Becoming His Slave (82 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Katianna’s entire body heated up at least another five degrees higher than the typical Florida summer heat under his hands. She near had a half a mind to just redock and beg him to make love to her. But if he wanted the dime tour, she’d give it to him and she definitely wanted to be out on the water with him. This was her world where she grew up, its ebb and tide gave her firm grounding and hopefully it would give her understanding—or connection or maybe even some strength to do the right thing. If only she knew what that was.

As she brought the boat around and headed along the Anclote River for the gulf, she felt Trenton’s lips kissing her shoulders and along her back. And her body filled with the deep arousing he had always made her feel, only now it was backed with pain. And she realized she wasn’t going to find those things of grounding or understanding, because no matter where she went—there she was. It wasn’t the place that was the problem nor was it Trenton—
it was her

After watching a small pod of dolphins hunting after mullet fish, a high speed tour around Anclote key to give the historical short story on the only west central lighthouse in existence, she took him to her favorite private beach area on one of the small spoils just off shore where they spent the day basking in the sun.

Trenton’s favorite part was her naked breasts after she’d striped down to her bikini bottoms to sunbath in the sand next to him. And he took full advantage sucking the salty sea and bright sun from them, tormenting her nipples like a favorite frequent snack. She tasted like gold to him and he loved the tawny color of her skin and the sun drenched highlights in her hair. But the more he touched and the more he tasted her skin… the more he hurt inside. His need to have all of her. Fucking her would not be enough in fact without her surrender it would destroy him and he stopped when she began to beg him to do more.

“Why do you torment me so?" She whimpered underneath his firm body.

Trenton’s head dropped till it touched hers for a moment before answering. “Because you torment my soul, Katianna. It’s my punishment to give to you.”

“How did you learn about the Life Slave arrangement? I mean how did you know it was what you wanted?”

Trenton looked at her face, at her pale blue eyes staring up at him as he lay over her keeping his weight on his elbows planted into the sand around her head. How they glittered in the sunlight, two Antarctic icebergs amidst darkly tanned skin. She looked so innocent there. Like she had never even glimpsed the world, never pulled open the drapes of her secret world and looked outside. But he knew better, she had done plenty of looking outside. She just rarely dared to venture out into it. When she did she was a mouse scampering around trying not to get trampled by the hundreds of feet stamping through a subway station.

Trenton rolled off and fell back on his back with a heavy sigh, pulling her up to rest against him. His hands always in contact with her, keeping her with him. Always tending to her and keeping her comfortable. “I knew that was what I wanted long before I knew what it was.” his mind drifting back to the beginning in his memories.

He moved an arm under his head lifting it some while he recalled his discovery to the Life Slave’s existence. “My dad and Diesel’s dad were both military so we moved around a lot. We’d just gotten stationed out at Fort Drum and there wasn’t any military housing so we got this rental place just off base. She lived next store. I was 12 and she was 10—” he paused a long moment, “April—her name was April. I don’t know, she was always trying to keep away from her dad, he drank a lot—I think back on it now and I’m pretty sure he was doing a lot more than just drinking, but when she was with me she said she felt safe and no matter what we were doing or where we went she was always clinging to me. She always had to hold on to me. I loved it. I thought all girlfriends were supposed to be like that.” He paused again reflecting back so long ago and Katianna found herself wondering what might have happened to the girl that clung to the boy who one day would grow up to be Dominus, just as she did. Katianna understood that kind of need.

“So what happened to her?”

“I think my parents figured out something was wrong, they had her stay with us for awhile. I remember she’d always slip into my room at night and would crawl into bed with me and sleep in my arms. Children and Family came and got her a few weeks later. I didn’t want to let her go, but hell we was just kids.” He glanced down at his body at Kat seeing the correlation between her and his past. “I liked how she made me feel so much I tried to make every girlfriend I ever had after that do the same thing.” He laughed, but she could hear the tincture of pain in it. “Didn’t work out too often. Anyways, some many years later I discovered the movie
The Story of O
. It’s not exactly an Oscar winner, but that was what got me started. I finally hooked up with this girl who was curious. She was really up for trying some of it and hell I was plenty willing to accommodate her needs. I was hooked in B&D after that. She had the
for Deez as well so a lot of the times it was the three of us. It got pretty intense sometimes.”

Trenton reached for the water bottle he had and took a long sip then brought it to her lips to do the same.

“Anyways, about a year after we got out of high school is when Diesel and I went into the Marines. That’s when we hooked up with the others. During our second year over in Chechnya we went on an R&R in Paris where we met this couple at an underground BDSM club. And he invited us over to be their house guests for the weekend.” He stopped taking a moment to clasp Katianna’s hand in his—his thumb caressing over the back of her fingers then brought it up over her head so he could kiss it. She twisted to look at him and he was quickly moving her, adjusting her body's position so she could do so without straining her neck, pulling her further over his chest.

What amazed her most was he did so without thought, he didn’t spend a moment contemplating what her body needed or how to go about it, nor did he ask—
Are you comfortable?

Do you need anything?
Rather he instantly anticipated her needs and just did so… naturally and well rehearsed as if he’d practiced for it all his life. But she had never seen him do it.  She had never seen him tend to his Subs as he did with her. So how did he come to know how to do this with her?

She watched as he brought her fingers up again, brushing them against his lips with a feathery touch and kissed them tenderly. Then started up where he had left off in his story.

“It was the most incredible thing I’d ever seen. Dane and Harper weren’t really interested so they excused themselves and stayed at a hotel, but Diesel, me and Marcus stayed. The guy's wife was his Life Slave. We had dinner at the table while he had her stretched out naked across it for him to watch while he ate. Whenever they went out he’d put some clothes on her, but as soon as they got home he’d change her into something skimpy or ultra soft sometimes nothing at all.  It was so natural and they showed no shame, she wasn’t at all embarrassed that we were there. Not that we were allowed to touch, but we were guests and we watched them. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And finally I realized that that dream I had wasn’t just something in a fiction story, but was real. That real people actually do this and saw it to be as beautiful and complete devotion as I did.”

“These were the people we had lunch with in Paris?”

“Yes. Aubert and Mavis.” Trenton’s mind seemed to flow away then. Remembering how in awe he had been when he met the couple. He and Diesel had both shared in it. He’d known long before this was what he wanted, but when he met them his desires for it solidified. He knew then nothing else would be acceptable. He’d never take on a wife, unless his slave asked of it, but to marry without it would not happen for him.

His gaze returned to the petit woman who still watched him. She was so perfect to him. She had clung to him during the whole weekend when he was working as her body guard. She had needed him, needed the security his presence gave her, that he could give this to her told him she was meant to be his. She let him move her without fuss over it. Most women would be balking at him already with bantering that they didn’t need to be babied or coddled so much. He called it pampering and tendering and she let him. And yet he was losing her. It was ripping his heart from his chest. How could this woman who fit his needs so completely, so perfectly—who made him feel new heights of arousal he’d never felt before—whose kiss was so sweet on his lips be slipping from his grasp?

He pulled her higher on his chest bringing her mouth to his and kissed her. He needed to feel that kiss, needed the taste of her one last time, because the breaking in his chest told him he would lose her tonight.

“Come on we should be heading back, sun is going down and you don’t have any lights on the boat.”

Katianna jerked around her eyes scoping over the small center console to find he was right. The lens for the starboard and portsides were both broken out.
. She had really wanted to stay out here and watch the sunset. She was afraid to go back in. She knew what waited for her when they did. He would need her answer and she didn’t know how to let go of her fear.


Silence fell between them as they headed in, but that didn’t stop his groin from throbbing watching her bent over as she restored the spring lines to the cleats on the boat. The tide was low now so he gladly gave her a push up to the dock. Hands firmly planted on those beautiful ass cheeks framed once again inside her very short beach shorts.

The second they were inside the house boat Trenton had her scooped up in his arms burying himself in her kiss.

Katianna’s legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. She knew he’d request it and she wanted to give in to him without the command. To give him her body was never a question. She wanted him, wanted to feel him deep inside her, she wanted that all the way. It was the stipulation in which he held that part of their relationship back that had her at arm’s length, but she hoped in this heated passionate, running wild kiss he rushed her with, might break past the barrier.

Trenton moved her to the counter space in the galley and ground into her hard and hungry.
—he was so hard for her he was certain he could force his cock through his jeans and hers and fuck her right here. Damn it hurt so bad, he ached to be inside her for so long, but he wanted so much more, wanted it so strongly it was fused in his head and he couldn’t possibly separate them. Couldn’t have one without the other.
No, it wasn’t possible
. Trenton tore away from her lips and pushed back. He sucked in a deep breath, he could see she wanted him see the pleading, yearning. He knew she was his,
he just needed her to say yes. Needed to know why she had run away in the first place.

“What did I do wrong?”

Lucid heat turned bone chilling cold in the fraction of a millisecond. He’d warned her when he arrived she owed him an answer. She just didn’t expect this to be his question nor did she expect it to just come out like this.

But she saw it in his eyes just like she’d seen it in his restless sleep last night, he was already shredded by this and he wanted to know why. She shouldn’t have been surprised, he was always direct about his questions and if he thought he was to blame for her pain he wanted to know why and he never let her get away with not answering. And as if the one question was the magic spell that ripped barriers down, she felt her own feelings come crashing through her. She slowly slid off the counter and stepped out into the living area watching him over her shoulder carefully. She needed just a little bit of space between them, because if he wanted to know, it was about to come out. It just wasn’t likely to come out pretty.

“You abandoned me.” She stopped and turned to face him now. “You refused to include me in your life unless I do so sitting at your feet. You’ve never asked me to do anything else and when I couldn’t keep up with you, you left me alone in a room without your protection—without explanation.”
There! Heart and feelings on the floor now
. She huffed, it almost felt like she sprinted around the block just to get that out.

Trenton stood still. She’d actually just thrown a number of things at him, some that had no relation to each other and he needed to decipher which was more important— which was tied to her emotions the most right now. He had included her in his life. Hell he’d done all he could to draw her in without actually kidnapping her and taking her hostage. He’d slowed his own pace so she didn’t have to try to keep up rather he went at her pace. That left the alone part to talk about. “At the hotel?” He shook his head troubled by her perception of what had happened, “No Katianna you were never left unprotected.”

“But it wasn’t you!” Her voice raised, she was going to cave really quick, the wrath of emotions that spiraled inside her, cresting up in a wave that threatened to funnel out with the next request for her to answer him.  “You left me to go be Dominus for everyone else.”

“Please don’t ask me to be anything, but who and what I am.” He felt slammed by her. Yes he wanted an answer. Hell she ran out on him. Never gave him a chance to talk with her, to ease her past the overwhelming emotional tide that came from the auction event. He’d known it was going to be hard on her, he talked, did all he could to help her through it, but then she took off and shut him out, never allowing him back in to repair her emotions over it. Clearly she still needed that from him.

“I’m not. I never wanted to change you, but you only want one part of me and the rest feels cut away and abandoned.”

“Nothing of you will ever be abandoned. I don’t care if one day you stand up and say Dominus I want to take up knitting and soft ball. Then fine I will buy you the finest knitting needles and bribe who ever I have to, to get you on the women’s champion softball team and make them knit with you.” He shook his head, the pain rippled across his face and she hated it. She knew he meant her no pain, but she didn’t know how to not feel it. “I will tend to everything you want, everything you need. You just have to let me in.”

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