Claimed: Unchartered Territory (6 page)

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“Unique how?” Dallas asked. 

“It is of no consequence at this moment.” Khimar replied effectively cutting off her companion’s answer which only made Dallas curious about what the younger woman would have said.

“You said one sun rising, so perhaps he can see me tonight?”

“I am sorry but the preparation round is scheduled to go very late. Now, it is time we began. There is much to be done,” Khimar insisted.

She didn’t argue the point with the older woman, choosing instead to see if she could discover a way to meet with their High Commander before her ship was reduced to a series of metals and bolts.


If Dallas had known initiation would mean a near room by room tour of what could only be described as a palace and a crash course lesson about the Chezarian home world she would have asked for the cleft notes version. Khimar was like a super charged instructor switching from their origin story to culinary habits. The latter, unfortunately, went into great detail about how to prepare various meals with ingredients that held absolutely no meaning to Dallas. She’d never been much for cooking on Earth. Her motto was if it couldn’t be ordered, delivered or graphed it didn’t belong in her mouth.

Dallas found herself tuning most of what the older woman said out since she really had no need to know how to properly prepare

What the hell was an
anyway? Obviously there was no earth equivalent since the device on her wrist failed to translate it for her.

Instead she focused on the tour beyond the tour. Chezarians were a technologically advanced race and it was present in everything. She made mental notes on ways to open and close doors, communication links which could be accessed from holopads and anything she thought relevant which could make her introduction with the High Commander happen sooner rather than later.

By the time her guides brought her back to her room Dallas was grateful for the time alone. Part of her just wanted a break from the dynamic duo while she was also eager to try out some of the things she’d gleaned from the day’s unofficial lessons. She started with what she thought were windows and balcony openings. A wave of her hand over an obscured wall panel revealed a holopad with markings she knew had to be Chezarian script. Too bad her translator didn’t help with the written word. No matter. A little trial an error demonstrated exactly how the pad operated the windows and balcony door. She watched with satisfaction as the openings folded onto themselves to reveal the world beyond her room.

Score one for the earth girl
, she thought stepping out onto the thick stoned balcony that over looked a lush garden below and waterfall in the distance. The sprawling property might not show much about life outside of the manor but it sure provided a spectacular view. Dallas stared up at the contrast of the twin moons lighting the night sky, one orange and the other white. It all looked so surreal.


She took her time enjoying the scenery wanting to wait until the house was settled for the night before executing her plan. When Dallas had her fill of the outside she moved about the room and revisited all of the amenities shown to her by her guides before their departure. A wardrobe rack glided from one wall displaying an assortment of multicolored outfits similar to the one she wore. A holographic wall gave her access to any part of the sector she wished to see. But to Dallas the best feature was the bathing room with its spacious shower that poured continuous streams of steaming water from three, ceiling height wall dispensers like mini waterfalls. It looked decadent but someone would definitely need to be advised about the importance of water conservation.

Feeling that enough time had passed she made her way to her bedroom door and accessed the holopad that would allow her to operate the door. One deep breath later she was in the corridor half expecting to see a guard posted outside.

There were none.

Dallas hesitated briefly into the empty hall.

Act natural
, she reminded herself as she walked through several interconnecting halls leading to the one place on the tour she hadn’t been allowed to access earlier. The High Commanders offices and private suite sat away from the rest of the house and was connected by a long bridge with clear walls that looked out onto the property. Dallas kept a steady pace hoping any outside guards wouldn’t find suspicion in a figure moving across the walkway so late. 

She exhaled a sigh of relief having made it across undetected. It was so quiet at night compared to the hustle and bustle she’d witnessed earlier. In this section of the palace the hall’s lighting was kept low. Maybe she had overestimated time and it was late enough for him to be asleep. She debated going back to her room and just waiting the two days until he could see her.

Do that and he’ll be taking you to see the pile of scrap metal that once was your ship
, her inner voice warned.

It was now or never. This was her best chance at making it home.






Chapter Six

Fresh from a much needed cleaning, after rigorous elimination rounds, and all Remar could think about was her. As much as he tried to resist he found himself in his offices and settling in front of his viewing monitors. His morning would begin early and he knew he should be resting up for the secondary rounds not spying on the
woman, but logic seemed to hold no place with him where she was concerned.

He turned on the monitor, relaxing as he saw her re-enter the room from her balcony. She moved about her chambers as if familiarizing herself with all its offerings. His sister’s report of the day’s events were promising. Their guest appeared to be very receptive in learning about her new home world.

Good, the quicker she accepted her life the easier it would be for her to adjust. As Remar convinced himself to turn off the monitor he saw the
woman do the unexpected and leave her room. On full alert he switched to exterior viewers to see what she was about. If she breached the common areas leading to the entrance his guards were instructed to intervene. Perhaps it was foolhardiness on his part to not have her room sealed but he wanted her to feel free. For long moments he was baffled by the direction she took. She couldn’t be headed to the cook room, or trying to make her way to the entrance.

So, where was she going…

The thought faded as he saw her cross the walkway into his private area. Was she lost or purposefully seeking him out? He suppressed the latter thought as foolishness and surged from his chairs determined to see exactly what she was about, first hand.


It was so quiet.

Too quiet in fact.

She almost wished her bare feet would make some type of noise against the hard, cool surface of the marble like flooring. Maybe then she could shake off the strange sensation of being watched. Dallas almost groaned when it dawned on her there might be hidden cameras all around. They were obviously a technologically advanced race, basic monitoring devices shouldn’t be a problem for them and offered a reason why no guard had been posted outside her door. Were they somewhere observing her right now? If so why hadn’t someone tried to stop her yet? It was more than daunting to think at any moment a squadron of the giants could come pouring into the halls in pursuit of her breaching a secure area.

Dallas quickened her pace, looking cautiously behind her for any sign of an approaching horde.

Stop being paranoid, you’d hear them long before they reached you

At least she hoped that was the case.

The pep talk only helped a little.

For brief moments she contemplated going back to her room but quickly decided against it. She’d come too far to turn around. Dallas picked up her pace determined not to let her courage falter. If the High Commander was the only one who could stop the complete destruction of her ship then she had to see him as soon as possible no matter the risk.

As she ventured deeper into the hall the lighting dimmed even further. Soft light filtered from electric wall lanterns that resembled crude torches, a perfect blend of the primitive and technological dichotomy she’d witnessed over the course of the day. Her pace slowed to more cautious steps as she passed every darkened nook with suspicion. In the distance a set of double doors came into view to her left, but the corridor stretched on beyond them. She paused in query over whether to try them.

A name tag wouldn’t hurt
, her subconscious complained as if it would matter one way or the other, from what she’d seen of the Chezarian written language she’d have better luck trying to translate chicken scratch. Faced with so much uncertainty her courage began to wane further even as her feet propelled her forward.

There was only the briefest of warnings before she found herself face to muscular chest with a guardsman. A startled screech escaped at the Chezarian’s sudden appearance. For long moments she stared dumbfounded at the intricate markings dominating the left side of his chest and upper arm. She made to take a step back trying to reach for the excuse that would hopefully prevent her from being tossed into a real cell. A hand clasped her forearm to stop her backwards movements.

“What are you doing
woman?” The rough voice demanded from somewhere above her head.

“I-I was thirsty and…” the lie died as she looked up to meet the angry gaze of the alien man who shot her. “You!”

She wanted to be wrong. Wanted it to be a case of mistaken identity but as she stared up at the face of the guard every sense in her recognized him. He
the same man from the ship and her dreams.

“What are you doing out of your room?” he barked.

“Wa-water,” she answered hating her nervous reply.

“Do not lie.” He gave her arm a little shake. “I will ask again, why are you here?”

“My-my ship. I wanted to speak with the High Commander about my ship,” she gave up quickly.

His eyes narrowed. “What about it?”

“Please, if I could just have a few minutes of his time.”

“If you wish to speak with him you will have to go through me. What is it about your ship that has you slinking through the manor?”

She doubted anything she said would convince this man to let her in to see his leader, but she had to at least try.

“I was going to ask him not to dismantle it.”

“And why would he not?” His hand tightened slightly around her arm.

“I’m hoping he can help me get back to my own planet, back to earth.”

The Chezarian made a low throaty sound which sounded familiarly like a snarl. Any sane person probably would have let the subject die, but this was too important to just back down from because of a little fear.

Okay, maybe more than a little.

“I’m sure you can understand my desire to get back to my own world,” she was proud of herself for sounding stronger. She even managed to muster up a half smile in an attempt to ease the uncomfortable situation.

The guard moved. Faster than she expected for someone of his stature. But Dallas was less focused on his quickness and far more concerned with the result. Wedged between him and the stone wall he hiked her up against made her forget all about her ship or getting home. From their position she was well aware her feet didn’t touch the ground. His face was only inches from hers and she could feel the heat of his breath brush her lips in waves. She was increasingly mindful of the chilled wall pressed against her back through the thin material of her clothes. What she wouldn’t give for a pair of panties, chastity belt and several thick layers of leather between them instead of the thin material that passed for women’s clothing on the planet. Maybe then she wouldn’t feel all the hard contours of him pressed far too intimately against her.

“You are too late. Your ship, as you know it, is no more.”

Was he telling the truth? She didn’t want to believe him.

“If-if you could just let me meet with the High Commander I’d like to confirm that for myself,” she managed.

“Trust me little
woman I speak for the High Commander when I say...” He moved in impossibly closer until their noses touched. “…your ship is no longer. This is your home now.”

She shuddered at the finality of his words and found herself at a loss for a reply. Having given her his final answer Dallas hoped at any moment he would let her go. But something in his watchful gaze let her know he had no intention of budging. His mouth hovered dangerously close to hers.

He inhaled deeply.

His eyelids drooped closed briefly.

“Are you frightened by me?” he asked, his gaze focused on her once again.

In the history of questions it had to be the stupidest one ever asked. She was sure he could feel and hear her heart pounding. To her it sounded as if it were drumming loud enough to be heard within a three mile radius.

“Isn’t that the point of you tossing me up against a wall, to invoke fear? Well, mission accomplished.”

He cocked his head at her curiously but remained silent.

He was toying with her and even through her fear it irked her. “If we’re done here you can put me down since it’s obvious I won’t get to see your leader tonight,” she added defiantly.

are making demands now,” he sounded genuinely surprised. “Obviously your species has an odd way of illustrating fear.”

“I’m sorry, what were you expecting exactly? Should I be cowering in terror?” Actually she was only a few seconds from doing just that if he didn’t let her go back to her room and nurse the idiocy of her misadventure in private. He was truly the most frightening man she’d ever met in her life. Nothing at all like the dream version of him who seemed…well like him but only… far less intimidating and very sexy.

“Chezarians would think it unwise to provoke my ire with such a comment.”

“Well I think it’s obvious I’m not a Chezarian.”

“Hmm, now you have me curious. I wonder if all your responses are so different from ours.”  

Dallas didn’t have time to question what he meant, because in the next instance he did the one thing she hadn’t expected him to.


It was just one more day and the challenge would be finished, but Remar couldn’t seem to hold out for that long. Instead he chose a path he knew would be difficult to come back from, if at all.

But the temptation was too great and the sweet look of her lips begged to be tasted. She made a sound of surprise when he covered her mouth with his own. She tensed briefly before relaxing into him. Her easy acquiescence triggered a primal response in him.

His vision had to be right.

She was his.

He sought the sweet nectar he knew was waiting for him. She made no move to turn away from his kiss as his tongue breached her lips. Each stroke only succeeded in making him want more. Dare more. The experimental kiss turned to a ravenous demand.


His body begged with an ache from a long denied need of her.


She was his for the taking, by every right.


Remar hooked his arm around one of her legs and shoved the thin material of her skirt up and off to one side, giving him access to her bare flesh underneath.

Supple and smooth, like lilian silk
, the thought drifted through his mind. The delicate feel of her skin sent pleasure spiking through him.

He could easily lose himself in her.

His manroot stiffened from their sensual tongue play.

She groaned into his mouth when he rubbed the length of his erection up and down her warm heat. He felt her open to him even more, submitting to his fiery exploration.

It was all the encouragement he needed.

“We need privacy,” he managed quickly yet hating the time it took away from their kiss. No sooner were the words out his mouth was back on hers again.


Dallas’ befuddled brain heard him speak but it still surprised her to be pulled away from the wall and into his hold. Instinctively her legs wrapped around his waist. She felt and heard his arrogant growl of approval.

This shouldn’t be happening
, her inner voice reminded faintly as she felt herself being carried down the hall. Unable… or maybe just unwilling to offer up an objection she succumbed to his kiss as if it were perfectly natural to do so. It might seem crazy but a part of her, the part that was taking over her will and rational reasoning, wanted to see how things would play out.

He was so deliciously addicting stroking in her mouth. Never having been turned on so much by a kiss she hazily wondered if she were having some sort of chemical reaction to him. She trembled, but not from fear. Desire arced through her. The heated arousal was making her wet. Everything about this alien male screamed brutal dominance, from his gruff voice to his slightly roughened tongue coaxing all types of decadent responses from her.

It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the feel of him.

He set her on the surface of something marginally soft and cushiony, but she cared little about that and more about the fact that he was pulling away.

Dallas fought the urge to hold him in place instead averting her eyes from his intense gaze. She glanced down at the round surface he perched her on. It definitely wasn’t a bed, chair or any type of table she was familiar with.

“What is this?” she asked, her words sounding breathless to her own ears.

“Something I have finally found a good use for.” He pulled her forward for another kiss and Dallas felt the tug of the crisscrossed material covering her breasts being pushed down her arms. The cloth dropped uselessly to her waist leaving her exposed to his hungry gaze.

“By the gods woman.”

She guessed he must have liked what he saw because he pressed her down with the palm of his hand against her shoulder and followed her descent until he hovered over her. He dipped to give her lips another lingering kiss which, in her estimation, was hardly enough.

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