Caught Inside

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Authors: CJ Hawk

Tags: #adult romance chick lit mature romance romance fiction womens fiction contemporary fiction contemporary romance

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Caught Inside

CJ Hawk

Adult Romance

This book contains sexual
content that is intended for mature audience.

Published by Smashwords and Copyright 2013 CJ


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The corporate world has an unwritten
set of rules that could make it is easy to be caught up in the
intrigue of it all, while trying to make your way to the top.
Jennifer Everest knew that setting standards for herself that some
might seem as extreme also fought against her nature of something
else. Then along comes an attraction that is so strong it is hard
to ignore, and she wants to break all those rules. Can one woman
who dominates in the boardroom and bedroom, allow herself to be
submissive to a man in order to get what they both want in the

When a surfer is caught inside, he is
too far in, and the waves are breaking further out. It can be
dangerous in big surf. One such man, who only knew surfing all his
life, now found himself in such a dilemma. When his path crosses
with a woman who captivates him into submission by breaking the
rules he has set for himself, he wonders if the danger is worth the
risk. Is the only way to win her back, by dominating her in the

In a world of corporate chaos,
Jennifer found out as an executive woman the answer to her dating
predicament by hiring an elite escort service, one that is owned by
the prestigious Trey Masterson, surfer boy extraordinary. His sex
appeal and romantic heart, break down the barriers that she has
spent a career building. It takes an uncontrollable situation for
the two to break all barriers and go in deep both emotionally and

Jennifer swore she would never let a
surfer break her heart again, but can she live with one night of
wild passion and just walk away or did Trey take her heart with him
when she forced him to leave? She has a life lesson to learn, yet
with her level of success, she felt complete with her life or did
she? She knew how to project herself out onto the corporate world
with an air of success fooling everyone, including herself.
Somehow, the matter of a man to come home to or even commit to was
on her mind more than she cared. She knew she had a few hang ups
about men, in particular; she wanted to be in control of them, even
in the bedroom. However, one man stole her heart with a simple
smile and a flower, causing her to want to open up to the

With an opportunity to let their souls
ignite with passion; she found that there was more to all of this
than she cared to admit. Such as continuing to accomplish her
accredited career and admit to herself that her true heart desired
a man's arms around her emotionally and physically, which always
seemed beyond her reach. Perhaps, she was going to keep it beyond
her reach so that she did not have to own up to her true feelings.
Pushing a man away when he gets too close to her heart was the
safest thing she had ever known. Could she let one particular man
into her life knowing he came with a life that she was not sure she
wanted to live, all because her love for him was

Chapter One

I rolled over to bask in the
early-morning sunlight and let it cascade across my naked body. My
escort and now lover, Christian was sound asleep naked beside me.
My copper brown eyes grazed over his glorious body and thought how,
once again, I crossed the line of keeping the hired escort for
strictly business purposes. Arm candy for a woman in my position
often needed a little something to put my clients at ease.
Christian had done such a wonderful job last night at the client
dinner party that I just had to find a way to thank him. I suppose
a bonus tip could have sufficed but then there was that kiss he
dropped on my lips as we were saying our good-byes after dessert -
as if to claim me and state, there was a reason we needed to leave

The real reason was our planned
escape. I had used Christian as my escort for the last month, and
he said he had a deadline he needed to meet. I had held him at bay
sexually that entire month, but something was incredibly different
about him last night. Something so different in the way he kissed
me and whispered into my ear that I had soaked myself just thinking
about getting him naked.

Our original plan was to get out of
the client dinner by nine p.m., once dessert was done. Christian
mentioned he had some last-minute details on an article he was
submitting and the deadline was midnight. I completely understood
the perils of deadlines and cutting such business social events
short. Working as a top sales executive at I.N.Zime International
had often left me short on time in the evening hours. Leaving early
was our original plan due to his deadline, but somehow, he ended up
here, naked and sated as I was watching him sleep in the morning
sunlight with the sheet barely covering his gloriously naked

I slowly pulled on the high thread
sheet count and watched the ivory sheet cascade over his tanned
body. Inch by inch, the sheet revealed a body of hardened muscles
and silky tan skin that just begged for my hands to roam once
again. By the time the sheet was almost uncovering what I was
certain was a morning sex dream that had him hard under the sheet,
his head rolled in my direction, and a sexy smile crept upon his
delicious lips.

"Morning." His thick groggy voice
whispered out as his dark eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlight. His
thick black hair had a halo of morning light behind him and by all
means, he had been my angel of mercy last night.

"Good morning." I whispered back as my
hand slowly pulled the last of the sheet aside. My eyes twinkled as
if I was a kid on Christmas morning. I let my naked body crawl up
over his body, and I straddled his firmness. I looked down at him
and smiled. He looked up at me and smiled. My short auburn-brown
hair cascaded over my face as I looked deeply into his dark eyes.
Nothing more was said. I let my lingering fingers slowly wrap
around his firmness and rolled a condom on. I raised my hips and
lowered down onto him while I arched my back and tilted my head to
my ceiling.

I was not thinking sales reports or
client's needs. I was thinking that the end to my dry spell with
men was over and perhaps Christian might want to be more than a
hired escort to assist me at business functions. I was thinking how
glorious he felt inside me as I slowly raised and lowered my hips,
letting the slickness inside me guide him in and out.

The touch of his hand to my hip and
his other hand to the inside of my thigh got my attention to let my
eyes wander down to the man in dark hair and eyes even darker. He
had a mysteriously sexy look to him and right now, basking in the
early sunlight hours, naked with our bodies in the position they
were in; he looked downright sinful.

My breath hitched as his fingers
gentle massaged me and applied pressure. I lifted my hips up and
down a bit faster, letting the intense feeling grow within me. Then
his hand moved to my hip and was guiding me to go faster as both
hands were grasping hard on my hips driving me back and forth. I
let my body cascade down with my breasts against his chest, with my
hands above his head and my face buried into his naked neck that
smelled gloriously of sweat and some cologne, letting the way our
bodies slide up and down against each other drive me

His groans were getting louder while
my breathing was intensifying. I let the sensation of my hard
nipples brushing his skin excite me. Then I felt his hips push up
and thrust hard beneath me, and each gliding motion grazed at my
desire with an intensifying motion. I felt the burn of excitement
inside of me start to unleash quicker and quicker. Just as I moaned
out loudly, I let my body slam hard against him, and I felt my
orgasm unleash. It only took him a few hard pushes inside as he let
out his own intense moan of pleasure.

Minutes later, our sweaty bodies laid
side by side while our breathing attempted to become normal. I
glanced over and saw a satisfied smile on his face. I turned my
eyes back to the ceiling of my high-rise condo and did the same.
When I finally felt a sense of normalcy return, I decided I had
better apologize to him about missing his article's deadline last
night, since we were in such a rush to get naked and explore as
soon as he brought me back to my place.

"I suppose I should apologize for last
night. I mean missing your little deadline. I hope it did not hurt
your career. You mentioned it was a big article. I hope missing it
was worth it. I suppose I could give you a bonus tip to the escort
for all your hard work tonight." I rolled onto my side, looked at
his gloriously naked body, and thought how good it felt to be in
control of my emotions and in control over a man, so to

He did not answer right away then he
turned to me with a fake smile that I realized my comment about
little deadline may have sounded snide. Sometimes I treated the
other half of the species as if they were beneath me. I guess it
came after so many years of hard work and trying to beat through
the glass ceiling of the corporate man's world. When he finally
spoke up, he sounded normal and not hurt.

"I suppose I should spank you again
for causing me to miss it, but then, I guess you'll just need to
pay me double next time you want me. Now that you know you can get
great sex for paying for it, I can only hope I am worth

I was sensing his manhood might be
temporarily hurt, by the fact that I just paid him to have sex with
me. So, I stood up and started to walk into the bathroom. My sexual
nature caused me to stop and look back at him, while giving him a
glimpse of my naked curves and sculpted body. "I usually don't pay
for sex, just escorts. You are worth paying double for." I meant it
as a compliment but was unsure of his response by the way he was
looking at me this very moment, wondering if he took it that way. I
did not have time for these emotional games. I had other men I
could call for sex if I wanted it, they were not through the escort
service. This was the first man I let take me to bed in my house,
mind you; I may have had sex a time or two with an escort before.
Just not in my house or overnight. I usually only hired the escorts
for the business engagements.

By the time I got out of
the shower, he was gone. No remnant of our sex with rumpled sheets
was evident. He had made the bed and left a note on a post-it from
my desk. The black sharpie marker simply stated.
Paying for sex is simple wrong.

The note in itself instantly chilled
me. He did not think it was so wrong last night or this morning. He
did not think it was so wrong when he told me he would double his
rate now that I knew what might happen with him as my

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