Claimed: Unchartered Territory (9 page)

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As they left the stadium Dallas half listened while Rabika chatted excitedly about the events to transpire over the next few hours. The unease she’d felt formed into a full-fledged ball of anxiety in the pit of her stomach.

Bond mate?

Dallas wasn’t sure how much time had elapsed since she’d been brought back from the stadium to her room, but she kept reliving those last moments as she realized the claim challenge had been about her all along.

If she understood correctly then it meant she was possibly married… to him. An alien.

How the hell was she going to get out this jam?

As she sat back silently witnessing the buzz of activity taking place in her bedroom she could feel the walls closing in on her. Was there a window of opportunity for her to correct the wrong? Surely there must be some sort of out clause. Several scenarios played out in her head even as the dressmaker, with Rabika’s assistance, helped her into what she realized was a ceremonial outfit.






Chapter Eight

“What do you think?” The dressmaker asked after completing the finishing touches on the ensemble.

Dallas looked herself over in the floor length reflection.

This was her wedding day and she couldn’t have felt any more detached than she did at that moment.

The mirror image didn’t look like her, at least not the way she was back on earth.

The mid-length bodice featured a high collar, long flowing sleeves and a midriff cut. Two deep, thigh high slits were on each side of the matching skirt which prevented the clingy floor length material from hampering her movements.

Rabika clapped excitedly at the reveal. “It’s better than I could have imagined.”

“You make an exquisite
,” the dressmaker commented.

?” Dallas muttered absently turning away from the stranger staring back at her.

is a term used for the bond mate of a High Commander,” Rabika explained. “Come,
it is time to go.”

Bond mate
, the word echoed in her head.


Remar found himself glancing at the entrance which would deliver his soul companion as he had done multiple times since taking his seat. He did not need a time keeper to know they were late in arriving. Was something wrong? Had
refused to leave her room? He did not want to have her presence forced but this was the day of their joining and she would sit beside him as his

“You are eager for your mate I see,” Galdar, his brother and second in command commented having caught the direction of his gaze.

“Is it not normal for a male to wish to see his bond mate on the appointed day?” Remar raised a brow at his younger sibling. “I seem to recall we were unable to convince you to stop walking the grand room when your time came,” Remar reminded.

“Aye and with good reason. Although I must say I may be the only Chezarian present who doesn’t envy your union,” Galdar commented.

“Oh?” Remar raised an inquisitive brow. “You think the new
is ill suited for me?”

“Aye, I much prefer the sweet temperament of Chezarian women to the warrior woman you have joined with. I wonder if all women of her planet are so disagreeable.”

“I’m certain like Chezarian females they vary like the seasons.”             

“Well my dear brother I believe you have bound yourself to the strongest of our winters.” Galdar commented,


Dallas was led into the enormous great room she’d spent time in with Rabika earlier choosing decorations. Their selections transformed the cold marble interior into a festive tribute to elegance. Unfortunately, like with her dress, Dallas couldn’t muster enthusiasm over it.

The crowd at the arena should have prepared her for the gathering of people collected in the great room. Of course everyone from the challenge wasn’t present but the sea of attendants was more than overwhelming. Flanked by two guards she was escorted down a wide blue and gold runner. She glanced up at the stone faces of each guard wondering if their sole purpose was to keep her from making a mad dash for it.

“How exotic,” she heard several guests mumble. As spectacular as her outfit was she had a strong suspicion the comments were meant for her and not her clothing.

Dallas spotted Remar instantly. Of course it would have been impossible to miss him perched atop the dais on a veritable throne at end of the runner. The seat to his right was occupied by another male only slightly smaller in stature. The one on his left was empty.

My seat
, she assumed. She wanted to keep her focus on the empty seat and off the deceptive seducer who doubled as a leader for these people. But wanting to do something and actually doing it were very different things. Who could blame her for being drawn to his physical appearance? Admittedly, he made for an impressive figure.

His upper body was bare with the exception of a wide gold and sky blue sash which crossed his torso and the intricate tattoo he sported.  He wore loose pantaloons that matched the blue in his sash and he traded in the ass stomping boots he wore on the battle field for gold sandals with thick straps. She understood why Rabika had encouraged her to select the gold material for herself. They synchronized perfectly.

The announcer from the arena seemed to materialize out of nowhere just feet from the throne chairs.

“May I present the High Commander, Remar and

Dallas froze as she watched Remar descend the few stairs towards her. The light fluttering in her belly quickly threatened to turn into an all-out revolt at his approach.

Only a foot away Remar extended his hand to her.

Flushed by the reminder of the last time they touched she could only stare at his outstretched offering.

She took a step towards him for a little more privacy.

“I’m not sure how I’m supposed to address you,” Dallas started in hushed tones. “But you have to know this is a mistake. I didn’t come here looking for a husband… mate or whatever you call it. I got sucked into a wormhole and would very much like help getting back home.”

home for you
,” Remar spoke slowly and deliberately his tone matching her own hushed pattern.

“And while I’m happy to accept a temporary invitation I would like to request repairs for my ship so I can return to my own planet.”

If that were even possible
, she added to herself.

“I believe you know my answer to such a request. Now speak of it no more,” he offered her his hand once again.

“Well I’m sorry but I must insist my point. I refuse to stay here and be a party to this farce,” she returned in a firm tone. Dallas could hear the beginning of murmurs bouncing through the gathering but didn’t care. Although no one could hear their exchange she was sure her body language spoke volumes.

How could someone be this unreasonable?

“I am warning you

“My name is Dallas of the planet Earth and you should remember that Chezarian as I haven’t the slightest desire in being your
.” Not quite sure where she would go Dallas turned on her heels and began back down the way she’d come. She knew the shock of her action would give her an advantage over Remar, but apparently he didn’t need one because no sooner had she gotten a few feet away her exit was blocked by her two escorts. She sized the men up hating being unarmed and dressed in the skimpy outfit. Without an option Dallas turned back towards the man who had usurped her life. She didn’t need to look at him to determine that he was seething over her latest display.

With the exception of his arms crossed over the massive expanse of his chest Remar hadn’t moved.

Head held high and shoulders squared Dallas marched back towards him refusing to show her defeat to the room of Chezarians, and especially not to him. She stopped a good foot away from his towering frame and for several seconds they stood, a silent battle ensuing before Remar extended his hand again. The room grew quiet as the crowd anticipated her response. Although her expression promised no concessions she placed her hand in his. The contact sent shivers through her making her legs go weak but she refused to let them buckle. 

Remar pulled her into his arms and before she could protest his mouth was on hers. With her hands trapped between their bodies the attempt she made to free herself was futile. Her lack luster effort died quickly and she gave in to the feel of his mouth moving over hers. The kiss was possessive, as if proving his dominion over her.

“Enough,” he whispered against her lips after breaking their kiss. “Or I will have you here in front of the entire sector.”

Dallas’s stomach knotted at his comment. He wasn’t serious. Right? Afraid he would make good on his threat she pulled away but only as far as he would allow.

“I-I’m not the one who started it,” she said breathlessly trying to gain control of her racing heart. Dallas couldn’t believe she let him be so familiar in public. Ultimately, what choice did she have? The kiss was meant to demonstrate who was in control.

“Do not worry
, we will continue this in our chamber later.”

He secured her hand in his leading the way to the set of chairs while she tried not to think about the two of them being alone together.


It took a while for the awkward moment to be forgotten but the hall soon boomed with so much activity it drowned her senses. There was live music, dancers, poets, singers and host of other artistic forms Dallas wasn’t quite sure how to label. In spite of the man at her side she found herself drawn to the entertainment.

A semi-circle formed in front of the dais and a rhythmic clapping started amongst the crowd.

“What’s this?” she didn’t realize she asked the question aloud until Remar responded.

“We are being summoned to dance.”

“Oh.” The idea of being in his arms again was enough to send her into panic mode. “I’d rather sit this one out?”

But she knew her excuse fell on deaf ears as Remar rose taking her hand in his own. She debated the merits of resistance but in the end allowed him to take them into the center of spectators.

“Just relax. I will do all the work,” he encouraged.

With a flick of his wrist the musicians switched to a more melodic beat.

“Your hands go here,” he said releasing her waist momentarily to position her hands on his shoulders. “This should be familiar to you. We adopted this style from your people.”

His hands rested on her lower back as their bodies swayed in time with a slow ethereal ballad unlike anything she’d ever heard.

“You smell like a
rose,” Remar commented gently. His voice vibrated in his chest and against her ear making her want to lean further into him.

Although Dallas wasn’t quite sure what a samarian rose smelled like she could only assume he meant the comment as a compliment. If he thought sweet talk would win her over he certainly had another think coming, but she chose not to inform him. At least, not at the present.

Slowly the dance arena began to fill up around them but Dallas was all too focused on the feel of Remar’s hard body pressed against hers. There were points where their bare skin touched sending sparks of excited electricity with each contact. His movements were sensual and Dallas found herself falling victim to the seduction of being so close to him.

What was she doing? She admonished herself as she tried to shake off the haze that began to envelope her.

“Are your ceremonies always this festive?” she asked hoping conversation would distract her traitorous body.

Remar paused before responding.

“No, usually family and close friends participate in the ceremony. However, as the High Commander I have a duty to invite all of those in my sector. Unfortunately, many were turned away this evening. For those not present they are able to watch the events on their personal viewers.”

“You mean
is being broadcasted?” She wasn’t sure why she found the knowledge so startling.

“Of course. Your presence here has made this a more special occasion.”

“Speaking of which-”

Dallas felt him tense slightly.

“Do not speak of leaving again,
. This is now your home and you will transition into our way of life easier the sooner you accept it.”

“You know that’s a whole lot of hubris you’re sporting. To think I’ll just fall in line with this fictitious relationship. I didn’t agree to stay on this planet, nor to wed you. So no, I will not just accept this arrangement.”  She stared up at him, defiantly, her hands now braced on his chest trying to force some distance between them.

It was impossible.

“Woman, will the remainder of my life be filled with your stubbornness?”

“No. Because I don’t plan on being a part of the rest of your life. Even if I’m stuck on this planet forever it doesn’t mean that I want to be with you.”

“Hmm, I remember you being far more welcoming two moon risings ago, perhaps we should go to our rooms sooner and see if we can recapture that moment.”

Like hell.

Unable to control her rising anger Dallas brought the heel of her foot down hard on his. The fact that he wore sandals was little consolation since her own feet were strapped in a soft thong as well. She was surprised when his hold on her loosened allowing her make her escape back towards their deserted seats.

There was obviously no reasoning with a barbarian
, she seethed. 

.” A winded Rabika appeared at her side.

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