Becoming His Slave (44 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Paris let out a moan and he leaned back on Diesel again. He took hold of Diesel’s hand tightening their combined grip on his hard shaft, “
—don’t stop.” He groaned.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Diesel pressed in letting his breath torment the back of Paris’ head. “For me to fuck you?”

“Yes Patronus—I would definitely love it.” Paris turned to kiss him, catching only the taste of Diesel’s neck. He would have kissed his mouth, but Diesel always managed to keep that from him, “Can we start now?” Not at all withholding his hope that they would. For a week now he’d been trying to seduce these two to take him to their bed with zero success. He wasn’t beyond just flat out begging for it now.

“Not this time. We have other plans for your cock tonight. But don’t you worry it’ll get fed before the night is over, either your cock or your ass—depending on how strong you really are.” Diesel licked the back of Paris’ ear before releasing him and commanding him to follow the Dominus with a firm hand to the back of his neck.

Paris groaned. He didn’t know how much more of this deprivation he could take. His cock was so hard he could—
all puns intended
—chop wood with it. More like drill a hole in a concrete wall like a jack hammer.

“Stay with your Dominus. And keep your hands behind your back and off your cock.” Diesel warned him as they headed out into the club.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


 “Katianna—” Trenton spoke trying to contain his surprise as well as control the tempting desires for her when he came inside the booth. He motioned Paris to kneel at the door, inside the booth. He didn’t dare leave him outside while his own attention was distracted. Paris would no doubt have a Dom fucking him and a Sub sucking him in a matter of minutes. There were enough tongues in the club drooling over him that it would take Paris no amount of effort to get what he wanted.

Katianna twisted in her seat, computer in lap and ear buds in her ears. Her usual position for writing when she was here. But this time it was different. This time her face more than lit up at the sight of him and it took his breath away. All he wanted to do is sweep her up in his arms and spin her about and steel her away. Take her home, ravish her with kissing and touching till he was completely inside her. 


deep breath

“I didn’t expect to see you here tonight. It’s been awhile. Is Amelia here?” He glanced around and spotted the Heiress’ purse on the floor, already giving him his answer. And he realized it was a stupid question. Of course Amelia was here Katianna never came down on her own. He went down on a knee next to her. Fighting to keep his hands to himself.

Katianna noticed his hesitation, she could only follow suite “Yes she’s upstairs already. She’s been so busy with the stuff from overseas, she’s hasn’t had time to get out, but something about having one of the board members coming in to work on it she said she needed to get a visit in before he arrived.” She shrugged, not understand why it had anything to do with Amelia going out or why Trenton was even asking.

Katianna’s eyes shifted to the man Trenton had left at the door, who despite his submissive posture had his eyes fixated on Trenton. She noted the oddity that he was inside rather than outside. Trenton had never done that before. “Who’s that?”

Trenton didn’t bother to look. “New slave trainee.”

“I thought you didn’t Dom men.” She grinned.

“I don’t usually—” he rolled his lips with some consternation, “but certain business investments I have required me to make exceptions with this one.”

“He’s cute.”

Trenton’s warm glow shattered at her comment and his expression darkened. He gritted his teeth, but forced himself to relax, perhaps this was a chance to get past this ridiculous chatter and do some elicit quizzing, “Would you like to fuck him?” He leaned in whispering to her.

Katianna recoiled, her eyes widened in surprise and she shook her head, "No.”

He’d already taken the step—there was no holding back where he was going with it. “Its Marcus’ birthday tonight. All the brothers will be here celebrating… perhaps one of them?”

“No!” Her answer came a little harder this time. Shocked burned on her face. He could see she didn’t understand why he would dare ask.

Trenton leaned in closer till his lips nearly brushed her ear, his warm breath sealed the touch, “But you’d fuck me?” And he let his cheek brush against hers like a feather. It was all he could do, not to do more.

Katianna felt her spine melt under his warm breath; she swallowed softly unable to answer him. Even the scent of him made her body sway. She took in a deep inhale of him as he kept close still waiting for her response. A musky blend of zesty grapefruit with a spice rack of notes; coriander, basil, cardamom, and ginger, plus a manly hint of tobacco. Classic and comfortable—better then the smell of old bound leather books and she loved that smell.

Trenton fought back the devilish grin “I’ll take your silence as a definite possibility.” And he liked that notion.

“You’re drunk again.” She finally found some courage. Damned if she knew where, but the thought that this was all because he’d had a few drinks in him reminded her of the last time he fiend interest in her.

“I assure you I am not. But would it bother you if I were?” He leaned back some to study her face carefully and saw the irritation there.

“It’s the only time you have any interest in me.”

Trenton pushed further back on his heels, a strong expression on his face of sudden realization, “Is that what happened in Paris, Kat? You thought only because I was well lit, I wanted you?”

“Not just—you were going to take me in front of all those people.” She stammered quiet suddenly caught between panic and hurt.

Trenton's brow furrowed and he shook his head and let out a soft sigh to slow his thoughts down, “No Katianna I was not. I would not have done that to you. I admit I lost control of my hunger for you, but I would not have gone that far.”

“So even drunk I wasn’t desirable for you, yet you tease me all the time.” Now she was going to be pissed. She could feel the heat building in her face. She realized then she was arguing a catch twenty two, but she couldn’t help it. Either he didn’t want her at all or only when he was drunk—

Trenton laughed at her and that just angered her even more. She had a notion to twist out of her seat and move away from him and started to do so, but Trenton had her abruptly by the arm and pulled her to him. His lips came over hers, soft and tender, pressing the warmth of his mouth against hers, then pulled away to lick at his own lips as if to savor her taste.

“Katianna there wasn’t enough time for me to enjoy you. Besides—” He went on not allowing her further protest before he could explain. “I want so much more of you—more than you realize.”

He saw her soften, raging red turn to aroused pink. It was
watching her like a mood ring changing colors under the warmth of his hand. He told himself he wasn’t going to wait any longer, that he’d waited long enough. She knew who he was, that his tastes ran far deeper then what she saw here at the club. Quiz over, she was responding to his antics like a reed in the wind, now was as good a time as any to proceed. “Would you ever consider being my Life Slave?”

Pink going pale now. “Aren’t there enough slaves around here for you to choose from?”

“Not just any slave, I mean my
, my Life Slave. You’d come live with me, under my command, my only one. Forever.”

—” okay so now she was speechless and she didn’t even know what that meant—
life slave
. Panic flared at the thought of that. She looked at him a bewildered blank stare on her face, taking in the small grin quirking his lips and the way he looked back at her. As if she already


Trenton took her stammer for what it was and why would she know what he was asking of her. He’d never spoken about what a Life Slave was and he knew no one else she might know would have either. “You saw Fambleush and his slaves—
— and you understand they are not the same as the Subs you see here at the club—
(more bewildered nodding)
— but they too are under contract and one day their contract will end and they are free to go. I’m looking for one. The one that stays forever. Not as my servant, but as my adored unicorn. The ultimate sacrifice when a woman gives everything, her body… the duration of her life.” His eyes floated over her. He could already see her in his house and how it stirred him to ravage her with his need. His hand took her laptop and moved it from her lap to the table and he came over her again. Kissing her, sucking at her lips, but only briefly. He didn’t want her to think he would repeat his loss of control as he had in La Rouge Nuit. So he pulled back seeing the glistening moisture of their kiss on her face and he wiped under her lip with a gentle caress of his thumb. His fingers ran along the side of her face and into her hair. His eyes filled with the touch. “I would tend to your every need as you would be mine.”


Giving up everything
wasn’t putting a very tantalizing picture in her head. “So you’d have me chained up in a corner till you came home, take me for walks. I’ll fetch your slippers and you’ll take me to your bed when the need suits you?” She wanted to be mad over the suggestion, should have at least sounded like it, but his kiss, his touch—it took her breath away. That he really did
her and not for just a short toss of some sexual exuberant affair had her mind spiraling. Yet again she didn’t know how to define a Life Slave. She wasn’t even sure if that was a good thing or not. Her mind was skipping to reach a definition, but her body was already saying
in so many ways.

“Not a chance.” Trenton’s hand returned from the tendrils of hair and stroked the side of her face once more, then caught it in his grip as did his gaze, “You will always be by my side—on me—” he grinned, “under me. I’d get to dress you, feed you, kiss you—” he kissed the corner of her mouth, than her cheek—her ear—her neck— “I’ll pamper you in ways you can’t imagine.”

Her breath deepened with each kiss. She was hearing all this, but it was taking longer to sink in, of just what all this meant. It didn’t sound much different from what she had with Garrett or what Trenton had often done with her. Yet she knew that what Trenton implied had to hold so much more in store for his Life Slave then his words said. “And my writing?”

“You’d still get to do that.” Giving that wicked grin of his. “When I’m not fucking you—I would never take that from you.” His eyes shimmered with the devilish thoughts behind that smile, “But I gotta warn you I can fuck for a really long time. I’ll make all those sex scenes in your books seem dull.”

She pulled away, shooting him a rather self righteous look, “You’re insane. Nobody can make my sex scenes sound dull.”

“Wanna bet? Ever been fucked solid for three hours?”

She swallowed, feeling the blood drain from her head or perhaps it flooded with it as she shook her head. She watched as he shifted and leaned in close so he could whisper in her ear, “What’s the longest a man has ever fucked you Katianna? How long did he last before he spilled his seed into you?” Just like the visual he created his elicit words spilled over her like a hot toddy, then the softest touch of his lips kissed her ear. A warm currant shot down the side of her neck defusing her spine with it and fired off every tiny nerve ending in her loins. It made her chest heave with a deep breath and she was certain she was blushing—or she was at least burning a deep color of crimson for his touch. That this was what his first touch of seduction felt like her body was definitely saying

“How long Katianna?” He softly demanded to have the answer.

She shook her head with a jerk, “Thirty? I don’t know, maybe forty-five— usually only thirty—twenty? Maybe—it’s been a while.” Her response nearly ended with a pout at the last part. And despite her pout he was glad for that last bit of information, though he’d already known she hadn’t dated anyone since they met. She attempted a dinner date once and he didn’t handle it very well.

But that her past lovers had been only a fraction above being classified as minute men? Trenton’s head fell forward dropping to her shoulder and he could hear her heart pounding behind the heavy breathe deepening ever slightly with a nervous pace. He shook his head; poor girl was in for a challenge with him. He kissed her shoulder through the fabric of her vintage dress, then her neck—moving up slowly to her cheek. Hearing her breath heave deeper with each one and then he sat back. “I have to get back to the dominion, I’d ask you to come with me—” he paused as if some part of him needed the moment to reestablish his own composure, “but we’ll be closing the club early here soon and then it’s going to get pretty rowdy. Will I see you tomorrow?” His eyes dropped to her hands and he picked one up bringing it to his lips and kissed her fingers one at a time.

He could close his eyes and just keep going and never stop. The whole world could disappear right now and he wouldn’t care as long as he had her—kissing her—touching her.

His free hand went to her waist and stroked her side till his thumb grazed the outer curve of her breast and instantly he wanted to hold it, burned to touch more of her. He leaned in—every intention to kiss her. He was nearly panting, he needed her so much. She gasped before he even got there and he halted abruptly.
—He was about to run her over again.

He allowed only his face to touch hers and he struggled to slow his breath, his lust, “I want you.” He breathed to her, “Want you so bad it’s hard to stop. But I don’t want to make the same mistake I made in Paris.” A soft pecking kiss to her cheek, “Tell me you’ll be here tomorrow.”

Katianna was still speechless. Breathless for the kiss that had approached and never arrived. She couldn’t think of one word in the English language. So she nodded. Not only was she speechless… and breathless, but she must have looked like an owl as she starred after him all wide eyed, when he straightened and left her there yearning and enkindled.

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