Becoming His Slave (73 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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With the small amount of time he had after the second round of the auction, Trenton strolled through the crowd shaking hands and congratulating several auction winners when he spotted them, but the main purpose for the roundabout route back to the stage was so he could stop by Dane’s table to check on the progress on the wire transfers. He pulled Katianna into his lap and nibbled on her neck and shoulders while Dane read out the transactions so far. Enjoying his position thoroughly and Kat felt like she was melting in his reining power.

Cardiff came around to compliment Trenton on the lavish event and to boast of his recent win for a male slave.

Cardiff leaned in to surrender a kiss to the Dominus’ cheek when he spotted Paris. He broke off instantly rushing to the man. His hands went up to embrace Paris’s face, “It’s you.” The older man looked the bound god over, his hands sweeping down Paris’ chest, his arms, touching him as if to convince himself Paris was truly there. “I have searched all over for you. I will do anything to have you back.” He stammered.

“Cardiff! Take your hands off my slave.” Trenton warned him. Cardiff was a good friend, but too many others had wanted to do the same. So he could not make any allowances at the present time.

Cardiff backed off as ordered, but his eyes were locked on Paris, something in the old artist’s gaze had Trenton recalling Rashawn’s comment—
that the old man had lost it.

Trenton shot a glance at Paris who was watching the old artist’s retreat with a powerful and lusty gaze. “Paris!” He snapped him to attention and pointed to the floor at his feet. Paris stepped up quickly dropping to his knees and bowed forward till his head was rested on Trenton’s hip. He remained there quietly as Katianna stepped up next standing beside him. Paris knew Trenton was offering her reassurance that she was his and no one would touch her. Knowing Dominus was preoccupied he turned his glance out towards the artist’s last seen direction and sure enough there he was up against the bar ordering up a drink. Cardiff glanced his way and saw him looking, the old man nearly downed his glass, his eyes locked in his direction. Paris rubbed his head into Trenton’s loins just to spur it on further—
Look what I can do for the Dominus
ouldn’t you love for me to do this to you?

Trenton nearly lost his senses. Having Katianna standing before him, in the flowing creamy skirt, her hard nipples peeking out from under the heavy strands of island strands of shells, her arms restrained back behind her back with the custom made silver bangles. His dream looking up at him, submitted to him, even Paris submitted at his feet added to the headiness of it all.  The power of it, the controlled seduction he had over his guests and the event as it unfolded—he was high off the energy. His hand came down to rake through Paris’s hair and actually pulled him tighter against his body. He felt the man’s lips on his wrist and on his palm as Paris kissed the hand that commanded him.

What Trenton would give for the night to be over so he could take them both up to their room and have his way with them. But then he couldn’t allow that. The night he would spend with Katianna, he would have with just her. She would have his undivided attention while he claimed her.

Trenton bent over her steeling a heated kiss from her lips. They were swollen just like her nipples and that was a good sign. He knew she was afraid, but that she was aroused meant she was in a healthy balance between the storm of emotions.

—” he hummed as he tilted his head back away from her, taking her bottom lip with him before releasing her completely, “… you are so perfect for me.” He stroked her lip with his thumb contemplating another kiss, but he needed to prepare for the next round. He was hard as a rock under the matrix styled suite coat and one more kiss would not end with just one.

“Enough Paris.” His command was softer than it should have been; giving Paris too much credit then his pride should ever be given. The man fed on other people’s lust and prided in it. And displayed it by licking over bulge in his pants. Trenton’s fingers fisted into Paris’s hair and pulled his head back to look up at him, “I should have you caned for this.”

Paris licked at his lips, twisting his head in Trenton’s grasp to lick at his wrist and kiss it with an open mouth, showing no shame for what he was up to. Trenton had to hand it to him, Paris knew seduction like no man he had ever come across, but right now he needed to be reined in.

“Do you want me to blindfold you?”

Paris tumultuous game came to an abrupt stop, “No Dominus.”

“Then stop now.”

Paris stopped as he was told and bowed his head, “Yes Dominus.” Paris hated the blindfold, without his eye sight he could not keep up where he was or control those around him. How easy it was to give a man a glance of his eyes paired with a lick of his lips and he could reel them all in. But blindfolded he was literally stumbling in the dark, that’s when control was truly taken from him.

“Good boy. Now come to your feet.” Trenton pated his head, but gave no assistance to him as he carefully shifted his feet so he could stand.

Trenton reached around Katianna unclipping her hand shackles and brought them around front and reclipped them. He gathered up a section of her skirt and placed it in her hands. “We’ll walk around for a bit before the next round starts.” He spoke softly to her. His gaze shifting up to Paris, “Walk beside her do not step ahead of her or fall behind either. You will both follow directly behind me as you have previously been instructed throughout the night.” He laid a finger on Paris’ lips then to Katianna’s keeping them both silent and as a gentle way of delivering a kiss to them both, then turned and started his way towards the crowd of guests in the ballroom. His hand came up pressing on the throat mic hidden under his collar, “Patronus, you will join me now.”


Cardiff had worked himself into a drunken mess as he watched his dark angel standing there behind the Dominus, taunting him. He rubbed at his cock through his trousers and he didn’t care who was watching—he was dying for the taste of the man again and he’d fucking beg to have it if that was what it was going to take. He had waited throughout the auction run hoping the Dominus would place Paris up on the block. He was prepared to fork out every euro he had and then some to buy the man and then he’d lock him away in a cellar so he could never run away again. But when it became evidently clear Dominus had no intentions of selling Paris—that he planned to keep him for himself, Cardiff lost all sense of sanity.

The third session of auctions was nearing its end, bids being called out for the last slave entry in the session. With the Dominus still preoccupied on stage, Cardiff made his way towards his angelic lover.

Cardiff reached the back platform of the side stage where Dominus kept his slaves posed and instantly he rushed them from behind. “I must have you.” The aging artist rattled on, grabbing Paris and spinning him around to face him.

Katianna whirled around at the commotion, seeing the man from the Parisian museum manhandle Paris. She snapped around to find Trenton still on stage and he hadn’t noticed yet. She couldn’t scream, knowing it would not look good and she didn’t want to upset him or do the wrong thing. There was plenty of security around they’ll see this soon enough.
Wouldn’t they?

“Please I must have you!” Cardiff had Paris by the head and was forcibly attempting to kiss him. Paris tried to get to his feet; his head reeled back as far as he could manage, unable to thwart the man’s desperate grip on him while his arms were still restrained behind his back.

“You must come back to me.”

Katianna could see Paris was trapped, unable to get to his feet—unable to escape the man’s advances, licking Paris’ face in a lost attempt to gain his lips. “Get off him!” Katianna finally yelped and then she heard the bustling in the crowd as everyone’s eyes were shifting to them.

“Look he already has his canary.” Cardiff would not relinquish his demands. “The Dominus—he cannot have you. I had you first. You belong to me!”

Paris pitched as far back as he dared hoping to dislodge the man’s grip on him, but the old man would not let go. The artist whose bed he once shared as his price for posing for his sculpture had simply lost his mind. Paris had no intention of ever going back to the artist’s bed. But he was helpless to break free of him and unable to see past him to see that help was coming, he knew of only one other way to get free and that was to turn the tables. “Then suck me old man!” Paris was suddenly ragging at Cardiff, “If you want me to go with you, you must prove you can satisfy me and suck my cock!”

Cardiff buckled under his own desperation, his hands already letting go of Paris and moving to his belt and pants. Paris managed to force himself past Cardiff and get to his feet.  Some inkling thought in the back of his mind reminded him of the small mouse standing next to him. A quick glance over his shoulder and he saw Katianna stare after him in horror, but he could not explain to her. Not now. Even when he felt her manacled hands grab his arm, he could not stop what was happening.

Katianna felt like she was in a tug of war to keep Paris from the man, but her attempts were feeble in comparison of the old artist. She had seen the panic in Paris’ face, but for him to command the older man to suck on him didn’t make sense. She looked again for Trenton who was very aware of what was taking place behind him, rage heating up on his face, his hand held the slave woman he’d been conducting by the arm thrusting her into the arms of another. Every muscle in his body lunging towards them, once he was freed from responsibility of the other.

“Cardiff!” Trenton shouted as he came bounding across the stage.

There were several others making their way across the floor towards them and she saw Diesel among them.

Cardiff was already on his knees attempting to remove the wide leather coagulum belt that completed Paris’ gladiator ensemble.

Paris was near manic, shouting at the man over and over to suck him. But before Cardiff could comply, all hell broke loose or something closely resembling it, when Trenton attempted to pull him from Paris.

“NO! I had him first. He will come home with me.” Cardiff struggled against Trenton and the others, refusing to let go of the object of his desperate need. That Paris eyed him with a lustful flare only kept him at madness’s door.

“Paris! Stop it!” Katianna was crying at him. People were crowding around them… Trenton, Diesel and several of the handlers and hotel security. Too many people ventured on and near the stage wing now. Some prevailed to bring Cardiff under control; others simply wanted ringside seats to the fury that had been set loose.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~

Upstairs at their suite, Trenton paced the floor his eyes switching back to Katianna with every turn wishing she would come to, but almost grateful she wasn’t as he still had Paris to deal with.

“Explain to me Paris why Cardiff is out there like some lunatic for your cock!”

“A few years ago I was there at the Musèe L'art de corps with the living statues tour. We were commissioned to be on view for a month. When the time came up Cardiff begged me to stay to pose for one of his sculptures for the new gallery they had already begun. He offered a sizable fee, but I demanded something different.”

“What was it?” Trenton paused in his pacing, his eyes shifting under a heavy brow.

“That he submitted to my bed. And not just for one night, but for as long as I had to remain for the sculpture to be completed and as often as I demanded.”

Trenton turned slowly, his gaze connecting with Paris in disbelief.

“I waited for his response for three days, it wasn’t till I decided to turn him down that he gave in. He never knew sex could be so good till he had me.”

Trenton’s gaze darkened watching the greedy lust build inside Paris. Like he was an androgynous nymph or something who’s powers came from other people’s lust.

“I have a veracious appetite and I saw too it I was well fed and compensated during my stay.” Paris licked his lips in languish recall of the orgy of sex he’d received from the famous artist.  

“Son of a bitch—you’re the black marbled angel he carved seducing him.”

Paris’ lustful appearance turned wicked, “I haven’t seen it, but I hear it’s phenomenally beautiful.”

Diesel stepped in, “Which one of the sculptures were you commissioned for?”

Paris glanced over his shoulder to Diesel, “It doesn’t exist anymore he destroyed it when I refused to stay as his lover.”

“Well you may have very well destroyed him in return.” Trenton confirmed that the man downstairs was no longer well.

“I forced him to do nothing. My bed was my price and he came willingly. I never said I would stay with him.”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Diesel asked.

“Like I said I have a voracious appetite. He was finished too soon and couldn’t take me all the way. I need it both ways and he lacked in both.”

“Then why seduce him at all?” Trenton hands went up the air.

“He is the famous Cardiff Matisse—” Paris shook his head; the answer to that question should have been obvious, even to Trenton, “He was the claimed genius lover. They said his lust could never be sated. How could I resist the temptation?”

Trenton scrubbed at his face. He had no doubts of anything Paris was telling him. His closest brother had the same problem, never finding a lover that could handle his hunger—or his size. Hard enough finding someone who could take you as often as you could give it, but then to handle someone of extraordinary size limited it even further. Diesel was hung like a horse, which often left him unfulfilled with his lovers in one way or another.

As for Cardiff—who’s to say how, if at all, anything could be done to save the artist from his own insanity? That such a common fate of so many geniuses was also to be his. Luck have it that his son Rashawn had accompanied him and was able to take him up to their room to care for him after the EMT’s gave him something to relax.

Paris watched silently as Trenton knelt down over Katianna still passed out on the bed. Watched as the man reached out for her in every way possible as if he had the power to reach up into dreams and pull her back from them, but she wasn’t coming back, not yet at least. He felt bad, because he had caused this. The weekend had been nearly perfect with the exception of Diesel drugging him instead of bedding him. He could have done without that part, but for these two the concern he had was how it would affect her.

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