Claimed: Unchartered Territory (5 page)

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Remar bent his head in thanks to the Creator for bringing his soul companion to him.

“It is a woman. An
woman.” he stated for the benefit of the men behind him biting back the urge to add “My woman.”

A collective sound of surprise filled the room. It was understandable. An actual
alien on Chezar was a historical happening. The fact that the alien was also a woman who single handedly put down a couple of his best centurions would also be a source of serious note for his men. Granted she’d had the element of surprise on her side, it would not ease the bruised egos of the injured men especially if the knowledge of her feats made it beyond the vessel.               

“Are you certain it is an

Remar wasn’t sure who asked the question.

“Aye,” He acknowledged.

“Does she live?” Someone else asked and Remar felt a fear unlike any other he’d ever experience grip him. His weapon was only meant to incapacitate, but she was so small what if…

He held a finger beneath her nose, breathing a sigh of relief to feel the warm expulsion of air on his skin. It was like a caress that sent shivers down his spine.

Positioning his arms under the unconscious woman he cradled her close to him as he stood. When he turned towards his men with the alien female Remar could tell he wasn’t the only one awestruck.

“Remarkable,” someone uttered.

Obviously, the men had never seen anyone like her, not in real life. Traditionally, Chezarian females held similar features to males but apparently neither the absence of brow ridges nor the smooth shape of the alien woman’s face elicited a negative response.

“Will she be claimed?” another centurion spoke from the back of the group, breaking the long silence.

The question was unexpected.

But as Remar stared down into the unusually beautiful face of the alien woman he understood what sparked the interest and he also knew that no one else could possess her, save him. Her being an
woman was a complication. To say publicly she was chosen for him through the calling would seem very convenient. Neither his premonition, nor his position could allow him to avoid the inevitable. She would have to be claimed.

Still, certain matters would need to be learned about her. Of primary importance was having the physician complete a full examination and discovering why she’d come through the aperture.

“It is too early to tell, but perhaps,” Remar finally answered, holding the light bundle in his arms a little tighter as if to shield her from the other men.

“If she is to be claimed then I wish to enter the challenge,” the questioner volunteered almost before Remar’s reply had been uttered.

Another centurion spoke up to indicate his interest, than another. By the time they disembarked the alien craft several of his unmated warriors had unofficially entered the challenge they hoped would be forthcoming.

“I understand some of you are eager to throw your free bars in the challenge arena for the
woman but there are some definite matters that need to be attended to first,” Remar reminded interrupting another centurion who looked ready to declare his own intentions.

Once word spread of the alien, and where she hailed from, more would want to join. Chezarians had a penchant for desiring the rarest of… everything and that extended to partners. She would be viewed as a valuable status symbol to anyone. The male who would eventually become her mate would be admired for possessing her unusual looks and planet of origin. A woman with the skills she’d demonstrated would surely beget strong warrior offspring that was if her species were even compatible for breeding. Ultimately, it would not matter to those entering the claim challenge. To have her as his mate would be enough. A Chezarian of wealth could easily obtain a mistress for procreation.

He looked down at the woman whose existence would disrupt his sector. Not to mention how the other sector leaders would respond once they learned of her existence. The potential fallout should have been cause for concern. It was not, at least not at the moment when the living, breathing proof of his reason for being was in his arms.

“Dispatch the physician,” Remar ordered.


With his new ‘guest’ safely asleep in her temporary quarters, Remar sat in his private chamber reviewing the information collected on her vessel. His scientists were certain it was of the same origins as the
spheres thus confirming what he already knew to be true. All reports indicated the craft had experienced minor damage while traveling through the aperture. But it was the translation of the vessels recorded logs which told the full story.

He’d listened to them several times already. Although he didn’t understand most of the
woman’s lilting words, on their own, he enjoyed hearing her talk.

Having her translated words put Remar at ease about more
beings breaching the aperture in pursuit of her. Alone and in the face of unknown danger she’d remained calm. An admirable quality to say the least. There were not too many warriors who could have done the same. If the translation was right she’d warned her comrades against sending others. Yet another quality to be admired. Brave, noble with demonstrated determination and obviously possessing a high level of intelligence to be entrusted with the vessel on her own. From what they could gather of her data log she was an explorer sent to monitor the aperture her people called a

It was an odd name indeed. He could think of many things that would qualify as warm orifices but the aperture certainly was not one of them. But
were peculiar beings to have let a woman pilot a craft on her own, why should their naming structure be any less odd.

He shifted his attention to the physicians report. He was relieved to see no damage was done from their altercation on her ship. A thorough examination was performed and identified many internal similarities between their species. But Remar found their differences quite fascinating too. Was the woman’s one heart an anomaly or was it common in her species? What limitations did such a design pose? It was a question he would have to inquire to her at the soonest. Of even more curiosity were her twin reproductive organs. Chezarian women had only one internal sac capable of producing eggs for fertilization. Amazing. Did that mean she could produce multiple offspring at once? The possibility was staggering. Was it really possible their species were distant relations? It didn’t matter the physcian’s report sealed it, there would be a claim challenge for her.

One thing was for certain, the female was a complete distraction, not only to him but to his entire sector. Word of her existence had leaked out and was traveling like a wildfire in the Gideon forest. Sight unseen there were an unprecedented number of participants seeking entry into the challenge. It wouldn’t be long before her existence was known to the other sectors leaders. His timetable for the challenge would have to be accelerated or run the risk of having the other sectors push for entry into the competition. He could not risk planetary unrest.

Remar ran a finger up and down his brow ridges to ease the headache which resided with him since being alerted to the alien vessel. The thought of the incredible logistics of putting on a challenge that would surely rival any in Chezarian history only added to his pains.

Pushing the various reports about the alien woman from his mind he picked up the un-extended rod she’d used against him and his men. The metallic object conjured up images of her attacking his guards. Never before had he seen a woman fight with such agility and skill, and it was unheard of that one could best a man in battle, let alone any member of his warrior guard.

A strong urge took hold of him.

He had to see her again.

It would be the last time until after the challenge, he promised himself. A few sequences on the holoboard gave him access to the secure monitor feed of the alien woman’s room. Redressed in traditional Chezarian attire befitting a female and resting undisturbed on the
it was hard to believe she was the same creature he encountered on the ship. Watching her now touched his hearts in a way no other woman ever had. But that wasn’t all. A familiar need flared to life. His cock stirred beneath the constraints of his pants in interest. Remar ended the feed before he did something embarrassing while watching her sleep.

It had only taken seconds to trigger a response but experience taught him it would take much longer to bring his body back under control. He needed to be done with the claim challenge for more reasons than preventing chaos from breaking out in his sector. Even before her arrival the woman had pitted him against his body’s responses and he had a feeling it would only get worse if he did not have her soon.

Remar switched to a secure communication screen on his viewer and did the one thing he’d put off for too long. He did not wait for a greeting.

“Open a line to the other sectors and advise I am prepared to speak about the alien ship.”

The connection was made without delay. As he suspected there was no posturing from the other leaders. They were all eager to hear what was discovered and quickly accepted his request.

Holo images of each leader appeared around his workstation.

“It sure has taken you long enough Remar.” The angry greeting came easily from Keltar of sector three. There was no love lost between the two and Remar knew he would only ever receive veiled hostility from the other High Commander. The other leader had proven on more than one occasion to be all growl and no action.

“What information do you have for us Remar?” Voren the leader of sector four and distant relative of his asked in his overly calm demeanor.

“An alien vessel was discovered orbiting Chezar above sector two at sunrise this morn,” Remar provided.

“At which point all Watch Towers should have been notified,” Keltar added hotly.

“Perhaps there is a malfunction with your towers Keltar, the vessel was easily identified by our technicians. If you would like for us to provide tower support for your sector in the future please transmit your scanner and communication codes.”

“We do not require assistance from you Remar. My towers are in perfect condition.”

“Then they should have noticed the craft as well, the vessel used no manner of concealment. Now if no one else will interrupt I am ready to give a reporting.”

“Please proceed,” Voren encouraged.

Remar did just that providing details of not only the alien ship but of the spheres which proceeded the vessels arrival. He extended the offer to allow scientist and technicians from the other sectors access to the spheres. However, made it clear that the alien ship would be unavailable to the other sectors until his team had an opportunity to thoroughly examine it.

“You mean you need time to steal its secrets and leave us with only the carcass to pick at like
scavengers,” Keltar accused.

“If that’s the way you choose to see it Keltar nothing I say will change your mind. Although I am certain if your sector had managed to retrieve the ship or spheres they would all have been conveniently destroyed allowing no one access. My sector is well within our agreement rights.” Remar replied.

As Keltar sputtered over a rebuttal, which was sure to be nothing but denials and further accusation, Remar muted the other leader’s
. Keltar’s animated holo image looked comical without the accompanying sound.

“It is rumored that an
woman manned the vessel. Is this true?” Voren asked quietly.

“Aye,” Remar confirmed holding his annoyance in check for what was surely to come next.

“What of her?” Voren followed up.

Remar was not fooled by the polite inquiry. Of all the leaders Voren was the most cunning and ruthless. Remar long suspected he had spies within sector two but had been unsuccessful in determining their identities.

“The rumors are true. An
woman was taken into custody and by treaty rites will remain under the protection and control of sector two,” he advised.

“Odd that you would mention protection. Will our dignitaries have access to the alien during their visit?”

“I’m afraid that will not be possible at this time.”

“Are we to understand that this alien creature poses no threat then?” Nelo of sector one asked.

If only they knew the half of it.

“No. There is nothing to be feared from her. In fact we have had much success in translating her ships data logs and have concluded she arrived here of folly not purpose.”

“Good – good to hear,” Nelo sounded and looked genuinely pleased with the answer.

The viewer showed an animated Keltar spewing what was most likely threats at the screen. Nothing new there.

But it was Voren’s one word comment that struck a chord with Remar.









Chapter Five

Until the moment on the alien’s vessel he never contemplated taking a mate, his mistress Kala knew it, and was content in the knowledge that one day he would request an heir from her perhaps more if possible. As the mother of his children she would enjoy all the rights and privileges of a bond mate. For the past three
he and Kala shared an easy co-existence, with them each basking in the long, hot nights of their lovemaking and her reaping the rewards her status brought in the light of day. At least it was so until the sphere that brought the image of the
woman. It heralded the beginning of the end for them.

Remar sighed heavily at the confrontation he knew was in store, but he did not disillusion himself. Kala would be more hurt over losing her current position than him. He considered himself fair and was prepared to offer her a more than generous settlement for their time together. At thirty-two
she was a very lovely creature with bright white hair, and luminous eyes which most males hoped to have directed at them. Before becoming his mistress she’d had many suitors but with no family to speak of there was no possibility of a claim challenge in her future. As far as he knew the matter never concerned her. Kala’s beauty and talents had some of the wealthiest men offering her the position of mate.

He knew what needed to be done and was certain Kala would do well for herself.

Remar relaxed in the soothing interior of his seat, closing his eyes only to fall victim to images of the alien woman resting in his home. If there was some guilt he should be feeling over his thoughts they would not surface.

The universe had spoken and who was he to argue with the gods.


Dallas felt as if she were floating.

She opened one eye, then the next.  All around her was a white gauzy material.

So this was heaven. Hmmph?

It wasn’t exactly what she was expecting.

Her years in the Orphanage were her first real exposure to religious teachings and no matter which she’d studied they all seemed to have a common consensus about heaven being a grandiose place. She’d chosen to think of it as a higher plane of consciousness but didn’t balk at the idea of a beautiful, ethereal palace beyond the known cosmos.

Boy were they all wrong.

She bolted upright causing whatever she was laying on to roll and sway. Dallas held her position until the movement subsided to manageable ripples. 

Absent the fire and damned souls she could certainly rule out hell too.

Dallas scooted towards the edge of what appeared to be a bed until her bare feet came in contact with a step. She looked through the sheer fabric to the room around her. Okay, it was a little grandiose. Peering over the side she noted three steps leading from the elevated bed.

So she wasn’t dead, and she obviously wasn’t on Juno, so where in the universe was she?

I must be part cat because it looks like I’ve escaped another brush with death,
she couldn’t help but think as memories of her unexpected journey through the wormhole and her encounter with the giant, grunting men on her ship rushed back to her.

The aliens must have brought her to their planet. She took a deep breath of precious oxygen and smiled. So it was habitable. She counted herself lucky for that but her mind quickly jumped to the next thought. Was she a prisoner and this room some sort of holding cell?

Parting the guazy white material she made her way down the steps into a room that rivaled any she’d ever seen. She might not have spent any time in prison but this certainly didn’t look like one she’d ever seen in movies. The walls were the color of burnt sienna and seemed to be adorned with a myriad of art work. Curiously, she wandered the room taking in the alien artistry. As strange as it seemed Dallas was certain some pieces looked familiar. She paused longer in front of one very recognizable painting.

Starry Nights, Vincent van Gogh,
her mind made the instant connection with the piece of art.

It somehow made sense on the alien planet but still begged the question, how did aliens have replica of human artwork? Her mind tried to reconcile everything experienced or seen since her first contact with the aliens. They were obviously a civilized race, to some degree, and had spared her life. No complaints there. But what was their purpose, was she guest, prisoner or something else? She shook off the latter thought, refusing to let her mind to dwell on an ancient
Twilight Zone
episode where humans were being harvested as a food supply for aliens.

One thing was for certain the outfit she wore felt more harem girl, circa
Star Trek
, and less prison bitch. Dallas tried not to think about who or what had changed her out of her uniform and into the skimpy outfit absent her undergarments. The material, criss-crossed over her breasts and was secured at her lower back. A second garment wrapped low on her hips exposing her flat midriff. Thankfully the semi-sheer material flowed to her ankles swirling around her as she walked but surprisingly not tripping her up.

“Beautiful?” she muttered to herself fingering the distraction that took her attention away from her skimpy attire to something that resembled giant wings hanging on a wall. The material was soft to the touch and she couldn’t help but wonder if they had once adorned the back of some type of animal. She contemplated it a little longer before her attention was easily diverted to what appeared to be a large shuttered door flanked by two windows with the same coverings.

Eager to see the world beyond she practically ran to the openings. Her excitement was short lived. She searched for a handle or some other means of opening but found nothing useful. Nudging the door didn’t seem to work either. It didn’t even have the decency to budge from her efforts. She got the same results from the coverings over both windows.

It might not look like a traditional prison but she got the sinking feeling her movements would be limited.

A noise behind her caused Dallas to jump suddenly, turning in time to see as two women entered the room followed by a man who made the tall pair look like children. She tensed as she assessed the large male figure, broad, muscular shoulders and chest exposed save the wide blue band that crossed his torso. An intricate array of tattoos wound around onside of his torso and adjacent arm. She would have taken more time to look at the design pattern if not for being distracted by the familiar weapon holstered on his hip. The women didn’t seem like much of a threat but the guard on the other hand, was a different story entirely. Her fingers itched for the protection of her metal rod.

The woman who looked to be the older of the two cleared her throat or maybe she spoke, either way it forced Dallas to focus on the females. While the women possessed similar coloring and both had the intimidating looking ridges in the middle of their foreheads they didn’t have the same sharp edges carved in their faces as the males. Dallas found their appearance to be softer. The expression ‘the gentler sex’ was never truer than within this alien species.

Silence ensued as the female trio stared at each other for several long seconds.

Now what
? Dallas couldn’t help but think.

The younger woman approached her first, holding what looked like a thin gold bracelet in her outstretched hand. She spoke slowly as she came closer. Dallas could tell by her tentative movements and gentle tone she was trying to appear reassuring. She could only assume the offering was meant as a gift.

“Thank you,” she bowed slightly accepting the offered jewelry.

The girl giggled, at least that’s what it sounded like, and returned her bow awkwardly before resuming her position next to the other woman.

Dallas felt a little simple as she stood staring at the bracelet for so long the girl signaled for her to put it on her wrist.

“Of course you want me to wear this.” She smiled, slipping the metal on and holding it up for inspection. It was an intricate, thin band width - “What the hell?”

Her arm flinched in response to several sharp needle pricks drilling into her skin where the metal touched. The sensation was over in seconds. Dallas made a move to jerk the band off her arm. Diplomacy be damned.

In response the bracelet tightened around her.

The two women shook their heads simultaneously while repeating a noise which sounded more like chittering and grunting than and actual language, but Dallas caught their meaning.

“Alright, so hands off the bracelet, but I have to say as gifts goes this one really bites, literally.”

She dropped her arm to her side and was grateful when the band loosened.

Her arm tingled at the insertion points and at first she thought it was in reaction to the blood flow returning to the area but as the sensitivity crawled its way up her arm she knew there was a very different reason. The feeling wove its way up her shoulder and neck. A wave of vertigo assailed her. She could only assume she wobbled because in an instant the women were at her side holding her elbows to steady her. Dallas was happy for the support and even more grateful when they settled her on the high standing round cushion poised in the center of the room. Her head buzzed, as if a swarm of bees had been set free inside it.

She was going to be sick. Or at least she thought so until the buzzing suddenly stopped and the room recovered from swaying around her.

“Better?” A feminine voice asked.

“Hell yes, I thought my head was about to….” Dallas trailed off but turned her head in the direction of the woman who’d asked.

For several moments she could only blink at the older woman. “Wait a minute. I can understand you?”

“That is of course the idea behind the translator,” the woman replied.

“How does it feel?” The younger woman asked eagerly on her opposite side.

“Now that I’m not about to pass out it actually feels fine,” She said holding her arm out to make sure it was still attached.

“I was afraid it would not work,” the older woman explained. “These devices have only ever been used on Chezarians for instructional learning of your language. Those who have mastered your speech do not wear them. Those who are still in the learning stages wear them.”

Dallas confirmed that the two females wore matching bracelets, while the guard wore a simple single manacle.

“The male’s look different,” the older woman commented after following the direction of her gaze.

“Are you really from
?” the younger female piped in excitedly.

Dallas smiled at her exuberance.

“Rabika-,” the older woman silenced.

“It’s quite alright, I don’t mind,” Dallas interrupted the scolding. “Yes, I’m from Earth but how do you know of it?”

“We have received your spheres for many generations.” The older woman answered.


“Aye, the round metal devices carrying information about your home world.”

It took Dallas nearly a full minute to catch their meaning. “You mean the probes?”

It was the women’s turn to look confused.

“I’m pretty sure we’re talking about the same thing. Our planet has launched hundreds into the solar system in the hopes of learning more about the universe. They have always included information about our planet on the off chance a probe falls into the hands of intelligent life forms. A lot of them went offline.”

“We have received many of these devices in fact they are very popular on our planet.” Rabika informed.

“But I do not believe anyone thought an actual
would come. Especially not a female.” The younger one added.

“It was quite by accident I assure you,” Dallas provided.

“Nevertheless you are here now and we will be your initiators. My name is Khimar and this is Rabika,” The older woman introduced.

“I’m Dallas. Um, but before we begin this initiation you mentioned I’d really like to talk with someone about my ship,” she replied.

“The High Commander would be the authority to grant such an approval,” Rabika answered.

“All right, where can I find him?”  Dallas asked standing up again with no residual side effects.

“Presently, he is preparing for the claiming challenge, but you are a guest in his home,” Khimar answered.

“Okay, maybe I can meet with him after. When will he be finished?”

“That remains to be seen. The challenge is scheduled to take place in one sun rising but the number of participants may make it extend to two,” Khimar answered.

Two more days. She didn’t like the sound of that. Who knew what state her ship would be in by then? If an alien craft came to earth the government and plenty of other organizations like the IAC would be chomping at the bit to tear the thing apart and discover its secrets. Somehow she didn’t think it would be much different on this planet.

“Is that standard?”  Dallas asked hoping for a way to get in to see him sooner.

“Not usually.”  The older woman replied. “Claim challenges are usually no more than a few hours, however, this is a unique situation.” 

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