Claimed: Unchartered Territory (7 page)

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Any complaint she may have had was quickly dashed by the tug of his lips on her nipple. He captured it between his teeth and worked it with quick tongue swipes that had her arching for more. He gave it. Shifting his attention to her other nipple and paying equal treatment while he kneaded the firm underside of her breast.

She swore she came a little with each brush of his tongue.

Dallas felt his reluctance as he pulled away again. She met his gaze. His lavender stare drilled into her. Possessive. Primal.

He pushed the tangle of her skirt away and splayed her bare legs wide but Dallas didn’t offer any resistance. She should, deep down she knew she should try to put an end to what was about to happen. He used a thick finger to trace the folds of her nether lips while staring down at her. Watchful. Almost daring her to deny him.

He pushed forward and found the sensitive flesh hidden within and didn’t hesitate to stroke it.

“Oh,” she whimpered, her pelvis arching beneath his touch. He toyed with her at first, giving her clit tentative brushes.

Each one sent shivers of arousal through her.

“You like this?” he asked

In answer she opened wider for him.

“Ah no my
I must hear the words from you or I will stop.”

He stroked her again, firmer this time. “Do you like this?”

She was finding it difficult to speak and whimpered instead when he stopped all movement.

“Your answer will determine if I continue,” he coaxed.

“Ye-Yes,” came out in a stuttered whisper.

“Good,” he rasped picking up the motion where he’d left off and sending Dallas into an instant spiral.

Faster, faster he drummed and twirled against her clit. She pushed upward to match his movements, wanting more and craving relief.

“More,” the request came out on a tortured moan.

“As you wish,” he said dropping feathery kisses down her stomach until he settled in between her thighs.

There was no hesitation in his approach. His coarse tongue slid along the folds of her swollen flesh, then slipped easily between the swollen labia to flick her clit with precision strokes. Pressing. Rubbing. Flicking.

Dallas looked down the length of her body as he forced her legs apart wider and marvelled at the hungry way he was devouring her. Such fervour. Like a man possessed. The combination of watching and feeling him go to work between her thighs was like an aphrodisiac she’d never known.

Lips closed over her swollen clit and he sucked her in slowly.

Suck. Flick. Suck

She ground her hips against his busy mouth feeling the first flutters of her impending orgasm.

He sucked harder. Pushed. Probed.

Her entire body tightened.

He flicked. Growled. His tongue stretched to her feminine core slurping at her, then up again to drum against her clit.

She was on sensory overload.

Too much…

Her hips flared up on a groan as she came over and over. He stretched his tongue again only this time breaching her opening with the thick appendage, plunging in her while she convulsed around it. When the shudders of her orgasm subsided, he slid it from inside her and lapped slowly at her sensitive clit until all she could do was twitch in response.

Dallas hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until she opened them to see him standing over her. He looked bigger, chest heaving as if he’d just run a marathon. He licked her juices from his mouth with slow savoring swipes all the while quietly watching her.

She couldn’t move, even if she wanted to although she was beginning to feel more self-conscious with each passing second. He backed away long enough to remove his pants in a matter of a few quick shoves. Mesmerized, all she could do was watch his movements. She didn’t try to hide her surprise at his size. The bulbous head of his cock was only slightly thicker than the rest of his thick shaft. It didn’t matter much because he was still broader and longer than any man she’d ever seen.

“You can’t be serious,” she mumbled to herself.

He gripped her thighs and pulled her towards the curved edge of the cushiony softness beneath her before scooping her legs over his forearms.

“My sweet
you do not know how much I have wanted this day to come,” he confessed just before sinking into her sensitive, wet center.

God he felt just as big as he looked. Bigger.

Dallas was torn between discomfort and riding the lingering pangs of pleasure that continued to spark in burst of desire inside her.

“Just relax,” he coaxed, his tone sounding raspier as he used shallow thrusts to burrow deeper.

Easy for him to say. But her body opened for him.

She saw the strain register on his face with each forward plunge that gained him precious inches and was grateful he took care with her. He was larger, stronger and her vulnerable position would have left her with little options had he chosen to be less than delicate. Funny that wasn’t a word she would have associated with him previously.

Dallas didn’t think it was possible on the tail end of her recent orgasm but her body responded to his cautious movements.

“Touch your breasts,” came his gruff command.

She didn’t hesitate.

Truthfully, it was quite exciting having him inside her while he watched her touch herself. She rubbed them together then squeezed and plucked the nipples. He made a sound of approval, grasped her hips and stroked deep.

Full breach.

Stretching her.

He gave her a little time to become accustomed to his girth before the deep thrusts started. Long. Exciting. He gained speed until he was at a steady pace that left them both gasping and pushing towards the precipice.

The shaft of his cock glided back and forth over her slit igniting the lingering sparks into a full-fledged flare up. She pinched her nipples harder enjoying the sensation of pleasure and pain. There was a delicious tightening in her lower body and her muscles throbbed around his thick shaft. She choked back a scream as an unexpected wave broke and wrenched its way through her leaving Dallas writhing in ecstasy beneath him.

His restraint seemed to snap and he plunged deeper still until he came on a strangled groan sinking inside her one last time.


Remar dropped to his elbows above her. Not wanting to move. Inside her his man root thumped the last of its pleasure and he knew she was full with his seed. The thought gave him a pleasure all its own. He had never been one to carelessly spill himself inside a female but she was not any woman. She was his soul companion. It didn’t matter if his seed took root inside her because very soon she would be acknowledged as his by all.

The knowledge of that alone enabled him to slide from her welcoming warmth.

“Don’t move,” he instructed standing to his full height. What a lovely picture she made laying there in front of him clothes askew, legs spread, looking as if she’d been thoroughly taken.

Remar hesitated long enough to pull on his leggings before going into the adjoining bathing room where he moistened a cloth to clean her.  He came back in to find her adjusting her breasts covering back in place. Disappointment hit him hard knowing their night had come to an end.

Her eyes rounded at the sight of him, but he quickly realized she was staring at the bathing cloth in his hand.

“I can do that,” she said swiping at the material but he pulled it away too quickly.

“Allow me,” it was an order disguised as a request.

“Really, I’ve been cleaning myself all alone since I was a toddler. I think I have the hang of it.”

“I am prepared to stand here all night.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she muttered but laid back on the cushion once again. With a little urging Remar pushed her legs apart for access to her nether lips taking longer than necessary to wipe the evidence of their time together away.

“This looks likes someone’s office, should we even be in here?” She asked as he made his way back into the bathing room. He heard the nervousness in her voice and when he re-emerged he saw she’d fully righted her clothing. He also noticed she distanced herself from the cushioned seating and moved closer to the door.

“I am authorized so you have no reason for concern.”

“Still, it’s late and I should probably go back to my room especially since there is no chance of me meeting your leader.”

She moved towards the door but he made it there first. From the way she jumped she hadn’t expected him to beat her to it.

“I still make you nervous, why?” He asked ignoring her comment.

“Well let’s see the first time we met you shot me, and the second time…”

“Go on.” He crossed his arms over his bare chest and waited.

“That’s beside the point, I should really just go back to my room before someone realizes I’m missing.”

“I will take you.”

“Dressed like that?”

“I could remove my pants again if you think that would be better?”

She glared up at him. 

“Fine, let’s go before we get caught in here.”

He opened the door for her to proceed him, his gaze dropping to the hypnotic sway of her hips.

Much to his chagrin the walk back to her room was made in silence. Several times he started to speak but found himself stopping. No female ever affected him the way she did. Made him lose control or the ability to have a simple conversation.

She did all of the above


At her door Dallas breathe a sigh of relief.

“Um…good night,” she uttered quickly and would have slipped into her room just as fast if not for his restraining hand on her arm.

Her head shot up to allow her look at him. “I’m not inviting you in,” she said with confidence she wasn’t quite feeling.

“What makes you think I need an invitation?”

The question made her pause. He was right, physical strength alone gave him the advantage and who knew what kind of clout he had in the household.

“I only wanted to caution you from any more nightly excursions,” he continued.

“Message received.”

“Good, and now for a proper good eve.”

The protest never made it past her lips.

The man had ninja reflexes and the only way she would be safe around him would be with a hundred foot distance, she thought as his lips took hers in a kiss that had her toes curling against the floor.

All too quickly it ended.

“Good night
, I look forward to our next meeting.”

He released her and she quickly stepped inside her room. Her fingers shook as she pressed the key to have the door closing in his face. The man was a walking, breathing menace to the female species and she was going to make it her mission to avoid him at all cost in the future.







Chapter Seven

Dallas woke slowly. Awareness came to her in stages of sensory recognition. The gentle gurgling of the bed beneath her. The soft feel of fabric against her bare skin. The untainted smell of pure, natural air.

She enjoyed those few seconds.

Then came the memories. Where she was, how she’d come to be there and the reality that she’d never see earth again. She stifled a heart breaking whimper. Then her mind jumped to him. The alien who shot her. Who she’d given herself to without any resistance. Nothing said desperate like falling into the arms of the first alien male to toss you up against a stone wall. The reality of her situation only made her not want to open her eyes.


But lying in bed all day trying to wish her situation away wasn’t an option. Besides, as unexpected as things were there was no denying the extraordinary opportunities around her. She was on an alien world. And with the exception of her first contact they didn’t seem to mean her any harm. That was a good thing, right?

There was so much to be learned.

Dallas wasn’t sure what time it was but had a feeling Rabika or Khimar, maybe both, would be in her room soon all ready for her next indoctrination lessons.

She made her way to the edge of the bed with a series of grumbles and groans, a testament of her sexual exploits the night before with the alien whose name she didn’t even know.

She froze.

But he had known her name. In fact he used it more than once. Her mind raced for an answer and found it quickly. No doubt her two companions reported everything they’d learned about her to their higher ups so of course he’d learned everything they knew. The man seemed to have a personal in with the leader of the sector so it only made sense he would be privy to just about everything.

Okay, the day before may not have gone exactly as planned but it was a new day and she was determined to play this out right.


Remar opened his eyes as a draft shifted through his steam room followed closely by Kala.

“Alone at last,” she purred letting the shear garment she wore drop from her body.

His lids drooped closed again in disinterest.

“Where have you been Kala, I summoned you before the two moon rises yestereve?”

Kala slid next to him. “I was in such a foul mood when I learned about your involvement in the claim challenge I honestly was not fit to be around you, my lord.”

“So you chose to disobey a direct order instead?”

“Let me make it up to you. It has been a long time since last we were together,” she continued in the pouting tone she mistakenly believed worked on him. As she spoke her hand inched up one of his corded thighs.

“Don’t.” Remar’s voice was low but it held all the weight necessary to stop Kala’s progression.

“It is this
woman!” she started angrily. “She has cast some type of dark spell over you and all the other foolish men who have entered the claim challenge.”

He peered at her through narrow eyes. “You will hold your tongue.”

“And why should I. All of you have fallen over yourselves since this alien’s arrival, and for what reason? From what I have heard she is small in size and fights like a warrior. Hardly a suitable bond mate.”

“Enough,” he barked shooting a hard look in her direction.

Quietly she asked, “You are ending our relationship, are you not?”

“It ended before the
woman’s arrival. As you said it has been a long time.”

“And what am I supposed to do?”

“I am prepared to provide a handsome stipend for you. You may travel to any sector you choose. Where I am certain you will be able to find a number of suitors.”

She stared at him surprised. “I must leave the sector too?”

“Stay or leave the choice is yours, but I seem to remember you and Keltar having a strong fondness towards each other. I will not stop you if your choice is to leave for there.” He was being honest. He had little care if she decided to set her sights on the other sector leader now that their relationship was dissolved.

“You are serious?”


“If I go to Keltar he will badger me for secrets about sector two.”

“And I am certain you will tell him all you know.”

“But you are not concerned?”


Kala stood snatching up her discarded clothes. “You are without hearts Remar.”

“Many would agree with you, but let us not pretend that our arrangement was one sided. You bartered well for your position as my mistress. This was never meant to be a permanent arrangement we both understood that at the start.”

There was a long silence.

“Then this is goodbye,” Kala said with finality before turning to march away in all her naked glory.

It had gone far easier than he expected.

Remar frowned.

Too easy.


“Today is the last day of the claim challenge!” Rabika announced excitedly as they sat in the open garden sampling the best in Chezarian culinary cuisine being prepared for some celebration which would follow the challenge. 

Dallas got the impression the young woman wanted her to share in her enthusiasm. Even if she had any idea what a ‘claim challenge’ was she was far too distracted to wrap her mind around the event.

“If you have plans to go see it then please don’t let me keep you.”

“We will have an opportunity to see the conclusion of the challenge in a few hours but right now it’s important for us to select the meals to be served.”

“Honestly they were all good and I’m so stuffed I couldn’t eat another bite if I wanted to.”

“But which were your favorites?” Rabika asked expectantly.

At random Dallas pointed out three dishes. She hadn’t lied they really were all tasty.

“Good,” Rabika rose. “Now we move on to your fitting.”

“You’re kidding, after everything we just ate?”

The younger woman nodded excitedly. “There is still much to be done.”

It wasn’t the first time Rabika made the statement, in fact she’d breezed into Dallas’ room that morning rambling on about all the things they needed to do before the first moon setting. Apparently Khimar wouldn’t be joining them since she was in charge of some special project no doubt to do with the evening’s event.

Dallas was on the verge of feigning a headache but realized sitting in her room and sulking all day wouldn’t do her any good. She needed an outlet and since it didn’t look like mixed martial arts was on the menu she figured running through the rigorous pace Rabika had her moving at would have to do instead. After today she was really going to have to find out how she could best fit into the Chezarian way of life since it seemed this was going to be her new home.

She sighed at the thought.

It was a full Chezarian day and a half after her encounter with the alien man and she’d been at Rabika and Khimar’s mercy which consisted of more instruction on domestic things she hoped to never have a need for, ever. It was clear Chezarian women weren’t expected to do much beyond hearth and home. She didn’t want to judge, if that were their thing but from what she’d gathered about the society it was clear the women had no other options or outlets.

“Alright lets go get fitted, but when my gut is hanging over the skimpy little outfit that passes for clothes on this planet, remember I told you so.”


Dallas couldn’t take her eyes off the bustling atmosphere beyond their glider. It was like medieval times meets advanced technology...but with aliens. The contrasts were amazing and appeared to blend together seamlessly the same way they did in the manor. She marvelled at the inhabitants below going about their routines. By comparison she really was vastly different from the aliens of her host plant. Compared to her they were giants and ranged in color from a light grey to a pale white, at least that’s what she’d seen so far from the Chezarians she’d encountered. All had ridges between their brows and haunting lavender eyes that varied from dark to light. She thought back to the guard who she’d… well, his were particularly dark. Seductive even. She shook off the thought to focus her attention on the activity below them.

Theirs was one of few glider conveyances around but Dallas quickly learned that most inhabitants traveled by an underground transport. For a little while she fostered the hope they could squeeze a condensed tour in to their timetable. Instead Dallas was whisked into the dressmakers shop escorted by Rabika and six armed behemoths who kept the curious Chezarians at bay.

She was surprised to see two security members already inside. “I’m feeling a bit like a celebrity,” Dallas said once they were safely inside the shop.

“It was easier to bring you here where the dressmaker has all of her tools than arranging for her shop to be brought to us on such short notice.”

“You really didn’t have to go through all the trouble for me. Anyone of those many outfits in the wardrobe would have sufficed.”

“This evenings events are very special, and none of those items are suitable,” Rabika beamed.

Dallas thought back to the assortment and shrugged. “Alright, I’m in your capable hands.”

Thirty minutes later and the shimmering gold fabric she’d selected, at Rabika’s encouragement, was being wrapped around her. The seamstress worked with a precision and speed that boggled the mind. Just as Dallas thought the woman was about to entomb her in the material she pulled out a metal rectangular device and aimed it at her.

“Please remain still.”

It was a request easier said than done as she watched excess fabric drip to the ground as a result of the laser beam slicing through it. In the end she had to admire the level of skill with which the seamstress used the device. She was particularly grateful to walk away with all of her fingers and toes still attached. Dallas suppressed a laugh when she realized a guard was being left behind in order to oversee the finished creation and bring it back safely to the manor.

“A dress with its own bodyguard. I think I’ve been upgraded from celebrity to royal.”

“He is honored to be entrusted with the assignment,” Rabika commented.

“Yeah, I bet. Your turn.”

“Oh no, I am all prepared,” she said making her way to the entrance.

“Okay, so where to next?” Dallas asked as they slid across the long leather like seat of the glider.

Rabika hesitated with a confused look on her face, “Back to the manor.”

“You mean that was it? My first time outside and we have to rush back already, and if you remind me of the time crunch again I might scream.”

“Did you have something else in mind?” The younger woman inquired.

Dallas didn’t expect her to give in so easily.

“How about where the large gathering was assembled near the manor? It’ll be a quick deviation from your schedule but not too far where we can’t get back on track.”

At Rabika’s faltering look she followed up with a quick. “What are the people there for anyway?”

“The final elimination rounds of the claim challenge,” Rabika provided hesitantly.

“Perfect, you seemed so excited about it earlier and it’ll be my first experience.”

“I am not sure. People are going to be very curious about you.”

“We can just stay for a little while. Besides, the guards will be there to keep us safe,” Dallas encouraged. And maybe, just maybe they would run into the High Commander there and she could plead her case.

Rabika shrugged awkwardly. “I do enjoy a good challenge.”


Dallas was in awe of the events around her. In the middle of a field were several circles, each with two men in them demonstrating their abilities in some show of force. In the ring closest to her group the men were bound together at the wrist trying their hardest to toss the other onto the hard ground. In another ring two men fought with rods similar to the one she’d used on her ship. As one of the men faltered, his rod dropped in the arena just out of his reach, the other saw his opportunity and used his own rod to completely trip up his opponent.

“Okay, what is the point of the challenge?” Dallas asked her companion as she looked from one ring to the next.

“To win the right to claim a mate.”

“You’re kidding. This is all about marrying women? Wow.” Dallas tried to discretely pick the future brides from the crowd, thus far her guards hulking builds and close formation hid them from view which kept attention away from her and on the competing men.  “So how many women are we talking about?”


She couldn’t have heard right. There were more than twenty-five men in the various circles.

“This must be some woman,” she muttered under her breath.

“Get her out of here!”  A voice boomed, breaking through the excitement around them.  Dallas, along with everyone else, looked in the direction of its owner. Even if the crowd hadn’t parted she would have recognized who the voice belonged to without introduction.

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