Becoming His Slave (99 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Kat let her head fall back once again against the wall, the inner walls of her pudendum clenching as she envisioned him going down on her.
Oh yes
that’s what she’d like. Never mind the two weeks without or the twenty spankings. She wanted to feel his tongue lapping at her and how he sucked her engorged clit into his lips and would bite gently on it with his teeth. Another shudder rippled through her—

“Stop.” The strong warning was paired with a poke in her belly.

Katianna’s head popped up, eyes flaring like a wild cat filled with the vision she had just created.

“Kat I’m warning you.” But she was already there, her thighs tightened as did the muscles in her aching pussy and then another shudder rocked out from her epicenter and she felt the wetness seep from her. She clutched over letting the tiny release shutter through her, if only she hadn’t let the Cheshire cat grin get away from her making her giggle with her success.


Out in the hall, the building filled with the echoes of girlish screams, just moments before Trenton came bounding out of the ladies room with Katianna thrown over his shoulder, “Just for that you’ll get five more right here in my office.” But from her position she couldn’t see that his threat came with a devilish smile of his own.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~












Trenton and Kat joined his brothers for the usual Thursday night dinner, before heading over to the club, minus Diesel this time.

“So where’s Deez?” Harper asked. He was always the last to know about anything half the time.

“He got involved in that Guardian Angel program at the kids cancer treatment center. I guess the kid he’s sponsoring is in for some testing. Supposed to take all day pretty much. So he’s over there.”

“How’d he get involved in that? He’s always busy at the VA center.”

“You know that kid Cliff that hangs out at the club?” Dane asked.

Harper shook his head. He didn’t spend enough time at Club Pain to know anyone.

“You mean our Dominus wanna-be?” Trenton grinned over it.

“That’s the one. Apparently a few years back he came home one day to find his folks had packed up everything and split—he had just turned nineteen.”

“And this has to do with Diesel how?” Trenton didn’t look up when he asked, just chewed his food thoughtfully.

“It’s his sister that has the Leukemia.” Everyone’s faces stilled, forks freezing in mid journey to their mouths. Trenton lowered his suddenly, “How old was she when they left?”


“Did they know she had leukemia when they ditched out?” Katianna felt a deep sense of guilt suddenly. She’d never been mean but she wasn’t overly friendly with Cliff either, but she didn’t know this about them. Traumas at home had a way of giving a person sheltered personalities.

Dane nodded thoughtfully, “It was the reason they left. Guess they got tired of paying the hospital bills she was in for a bone marrow transplant from Cliff when they disappeared.”

“And you know this because?” Trenton asked.

“Cliff now has a lifetime membership at the club.” Dane sat back bringing his glass of burgundy with him and sipped at it thoughtfully, “Gave Diesel another ten grand for the sister.”

“That’s all?” Harper mused, Dane had a big purse and equally so were his hand outs.

“Why what’d you give?” Dane straightened with some amusement that he might have been out done by Harper.

“I gave him fifty grand.” Harper shrugged.

“Fifty?” Trenton raised an eyebrow with surprise.

“Yeah—” Harper shrugged again. “Diesel asked for a contribution. What the hell was I going to do with it?”

Trenton gave a slight shrug paired with a nod of understanding. “I gave Diesel fifteen along with a promise for another fifteen once I closed the books from the auction.”

“What about you Marcus, did you put in?” Dane asked seeing Diesel had obviously hit them all up.

“Of course, but I just ordered four more armored trucks so I only gave him 15 myself for starters.”

“You know—he is the better of us all.” Trenton threw at them. Of course Trenton was bias and they knew it. Really they all were, they always sided for each other against the rest of the world, but Trenton was especially close to his Diesel.

“Did you know who you were giving to when you did it?” Kat was curious if perhaps the conversation was leaning toward a post regretful decision.

Marcus and the others were already shaking their heads. “It would never have mattered if we did, when Diesel is collecting for a cause we give. No questions or doubts.”

“Cliff may be a brat in the club that doesn’t make his sister’s illness any less worthy of help.” Dane added, letting her know exactly where they stood. They couldn’t fix the whole world, but they could pitch in around them.

Kat smiled at him, hoping to hide her own tint of guilt. She always found Cliff annoying sometimes, the way he’d come after her, part of her wanted to take some of that back, not that she would’ve gone out with him. “So did all of you pitch in for Project Torch too?”

“Oh sounds like Ed and Walter have been talking too much again.” Marcus harped up with a laugh.

Just then Trenton’s phone was going off. He checked the ID, it was one of his men. They knew it was dinner night for the brothers, so there must have been a reason for them to check in, “
got for me Simon?”

“Boss there’s been a shooting.”
Simon’s concerned but well controlled voice came over the line.

“Althorn?” Trenton was immediately asking of his client’s welfare.

“He’s safe. He’s fine, but a bystander took a hit.”

“How bad?”

“They’ll live.”

“Who’s bullet?”

“That’s the strange part

we don’t know. There seems to be an extra bullet in the equation, so ballistics is out here now with the lasers.”

“Where are you?”

“Still in front of the Battery Park Theatre, but we’ll be heading for precinct eleven shortly.”

“I’ll meet you there.” He hung up, waving Harper to slide out so he could get out of the booth.

“Everything alright?” Harper asked as Trenton tucked his phone away and slid from the table.

“There was a shooting involving Simon. Someone took a hit, but the shots aren’t adding up. I have to go in.”

“I’ll come with you.” Harper added.

Trenton paused, leaning over Katianna who’d slid around behind him. He kissed her forehead seeing the worried look on her face. “Am I coming with you?”

“No baby. I can’t take you.” He hoped to smooth the worry from her with a glance of his hand across her bangs..

“Go on I’ll tend to her.” Dane offered to keep Kat with him, “I’ll set her up in Amelia’s booth till you get there.”

Marcus followed in suite as Trenton and Harper were both up from the table now. “Guess I’ll take a jog over to the office in case you need anything faxed over.” He tossed some money on the table to cover the tip for their waitress.

Trenton touched his slaves face once more. “Go with Dane, I’ll catch up later.” He kissed her and headed out.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Trenton pulled his cell from his pocket when he felt the vibrate go off. He knew it would be Katianna, but damned if he couldn’t get away after someone had taken several shots at one of his clients out in front of one of Broadways more infamous theatres and two innocent people were hit. Now he was caught in a police interview that more and more resembled an interrogation.

Amelia is ready to leave. Where are you?

The text read.


Back at the club Katianna waited for his reply. Amelia had actually already left and he’d kill her if he knew she was standing outside waiting on him, but she had a headache and just wanted to be free of the club and was looking forward to being in his arms when he had not made it to the club to spend any time with her.

She fished her phone back out when it started ringing, “Where are you?”

“Hey baby

still stuck. I’ve sent one of my guys to come get you. His name is William. He should be there any minute for you.”

“And he’s taking me home?”

“No, to the office. I’ll meet you there and we’ll go home together. They’re just about done with me here.”



“Kiss.” She returned then stuffed the phone back into her jacket pocket.

She paced along the walkway as she waited, when she spotted a tall and slender man approaching, “Miss?” He came up slow, almost cautious glancing around her. “You looking for your ride?”

“Ya—you William?”

He straightened a slight twitch to his lip, “Yeah but most folks just call me Will. Come on its around the side.” He motioned his head towards the end of the block.

She hesitated a moment. It was kinda odd, she would have thought Trenton would have made them pull up front, but it was busy and several cars were going by so she followed without a second thought. Never realizing it was her worst mistake ever.


William pulled up in front of the club; he had his cell ready to call inside when he spotted Katianna already heading away from the club some ways down the sidewalk. The man walking with her glancing around nervously. Every hair on the back of his neck screamed trouble. He jumped out quickly coming around the front of his vehicle.

“Katianna! No!” He called out after her. In the instant it took the petit woman to turn to see him, the other man had her. Jerking her off her feet and was pulling down the alley. William took off in a dead run. But heard the squall of the tires just as he reached the entrance to the alley. He turned back for his truck calling Trenton on the phone as he headed around the block with hopes of cutting them off.


Trenton had just pulled out of the garage when he got the call, “What the fuck are you telling me!?” Trenton bellowed at the report of William chasing after someone. “Who took her?! Dammit William! Catch them!” Trenton felt the buzz on the phone, his heart dropping hoping it was her.

Oh god
.” He gasped and immediately switched to the second caller when he saw her ID come up. “Baby—”

But Katianna’s cries spilled out over his.

“OH god Trenton

Trenton come get me

I’m so scared

someone took me! Some guy came up and he said he was William and I went with him

baby—” His heart was ripping from his chest hearing her fear, her pain. “Katianna listen to me baby—” Trenton spotted Harper stepping out of the precinct and cut the vehicle around pulling up on the curb in front of him.

“Get in!”

“My cars right—”

“I don’t give a shit! Get in!” Trenton was already pulling off the curb before Harper could manage to get the door closed or his seat belt on.

“What the hell’s goin’ on?”

“Get William back on the phone now!” His attention went back to the phone. “Baby where are you?”

“I don’t know

they locked me in the trunk. Oh god I’m so scared Trenton!”
She wailed over the phone.

“I’m coming for you! You just hang in there. I’m coming for you. Did you see the car baby? Do you know what kind of car you’re in?”

“I got him! He’s right on their tale!” Harper called out beside him just when he heard Katianna’s voice clutch in a tight yelp. And what sounded like metal crunching and tires squalling.

Then he heard her screaming and kicking, not to him, but to someone else.

“Hey I’m in here! Somebody please help me! I’m trapped in the trunk! Please help me!”
She cried and pounded on the car grasping for any hope that someone would hear her and stop her kidnapers.
Her screams for help cut short when Trenton heard the popping sound of a gun going off.

“Oh god Trenton they shot somebody

Her cries suddenly muffled.
“There was someone outside the car and the men shot them

please come get me
—“ her words trailed off into whispered sobs.
His name turned into a blood curdling scream, more metal tearing and then the squalling sound of tires accompanied by a thud and a yelp from Kat.

“I’m here baby—I’m here—”


Trenton’s eyes darted the sound not registering. “Baby what was that?”

A slight whimper and the shuffling sound of her hands fumbling with her phone.
“The phone is about to die.”

Trenton felt his guts suddenly falling apart. His fist clenching at the wheel until his knuckles went white. He could do nothing at the moment. He was waiting for the laptop to boot up. It would be another minute before he could pull up her tracking signal.

“Baby, listen to me. I’m going to find you. You know this—remember when you accused me of being J Edgar Hoover?

She whimpered softly

“Hoover aint got shit compared to what I can do. You just have to promise me something baby?’


 she cried, “—
I’ll do anything I promise. Just come get me

—you have to submit. Don’t fight them, don’t piss them off. You submit and you stay alive— you hear me?”


I belong to you.”

“Yes, Kat. You belong to me. So do what I tell you till I get there.”


“Now—” he gritted his teeth against what he was about to tell her, “I want you to turn the phone off—”

“No!— no, no, no, no, no—please just come get me.”
She was lost in her wailing now.

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