Becoming His Slave (46 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Katianna had pulled up one of the chairs from a table and was standing on it hugging the column as she watched. Damn she was so tantalizing in the vintage dress. A busy cluster of white flowers small like baby’s breath on a black background. Tiny clear buttons from the swoop neckline down to the hem and pleated gathers under her breasts around the rib cage while the rest fell in the typical smock like baby doll skirt to just mid thigh.

And the stockings? That’s what really got him, black stockings that came up just over the knee with small satin flowers stitched around the top so it matched the dress and she was wearing black patent Mary Janes. Dammit she was adorable and very desirably fuckable.

Trenton couldn’t help himself as he snuck up behind her and gave her a start.

Kat yelped when she felt unexpected hands grabbing her hips and she spun had it not been for the hands grabbing her she probably would have fallen out of the chair, but Trenton’s grip didn’t let go and held her up safely.

“Trenton! God you scared me.” She scolded him. “You should know better than to do that to me.”

“Your right I should, but I love it when you cling to me.” His eyes dropping to her fingers already twisted into his shirt and smiled. He looked back up at her, how often did that happen, but in the chair she stood a head over him and it put him in a playful prowling mood. On top of the alpha aura he was having from the night’s event.

“How is that I am so lucky that you’re still here?” He grinned as if glad he’d found her.

“Dane talked Amelia into staying for a little while.”

The very notion struck Trenton as being odd. While Amelia had been invited to stay for the party, he knew she had declined. It was also unlike Dane to even bother, especially since Amelia had a party group of her own coming in tomorrow night. “Guess I’ll have to thank him.” Something in his expression told Kat there was something more of a calculated consideration at play rather than just luck, but then she could see he was glowing in his position as Dominus and when that was happening he was always up to something, always looking like he was on the hunt.

“So what do you think of the games?” He asked, eyes searing into her. Kat glanced out into the floor, to the match between Trenton’s newest slave in training and the bartender.

After some considerable wrangling, Derek was thrusting inside Paris, but he wasn’t there long. Paris was crooning appraises, swelling his ego and Derek made the fatal mistake thinking Paris was too caught up in the pleasure that he eased his grip on Paris and no sooner Paris had him flipped over and was inside him and pumped nonstop till he filled Derek’s ass with his hot semen.

Katianna turned from the finished match to Trenton who still watched her. God those eyes of his, teasing her with his fierce appetite. Her own fluttered under his. “Brutish.”

“They are that.” He stepped back to lean on the post still watching her. Enjoy the view of her body

“Gladiators didn’t really have games like this did they?”

“Actually they did. But they were usually private parties held within the Lanista. The weaponless matches were a means to establish rank among the fighters inside the Lanista itself, outside of being an arena champion.”

“And now?”

“Lots of fun and very entertaining. The Doms here at the club use the event to challenge each other for status as well, which as you know Dane takes their status seriously and they get certain privileges in the club for it.”

“But what about the loser? Not very fun for him.” She shivered.

“That is the risk of entering. Don’t want to chance being the loser, then don’t enter. So there’s nothing to get mad about.”

“Unless your name is Cliff.”

“Unless.” Trenton let out a mild chuckle all the while his gaze was locked on her. Not with adoration or wonder, but pure predatory. The only thing missing was the toothpick in his mouth; he was so primed to have her for his dinner meal. And the heat, she felt the radiation against her, so vivid she could close her eyes and easily convince her brain he was laying over her, it felt that intense.

She felt awkward being taller than him especially as his looming presence affected her, filled her mind with images she usually transferred to her books. She was about to step down when he quickly crowded up against her, “Stay. Don’t move yet.” He commanded her gently, but with all the demand of his position as Dominus.

“Why?” She whispered to him. He could see he’d taken her breath away stepping in so close. And he’d allow the question since it was only her curiosity and uneasiness that made her speak out, rather than contesting him as so many women often did. Women wanted a strong male presence, but they didn’t want to surrender their own control. Katianna wasn’t like that, she let him control her even without the commands, but he loved how her body shivered when he did.

“So I can stand here and envision the pleasure of molesting your body for a moment.” And he moved his hands up to the back of her thighs, caressing the smooth skin and squeezed, pulling her sex to slam against his chest.

Katianna gasped with the contact and her knees gave out instantly. That she had ached for this man for so long set her up for zero defenses now that he was coming after her and she found herself not at all mentally prepared for him. “Trenton?” She bit at her lip. She was utterly helpless in the strong arms that were now required to hold her up. She was suddenly afraid, she couldn’t possibly keep up with him, match his passion, and certain she would drown in his.

“Don’t move.” His fingers tighten on the back side of her thighs gripping her against his chest and he pressed his kiss to her breast, wrapping his lips around the nipple that attempted to reach him through the floral fabric. “You want this. You’ve always wanted it.” He bit down.

Her breath hitched, “But you overwhelm me.” She whispered uneasily, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him and what his lips and his teeth were doing to her. She swayed, it felt so good and she

“Since when is that a bad thing.” He whispered back before resuming his pull on her nipple.

Katianna hissed, involuntarily she tried to lean away, but his teeth tightened, keeping her in place with the exotic threat and his lips sucked at her like they could actually suck her through the fibers till she was completely inside him. She moaned it felt so good.

“See. Your body responds to me like a perfect match. You’re just afraid of me running you over.” He moved over to give matched affection to her other breast and paused when he felt the jewelry adornment and bit down on it instead and pulled. He let it go and watched her face and the mix of pleasure and uncertain emotions stir there. “The only way to prevent that is to let me touch you little by little whenever I want, like letting the water trickle out to relieve the pressure from a dam.” His fingers shifted further between her thighs, till his finger tips could feel the heat emanating from the thresholds of her pussy. His doorway. He wanted to touch her, sink inside her wet folds, but she stiffened in his arms. He didn’t like the withdrawal, but when her eyes shifted to the room full of people, he realized her tension was actually due, not to his touch, but the room full of people. In a sense she was like Diesel, there was a lot of sexual need in her, but not with an audience.

“Relax—your safe in my arms.”

“Are you certain?” She bit her lip again, eyes darting back to him, that wasn’t exactly what she wanted to ask and she fretted over what his response might be.

Trenton only smiled; not at all miffed by her question, again it was her nervous mannerism. It was part of what made her so adorable. “Okay so I admit you tempt my control, and expectedly so when you show up looking incredibly edible in your baby-doll dress and leggings.” His arms wrapped her thighs now locking her to his chest and lifted her feet from the chair she stood on. He delivered his intended nip on the pierced nipple, through the fabric of her dress, exalting a gasp from her lips. “But I assure you, you will be a lot safer in my arms tonight then not.”

Katianna’s body swelled in his arms as he carried her around to where Marcus and the other brothers were, but her mind was somewhere else, in Trenton’s powerful arms that carried her effortlessly, the club burned away replaced with his bedroom. When he lowered her feet back to the floor, she envisioned being lowered to his bed. She was under his spell and burned to just be under him.

Diesel’s announcement broke her from her star gazing, as he called out a winner from the match between Doms and announced his elevated status.

Katianna watched as Trenton set up the next match and this time she didn’t have to step on tiptoes to see, but when the match began and the wrestlers got close, she backed up a step, backing into Trenton.

Trenton lowered his lips to her ear, “I warn you, I’m hard as a rock right now.”

Katianna twisted looking up at him in a shocked expression.

“I’m just saying—” he continued throwing a tilt in his head, “you keep backing up and eventually you’re going to feel me against you.”

“This turns you on?”

“Yes. Among other things.” His eyes locked onto her and gave her a deep smile.


For the next hour Trenton was on cloud nine, holding Katianna snugly in his arms. And that seemed to spread in his brothers, they all seemed to share in his good fortune, though she didn’t know the half of it and she felt a little uncomfortable. Even more so as the man Trenton and Diesel conducted, Paris kept staring at her and that his eyes were wild and insane like a dragon in heat, for both men.

Trenton was glowing. He had his mouse in his arms. She wasn’t afraid or in any place that made her nervous so there was no need for her to cling to him. This made room for him to hold her the way he wanted, wrapped in his arms. Preferably naked, but that part would come soon enough. He was just glad to have it known she was his and he had every intension of keeping her.

But the hour went by too soon for him and she had to go when Amelia was ready to leave and he walked her to the limo—

Katianna stopped making a sudden about face, wide pale eyes blinking up at him with an almost childish wonder, “Why do you want me?” The question was about as innocent as any she had ever asked. “My life?” She shook her head, her mind probing her own thoughts searching for her own answer, but it wasn’t there and it drove her to bring the question to him, “I couldn’t possibly be more than a dirty smudge on your clean white shirt.”

“No Katianna—” the back of his fingers draped down the side of her face then twisted to catch her neck, his thumb stroked at her jawline and kept her eyes looking up at him. “No—you’re the lipstick and hint of perfume left on my shirt reminding me of every moment I’ve had and burning in my mind, because I want more.” He kissed her so she could not protest his answer. Letting what he said sink in and be exactly what he said she was. The kiss slow and soft as liquid silk on her tongue. She burned for a deeper kiss, but the gentle pressure of his thumb kept her in place and he controlled the depth and temperature of their kiss.

When he pulled away, her eyes were still wide with disbelief that he wanted her above any choice he had, and as Dominus he had many, but at least she had not dismissed it. “Good night Mouse.” He kissed her forehead then held her hand as she stepped into Amelia’s limo and closed the door.

He watched as it drove away with her in it and already he was wishing he could speed up time and be standing here when she arrived tomorrow.


Back inside the Doms all lined up, it was time for Marcus’ spankings.

“So which Sub will you command to take your birthday spankings?” Trenton gave him a smirk.

“Paris will take them in my place.”

Paris’ face went stark white as reality set in of just what he’d been called up for. And everyone was laughing at his expense.

Diesel lined him up into position, bent over, hands gripping the arm rests of Marcus’ throne, legs spread shoulder width apart. Marcus, who stood next to him, handed the paddle to the alpha first in line.

Trenton took position held the paddle ready, “You will keep count slave until you have received all thirty-four birthday blows, is that understood?”

“Yes Dominus.” Paris fought to answer back, the muscles in his body already tensing; he was not at all looking forward to this.


“Grrr—” Paris grip tightened on the arms of the throne and growled when the first smack of the paddle came across his bare ass.

“What was that?”

“One.” Paris bit out.

Trenton passed the paddle off to the next.

— “Two.”

— “Three.”

And around the room the turns were given until at number twenty-seven it was Diesel’s turn, “I think I should take over from here. I believe most of you have been far too gentle on Marcus here. He deserves a good hard spanking to celebrate his life.” Diesel goaded Paris rear end well reddened and hot, as well as his audience, smacking the paddle board in his palm.

“They seemed plenty hard enough to me Master Patronus.” Paris tried to defend his tortured ass, which got him a few chuckles.

Diesel swung and the slapping sound of the paddle against Paris’s raw cheeks rang out as did Paris’ growling. “

Diesel nodded then took another turn.


“Thirty-four!” Paris cursed the deliberate miscounted out loud. And everyone broke out in laughter.

“Now you have to start all over!” Someone shouted out.

Paris fiend a fainting, dropping to the floor hoping to get out of it.

“Did you lose count slave?” Diesel questioned him as he stood over the man clowning about on the floor.

“No Patronus, I just got a little confused that’s all.” His hand absently rubbing on his ass, dreading even the slightest suggestion that he’d have to go through that all over again.

“Very well, we’ll pick up where we left of then. Shall we?” Diesel grinned down at his brat.

Paris dutifully took the remaining five hits, not sure he liked the caress Diesel gave to his back side afterwards. While he was starving to have the man, he could do without the contact to his burning skin for a while, but kept quiet while his Patronus obviously enjoyed it. And why wouldn’t he? It wasn’t his ass that was on fire right now.

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