Becoming His Slave (36 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Trenton shot a disgruntled glance at Dane, but it tightened when he glanced back at Paris, “Pull up your chair and share your thoughts, but I’m warning you. When the topic is over you will go back to the floor and remain silent unless spoken directly to. Is it clear?”

“Yes Dominus. Thank you Dominus.” Paris got to his feet and pulled his chair in and directed his response over to Dane. “Your primary set back will be hygiene vs. germ free serving surfaces. Salmonella is a threat in the kitchen as well as head hair, but now you’re talking STD and pubic hairs on the dining tables. You’ll never get around it or win it. But juxtapose you pass the health inspection for the sake of covering other issues to consider. You’re talking a very small focus group. Restaurants have a heavy fail rate as it is and when you narrow it down to a small target you don’t stand a chance to thrive.”

“Well that’s where you open your target group a bit, don’t have to have a slave to come, you still want to provide private rooms for that, like an upstairs level that provides room for more private sections while the downstairs area would not be so. Instead have an atmosphere that helped feed the upstairs environment such as slaves as servants or servants that dressed as slaves—say from ancient Roman times. Who’s going to mind being poured wine from a bare breasted slave girl?”

“Then you’ll require adult entertainment permits.”

Dane produced a smug smile then, “That I already have, I can maintain up to five different establishments on my permit.”

Paris didn’t have to work hard to get the image in his head. Beautiful bodies of men and woman dressed in Greek or Roman togas carrying plates of food, while gilded bodies poured wine from clay jugs. It was something he already had designed for one of the bathhouses down at the resort. But down there everything had already been previously cleared in the way of permits for operations and health issues and the slaves like any other staff member were not allowed to eat with the guests. There would never be any issues of slaves lying on top of dining tables.

The conversation continued on as the food was brought. The men throwing out ideas while Paris laid down the laws and implications, by the time they had finished their meal Dane already had a complete business plan in his head and thanked Fambleush for the idea and thanked Paris for the wealth of knowledge.

“Enough, you’ve been fed and you got to show off your know how. Time to return to your training. All this on again, off again is only going to make it harder on you to adjust.” Trenton finally stepped in to rein the man back in.

“Perhaps we could just start new in the morning?” Paris was hoping for the reprieve.

“No. We have already started and now you need to return to the floor.”

“Yes Dominus.”

“In fact I want you under the table at my feet.”

Paris felt the heat in his face. It was bad enough to be ordered to go back to kneeling. No argument that what Trenton said was true it was hard to be the business man one minute then ordered to be silent and heel like a dog the next. Even if he wasn’t being spoken to as cruelly as he took the order as. But making it worse was to be a full grown man kneeling in front of all the other men. It was humiliating. But when he saw Trenton’s gaze darken, he moved swiftly under the table, if anything to avoid his glare.

Paris fidgeted, quickly growing bored under the table as the conversation above him talked about the coming auction event. The one he was suppose to accompany Alan Pridmore and Blaine Davenport, their lead handler to. It was while having a meeting with them to go over what qualities they would be looking for and preparations needed once they purchased the slaves and brought them down that got him in this trouble in the first place. He didn't for a million years think they were going to buy real slaves and as Blaine began to go over specific rules that should be put into place, Paris was at a loss for words. He couldn’t come up with a single proper response. That’s when they questioned him as to who he had been trained under and when he failed that pop quiz, his position as the director for the B&D season came into question immediately.

Alan was prepared to fire him on the spot, but Paris headed him off at the pass by submitting a request to parole his termination and allow a window to fulfill the requirement. Now here he was sitting under the table feeling like an idiot. It seemed to qualify under

Then again what do naughty little boys do when they’re under the table? He grinned to himself.

Trenton was just explaining how they’d managed to get an additional 33 entries for Slaves to be auctioned off, bringing the total number up to 115, when he felt Paris’ hand running up his leg to frisk him.

“Paris.” Trenton gave him a warning command, but then a moment later Diesel jumped in his seat.

“Shit.” Diesel’s hands shooting under the table to push Paris’s away. Now he was annoyed and he glanced at Trenton, “You got any restraints on you?”

Trenton shook his head. Diesel glanced around the table as one by one they all shook their heads, but then he saw the shackles on Marcena’s upper arms. And they would do just nicely.

Diesel spoke to her in Spanish ordering her to remove them and pass them over. Once passed around, he got up from his chair reached down, gripped Paris by his feet and yanked him out, quickly flipped him over face down on the floor. Diesel dropped down pinning him before Paris had a chance to fight over it. He quickly gathered Paris’ wrists and held them behind his back while Trenton put the leather shackles around his wrists and clipped them together.

“There. Now that takes care of that.” Diesel got up and pulled Paris up to his knees, “Now remember to keep quiet if you don’t it’ll be a gag next.”

Paris bite his lips to keep the curse from coming out and dropped his head. He didn’t even want to see what the others thought of him.

“Perhaps this would be a good time to head over to the club.” Dane suggested, trying not to laugh at the handful his brothers were obviously having to deal with. It was actually entertaining even though they didn’t seem to see it that way right now.

“Actually I think it’s time we took Paris back to get his things.” Diesel commented, his eyes on Paris as he said it. “He’s not here to receive the training or the experience. He’s a lost cause and we’re wasting our time. Time better spent looking for a new director.”

Paris was mortified at the suggestion, “Patronus, I beg you. Please.” But Diesel was shutting him out, looking to Trenton to agree with him. Paris turned to look at Trenton, but reminded himself to keep his eyes down, “Dominus please don’t send me away. Please I need to do this.”

“He’s impossible.” Diesel countered the pleas offered by Paris. “He doesn’t get it and won't try. Send him off.”

“Dominus please don’t do it. I’m the best person for the resort, don’t send me away.”

“I’m telling you, he’ll have every perfectly trained slave in absolute defiance in no time. It’ll be chaos down there and someone will end up getting hurt.”

“Dammit—No! It’s not true.” Paris barked back, turning to Diesel his eyes begging. “Please Patronus don’t do this to me. That’s not how it’s going to happen.” Paris was beside himself. He had worked so hard to get the position from the day they opened their doors to the day he stood in front of Alan Pridmore with his portfolio in hand. He had worked diligently to make sure there was no one better for the position. He knew every inch of its land, every grain of sand on its beaches, the laws both for the island and the surrounding ones. Which assets they could gain from nearby islands, contingency plans to keep guests coming, happy, as well as safe, even during hurricane season.

And he spent the last 6 months as its director getting the special event season ready, with added features, meals, entertainment, foods, the works. And to have it all striped from him, because he himself had never had the experience of being a slave.
How could this possibly be fair?
They weren’t even giving him a chance to ease down into the roll. Find a comfortable spot where it wouldn't feel so humiliating to say—
yes master, no master

Paris folded over, pressing his head against Diesel’s boot and stayed there, “Please don't send me away.”

Trenton and Diesel kept silent a moment just watching Paris’ submission. For the first time he was breaking down, but he wasn’t completely there. If they couldn’t get him completely submitted by the end of the night they never would. At least not in a manner that it should be done and not well enough for him to be complying for the training. He was supposed to be submitting for the training and fuss with the sexual torment, not fight the training itself.

Fambleush watched from across the table with increasing concern as Diesel and Trenton both seemed to lose their patience over the man. While trying, yes, but Diesel was out right livid and to threaten to do away with a slave in their first day just didn’t seem right. He’d never known Patronus Diesel or the Dominus to be so short tempered.

Of course it was no surprise the man was bucking, after all they had allowed him to conduct business at the table and then to just throw him back on his heels in submission. They should have seen this coming. It worried Fambleush further as he glanced over to his sweet Marcena. He knew she needed a considerable amount of corrective training, but he found himself having second thoughts if perhaps the Dominus had lost his patience for the job.

“He’s—” He was about to protest when Trenton’s hand waved him back into silence.

Trenton waved a hand to cut them off, with no regard of who it was about to speak. It didn’t matter. He didn’t want anyone making any type of comments—nothing of the kind. Anything that might suggest judgment was going to send Paris' walls back up and he'd come up bucking fresh and new.

Fambleush kept silent. He would not dare disregard the Dominus with his own slave and that’s when he started to see the transformation take place. From the start the large and beautiful built man had continued to attempt to steer his own reins. It wasn’t until the Patronus and the Dominus threatened to saddle him up and send him on his way that he finally handed the reins over to them.

What had appeared like Master Diesel losing his patients was actually a set-up to manipulate the man to give up his control, to finally submit rather than just comply.
How extraordinary.
To think he had dared to question the Dominus. He would never make that mistake again.

Trenton nodded to Diesel, who then bent over Paris, “Are you ready to submit to the training now?”

“Yes Patronus. Yes Dominus.” Paris wasted no time with his response, but he kept his head down, not breaking the contact between his head and Diesel’s boot.

“Then its time you relinquished all control.” Diesel glanced at Fambleush noticing his silk scarf draped over his neck, “May I?”

Fambleush followed his eyes to his scarf, “Ah—yes, it is yours.” He slid it from his neck and passed it over.

Diesel took the navy scarf and draped it over Paris’ eyes and tied it. While Trenton explained his position. “Letting Paris speak on matters of business should not interfere with his submission no more than if I had allowed him to suck my cock. As his master, I will at times use his skills to please me, but he is expected to remain surrendered to me at all times.

Listening to the new understanding he was being given, Paris didn’t buck, but his breathing quickened, as Diesel pulled his shoulders up till he was once again sitting on his heels. Tied and now blind.

Diesel held him there for a moment letting him adjust to the blindfold. Taking it one step at a time. And he and the others all watched as Paris slowly and silently came apart.


Paris couldn’t see a damn thing. It was one thing to hide under the table and not want to see the expressions the others had of his predicament, but to be refused to see, to have his sight just completely removed from him was far worse. What were they thinking? Hell why did he even care? He was on his knees, shackled and now blindfolded, all for a fucking job.

He could feel the heat from Diesel’s hand on his shoulder and it was the only reassurance that he was still there. Diesel didn’t speak. In fact no one did. Everyone was completely silent. What the hell? It didn’t make any sense. They’d talked all night why was everyone quiet now? If it hadn’t been for Diesel’s hand, he’d have to wonder if anyone was there at all.

Paris couldn’t silence the panic coming over him. Couldn’t stop the shiver he felt; only the warmth of Diesel’s hand.

“Easy there big fella. You’re still safe.” Diesel finally spoke to him.

Paris took a deep breath, okay he was still safe. Diesel really was still there and not just his hand.

“You're doing just fine.” More soothing reassurance and the hand moved to the back of his neck and caressed him there.
Ah damn
, why did that feel so good? He wondered as his head fell back trying to relax in Diesel’s touch, or just feel more of it. Like it was the very thing he needed.

“We’re gonna get up now and head over to the club and you’re going to behave, right?

“Yes, Patronus.” Paris’ response was a deep and breathy whisper.

“Good boy.”

“Patronus may I?”

“You may.”

“I’m in a skirt with my hands behind my back. It’s hard for me to get up.

“That’s right, because now you must rely on your masters.” Diesel moved the hem of the floor length kilt Paris was wearing then scooped a hand under one of his arms, “Rock back and I’ll pull you up.”

Paris did as commanded, rocking back onto his toes then up on his feet, while Diesel’s strong arm steadied his balance as he stood.

“Got your balance now?” Diesel quizzed him, his hand still holding him steady just in case he was not.”

“Yes Patronus.”

“Good. Now I want you to walk. I'll guide you, but I don’t want to feel any resistance from you.”

“You're not going to take the blindfold off as we go through the restaurant?”

“No. Half the people in here will one day come down to the resort and they’ll be begging you to fulfill their needs. That’s why you’re here now, Paris. So you can learn firsthand what those needs will be.”

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