Becoming His Slave (92 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Katianna could feel his gaze as it licked over her body, like a wicked tongue, but she wanted far more than just the illusion he gave her right now. “Trenton?” She fussed. Her body dying for him to do far more than just idly consider her in such a deviant manor begetting the master he was.

Trenton’s hand went up, wagging a finger that scolded her. “Do not speak. Do not move.” He hushed her.

But he didn’t say anything about
scowling. For him to
her like that—he spiked the rather perturbed pouty brat in her something awful. She was watching the glass still rolling back and forth along his bottom lip, taunting her with the caress. She licked her lips wishing she could trade places with the glass at least that way he would be touching her.

He crooked his finger to step closer and Katianna took several steps until she was straddled over his legs where he stopped her. He leaned up and blew over her dampening sex with a warm stream of his breath—sending an erotic chill up her spine. He developed a devilish grin when she tempted to lean towards him. His finger tips skated over her skin. First her thighs, from back to front and pressed her legs to spread with the back of his knuckles, widening her stance just enough to open her up a little more for him to see, but he didn’t touch—not yet. Rather his fingers continued to glide faintly over her skin in all the far-away places and never close enough to the ones that burned the hottest for their share of attention.

“There’s a box on the end table—open it.” He instructed her with a warm whisper, while he took in a deep breath as if to sample her scent.

Katianna glanced around the end of the sofa and spotted the wooden trinket box on the table, but it also meant she had to move in order to reach it and he’d said nothing about moving.

Trenton spotted the dilemma in her expression and smiled, “What do you need, Katianna?” While most of tonight was about her learning to obey his commands, she also needed to learn to ask for what she needed or wanted, so he could give it. All of this would have taken place so much sooner, becoming his if she had known how to ask. He would gladly have taught her how if he’d known
was her stalling point. He wanted her to ask, to know she could ask for anything and despite what her upbringing taught her, he would grant whatever she wished if it was in his power to give and few things were not.

Katianna fidgeted a moment, but said nothing.

“You must tell me the things you need so I can grant them, Kat. Now—what is it you need right now?” He gave the order for her to respond.

“I need to move to get the box.” She answered softly.

“Now was that so hard to ask?”

“No. Only when you told me to ask for what I
did it become an issue.”

Trenton’s eyes closed for a moment, but the slight smile on his face never faded. Diesel was right, she had a quirky way of arguing herself silent.

“You have my permission to move, after you’ve opened it and had a moment to look at the items inside bring the box over.”

Katianna took a step back then over to the end table. She considered the box a moment, larger than a cigar box was made of variant stains of wood and a large twelve pointed nautical star inlayed on the top. It looked old. She opened the hinged lid and inside the velvet lined box were three items.

She took a deep breath and swallowed—toys to torment her. Two pink—
Hell she didn’t know what they were or what to call them. Clear pink rubber caps not much bigger then a thimble, with a tiny silver bullet looking thing poking through the top.  The next item was easy enough to identify it was a black vibrator egg and right next to it was a remote control.

The third item, a long sleek technically advanced butt plug, had her nervous the most, but she knew well what it was and what it did. She’d
sex toys often enough to stay up to date with the latest gadgets for her stories. This one with all its strands of pearls inside did some wickedly strange things and right next to it was another wireless remote.

“Are you ready?” Trenton interrupted her thoughts. “Bring it over here.” She’d almost had the notion to take the box and run just then, but where would she go and
she was certain whatever he had in store for her tonight he’d make it far more insufferable if she did hide. So she did as instructed bringing him the box.

“Pick one.” He held the open box in front of her. Kat’s eyes popped at the suggestion and glanced back down at the choices presented her. The butt plug she would avoid as long as she could, though she knew at some point it was inevitable and in some strange alluring burning way, her body was warming up to the idea, but she didn’t want to be tormented and teased with the high tech instrument. The egg neither. Trenton could reduce her to tears and utterly begging with those things. She didn’t have a clue what the pink things were, but they seemed like the less imposing at the moment.

She picked up the two pink miniature cups and placed them in Trenton’s hand and she swore she saw a sinister laugh in there somewhere.

Trenton guided her to sit straddled over his lap, “I would have been perfectly content to tend to this myself—” he leaned in and sucked one of her nips into his mouth and she felt his warm wet tongue curl over it sending a race track of pleasure coursing through her before he let go, “But my slave made her choice.” He then delivered the same suckling kiss to her other nipple. Katianna arched into him not wanting it to stop, but he pulled away and gave her a chuckle. “I guess you’re ready then.”

“What do you mean?” Instantly concerned over her selection.

Trenton didn’t answer, rather he took the first pink cup slipped it over her nipple till it covered it, twisted the top and two things instantly happened—first, the cup sucked itself onto her, sucking her nipple erect in a firm hold inside the mini cup and second—the little silver thing on the end turned out to be a miniature vibrator.

Trenton anticipated the startled reaction out of her and his arm had already snaked around catch her waist before she could recoil away and swat his new toys from her body.

“Stay. Don’t move again.” His tone tightening to insert his commands and he placed the second pink suction cup over her other nipple, than leaned back to enjoy the view as she wriggled over him.

The sensation was strange at best, having her nipples sucked firmly till they touched the tiny gyrators inside, her arms thrust forward into clasped hands, her breast pressed together as she coiled over trying to accept the foreign teasers. Her fingers found Trenton’s belt and she instantly focused on it wrapping her fingers around the belt, tugging it loose, even her hips rocked into him feeling the hard stock underneath his clothes waiting for her. She pressed in harder with every hope of luring him to want to be inside her rather then play with his toys.

“Stop.” His hands shifted to her hips and pushed her back to her feet in front of him so he could admire the attachments in the same reflection he’d done so without them on her.

So much for that idea.
And before she knew it Trenton had the small vibrator egg in his hand and was gliding it over her belly slowly heading south to torment her.

“But—” her mouth gaped open.

“But what mouse?” He whispered as his eyes licked over her mound already seeping as it waited anxiously for his arrival.

“I already picked one.”

“Yes.” The egg drew closer stalling when it was just an inch away from her hooded pearl, tingling against her skin and just out of reach. “And you thought I would only use the one?”

Katianna chewed on her lip, biting back the agony and she rocked up on the balls of her feet just hoping his fingers would slip inside her, but no such luck. Trenton’s hand and the implement he yielded countered her every movement.

“Don’t move again.”

Katianna tried to hold still and waited for his hand to return.

“I plan to use all three tonight I merely let you choose which one we would start with.”

Katianna stomped her foot and took a large step away from him with a heavy scowl, “No. I don’t want you to tease me all night.” She pouted, but made no other refusals, leaving the pink teasers still firmly attached to her breasts. Revealing to some degree she was willing to stomp and pout, but not willing to completely defy his ownership or his commands.

“What you want is inevitable, but only by the means I see to it that it is delivered and tonight it will be done so by your obedience.”

“But why?" She whimpered, her body writhing in need and he loved how it frustrated her, but she was fighting him on this and he had no tolerance for that.

“Are we really going to have this discussion again?” He sat back on the sofa and sipped at his wine—it was a
come hither now or pay the consequences
motion in his body. “You know the answer.”


“Last warning.” His tone darkening just enough that he had her both melting and rapidly stepping up.

“Now. Hold still, you can make all the sounds you want, but nothing more. Every quiver of your body shakes off a little bit of what I want you to feel. So tonight you will learn to not move when I tell you.” And again his game with the egg resumed. His wine glass replaced with the remote changing the frequency of the duel sensations of vibrate and pulse as he moved it over her body. Teasing her belly button till she was giggling from the tickling contact, then further down, heading for the deep south, sliding it over the curves of her apex just close enough to send a wave of hopeless delight towards the hood that peeked out. Then down one thigh and up the next and stopped—just out of contact of her labia, but close enough that her body expelled emotionally, swelled physically hoping to close the distance.

“Hold still and I will stop teasing you with it.”

Was he crazy?! Her whole body was quivering with need. She chewed on her lips, the inner muscles of her theca clinching just to keep from moving. She was in agony.

“You’re holding out on me again, that moan belongs to me, Kat. As does your bottom lip, only I will be allowed to chew on it from now on.”

Kat released her lips from her teeth and with it came a guttural moan—all that pent up movement let loose into one sound and it all body exploded when Trenton pushed the egg passed her lips inside her waiting vagina. She could only hope
wasn’t classified as moving, because her knees gave out and she collapsed into Trenton’s lap, his arms sweeping up to catch her.

“That’s it—” He whispered into her. “That belongs to me too.” He kissed her face several times allowing her a moment to catch herself and he removed the egg from her body. “Now why don’t you show me what else your lips can do?”

Kat didn’t need any further explanation of what he wanted from her and she dutiful slid from his lap, unzipped his pants and freed the hard-on from its trappings. Even as the Dominus, Trenton had a weakness for a woman’s mouth and Katianna was all too willing to serve him especially when it meant keeping him from teasing her for a little while longer.

Katianna only palmed at it at first, enjoying the velvety feel of his skin, watching as it grew up his belly, the swelling cap turning a purplish-red as she teased over the sensitive nerves with the back of her fingers then over each of his piercings, applying only enough pressure to nudge them against the gland they were intended to stimulate.

A clear droplet of pre-cum seeped out the eye slit and Katianna dropped her head to lick it up. A slow laving caress of her tongue as it flattened out over the broad cap circling around the flanged gland then back to the slit licking against it to coax it open.

Trenton let out a hiss, his fingers fisting into her hair then relaxed. He shifted. She knew he was settling back further so he could give himself over completely to the sensation. He didn’t have to micro manage her mouth, she knew what to do with it and she loved being able to do it to him. Knowing he would savor every drop of delectable thrill—every detail she put into creating that pleasure for him. What she gave him wasn’t received as just a blow job, it was phalacio, a pure surrendering art of giving.

Kat made her tongue go firm so she could press into the tiny hole where all the clusters of his cock came to an epicenter and she pressed in, wriggling into the tight space till she heard him hiss again. Felt his body tensed then opening up she took him all the way to the back of her throat.

Trenton let out a hard gasp. His head rocking back till it hit the sofa. Damn her mouth knew the tricks. “Oh god mouse.” His breath rattled in his chest as she caressed the length of his cock with her tongue and a sliding motion that covered his length till he hit the back each time. “Damn your mouth is so sweet.”

Katianna wanted to feel the rest of him. It wasn’t enough to just have the taste of the man on her tongue; she wanted that same sensation in her hands. As she continued to suck along the shaft letting her tongue wag over the hard shaft her hands moved to his shirt pushing it up and out of the way so her hands could roam over his tight abs, feeling the tension build and ripple as she sucked him towards an exquisite release.  

“Enough.” He strained against what his cock wanted and what he intended to teach her just to get the command for her to stop out.

Katianna heard the command, but he couldn’t be serious. Did he really want her to stop? Or had she somehow disappointed him? Rather than fail him she relaxed her throat and took every inch— all the way down till her lips brushed against the shallow hairs on his groin.

Trenton let out a harsh moan.
Ah, so good Kat


bad Kat
. His focus regrouped just as her lips were finding the soft gland tissue of his frenum. His fingers fisted into her hair, steeling her head back and delivered a hot and heavy hand down over her right ass check.

Kat let out a pitched yelp. “What’d you do that for?”

“I’m done talking about
Katianna. From now on you do as told or I deliver a spanking for each offense.” Her lips parted to pout out a protest and he couldn’t let her do that. He was still a softy for her pouting. He placed a finger at her lips to silence them. “No little mouse, its non negotiable.”

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