Becoming His Slave (33 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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“That’s because the two of you are bullet magnets. Don't think we don’t know about the time you took a hit four years ago. Patrice and Annette got it in their heads if one of you goes the other is soon to follow. My advice? Stop getting shot at. The girls are driving me nuts over it. Now

the man settled into a calm reserved state of mind,
“How are you doing?”

“Everything’s fine—”

Jonas cut him off; he didn’t want to hear the auto pilot responses. He wanted to hear what was going on inside his boy’s head.
“I asked, how are you doing?”

Diesel paused he knew what Jonas was trying to get at. Jonas knew him and Trenton all too well, knew that he would be tearing himself over this. “The bullet should have been mine, dad. Amelia was under my charge.”

“You boys need to stop filling yourselves with such guilt every time one of ya takes a hit. You can’t do that, it impairs your thoughts. You need to watch over him and hold the fort, just as he would if it were you. This is what you boys do. You’re soldiers and you protect others. Sometimes the last effort is done by taking what threatens to get past you. There is no who should have gotten shot. If there were, then there wouldn’t be any innocent people getting hurt all the time. But bad guys exist and so do desperate ones and they’re the worst, the most unpredictable. Hell half the time they don’t know themselves when or if they’re going to strike out. You did what you could and luckily neither of you had to give your life for it. That’s how you have to see it.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.” Damn he sounded just like Trenton.

“Good. Now

we love you. You call us when you’re headin' back state side.”

“Love you too dad. Give mom a kiss, will ya?”

“I do every chance I get.”

“I meant one from me.” Diesel let out a humored gruff.


well, I’ll try to fit one in there somewhere.”

Diesel turned his cell off and stuffed it his pocket, “You know it would have been easier if you just got on the phone and talked with them. I couldn’t even get your mom on the phone.

“What was all that with Patrice?”

“I said you were sleeping and she was going on about how that’s what they—”

“—always say in the movies.” Trenton chimed in with Diesel.

“Stupid writers.” Katianna muttered from her chair with a deep scowl on her face.

Trenton looked at her and he could only laugh. She had the same worrisome personality as Diesel’s mom did and everyone adored that woman including his own dad.

“Come here.” He pulled the covers off to make room for her to crawl in next to him, “I had you in my arms once and then Diesel stole you away. Now I want you back.”

Katianna hopped up and crawled up on the bed next to him as he asked and scooted her back against his chest spooning into his arms, “So your parents live with his parents?” She looked up at Diesel who settled on the edge next to them.

“And sleeps with them, but just my mom now.” Diesel added the additional information with a wry smile.

“But wait you called him dad—does that mean the two of you really are brothers? Like half brothers?”

“No.” Trenton nuzzled against her. He was still feeling the morphine they were giving him and considered it excuse enough and since she was willing, he was eager to take full advantage of it. “Our dad’s grew up together. And they went into the service together and when they got married, well—they shared that too.” He offered a sheepish grin when she wasn’t getting the full jest of it, “They were swingers. When Nelson was killed during a mission overseas, Patrice stayed with my parents. It was how they had always agreed. And my dad adopted Diesel officially.”

Katianna grinned brightly, how adorable she thought it was, “And it worked for them, I mean they’re still together it seems.”

“Happiest three June bugs on the planet.” Diesel grinned.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~












Paris Dalqeaute
sat in the waiting room of the elaborate and very masculine office building, his gaze floating over to the show room where a restored early 50’s silver Rolls Royce sat, just behind it a Lexus executive, followed by a large SUV that he couldn’t identify without going up for a closer look.

The phone at the front desk buzzed and the woman there answered it. “Five Source Security Complex. How may I direct your call?” A long pause then she continued, “Let me see if he’s in.” She punched a button then another to buzz one of the offices in back. “There’s a
?—on the phone to speak with you. And don’t forget Paris Delceck—whatever his name is, is still waiting to see you.” She rolled her eyes as she transferred the call then glanced up at Paris who was trying to ignore her. “It’ll still be a moment.”

“Fine.” Paris replied turning his attention to his profile folder he’d brought with him. There wasn’t anything in there he needed to review again, but it beat having to acknowledge the woman who went back to staring at him, undressing him with her eyes as she chewed on her pencil.

Paris had been hired to be the Director for the B&D season at the
Salientis du Deliciarum Island Resort.
He’d never had the hunger or need for such sexual fares, but that you could have sex damn near any place you wanted on the island and not have someone from staff telling you it wasn’t permitted—
oh yeah
—he had to work there. But it wasn’t long after he started when it was discovered that he’d never experienced any sort of training by a Master and it was company policy that all staff that would be handling or overseeing the slaves and guests had to at some point endure training themselves. The discovery nearly cost him the position before he could start the season, but Paris wasn’t about to give it up without a fight and since the season was so close to starting he parlayed the Board of Directors and they agreed to let him keep the position so long as he fulfilled a minimum of submissive training to fulfill the requirements.

Further instructions came from the Island’s main Director Alan Pridmore; restricting who Paris could go to for the training, that it had to come from an approved Master—and the list was a short one.

Dominus Trenton Leos in New York,
Abigail Lane in San Diego,
Cardiff Mastiff or
Principale Dominare
Master Giovanni Terracciano in Bari Italy.

Paris had no intentions of going to Giovanni. Italy would have been scrumptious, but he dug up a photo of Giovanni and discovered the man was a walking gorilla suit and just the thought of a big harry man rubbing up against his body—he shivered at the thought—it made him nauseous.

As for Cardiff? He’d already been in his bed with no intentions of going back to him and no way in hell was he going to let a woman touch him let alone
over him. That left Trenton Leos
. Problem there was Trenton didn’t
men as he understood it. He tried to find a photo and only came up with a partial view, a journalist shot on the internet at a crime scene. He was tall, with dark maybe black hair like his own and a well groomed shadow of hair on his face, one of those ten day groomed beard. Muscles, but not as thick like himself.

Paris couldn’t make out Trenton’s face, but there wasn’t a chance the man could turn out as hideous as Giovanni was. On top of the growing appeal, it had been hinted that Trenton Leos was a silent investor of the Island. Paris had been privy to that information as becoming the Director, very few others were. He also knew Trenton was on the Board of Directors and after reading over Trenton’s profile he would not be surprised if the BD season was in part his doing. He was also regarded a highly respected Master around the globe—but Paris found little else about the private man. Only that he was a man of considerable power. Paris licked his lips as the lust in him developed for the man who was about to become a focal point in his plans.
—Trenton Leos would definitely do well for his appetite.

Now sitting here in the lobby waiting to meet with him, he only hoped Trenton would agree to give him the training. Since he was on the board, the very one that had voted to allow him to fulfill the requirements before the season started. Perhaps by his coming to him, Mr. Leos would feel obligated to work with him in this. Or so he hoped. He might even be able to show the Dominus how good the flavors of some men were. Mainly himself. The Dominus would not be disappointed, no lover of his ever was.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


“This could not have come at a worse time, Paris. I am thoroughly pissed with your lack of timing and it will certainly be reflected in your training.” Trenton tossed back in his desk chair propping his fingers together like a cage over his lap as he stared across his desk at him.

“Does this mean you will oversee my training so I can fulfill the requirements?” Paris hadn’t stopped drooling since he walked in. Trenton had exceeded his expectation for a handsome lover.
Fuckin hot as hell
he was and Paris couldn’t wait till play time came about. Now if only the man would chill a bit. He seemed so intense.
But? Intense was good

in bed.

“It starts now.”


where’s the bed? Let’s get started
. “My safe word?”

“You’re not going to have a safe word Paris. Part of the crunch training.” He paused for a moment contemplating a needed agenda, “And it will be for forty-five days not thirty.

“Forty-five? Sir? Why forty-five? The board approved thirty.”
Okay change of plans

“Paris the more I have to explain the longer it takes to do things and if I have to explain why you are here then we should just forego wasting my time.” Trenton sat up, leaning over his desk and pointed a finger at the door. “There’s the door.” And he waited.

Paris didn’t move—rather he froze.
Shit. Not good
. He hadn’t expected it to go this way, but rather had it in his head that this was all a formality. A
let’s not and say we did
kind of thing. He’d hang around for awhile have some mind blowing sex then on his way back to business as Director of BD Season at
. Or so he hoped. While he had weighted out his choices as to who he would allow to
over him, it really hadn’t kicked in that he would actually have to
like a slave.

Paris swallowed, gathering his thoughts. Business ones, not romping in the sack ones. No way in hell was he walking out on this. “I’m here to fulfill the requirements of my position not waste your time, Sir.” Paris submitted that much for now.

Trenton only looked at the extravagantly groomed man for a long moment. Paris didn’t have a clue why he was here and that in itself was a problem. A major mistake to think this was just some anomaly of training requirement for the job. And it would not suffice; Paris needed to understand why some people became slaves in the first place. Why they connected with the servitude, bodily and emotionally. And why a Master needed to be in tune with their Slave. To understand their Slave’s needs and limits and how to push them carefully past those limits. But Trenton could see it in Paris’ face; he was determined to keep his position and would see this through even if he never embraced it. It was only now that he was coming to terms of what he was about to be put through. But the part of
would have to be rectified, but first thing was first and that was the stripping of his control.

“Because the BD season is coming up soon and because my own responsibilities prevent me from tending to you 24/7, you will be allowed some time on most days to conduct business for the resort from either here or one of the other offices in the building. You will be monitored at all times so make sure it stays within the perimeters of business. There are four other Masters here and you will obey them just as you are to obey me. Are we clear so far?”


“And you will refer to me as Dominus at all times.” He looked at Paris, his eyes tightening when he did not get the response he wanted fast enough.

Paris felt the weight of his eyes and quickly complied, “Yes, Dominus.”

Trenton then proceeded with more of the particulars or rather definitions of who’s who, “Because our circuit here, and the number of Masters and Doms within it, it had been necessary to develop an extended language to accommodate clarification on titles and status. So you will hear titles not customarily used in the general BD language in other communities. You will learn the difference between a Sub and a Slave, and the different titles of the Masters. And you will address each appropriately. We’ll go over them as you meet or hear of them.”

“Yes Dominus.” Paris mumbled. He felt like his world was sinking right now. Saw his ideals of what he would experience slipping away and it unnerved him.

“Your body belongs to me now, as does your sexual need. You are not allowed to masturbate. You will get off when I say you can by whatever means I deem suitable at the time. If I give you a warning, know that it will be the only warning you will receive. Punishment is swift and can at times be harsh, so mind your wishful thinking when you purposely defy me to seek out these experiences. I do not tolerate your eyes up nor do I tolerate any topping from the bottom.”

Trenton watched Paris, watching the minute movement on his body. The tensing of muscles as the man grew angry and the twitching that also revealed his fear. Trenton was curious as to which part of the new rules had him angered and which ones he was afraid of. Answers he would discover soon enough. The best part was the storm of emotions swirling behind those deep brown eyes over ruling the heavy lust that had been there just moments go.

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