Claimed: Unchartered Territory (8 page)

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“Not him,” she mumbled backing deeper into the circle of her guards while staring at the man bearing down on them. Dallas hated herself for being struck dumb by the sight of his bare chest and loose fitting pants. She instantly remembered the way he felt against her body.

The men formed a semi-circle to allow the approaching guard access.  He no doubt out ranked the whole lot of them. She noticed all around them, the spectators who’d been focused on the multiple matches were directing their attention at her for the first time. In response several audible gasps went up around the group, followed by elevated chatter.

The angry lavender eyes of her impromptu lover bore down on her.

“What is she doing out here?” he directed his question and attention to their escorts.

“She was interested in viewing the claim challenge,” one guard spoke up. 

Not accustomed to having anyone else speak for her Dallas came to her own defense.

“I think I have a right to decide where I go and where I stay,” she said angrily, causing the behemoth to switch his attention back to her.

“You will do as you are told,” he said moving to tower over her which wasn’t a hard feat considering his already looming height.

She was trapped between the hulking men. And not in a good way either. 

“How dare you! I’m not afraid of you and you have no right to order me around.” So why did she feel the sudden urge to hightail it out of there?

He shot her a withering look before redirecting his attention to the guards.

“Take her back, now!”

Dallas wasn’t sure what made her more upset, being ordered to leave or the guards just following his command like synchronized mindless drones.

“Who does he think he is?” she ranted in a heated rush to her silent companion. “I’ll have him reprimanded, or brought up on charges. After all I’m a guest here, right? That’s it. Take me to the High Commander so I can report him myself. What’s that frackin’ jackasses name?”

She stopped short when both Rabika and her security team remained silent.

“Well. Obviously you know who he is?” She asked again to the group forced to stop with her.

Dallas didn’t miss the look that passed between a couple of the guards.

“He is my brother. Remar of the clan Falak, High Commander of this sector,” Rabika said finally.

If the ground around Dallas had opened and swallowed everything in sight she wouldn’t have been more surprised.

thick headed neanderthal is the High Commander?” 

“Aye, and although I am not too sure what a
is, it sounds dangerously close to an insult, which I would advise against,” she whispered. “It is a punishable offense.”

Of course it was, well then she’d probably be headed for the execution block for all the negative things she was thinking about him at the moment. Of all the people to be in charge, it was just her luck for it to be him.

What the hell kinda of game was he playing at?


Dallas was in a mood.

In her opinion it was very much deserved. The big giant lummox had completely deceived her.

Khimar arrived as she paced the length of her room while a quiet Rabika watched her with concern.

“It is getting late and what are you two doing.” Khimar chastised both younger women.

“Oh, I nearly forgot.” Rabika piped up. 

“Forgot what?” Dallas asked, no longer feeling the festive spirit surrounding the day.

“We are to attend the final round of the claim challenge.”

“That’s funny because only a few hours ago I was banned from that very event or don’t you remember the embarrassing display?” she didn’t hold back on her sarcasm.

“All may attend the final round, in fact your presence is requested,” Khimar said sweetly.

“You know you guys seem to be making a lot of fuss over this, what if he loses?” Dallas asked, surprised that a part of her wished he would. It would serve him right for seducing her one night knowing he intended to be in competition for a wife the next day.

Both women stopped to stare at her but Dallas only shrugged.

“What? I’m just saying you’re doing all the celebratory preparation like he’s the guaranteed winner. Of course, the competition could just be for show.”

“Are you implying my brother will not win the challenge fairly?” Rabkia fumed.

Dallas raised her hands in mock defense. “I get it. He’s the head honcho around here so he has to keep up appearances by participating with the common man. But it’s a little obvious, with all the fuss being made, he will be the winner. Wouldn’t it be better if he played it casual like he didn’t expect to win?”

“You know not of what you speak. My brother has no reason to cheat,” Rabika piped up visibly angry now. “He expects to win because he is the best warrior in our sector. He has trained since his youth to be a centurion and served our father as head of his guard until his death.”

Of course Rabika would come to his aid, he was her older brother after all. But Dallas felt thoroughly put in her place and a tad apologetic. She would make sure to save her future rants about him for his ears only. 

“I’m sorry. I’m just a bit out of sorts. Being on a strange planet and-”

Rabika came to her side and placed a quieting hand on her shoulder. “There’s no reason to apologize. I understand this must be hard for you. I could not imagine how I would react if I were in your place.”

“Ladies, the time grows late,” Khimar reminded urgently.

“Alrighty, let’s go watch your brother beat the snot out of someone and win the fair maidens love in return.” Dallas hoped the smile she flashed seemed more genuine than it felt.

Rabika nudged her playfully.

“What? Too much?”


Dallas was surprised to see them being escorted to a stadium like structure instead of the open fields they had attended earlier. Circular in shape, the stadium housed bench seating capable of holding thousands and it looked as if they were at capacity. She half expected gladiators to come out and do battle with lions for their enjoyment on the orange clay packed field below. The mini entourage was escorted to a balcony section adorned with individually cushioned chairs and a two-way enclosure which allowed for them to see out while keeping their presence hidden.

“Is it normal to have this many people come out.” Dallas asked amazed by the crowd.

“No, usually a hundred or less attend depending on the station of the challengers. Lesser families may draw a dozen or so onlookers,” she answered matter-of-factly.

Of course a challenge featuring their leader and a woman capable of garnering the attention of so many men would definitely pique the interest of the masses. Hell as pissed as Dallas was she even admitted to a mild curiosity. She was about to question Rabika more over the match when an elderly man stepped into the empty arena.

“Let it be known.” The masculine voice echoed in the stadium. “That this day Remar of the clan Falak and Keito of the clan Chalace are the sole remaining contenders in the claim challenge. May the best avail.”

The crowd cheered, chanting the name of their favorite opponent. It was easy to notice Remar’s name amassed more calls.

Kiss asses!

Silently she cheered for his opponent but that didn’t stop her gaze from locking on the alien male who she’d given herself to so freely as the two contestants stepped into the arena.

The challengers squared off. They were evenly matched in height and musculature. Each man held long rods like the one she saw them using on the field earlier, only Dallas could have sworn the one Remar used was the same one from her ship. The round commenced, with some expected posturing before the first blow was dealt by Keito.

Unable to shift her gaze from the arena, Dallas asked no one in particular, “How long will they fight?”

“Until there is a clear victor.”  Rabika answered.  “Usually...”  She paused as Remar took a blow to the shoulder that made him stumble.

“And how is that determined?” Dallas wanted to know her pulse quickening at the hit.

“The first one to get knocked unconscious or pinned to the ground is disqualified.”

She was relieved the match wouldn’t end in fatality, and even found herself relaxing.

Remar took one more blow to the upper body before a burst of energy seemed to surge through him. With carefully measured strikes he managed to make short work of disarming his opponent. Three more key hits with the rod had Keito on the ground, trying to scramble to his feet as Remar tossed his rod away in preparation for the pin. The crowd roared at the move and Remar’s name rang even louder. Seeing a brief window of opportunity Keito caught Remar off guard by scissoring his legs and forcing him off his feet.

The neanderthal went down.


For several moments the two rolled in the dust vying for dominance. Landing blow after punishing blow.

Dallas found herself literally sitting on the edge of her seat. She’d never been one to go in for the popular ultimate damage matches at home, but there was something fascinating about watching the two behemoths go all in to win the honor of marrying a woman. She stamped down the twinge of envy blooming. Just because it looked as if she was going to be trapped on the planet didn’t mean she had to embrace all the native customs.

Finally, Remar locked his opponent to the ground. Beneath him Keito bucked and managed to deliver a hard punch to Remar’s jaw. The force of the blow jerked his head backward. In return Keito got an elbow to the temple.

He went still.

The official rushed back onto the field.

“It is done,” he announced.

Remar responded quickly bounding to his feet with the energy of a man who hadn’t been involved in an all-day brawl fest. He looked completely exuberant and virile under the artificial light.

“Let it be forever known on this day that Remar of the clan Falak is victor in this claiming challenge.”

The crowd cheered.

Keito hadn’t gone out easily. If his intent was to throw the match then he’d put up a convincing fight.

Scanning all the faces she couldn’t help but feel the people were genuinely happy with the victor. She didn’t ever remember seeing that type of support for a figure head back home. Being High Commander was obviously more than just a title.

.” Remar’s booming voice rang through the stadium and as he did the enclosure surrounding the balcony retracted.

She wasn’t sure if it was the sound of his voice or the calling of her name ringing through the stadium that startled her most. Maybe it was a combination of both. Either way, the last thing she expected was for him to acknowledge her in so public a forum and on the tail end of his success.

“Stand up.” Rabika nudged her.

Heat bloomed in her face like a wild fire before spreading through her whole body. She really didn’t like being the center of attention and having the eyes of several thousand alien’s on her was even more disconcerting.

Regardless of how uncomfortable she felt Dallas rose from her seat. A hush fell over the stadium

“This day did you witness the victor of the claim challenge?” Even from their distance she could feel his gaze on her.

“Touch there.” Rabika indicated a flashing icon on the
in front of her.

When Dallas hesitated the alien woman whispered her encouragement, “Go ahead answer him.”

Her senses were tingling with warning but she reached for the flashing indicator.

“Yes.” Dallas said startled by the loudness of her own voice. “We all did.”

“Do you accept any others as victor this day?” he asked slowly.

What exactly did he mean by that and how was she supposed to answer his question.

“Uh… no...”  The tingling turned to an uneasy sensation which began to settle in the pit of her stomach. “A blind monkey could tell you won.”

“And do you accept me as victor?”

What did he mean, accept him

She hedged, “Yes. I mean again it’s pretty obvious you won. The other guy is still lying there unconscious, which by the way I think a medic or something should be called to check him out.”

She glanced towards the unmoving Keito but was quickly distracted as another cheer wrenched from the crowd and Dallas turned to her companion with a questioning look in her eyes.

“Let it be known from this day forward that
, has accepted Remar of the clan Falak as victor. Now their joining is complete.”

“Wait, what?” she whipped back around in time to see Remar bow in her direction before moving to assist with his injured opponent.

“What’s going on?” She asked as Rabika hit a button on the holoboard which muted her voice to any outside their booth.

“You are now joined as bond mate with my brother. Welcome to the family sister.” She answered not hiding her excitement.

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