Becoming His Slave (68 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Paris moaned under the kiss. And just that sound startled him. It shouldn’t have been enough; Diesel was far from handing over the full force he knew the man contained. He was teasing him, giving nothing more than a warm up kiss, more than a feathery brush, but not abandoned control, letting lust and hunger have their way with him. But Paris could taste it, he knew it was there. He moaned again—almost a whimper, as he pressed up hoping to lure it from him. He wanted to hold him, drag him down so he could kiss him deeper, but it was all he could do just to reach the side of Diesel’s legs with his fingertips, to stroke at the tight muscles under his denim and nothing more.

Diesel pulled away looking down at him through a tight gaze, “How did that make you feel?”

Paris pushed up, his breath a deep rasping need in his chest “I only know I’m going to scream like a girl if you don’t do that again.” And before he could draw in his breath Diesel’s mouth came crashing down over his. Nothing about his kiss was tentative the second time around. Diesel took his mouth in a deep, possessive claiming from the first touch. Paris opened to him like a drowning man welcoming a life raft.

Only Diesel’s deep ambuscaded kiss didn’t save him, instead his touch created waves of desire that tugged him under. Where common sense no longer applied, where nothing but this man and the way they felt together mattered.

Diesel invited himself inside and lingered, prowling as if he owned Paris’ mouth and his every breath.

A guttural groan tore from Paris’ chest as Diesel clutched his hips and pulled Paris against his hot length. Their cocks still cage din denim pushed out to grind against each other. Diesel’s hand clutching over Paris’s muscles as if he were about to crawl out of his own control any minute and succumb to savagery. He crushed Paris’ mouth under his again in another ravaging kiss.

Paris felt like he was tumbling under a wave of salacious hunger. Lost in sensation, awash with a want stronger than anything in he’d ever imagined. Paris felt nothing except his hands, knew nothing except his mouth as Diesel kissed him with a silent promise that there was plenty of want and pleasure to be had, wicked promises of never-ending pleasure.

And then it was gone, the loss ripped the breath from Paris’ lungs in a hard exhalation, but it was a long moment before he dared to open his eyes. Rather he just remained motionless, hoping his submission would bring Diesel’s lips back or if nothing else the tingling sensation Diesel had stirred in him would not be interrupted for as long as he could manage to hang on to it.

“Please fuck me.” Paris whispered his need to him. The plea was a shock to his own ears. He’d never begged any man to fuck me before. It was always the other way around. If he wanted someone it didn’t take long before he’d seduced the man to give into him. But Diesel didn’t give in, that he’d even kissed him just now was pure delight and torture at the same time. He really was the Patronus, an alpha that did what he wanted when he wanted and no one had the power to shift his gears. But god he wanted the man. Wanted to feel him slamming against his body. Driving and grinding into him. Wanted to feel his skin soaked with sweat, sliding over him. The need crushing his chest it was too much. He had to beg now, beg to have the sardonic hungry beast fed before it went mad.

 “Perhaps one day before you leave.” He stated it with too much casualty as he climbed off of Paris’ lap, whose eyes shot open and starred up at him.

“That’s only a week away. I leave right after the auction event. At least let’s start now so we can have several rounds before I go.”

Diesel grinned at him and tossing Paris’ hair like he was some kid, patronizing him, “There you go again, topping from the bottom.” His hand slid under his chin then strummed over the swollen lip with his thumb before releasing him.

Paris let out a hard huff and rolled his eyes. “Yeah well a guy could die of starvation waiting for you to make the first move.”

Diesel scoffed at him as he stepped away.

Rejected again. “Hey come back and set me lose, so I can fix my hair.” Paris fussed. He hated having his hair out of place.

Diesel stopped in his path for the kitchen and looked at him. “But I like it messed up like that.”

“Except you have to fuck me to have the privilege.” Paris got to his feet with a little difficulty at first, having his hand trapped under him, but once up he was able to reach behind his back and undo the leather shackles himself and quickly went to work at straightening his hair. Like a true peacock who hated have his feathers ruffled.

He stopped letting the shackles drop to the floor in a clatter and the unthinkable flooded his emotions, “The others, don’t take them to your bed. Do that for me at least.” He could explain it but he knew he would not be able to stand for it to hear Diesel in the room above him fucking one of the other men. Refused was one thing. Passed up for another was completely different.

“I won’t be taking them, Paris. I promise. Only you tempt my desires.” And Diesel walked out leaving Paris to chew over the tidbit of information.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


After a late lunch and a walk on the beach, Trenton joined Katianna for some lazing about in the guest home. Perfect plans for a Sunday.

Katianna took advantage of her newest freedom with him and slipped down between his legs for a little more of what she liked teasing him with, phallic worship. Not that he could argue with it.  The way her tongue seemed to just roll him over in a wet blanket of pure bliss. One hand joined in with hers stroking over his skin duplicating the caressing touch while his other remained tangled in her hair following the bobbing movement of her head as she sucked up and down the length of his ridged erection.

Caught between panting and growling his body broke into a sweat fighting the pounding need to fuck her mouth and remain still to enjoy what her mouth served up with its own cravings. Something he never had a passion for. A mouth was an experienced in its self not another hole to just fuck, but she ignited his lust like a flame to a fuse. One he’d never had lit, inflaming his lust for her further. His control teetered on the tipping edge of nonexistence. She was going to have to surrender to him soon he wasn’t going to be able to keep himself from her much longer. He wanted and burned like a feral need, the animal was willing to do and take far more then he’d ever demanded from anyone.

He curled up, his hand stroking over her back with the other still fisted into her hair—
—he was so close. “Look at me. Katianna let me see your eyes.” More new found need. He never wanted to see a woman’s eyes when they were wrapped around his cock, but he wanted to see hers and as those pale eyes rolled up to see him through thick dark lashes—it took his breath away. Damn he’d always loved those eyes every time he’d seen them glance up at him. Shyly, they stole his soul, haunting him. Everything he had ever wanted in a woman looked up at him from those eyes and now they did so under his command, while her lips delivered the sweetest sensation to his lust.

“Damn baby, I’m gonna cum.” He growled tossing his head back. The muscles in his hips and legs bunched and he thrust forwards, while his hands tightened, locking her against his body. His head falling over the edge of the sofa and he groaned as the rippling wave of his semen spilled out of his cock into her mouth. His hips twitching each time he felt the muscles in her throat rolling over him as she swallowed every bit of him down.

He laid still for a long moment all strength draining from him. Damn it felt that good to be with her. Her breathe still ragged and heavy, vibrated against his thighs. His hands slipped under her arms and pulled her up to rest on his chest, then pulling her further up so he could kiss her.

“No—” her head glanced away, “I have to rinse first.” Her hand went up to shield her mouth.

Trenton brushed her hand away, “What? You think I’m afraid of the taste of my own body?” His hand moved to her head applying force as he brought her to his lips and kissed her to show he held nothing, but want for her and he sure as hell wasn’t going to allow some strange notion that he should shy away from his own taste get in the way of that.

Trenton didn’t stop till she was breathless from his kiss. Relenting only when she was gasping for air. He smiled at her, his tongue darting out to lick at her swollen lips, “Don’t you ever tell me
again.” He shifted some on the sofa so he could position her to rest across his chest comfortably as he lay back on the pillows and his hand caressed at her back massaging it in reward for the pleasure she had given him.

Katianna was catching on with that. How he never ceased to reward her for things she did that pleased him. Even for things she wouldn’t think worthy of a reward—at least not as she had ever thought of them. Like lying on his chest as she did now while he rested. For Trenton
was his favorite position for cuddling and the longer she remained still, the greater the pleasure he got from it. They’d even napped this way last Sunday for two hours before he cooked dinner and then hand fed it to her. Finishing the night brushing her hair while he watched the evening news. She’d never felt so pampered in all her life.

“You're not working at all this weekend?” She mumbled from her half sleepy position over his chest.

“Nope. I needed the break. We start setting up at the hotel tomorrow and it’ll be none stop till after the auction.”

“Then shouldn’t you be resting?”

“I am resting. Right here with you in my arms. Nothing relaxes more than being with you.”

Felling rather content in his arms with that she pressed her cheek on his chest and
in his arms, while his fingers lightly stroked over her back occasionally dropping to tickle her ribs.

“Why don’t you come up to the hotel tomorrow for lunch? I can send a car for you?”

Her head rolled up onto her chin looking up at him. “I thought you said you would be busy setting up for your event?”

Trenton shifted again grabbing another pillow and stuffed it under his head looking down his chest at her. “I am, but I still get to stop for lunch. Or I could just swing by and pick you up myself in the morning and you can just spend the day with me.”

“I can help?”

Trenton popped his brows up a second, not having really thought of it that way. “I don’t know. I’m sure I can find something if you really wanted to? You don’t have to—I’m perfectly fine just having you with me so I can look at you.”

“Yeah but if I get to help maybe it will help me get comfortable with it.”

“But that means you have to get up in the morning, no sleeping in late like you always do.”

“That’s an unfair perception of me; after all I stay up to all hours of the night
.” She pressed her chin into his chest to cajole him.

“Not tonight then, I’ll pick you up in the morning. Make me late and you’ll get a spanking to wake you up.”

“So certain are you that I should be spanked whenever you feel like it?” She pushed up on her forearms now, it was almost a defiant move on her part, but she idled it down dropping her chin to her arms folded over his chest.

“No. Only when you’ve earned it. Then again there are also those spankings that are given for pure pleasure.”

“But why do you get to make that decision?”

“Because I own you remember? You belong to me.”

Her brow dropped into a tumultuous expression. “That seems rather unfair. To say you already own me before you’ve finished the courtship.”

“Perhaps some.”

“Then does that mean you’ll stop holding out on me?” Her face brightened, and he had to bite back the urge to laugh at her. But then he was also biting back a hungry urge that swam over his eyes, fluttering them closed as she pressed her belly against his cock that was all too eager and willing to get back up for some more of her attention.

His hands went to her hips, holding her still and his gaze tightened “When you stop holding out on me.” His gaze turning smug.

Her expression dropped once again, returning to the pout she was famous for.

“But we do need to talk about next weekend. I need to prepare you for this. It’s not going to be easy for you. There will be a number of Slaves there with their masters. On top of the slaves that will be placed up for the auction and some of them are going to start crying. It’s very emotional for them. But you are not one of them, so I have to handle it a certain way and I need to explain that to you so you understand. Okay?”

She nodded.

“Never at anytime will I introduce you to any of the guests there. Do not take it personal, it’s for your own benefit. By not allowing them to acknowledge your presence with me, they are refused any availability to speak to you. They’ll understand you are private property and that I don’t share you.” He reached out stroking her arms with a soft caress. He could see the tension building. He could only explain what to expect and let her know she would be well sheltered, but that was only half of what she would experience over the next few days. “I realize this is bad timing in the way of our courtship, but for appearances sake at the event I will own you. You will not be my Sub, but my property. I know you like to look around, but do so sparingly and don’t do it all if I am talking with someone other than my brothers.”

She nodded again. She knew he was trying to help her prepare for it, give her some reassurance that she would be fine, but the more he talked the more nervous she became.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~












By the time Friday evening came into play Trenton had every single detail planned out, down to what Katianna and Paris would be wearing. Trenton had the hotel suite reserved for the two of them as well as the adjacent suite for Diesel and Paris. After an early afternoon nap they headed down for the banquet dinner arranged for his guests.

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