Choosing Waterbirth: Reclaiming the Sacred Power of Birth (24 page)

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Authors: Lakshmi Bertram,Sandra Amrita McLanahan,Michel Odent

BOOK: Choosing Waterbirth: Reclaiming the Sacred Power of Birth
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bed habits, 149151

beginning, 4647

birth centers

advantages of, 121

waterbirth in, 30, 94, 120131

birth stories, 9495

a birth center waterbirth, 120131

birth of an Englishman, 103107

a hospital stay, then a home birth, 112119

my first waterbaby, 96102

my sister's waterbirth, 132136

Thanksgiving surprise, 108111

Birth Without Violence
, 24

childbirth; waterbirth

birthing energy, working with, 37

birthing tubs, xixi

cleaning, 105106

draining, 32

entering, 2627, 37

filling, 26, 32

having other persons in, 27

positioning, 32, 105

selecting, 15

sources of, 31


connection with mind, xiv

developing awareness of, 47

BraxtonHicks contractions, 87, 9697, 103

breastfeeding, 143148

soreness during, 146

breathing techniques, xiv, 49, 51, 7577

belly breathing, 7677, 9899

threepart breath, 7576

unburden mode, 8283


candles, 90

Carmichael, Mary, 14, 94

castor oil, for massage, 152

the celebration and afterwards, 138158

babies don't keep, 140142

bed habits, 149151

congratulations and welcome, 138139

the lifelong challenge, 155158

mama juice, 143148

massage message, 152154

cervix, dilation of, 3637

Page 168

cesarean section, 6

reducing numbers of, xvi

Charkovsky, Igor, 18

See also
birth stories; waterbirth

basics of, 3340

a challenging reality, 1216

consciousness shift in, 4

creating the perfect environment for, 8891

depression after, 146147

endorphins released during, 19

experience from baby's viewpoint, 2223

fear of, 3, 8283, 158

a gift, 158

in horses, 911

magazines about, 163164

making more rewarding, 40

naturalness of, 34, 3334, 7879

nausea during, 100

a rite of passage, 16

stages of, 34, 3440

stories about, 96118, 122131, 133135

unpredictability of, 112

Chopra, Deepak, 44

circumcisions, reducing numbers of, xvi


birthing tubs, 105106

keeping your balance over, 142

cleansing breaths, 52, 58

colostrum, importance of, 144

communicating with your baby, 69, 98

complications, 30

confidence, 85, 94

congratulations, 138139

connecting with your baby, 6869

consciousness shift, in birthing, 4

See also
dilation stage; labor;

pushing stage

BraxtonHicks, 87, 9697, 103

stimulating, 108109, 116

cool compresses, 88

cord, cutting the umbilical, 40

cesarean section


dance, free movement, 8687

Daniels, Karil, 15

resources available from, 2930

deep relaxation, 4344, 7074, 141142

choosing a place for, 7071

tremendous value of, 7374

depression, after giving birth, 146147

dilation stage, 3437

active labor, 3637

early labor, 3536

prelabor, 3435

transition, 37

milk ducts


early labor, 3536

edema, relieving through yoga, 53

"effacing" process, 3536

endorphin release

during childbirth, 19

facilitated by warm water, 20

inhibited by adrenaline, 19

engorgement, 145146

environment, creating the perfect, 8891

epidural injections

delaying birth, 38

risks from, 20

episiotomies, 38

reducing numbers of, xvi

essential oils, 90

exercises, 4869


"false" labor, 97, 108, 120

"The Farm," 14

fear of childbirth, 3, 8283, 158


first impressions

impact on later life, 2324

your baby's, 2225

first milk, not discarding, 144

floor, getting up off of, 59

following your instincts, 7880

free movement dancing, 8687, 89

friends, supportive, 90


Gaskin, Ina May, 13

geranium scent, 90

giving birth.
childbirth; waterbirth

Gross, Stephanie, 123, 165

Page 169


hemorrhoids, cautions regarding, 62

hip circles and hip rocks, 6061

tremendous value of, 61

home birth, xivxv, 29, 112119

choosing, 1112

misgivings about, 84

risks of, 31

horse stories, 911

hospital births, 112119

advantages of, 31, 118119

choices during, 30, 39, 135136

disadvantages of, 47

hospitals, water labor in, 30

hydrotherapy, 17


inducing labor, 120

inspiration, surrounding yourself with, xiii


dropping back into, xii

following, 7880, 86

intuition, enhanced during pregnancy, 79


kegels, 6364

strengthening the pelvic floor through, 64

knowledge, authentic, xii


La Leche League, 148

See also
dilation stage; pushing stage

contractions caused by oxytocin release, 19

eating during, 91

"false," 97, 108, 120

inducing, 120

length of, 6

squatting during, 63

Lamaze method, 12

lavender scent, 90

Leboyer, Frederick, 24

Leboyer bathing method, xiv

the lifelong challenge, 155158

lighting, 90

lower back pain, relieving through yoga, 67


magazines, about childbirth, 163164

mama juice, 143148


for babies, 152154

for mothers, 8889

oil for, 152

mastitis, 146

McLanahan, Sandra Amrita, xiiixvi

meconium, expulsion of, 153


methods of, 18

contacting, 2930, 161162


first, 144

regular, 144145

milk ducts, blocked, 146


calming, 7273

connection with body, xiv

miscarriage, avoiding risk of, 44

moon sequence, 6467

"morning sickness," relieving through yoga, 53


being gentle with yourself, 140

enlisting help, 140141

responsibilities of, 138142, 155158

surviving, 147


naturalness of, 149150

stories about, 155157


benefits for, xvi

soul searching by, 37

mucus plug, losing, 109, 133

music, 89

to dance by, 86

of the heart, xiii


natural birth, resources for, 2930, 159161


of childbirth, 34, 811, 3334, 7879

of mothering, 149150

nausea, during childbirth, 100

neocortical control, reducing, xii

neroli scent, 90

nipple soreness, 147148

"nurser's syndrome," 5051


obstetricians, xiv

Page 170

Odent, Michel, 14, 18

Ornish, Dean, 44

oxytocin release

causing uterine contractions, 19, 116

facilitated by warm water, 20

inhibited by adrenaline, 19


patience, xiii

pelvic floor

relaxing, 74

strengthening through kegels, 64

perceptivity, enhanced during pregnancy, 79

the perfect place, 8891

perineum, 3839.
See also

stretching through yoga, 5758, 63


choosing for deep relaxation, 7071, 8182

finding the perfect, 8891

placental stage, 2728, 34, 3940

birthing tubs

posture correction, 5960

the practice of waterbirth, 94136

birth center waterbirth, 120131

birth of an Englishman, 103107

birth stories, 9495

a hospital stay, and then a home birth, 112119

my first waterbaby, 96102

my sister's waterbirth, 13136

Thanksgiving surprise, 108111

practitioners, qualified, 30.
See also


loving, 13

phenomena accompanying, 79

yoga for, 4369

prelabor, 3435

prenatal yoga classes, 4869

preparation for waterbirth, 4391

breathing techniques, 7577

deep relaxation, 7074

following your instincts, 7880

free movement dance, 8687

how to begin, 4647

the perfect place, 8891

prenatal yoga classes, 4869

timeout, 8185

yoga for pregnancy, 4345

pushing stage, 34, 3840

squatting in, 63


the quiet voice, 79



deep, 4344, 7074, 141142

learning, 3334

resources available, 2930, 148, 152, 159164

rose scent, 89

Rosenthal, Michael, 14


safety issues, xv

Schoonover, Chandra, 115116

sciatica, relieving through yoga, 67

showering, 88

sleep, getting enough, 141142

soaking in water, 15, 17, 22, 88

song of the heart, xiii

soul searching, 37

Spiritual Midwifery,

squatting, 6263

during labor, 27, 63

during waterbirth, 63


about childbirth, 96118, 122131, 133135, 155157

about horses, 911

about mothering, 155157

strength, 85

stress relief

through yoga, 43, 4950, 55, 58

water associated with, xiv

suctioning newborn babies, 102

swollen ankles, relieving through yoga, 69


See also
yoga poses

breathing, xiv, 7577

relaxation, 7074

stress relief

the theory of waterbirth, 340

birth basics, 3340

a challenging reality, 1216

Page 171

a challenging reality, 1216

first impressions, 2225

the great appeal, 1921

making it happen, 2932

nature's lesson, 811

soul searching, 37

waterbirth explained, 2628

why water, 1718

timeout exercise, 8185

tolerance, xiii

touch, longing for, 154

tranquility, 43

power resting in, xiii

transition from dilation to pushing, 37, 111

true labor, 3536

birthing tubs


umbilical cord

cutting, 40

wrapped around the neck, 40, 117118

unburdening yourself, 8283

uterus, 3536


varicose veins, relieving through yoga, 69

visualization practices, 14


walking, during labor, 27


benefits of warm, xiv, 20, 99

reason for using, 1718

relieving stress, xiv, 17, 100

Water Baby: Experiences of Water Birth,

water labor, 20, 26

in hospitals, 30

water retention, relieving through yoga, 53

waterbabies, my first, 96102

See also
birth stories

benefits of, xvi, 2425, 38

in birth centers, 120131

contraindications, 29

explained, 2628

the great appeal of, 1921, 132

growing popularity of, 2021

making it happen, 2932

resources for, 2930, 159161

squatting during, 63

welcoming babies, 25, 138139

Wordsworth, William, xv



how to begin, 4647

for pregnancy, 4345

prenatal classes in, 4869

when to begin, 4445

yoga poses, 4869

butterfly, 5657

cat/cow, 5455

cleansing breath, 52

corpse, 82

diamond pose, 53

folded pose, 5556

forward stretch in "V" position, 58

getting up off the floor, 59

halfspinal twist, 51

hip circles, 61

hip rocks, forward and back, 60

inverted pose, 6869

kegels, 6364

modified squat, 6263

moon sequence, 6467

neck rolls, 4950

neck stretches, 49

posture correction, 5960

shoulder rolls, 5051

side stretch in "V" position, 5758

sitting, 4849

squat, 6263

stretch and roll, 52

supported triangle, 67

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