Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series (17 page)

Read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series Online

Authors: Jeff Kinney

Tags: #Comedy, #Young Adult Fiction

BOOK: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series
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Man, X -format ALL at>ou+ Pad, and we +o+ally paid +he price -for i+.

Vlhen ne and Rowley 30+ Inside, we laid ou+ all our candy on -the ki+chen -table.

"The only -things we coold salvage were a couple
of min+s +na+ were wrapped in cellophane, and +he +oo+M>rushes Pr. Garrison ^ave us.

X +hink nex+ Halloween XU juS+ s-tay hone ahd nooch sone But+er-fln^ers -from -the howl Mon keeps on top
+he re-fri^era+or.



Oh +ke tus ride ih+o Sckool +od«y, we passed ty Grammas kouse. X+
+ rolled wi+k +oile+ paper las+ higk+, wkick X guess was ho tig surprise.

X do -feel a li-ttle tad, tecause i+ looked like i+ was gohha +ake a lohg +ime
cleah up. Bu+ oh +ke trigk+ side, Gramma is re+ired, so ske protatly didh+ k<»Ve ahy+kihg plahhed for +oday ahyway.


Xh +kird period, Mr. Uhderwood, our Pkys E-d +eacker, ahhouhced +ka+ +ke toys will te doihg a wres+lihg uhrl
for +ke hex+ six weeks.

If theres one thing most toys in my school <»re into, it's professional wrestling. So Mr. Underwood might as well have set off a bomb.

Lunch comes right after ?hys E-d, and the cafeteria was a complete madhouse.

I don't know what the school is thinking having a wrestling unit.

But I decided if I don't want to get twisted into a pretzel for the next month and a half, I’d tetter do my homework on this wrestling business.

So I ren+ed a couple of video partes +o learn some moves. And you know wha+? Af+er « while, I was really s+ar+in^ +o ^e+ +he han^ of i+.

In fac+, -4»e o-ther kids in my class had better look out, because if I keep this up, I could be a real threat. ,

"Then a^aih, X better nake sure X don't do TOO ^ood. 1V..S kid harmed Preston Mudd got harmed AtKlete
tKe MontK
being the best placer ih the basketball unit,
they ^>ut his picture uf in the Kaliway.

P.Mudd *1

Athlete of the Month

Xt took people about •five seconds to realize how '?. Mudd" sounded when you said i+ out loud, and alter th«t, i+ was all over

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