hey YaYa. You are a sight for sore eyes.”
He said weakly.

“So are you Unc? I am so glad you are
alright. I mean, all things considered.” I said. He tried to smile
at me and I could tell he was in pain.

“Look, I can come back when you feel up to
having visitors.” I said not really wanting to go. He was one of
the only people I had left that reminded me of my father.

He looked like he was worn out and like the
lifestyle had broken him down. He sat up and started to speak.
“Would you like to tell me what is going on?”

“Well Unc, I was hoping you could help me.
Do you know who did this to you? Did you get to see who it was that
day in the house?” I asked.

Oscar’s eyes got wide as saucers. “No, I
don’t know who did this. It all happened so fast. One minute I was
headed to move the car and the next minute I felt bullets ripping
through my body like fire. I never saw their faces.” His voice
trailed off.

He looked so sad and defeated. I could tell
that he felt like he had failed us. What he didn’t know was that I
was so glad that I didn’t lose him too.

“YaSheema, I didn’t see who did it, but they
said something that I will never forget.”

I sat to attention and concentrated on
whatever it was that Oscar was going to reveal. The hair on the
back of my neck stood up.

“YaYa they said they had come for you.” He
said sheepishly.

Before he could say anything else, the nurse
walked in to take Oscar’s vitals and administer his meds through
the IV. I could tell he had more to say, but was leery of speaking
in front of the nurse. I could see him fighting to stay conscious
as she emptied the syringe, which I assumed was filled with pain
meds, into his IV line.

“Ma’am, the medicine I just gave him is
going to put him to sleep. I hate to cut your visit short, but he
won’t really be good company in about three minutes.” She

I am glad she thought that shit was comical
because I damn sure didn’t. I wanted the bitch to exit the same way
she had come in. I desperately needed to know what else the killers
had said. It was too late, the drugs had taken affect and Oscar was
in a deep sleep and wasn’t going to be telling anyone anything
until he came to the next morning. The nurse left closing his door
behind her. I rose and kissed Oscar on his forehead, careful not to
touch his bandages.

“I promise that I am going to catch whoever
did this to you.” I whispered before walking out of the hospital
room and out of the hospital altogether. I had my game face on and
some niggas were gonna pay.



Chapter 24

The Fish Market

Old Branch Avenue

Clinton, MD


I didn’t feel like going back to the hotel
being that I knew Neko would be there waiting to ask me all sorts
of questions about what NiQue had told him. I drove towards
Dread’s. I knew he didn’t want to see me. He had made that very

Through all that was going on he was the
only little piece of sanity I had. I figured it was now or never. I
had to tell him the truth. I found myself wanting to tell him
everything that had happened. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to
come clean with someone so desperately about all the crazy shit I
was going through. I knew he would keep it one hundred with me no
matter what. I pulled up to his apartment and almost didn’t get out
of the car. I climbed the steps, and once again I almost turned

Once I was in front of his door I could
clearly hear voices. It was the last voice I expected to hear
coming from Dread’s apartment. It was NiQue.

What the fuck was she doing there?

I could hear her sniffling like she was
crying and I wanted to know why she was there in the first place. I
knocked on the door and covered the peep hole with my hand so he
couldn’t see me. He didn’t even hesitate, he opened the door
without even bothering to ask who it was. I pushed past him and was
prepared for a showdown with my best friend. God only knows what
she had told him, and it really ain’t matter at that point because
that bitch had pulled one too many stunts for my liking; she had to
go. NiQue was faster than I thought and had jumped to her feet once
she saw me. She had already taken a defensive stance and was ready
to throw down in the middle of Dread’s home.

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