Becoming His Slave (102 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Thane carefully wrapped the corset around Lanaisa’ waist and pulled the cords tight and tied them. Lanaisa barely let out a wince a moan clutched in her throat when he help his brother hoist her up in his arms and they headed out with Kozic, Noble and Pope leading the way. Thane kept behind his brother. A firm hand on his back to keep him moving while he watched their retreat.

Noble led them out a side passage and luck have it the ornate carriage of the papal leader sat unattended.


They rode out in the pope’s carriage passing through the gates without question. No one would dare try to stop it. Inside Theryn kept attentive over Lanaisa. Each bump in the cart path caused her to cough and gurgle up more blood.

“Tell me they’ll repair.” He clenched his teeth pressing his face into her’s. “Please I beg you.”

She looked up at him, not sure what he meant, pain and confusion set in deep lines across her forehead, pinching her brows together. “I’m—not like the others.” She struggled to comprehend the words she spoke. The same words he’d spoken to her before.

“No. Not like the others. I beg you. You must repair.” Her hands stained red, floated up brandishing his face with the touch. Time stopped if not for the blood that bubbled at her lips. His chest caving with the pain and grief that wrapped around him. He was losing her and with it his last fragment of humanity would go too.

They kissed, his mouth filling with the thick warm tannic taste of copper and aluminum. She made a meek attempt to push up for him, her chilled hands tried to bring him lower. Desperate for the only kiss they had even known from one another. So he gave it to her. Deep, barbaric, but the angry lust was replaced with grieving pain. And it shadowed over everything.

Her skin, her lips drew cool against his own, lacking the passionate heat that had radiated in her skin just moments ago. The only warmth was that of the blood that now slowly ceased to flood his mouth. Pain froze him to keep sealed with her. Even when her hands fell from his face, landing limp and lifeless around her he could not tear himself away. His body ached with a profound pain and he folded over setting her down flat across the floor of the carriage and sobbed. Blood and spittle sprayed from his lips to hers. As each wave of pain heaved in his chest sucking air into his lungs in long struggling movements only to force its way back out in gut wrenching grunts. His fingers fisting into the long locks of black silk now caked in her own blood.

Racked with anger, his body surged.

Racked with pain, he tensed until he could not hold it back any longer and he sprang up. Rage and madness bellowing out from his lungs in a cry no one would ever comprehend what sort of tormented beast could make such a sound.

He dared himself to look. Only to be stabbed deeper by the dull metal grey eyes that stared up, but not at him. Not at anything. Just frozen in an empty stare.

Seething hatred burn in his. Guy would die for this and for this alone. He would watch the Vicar General’s blood pour from every orifice. Watch the evil glint go out in his eyes as he watched the man die a slow painful death. Even then it would not be enough. They would all have to die, not because father sent them to do so. They would die for what had been done to her.

Theryn reached into her hair again, wrapping it around his fist again and again then like lightning he drew his knife and spliced the locks from her head. But before he could bring himself to leave her body, he bent over and left a tender kiss to her head. Tenderness he’d never given. He considered her eyes one last moment, his fingers wrapped in her severed locks of hair hovered just over them awaiting the mental command to close them, but decided against it. They’d been covered up once before, so long ago. That was where her hell began. He would not commit her to the darkness as they had. One last look upon her was more then he could bare and he stole himself away and jumped from the carriage.

Before the others even knew he had done so, he disappeared into the woods in search for Guy’s escape.










The Dominion of Brothers Series


Doming the Heiress


A Place for Cliff


Rough Attraction


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