Becoming His Slave (76 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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So many people in New York yet she always felt alone. She had never been anything more than a bystander in the large city. And bystanders, as she knew got run over and trampled—all the time.

Back at her home on Amelia’s estate she had huddled in the corner and watched Trenton as he sat out on the deck, refusing to leave till Diesel made him. She knew then she had to get away. Any chance of figuring this out on her own would be impossible if she stayed because he surrounded her. And she almost went back out for him because she
to be surrounded by him. Yet when he did so she was his and she was never certain if any thought or emotion she had was hers or constructed by him, because it was what he wanted.

Oh god a girl could go insane trying to figure this out.
How much easier it would have been if she had just let Trenton claim her and just never worry about it anymore. Just let him do all the thinking and management. Then she wouldn’t be in this mess, half a country away, alone, vulnerable—going emotionally mad.

That day at the guest house on Amelia’s estate as she watched them fly away in the chopper, she had decided that moment that that was what
wanted to do too.
Fly away
. But the only place she knew she could go was Florida. So she got on the internet and within a half hour she came across the house boat for rent and she called up to reserve it then booked a flight down.

She felt so at home her first night there, no cars, no horns and no guns. This time the fan blowing only to draw the cool night air into the room where she slept instead of being pink noise to drown out the city. The soft rocking of the water lulled her into deep sleep and kept her weary mind there, for once sparing her the nightmares.

She spent half the following day just lounging on the roof top of the boat, letting the rocking of the water lull her on the lingering edge of a lullaby. Letting the sun soak deep into the pores of her body warming her—every part, but her heart. Like the rest of her body that missed his sexual torment, her heart was aching to be held and it would only accept one man to fulfill the job and she’d left him in New York. Now she would never know the final delivery of his lascivious touch.

Katianna flinched from her slumber when her phone rang. She shaded her eyes to glance at the caller ID. If it was him she would not answer just as she had refused to do since she left, but it was Amelia and she had promised to take her calls while she was gone.

“Hi Amelia.” She did her best not to sound oppressively broken.

“Well it’s about time you answered

I was about ready to send down the Calvary.”

Katianna gulped, she knew exactly who the
would turn out to be too, “I’ve just been catching up on sleep that’s all.”

“Child you’ve been down there two days and all you’ve done is sleep.”

“I know—but technically I was on the bus for a day and a half.” There just wasn’t any sense trying to explain.

“So how’s the weather down there?”

“Its ninety-eight, clear and sunny, with chance of afternoon showers. Those usually come around 2:30.”

“Uhg! Ninety-eight? I don’t know how you can bear it.”

“Well it’s a hell of lot easier than ten below in winter up there.”

“I’ll take the cold over that kind of heat any day.”

“So you say, but there sure are a lot of New Yorkers down her.” Katianna faked a laugh.

“So are you just gonna sleep the whole time or are you going to write something for me?”

“I fantasize when I sleep, so I’ve got a pretty good one started up already for you. How do you like the idea of being seduced by an Incubus?” She lied.

“Sounds sinfully uninhibited.”
There was a pause on the line then it came up just as she expected it to.
“You know he’s missing you.”

Katianna’s heart sank as if it could possibly drop lower than it already was, but Amelia comment wasn’t a total surprise. She knew he would be brought up. “You didn’t tell him where I was did you?”

“Katianna the man has more resources then the CIA. He doesn’t need my help to do that. The man’s a train wreck right now with you gone. We’ve never seen him this way.”

Hell she was a train wreck.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Another night without Katianna, Trenton deliberately got drunk at the club, trying to drown out his pain.

“Haven’t you ever loved anyone Paris?”


“Ever wanted something so bad that if you had it you’d likely fall in love with it. Besides the next power man.”


“What is it?”

“Someone who can handle me, take all of me and rein me in. I’m like a sex addict I need to be controlled, but that someone has to be able to satisfy me. Someone like you or Patronus knows how to rein me in.”

“I may have reined you in, but I haven’t fucked you. Where’s the satisfaction? Besides if you love someone you shouldn’t have to be reined in.”

“I leave in a few days at least grant me some form of pleasure with you.”

“You have had plenty of pleasure Paris.”

“But not with either of my masters, it’s not the same. I have been commanded, reprimanded, forced to submit, teased, tormented, flogged and punished by you both, but not pleasured by either of you.”

“I told you Paris, I don’t Dom men, you were an exception.”

“Fine you made an exception. Now I’m asking to let me lay with you, make an exception there too. Finish it. Grant me the sexual pleasure of pleasing my Dominus.”

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to—I need Katianna back.”

“And what of Diesel? He lets me touch him and dammit he teases the hell out of me, but has he ever slept with a man?”

“He has.”

“But he’s afraid to be labeled as gay? Is that it? Is that why he won’t touch me or let me touch him when others are around?”

“Deez doesn’t give a shit about labels. He’s just a very private person. He also takes his time about interacting with a lover.”

“A person could lose interest waiting on him.”

“That’s the whole point. He’s doesn’t waste his energy or his feelings on relationships spurred on in the heat of a moment. Why get involved with someone whose going to move on to the next person soon after?”

“Someone like me?”

“Yes. Someone like you.”

“But what if he could rein me in? Turn all my lustful focus on him and then I wouldn’t need or want to be with anyone else.” Paris dropped his head a moment. It didn’t make sense for him to argue this. He knew who and what he was. He never stayed.

“Keeping you on a leash is tiresome Paris. It could wear a person’s soul out. Not unless you wanted to be leashed could it be beneficial to both you and your partner.”

Paris remained silent for once. He’d always known his life style and sexual habits were the reason for his never having a deeper relation with anyone, but then he’d never met anyone who could handle him either. Never had a lover who could satisfy his lustful hunger. Never met anyone he wanted to stay with, so he always associated the two together. And by the way Trenton spoke of Diesel perhaps he had made the same cursed fate for himself as well. If he did find that someone that sated his need, would he fall? Tumble head over heels in love with the man? Would his heart explode the second he crossed the finish line of saturated bliss? Hell, he was thirty-four years old and had several dozen lovers in his life—he didn’t think such a thing could ever happen for him. He just wished he could walk away from this with the taste of the masters on his lips, like the kiss of lipstick some women left on a man’s shirt.

“Pour me another shot.” Trenton mumbled. His head back on the sofa and his eyes closed.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

“No. I’ll have had enough when I’m too drunk to ask for another. And don’t forget you are still my slave you should be on your knees at my feet.”

Paris did as commanded sliding off the sofa to his knees. He poured another shot of the tequila, and passed it up forgoing the ceremony of hot sauce and limes. Trenton was plenty drunk to forget those. Trenton was also plenty drunk to take advantage of and Paris could not help himself from harboring the temptation.

Trenton bottomed his glass and handed it back not even waiting to see Paris take it as he dropped his head back on the sofa and dropped the glass just as carelessly. He was miserable. Waiting and wanting had been hard enough, but just a moment after Katianna had agreed to surrender, she turned on her heels and ran. She ripped his soul and his heart with her. A blood trail stretched out from his chest all the way to Florida.
Damn it
why had he taken so long to draw her in? He should have seduced her from the start and then none of this would have happened.

His hand went to his crotch and stroked at his half hard erection. He had savored that first moment they would have together to also be his final claim on her—he should never have let her go. Not when he knew she wanted him, wanted what he offered. She was just too damned scared to commit. But why?

Trenton was so buried in his lust and misery he hardly noticed his hands were not the only ones touching him. He knew they were not hers, but they felt good arousing his hunger and his need drawing it to a focus. He didn’t have the will to stop it. He deserved punishment for letting her go, from frightening her.
Why had she called red?
If only she would have talked to him about it he could have helped her get past it.

A knock on the glass stirred him, but not nearly enough to break his thoughts or the growing sensation in the hands that ground against the front of his slacks.

Someone attempted to push at the door, but it was locked. Another rap, harder this time.

“Paris, go unlock the door.”

Paris pushed up and opened the door to find Dane.

“He in there?”

“Yes, Head Master.” Paris stepped back letting him in, keeping his head down to hide any revealing signs of what he was about to do.

Dane’s eyes right away fell to the tequila bottle on the table then shot up to Paris for his answer. “How much of this has he consumed already?”

“Fresh bottle when he started.”

“Fuck.” He walked over to Trenton, “Hand over the fucking keys.”

“I’m not finished yet.” Trenton glanced up at Dane.

“Yes you are. Did you think you would find Katianna at the bottom of your bottle?”

“You sound like Deez?”

“Maybe because sometimes we’re right. Now hand them over.”

Trenton dug into his front pocket pulled out his keys and surrendered them over.

Dane turned to Paris, “And how much have you had to drink?”

“Dominus never lets me drink.”

“Good.” He tossed the keys to Paris. “Take his ass home. Now.”

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Paris grew nervous as they walked up the drive, his mind in places he knew it ought not to be, but he couldn’t help himself. His lust, the greed to feed his sexual appetite burned so fervid in him now, he was willing to do the unthinkable, willing to tempt the risk.

He wanted Diesel above anyone he had ever wanted, but the Patronus had denied him too many times and he turned his focus on a hot body he had a better chance of catching in his snare. The drunken Dominus.

The front foyer of the house lead them out on the balcony overlooking the living room below where Diesel was sitting in the dark watching television, Trenton stepped for the stairs.

—I’m kinda tired.” Paris let his head lower some, resisting the urge to fidget. “I’d rather be put to my room if the Dominus would permit it.” Paris hesitated on the balcony pointing his intentions down the hall that led to his room. He made a side step away from the balcony, his conscience all too aware of the other man. The man of his true desires sitting below, as if his retreat would make the guilty pang he felt less audible. But there was no reason for it. Diesel had turned him down with every pass Paris made at the Patronus. So why couldn’t he turn his desires back to the Dominus?

“Fine.” Trenton stumbled down the hall with Paris following close behind.

No sooner he was in the room Trenton found himself being pummeled against the wall, Paris' rock hard body slamming into him and pinning him. His mouth desperately attempting to steal a kiss from him. Trenton pushed all his force against Paris with little effect and in a flash he felt his pants ripped under the sheer force of the man's hands. His own dropping to catch him, but Paris' hands shifted like lightning, clamping around Trenton’s wrists, twisted his arms in his grip and had them pinned behind his back and was dropping. It all happened too fast.

"Fuck, don’t you do it!" But he no sooner said it, his cock was sinking deep inside Paris' mouth swallowed by the hot caress of fervent greed.

Paris was on his knees, his massive arms holding Trenton tighter then he’d ever felt from a man’s pure brute strength and he sucked him violently. Like a wild beast that had finally caught what he wanted and he wasn’t about to let go. His tongue lashing at him like a wild animal.

Paris sucked like Katianna kissed, powerful and savage. A torrid storm of elation sent to destroy him. Destroy the man he was. His knees buckling under him, but he managed to keep to his feet, but everything else was under the control of the demanding mouth of the slave he’d driven to such craving by denying him the one thing he came for. The one thing Paris suffered all he and Diesel could dish out and never rewarded to him.

Paris took all of him, his mouth pumping over him in a tight caress of his lips and cheeks. Burning, powerful destruction, pumping his senses to their extreme limits and beyond his boundaries. Paris’ tongue lathed every inch of the rock hard flesh and he sank all the way into the man’s throat. Paris’ tongue licking out past his lips to taste the softer skin of his scrotum before pulling back and even as Trenton felt Paris’ lips withdrawal somehow he was still inside the man’s lustful grip like invisible cords that tied his reception to Paris’ mouth and sucked him back in all the way. Stroking him in one full stroke till he kissed his hilt again.

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