Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series (18 page)

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Authors: Jeff Kinney

Tags: #Comedy, #Young Adult Fiction

BOOK: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series
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VJell, I foorvj out +oda^ -tHa+ +He kind
wresHing Mr. Underwood is +eacHin^ is COMPLETELY different
+He kind +He^ do on TV.

Ti'rsi 0/ all, we Have +0 wear +Hese +Hin^s called "sin^le+s,” wHicH look like +Hose ka+Hin^ sui+s +Hey used +0 wear in +He 1800s.

And second
all, +Here are no pile drivers or Hi++in^ people over +He Heads wi+H cHairs or an^+Hin^ like +Ha+.

'(Here’s no+ even a rin^ wi+H ropes around i+. T+S juS+ basically a swea-y rva+ +Ha+ Sriells like i+s never keen wasHed ke-fore.


Mr. Underwood started asking for Volunteers so he could demonstrate some wrestling holds, but there was no way I was going to raise my hand.

Me and Rowley tried to hide out in the bach of the gym near the curtain, but that’s where the

Vie got out
there in a hurry, and we went back to where the rest
the guys were.

Mr. Underwood singled me out, probably because I’m the lightest kid in the class, and he could toss me around without straining himself. He showed everybody how to do all these things called a "half nelson" and a "reversal" and a "takedown" and stuff like that.

VJhen he was doing this one move called the "•fireman’s cany," X felt <» breeie down below, and X could -tell my singlet wasn't doing a
d Job keeping me covered up.

“That's when X thanked my lucky stars the girls were on tKe other side of the gym.

Mr. Underwood divided us up into weight groups. X was pretty happy about that at first, because it meant X wasn’t going to have to wrestle kids like Benny VJells, who can bench-press Z50

Bi/+ -then X found ou+ who X DID have +o wres-He,

Fre^ley was -the only kid li^K+ enough +o be in my wei^K+ class. A*^d a^aren+ly Fregley was pay.n^ a++en+ion when Mr. Underwood was ^iVin^ ins+ruc+ions, because he ginned me every which way you could marine. X s^>en+ my seven+h period yHin^ WAY more -familiar wi+h Fre^ley -than X ever wan+ed +o be.

My other tig protlem is that X have to wres+le Fregley every single day. But this morning X realized something. X/ X can noVe out of Fregleys weight class, X wont Have to wres+le Vwd

So today, X stuffed my clothes wi+h a tunch
of socks ahd shirts +o ge+ myself into the next weight class.

But X was S+ill +oo light +o move up.


X realized X was gonna have +o gain weight
for real. A+ ■first X thought X should just start loading up on junk food, tut then X h<»d <» much tetter idea.

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