Becoming His Slave (87 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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“I’m sorry.” She whimpered in his chest. Draped boneless and defeated over her Dominus’ chest

, its okay—” he soothed, “because you’re never going to do that again are you?” She shook her head against his shoulder. His hand brushed down her hair and gently returned her shorts to the normal position. “We’ll rest awhile before getting ready for tonight.”

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Standing inside Club Pain, Trenton led her over to the stairs that would lead them up to the private club section, where only private members and their guests were allowed. She stalled at the foot looking up each step as if waiting for some hint of what was there. She’d never been upstairs and no one ever talked about what they did while they were there. Not even Trenton. It was private and members kept it that way. She closed her eyes feeling the tingling sensation between her legs from the bath products Trenton had used to wash her with before they headed out.


she could kill that man from the expo
. Four years later and she was going to suffer from them again. The long drive down from the Hampton to the club was bad enough she was only grateful Trenton had laid a towel over the seat for her, because she was utterly soaked between her legs and he had not allowed her to do a thing about it. Even the slight attempt she made to grind her clit into the seat got a firm poking from him. That she dared to glare at him got her another. Her eyes went back to the stairs and followed them up.

Their first night was about
. She did trust him, she chewed on her lip, but that didn’t stop her from being very nervous. Her thighs clamped tightly as she felt the seismic need seize the walls of her vagina. It didn’t prevent that either.

“Katianna?” She turned at the sound of his voice calling her with a warm gentleness, soothing but desperate as if asking her if she was still there with him and he needed to see her face for reassurance, but as she turned she found she’d turned into darkness as he blinded her eyes with a dark sash of cloth.

“I love you Katianna—that is the only thing you need to know.” She heard the words, but terror took over, ensnared her mind as he took her sight away. The sensory that told her what was what and now he had taken that from her. Stripped her of her primary control. From now and until he chose to give it back, she was dependant on him.

“Trenton?” her voice quavered on just his name.

“Shhh—I’m here. I will always be here. But you must keep silent and do as I tell you.” He kissed her forehead giving her a nurturing peck from her new Dominus. “Stray away Katianna and you’ll find yourself in dangerous places. Your surrender also depends on my protection—do you understand?”

Katianna’s fingers found his shirt and fisted into the fabric clinging to him, she lifted her head tried to find some part of her blinders she could peek through but there was none. He had not just covered her eye lids, but the cloth reached well above her brows and down over the tip of her nose. She could not even glimpse any light variances through the fabric. He didn’t just take some, he took all of her.

She felt his hand on her head, felt him ease her to rest against his chest and he stroked at her hair, easing her. He was stripping her of her choices one by one, but did so with gentle and loving patients just as she had seen him train the new Subs, time and time again. But she was not a Sub and she was his slave, once she surrendered she would be so for the rest of her life and Trenton would never let her go.

As her mind settled so did her body at least in some ways, the fear eased if not entirely going away, but tension gave way to arousal. She pulled at his shirt, pulling him down towards her. She knew his lips were up there somewhere they were close and she wanted to taste them, needed to feel their demand. But they didn’t come to her. She felt his hands clasp around hers and pull her fingers from his shirt and eased them down in front of her. A finger touched her lips as if some silent order to still the yearning need to be kissed.

“I guess you’re ready for the next step.” He spoke softly.

Trenton led her up the stairs. She heard the door open just as she reached the top steps.

“Welcome Dominus.” She heard the greeting as they made their way into the upper club lounge, from one of the Subs that was always positioned at the door to serve. “Shall I send for your drink?”

“No. I’m taking my wine to bed tonight.” Trenton responded to the Sub, his hand at Katianna’s lower back keeping a soft contact with her, his fingers pressed in to remind her he was steering and soon he had her kneeling at his feet as he sat down on what she guessed to be a lounge sofas.

She could hear the voices of others. It was a Saturday, night there would be more than a dozen or more private members up here, one of them being Amelia, but she never made out her publisher’s voice. She heard Olla’s and at one point heard Sasha and his twin lovers and she was certain she heard Dane, but not Diesel, not that that meant he wasn’t there. Diesel wasn’t a talkative man if anything he was likely sitting at Trenton’s side idly watching like an added guardian to the affair and oddly that helped her nerves. All the other familiar voices she could do without, they were more unnerving then having strangers gathered around her, but Diesel was different he was the one familiar voice she wanted to hear. And oddly enough Paris’ would have been nice too. But it was just her and the trust Trenton expected of her.

Her thoughts skipped a beat along with her heart when she heard the
sound of leather straps on naked flesh, paired with a sensual moan. She slinked deeper into Trenton’s legs, her fingers clinching into the strong muscles of his thigh and pressed her face into one, but just then she felt a ripple of heat between her legs as the bath products Trenton had washed her delicate skin with were starting to peak, rushing to mix with the gentle fear and uneasiness that swelled in her. Her mind rocked from the flow of emotion and sensations and she felt the wetness seep from between her legs.

Katianna’s whole body shuttered with need, need to have Trenton inside her, that much she had wanted and desired for a long—
—time. That he had teased her over the past month or more with it, formulated it all the more into a carnal greed now. But the enhancement products? They just made her feel like a greedy wet slut who desperately wanted to be fucked. She chewed into the fabric of his slacks as if she could chew her way towards more desirable parts of his anatomy and the night. But the abrupt sound behind her made her jump, her body twitched with the next strike of leather against skin. Cringe though she did, she also smiled from the headiness of its fearful effects on her.

Katianna felt her Dominus sit up, felt him hovering over her, sheltering her. Felt his breath drift over her head and neck and then his hand caressing her hair down to her back. Adding to the richness that enveloped her, fear, desire and well guarded—safe to feel as she did, that she was his and no other’s.

“Trust me.” He whispered in her ear and then kissed it.

She pressed her face deeper into his pant leg, taking in a deep inhale of his scent, all male dressed with a cologne of light, beachy notes like lemon tonic, ocean air and sun drenched teak wood. Another inhale and she could detect the darker evening flavors of Frankincense and Musk. “May I ask something?” She needed diversion to get her mind and her wet cunt off her burning need.

“Yes and you can talk as you wish or need for now. I will let you know when I want you to keep quiet.” He was gentle and firm, a pillar of strength for her to draw on.

“When we came in you mentioned having wine in bed—it’s not the first time you’ve used that term. Am I the wine?”

“Yes. It’s a polite and secretive way of saying tonight is ceremonious. When a master talks about his
in bed, he referrers to someone special, his special slave and not to be looked upon as just a Submissive of the week.”

Another smack of leather and again she flinched. It was close, and her mind had her convinced that the very breath of the leather straps as they swung out to lick at the skin that it reddened, kissed her cheek. But if that little mind fuck she just created hadn’t been enough to send her mind reeling uncontrollably, the faint caress of Trenton’s cane sliding between her legs suddenly, certainly was.

Katianna’s entire body tensed into one giant knot as the thin reed like cane breast up over her thigh and slipped between her legs and she caught her breath. She knew what it was without seeing. She didn’t need to see it to know what the thin long rod was or what Trenton did with it. Another
of leather behind her and her breath hitched as he pressed the cane deeper between her legs drawing it across the lace panties he had dressed her in. Then used the tip to tuck past the edge of fabric and found its way towards the damp entrance of her sex like drawing a bow over a violin and her throat let out a whimpered responds just as the stringed instrument might have made if it was as scared and aroused as she was right now.

“Remember what I told you?” His lips just a breath away from her ear and she felt the warmth of his words—his lust caressed the tiny hairs on her neck, sending teasing chills down her spine.

“About trust?” She panted softly against his leg.

“About fear.”

She shook her head, she was feeling enough fear right now she couldn’t think at all, let alone remember something specific that he might have said.

“Fear and pleasure make for a heavy aphrodisiac tonic.”

Again she shook her head, her arousing pleasure at that moment had taken a back seat to fear, all she was feeling was trepidation with the presence of the cane. That he was about to break the second of the only two rules she thought to put in place the night of their first dinner when he placed the stage at her feet. He’d broken her first rule not long after; of course he’d warned her he would. Now that she had given him her life what was to stop him from breaking the other?

“Trust me.” He whispered. His tone changing to remind her of what the night was about. “Trust me. Submit and then you’ll feel it.” His voice easing what she had not spoken, as if he knew what she was thinking.

Kat let out a deep breath surrendering her body to relax and let go of her fears. He said to trust him and she did. And as she let go, some of her fear gave way to the slow strokes of his hand and the cane that he wielded, melting into the pleasure they were intended to elicit from her and her panting breath reflected it. But then someone that wasn't Trenton was taking her wrists pulling her hands from Trenton’s legs and pulled them behind her back. “Trenton!” She yelped.

“Shhh you will never leave my side. You must trust me, Katianna.” Not an ounce of concern came from him that anything that was taking place was beyond his control or outside of what he had planned. Even as the foreign set of hands strong and equally domineering like Trenton’s, shackled her wrists behind her back, Trenton continued to tease her body, her senses—her fear with the cane.

He used it to press against her wet labia then glided up until it drew against her erect nipples through her clothes. The contact was both wanted and painful; she hadn’t even realized how hard they were till now. Now she was utterly aware of the painful hardness of them, their readiness to be sucked into Trenton’s mouth and tortured by his tongue. Then his cane came higher till he drew it across her lips.

“Open your mouth for me.”

Katianna did as he commanded and he pressed the cane against her tongue and she tasted the silk from her theca and that made her focus snapped back to the beginning where the cane’s journey started.

Trenton pulled her head all the way back using the cane tucked in her mouth like a mouth bit then drew it out and pulled her lips around to kiss. Her lips swelling form the intense arousal in her molded perfectly in a seamless embrace to his, tantalizingly soft, full and demanding. Tasting the sweet honey of her body on her tongue was too much for Trenton to postpone any further.

He had teased and tormented her for over a month now, tonight he was just too damn close to stretch it out another moment. He needed her right then and there, knowing he’d never make the long drive home without it.

Trenton was to his feet instantly pulling her up with him, “It's time to be claimed now little mouse.” The demand was far rougher than any she had expected, like a wild beast staking his claim; it frightened her yet aroused her all the same.

Trenton pulled her along at a quickened pace, she nearly had to take an extra step for every two of his. They turned a corner, she heard the key in the door and she was nearly thrust into the room. The door closing behind her and everything fell silent.

All but the panting that threatened to burst through her lungs. She strained to hear past herself—past her own heart beat, but everything around her was silent. “Trenton?” She whimpered, not liking any idea that she might be alone.

“Shhh—I’m here.”

A deep sigh and most of what she felt relaxed with that one deep breath of knowing he was with her.

“I’m always here with you.” His voice reverberating his dominant presence in her life as he circled round her.

“That night Lenny slipped the date drug powder to you, you confessed a deep desire to me—your most intimate fantasy—” he spoke to her, circling her, keeping some distance between them, taunting her like a lion playing with his prey. “You still don’t remember do you?”

Katianna strained to see past the darkness that was still wrapped around her eyes. She wanted to reach out to find him, but the shackles kept her hands in place at her back, her fingers clutching at each other. She shook her head with a fitful shiver.

“But you know what it is, don’t you?”

Again she shook her head; she’d never confess it in a thousand years. No matter what kind of fantasies she wrote about in her books. Those were other people's desires, her own remained hidden away forever locked in silence.

“Don’t lie to me Katianna. You belong to me now, remember? You gave yourself over to me now that fantasy is mine as well. To play with as I see fit. To deliver to you as I see fit.” He was unbuckling his belt, opened the fly to his slacks and peeled them open, his hand withdrawing the hard steal already thick and engorged with need for its new slave. “Say what it is you desire most. Tell me your dark fantasy.”

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