The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 1 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 1 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW)
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The Billionaire's Secret Mistress


Published By Destiny Davis, 2015


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2015 Destiny Davis
All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.
Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.
Kindle Edition


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

About The Author

(This book is Part 1 of a 2 Part series. Part 2 is also currently available to read for FREE from Kindle Unlimited.)

You can find Part 2 HERE on
Destiny’s Amazon Page

Chapter 1


              She’d never wanted anyone as much as she wanted him right now.

              Angela stared at the impossibly handsome man, trying not to lick her lips in lust. With his shaggy brown hair, caramel-tinted eyes, and flexing muscles, Dimitri looked every inch the powerful, famous billionaire entrepreneur that he was. In spite of his constant trip to the tropics, his skin was pale white but it contrasted alluringly against the darkness of his hair. Everything about him oozed power and masculinity. Even through his crisp, expensive suit, she could see the well-defined ripple of his muscles as he walked across the main floor and towards his office. She could so easily imagine him slamming her lithe frame to the wall, yanking her legs around his hips, his throbbing erection pressing against her wet panties, her breasts crushed to the wall of solid muscles on chest…

              “Shit,” she mumbled under her breath as he approached her table.

              Her heart dropped as he passed by her cubicle without so much as a sideways glance aimed her way and she frowned as she heard his door slam behind him. Dimitri Fox was a notorious ladies man, always with a different woman on his arm each week, but not once did he ever even look in her direction. He must have romanced most of the women at the office except for her, she often mused.

              Maybe I’m not good enough for him?
These thoughts and more popped unsought and unwelcome into her head. She wrinkled her nose as she peered into her compact mirror. Her skin was dark chocolate, a sharp contrast to his, and her dark brown hair was long and curly with caramel streaks. Her eyes were large and green - a color that clashed with the darkness of her skin. She was slim and petite, but with well-defined curves, an oversized bust, and generous hips that were balanced by an impossibly tiny waist. She’d only seen him with tall, skinny women with no curves whatsoever, though. Maybe that was the reason why half the time he acted like she didn’t exist, she thought with another scowl. She wondered if he even knew her name.

              His voice was suddenly in her ear, deep and husky.

              “Angela, please go over these documents and have them approved by finance.”

              She looked up in annoyance as a thick folder landed on her keyboard, deleting half of the document that she’d painstakingly been typing for two hours.

              “Okay,” she muttered, pointedly removing the folder from her keyboard, trying not to notice the enticing muskiness of his aftershave.

              “Sorry,” her boss said, pushing a lock of dark brown hair out of his eyes. She was annoyed to realize that her heart picked up its pace as he leaned against her, placing one hand on the back of her seat to peer at her laptop screen. “Is this the Greenwall report?”

              “Yes, it is,” she replied. Her skin tingled at the proximity of his body. She cleared her throat. “Will that be all, Dimitri?”

              “No, actually,” He said coldly. “I’ll just have a quick look at the report, if you don’t mind.” He leaned closer to her screen, idly pushing up his sleeves as his eyes scanned the Word document. A shiver ran down Angela’s spine as she glanced at his muscular, tattooed forearms.

              “Yes, sure.” She winced at the blatant breathlessness in her voice.

              “Excuse me, Dimitri?”

              They both looked up to see a tall, slender blonde simpering at him.

              “Yes, Katie?” His voice was as glacial as ever but the blonde’s smile didn’t falter.

              “I just wanted to check if eight was okay?”

              “Eight?” He stared at her, blankly.

              Katie flushed. “Um, for our date?”

              “Oh. Right. Yeah, eight’s fine,” Dimitri muttered, his attention already on the screen.

              Katie beamed and gave his shoulder a small squeeze. “Great. See you then.”

              Angela’s heart dropped as the attractive woman walked away from her cubicle. Now that she thought about it, Angela realized that she’d never seen Dimitri with a black girl before. Ever.

              Her boss’ voice suddenly drew her out of her thoughts.

              “Could we focus, please, Angela?”

              She bit back an angry retort. “Yes. Sorry.”

              Dimitri launched into a detailed list of the modifications the document needed but she was unable to focus. Was it possible to dislike someone so strongly and still be desperately in lust with them?

              The thing was, Dimitri Fox was everything Angela hated in a man. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, even remotely friendly about him. He was distant, arrogant, and made no attempt to hide that he used and discarded women like objects. Like mere fuck toys, she thought bitterly. There was something cold… almost dangerous about him yet that didn’t deter her. If she were to be true to herself, it made her want him even more.

              “Did you get it now?” He asked, abruptly interrupting her thoughts.

              “What?” She blushed. “Oh, yes. Yes, sure. I’ll make the changes as soon as possible.” She flushed again at the breathless in her voice.


              He’d barely left her desk when a petite redhead rushed over to her. It was her best friend, Lilly.

              “Is he dating her?” She hissed, grabbing a folder from Angela’s table as she pretended to flip through it.

              “I don’t know,” Angela muttered, her eyes following Dimitri’s retreating back. “She came here to confirm their date for tonight.”

              Lilly gave a sympathetic cluck of the tongue. “Are you okay?”

              “Yes.” Angela smiled up at her best friend. “It’s just a crush, anyway. I’ll probably get over him in a few weeks.”

              Lilly grinned, pushing a lock of strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes. “Babe, you’ve wanted to get into his pants for an entire year now. This is so much more than just a crush.”

              “You’re right.” Angela groaned, burying her face in her hands. “This is pure, undiluted, full-blown lust. Shit, Lilly, even
went out with him.” She glowered at her friend.

              “Geez, thanks.” Lilly said in mock indignation. “Although, technically, we just met for drinks after work. With a bunch of other people, I might add. And there was nothing romantic or sexual about it. It was to discuss the merger with Greenwall, remember?”

              “Yes, and I wasn’t invited to it.” She couldn’t hold back the rather childish mutter.

              Lilly turned around to look at him through the glass wall of his office. “He’s such a strange man, isn’t he? He’s so cold that he’s probably frigid in bed. Don’t know what all these women see in him. Come on, babe,” she added after glancing at Angela’s face. “You know how he is. He’s just a rich, arrogant playboy. Even if you do go out with him, you know very well that it’s not going to last. And don’t worry about Katie. He’ll probably just end up fucking her and tossing her away like all the others.”

              “Don’t make me think of that, Lil.” Angela let out a gusty sigh as Lilly patted her hand and went back to her own cubicle.

              Unable to help herself, she peeked up through her eyelashes, sneaking a quick glance at Dimitri through them. Angela didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing that her own cubicle was directly opposite Dimitri’s office. Sometimes, she literally felt like she could stare at him all day.

              At only twenty-eight, Dimitri Fox was one of the world’s youngest billionaires. He came from one of the country’s most prestigious and influential families, but rumor had it that he built up his massive worldwide empire from scratch. He’d been hailed by the press as the businessman with the Midas touch, and Angela was beginning to believe the hype. Maybe it was his intelligence, his sharp business skills, or simply the fact that he was practically brimming with charisma, but Fox Enterprises were thriving around the globe.

              Angela was so absorbed in her thoughts that she nearly missed the tall, striking blonde who whooshed past her cubicle. She gritted her teeth as Katie from accounting knocked once before entering Dimitri’s office, closing the door firmly behind her.

Angela thought sourly.
They’ll probably end up fucking over his desk or something.

              She swallowed her resentment as she turned her attention back to the Greenwall report, firmly ignoring the audible thud that came from his office. It was followed by a loud giggle that had her pursing her lips in dismay.

              Her instant messaging box suddenly popped up on her laptop screen. It was Lilly.

              L. Edwards:
You look like you’ve just swallowed a lemon or something!

              A. Banner:
Yeah pffft. Hearing something sour is more like it.

              L. Edwards:
Well, I’ve got news for you. The elusive person that we always talk about is going to be at Jango’s pub tonight, from what I’ve heard. You want to catch a drink there after work? It’s that new pub in the hotel we went to last time. The really posh one.

              Angela hesitated and then typed a quick reply.

              A. Banner:
Okay. I just need to go home and change first. See you at eight.

Chapter 2

              Her best friend’s eyes widened as she entered the hotel pub.

              Angela paused at the entrance, tugging self-consciously on her uncharacteristically revealing outfit. Her curvaceous body was poured in a tight, tiny white strapless dress that contrasted magnificently with her dark skin. Her slender ankles were clad in towering gold stilettos and her long curls were swept to one side, exposing the faux diamond necklace twinkling at her throat. She tugged self-consciously at the dress, much too aware of the fact that it revealed more cleavage than she was used to showing.

              More than one man stared at her as she swept through the darkened interior but Angela had eyes for one person only. Her heart sank when she spotted Lilly at the bar, but no Dimitri.

              “Hey.” She hoisted herself up on a bar stool next to her friend and looked around. “Where’s Mr. Elusive?”

              “I saw him go into the VIP section with a few people earlier and he’s since vanished.” Lilly threw back some tequila and winced as she reached for the lemon wedge.

              “I’ll have a tequila, please,” Angela said to the barman as she retrieved some bills. “The whole bottle, thanks.”

              Lilly’s eyes widened as the barman opened a bottle and set it next to Angela along with a shot glass, some lemon wedges, and salt. Ignoring the glass, Angela bought the bottle to her lips and took an insanely long swallow. She gasped, her eyes watering as the fiery liquid traced a meandering path down her throat.

              “Is that your plan for the night?” Lilly giggled. “Get drunk and forget about Mr. Fox? Did you eat at least?” She added with a frown when her friend reached for the bottle again, this time drowning nearly half of it in several fiery gulps.

              “No,” Angela replied, coughing. “I didn’t have time to eat all day.”

              “You’re gonna get wildly drunk if you’re not careful.”

              Angela shrugged, reaching for her drink again. She’d rather not mention that she was already starting to feel a bit woozy. Her stool somehow felt like it was spinning and she clutched on to the bar as she brought the bottle to her lips again. She could feel Lilly’s disapproving gaze on her but she carefully refrained from looking at her best friend, not willing to admit that the only way she would have the guts to approach Dimitri tonight was if she was drunk out of her mind. That’s exactly what she was when, an hour of incessant drinking later, Lilly poked her in her ribs.

              “What?” Angela slurred, hardly able to focus.

              “Look.” Lilly breathed.

              Angela turned around, her mouth falling open at the sight in front of her. “Are you… is that…”

              “Oh, yes it is,” her best friend whispered.

              In a corner of the pub, his tie loosened and hair disheveled, Dimitri Fox was drunk out of his mind and dancing raucously with a scantily-clad woman.

              Gone was the cool, aloof man who was always in control of every situation. Angela didn’t think she’d ever seen him looking so unkempt before. The top buttons of his shirt were undone and he was clutching a nearly empty bottle of whiskey in one hand. His free arm was curved around a redhead whose face was buried in his throat. They both looked drunk out of their minds and she was currently feeling the exact same intoxication.

              She watched with growing jealously as the redhead fiddled with his shirt buttons, triumphantly opening the first few before splaying her fingers across his chest.

              “I’m going in,” Angela announced, rising unsteadily to her feet. She grabbed her bottle and waved to her friend. “See you, Lil.”

              Turning her back to Lilly’s protests, Angela ran a finger across her neckline, pulling the dress even lower down her cleavage. She hadn’t realized how drunk she really was until she found that it required all her focus just to put one foot in front of the other. By some miracle though, she finally reached him.

              To her annoyance, however, he was still entwined in the other woman’s arms, his back turned to her.

              “Hey.” Angela tapped on his shoulder. “Dimitri. Mr. Dimitri Fox,” she added more loudly when he didn’t look up.

              He finally turned towards her, the look of annoyance in his eyes quickly fading to embarrassed recognition.

              “Angela,” Dimitri rasped, releasing the redhead at once. “I was just…”

              “No,” Angela interrupted. “There’s no need for you to explain yourself, Dimitri.” She touched his arm with an inviting smile. “It’s okay for you to have a life outside the office.”

              It’s okay to have a life outside the office?
She internally berated herself. What was she? His mother?

              Clearing her throat, Angela leaned towards him, running her finger down the thick muscles that bulged in his arms. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind having some fun myself. I’m all alone here.” She pouted.

              Something darkened in his eyes. He crocked his head to the side, staring intently at her.

              “You want to join in the fun, then?”

              “I wouldn’t mind that,” Angela whispered, heat throbbing through her body.

              His lust for her was obvious. His body automatically angled towards her as he caressed her body with a scorching gaze, practically undressing her with his eyes. For the first time ever, the man had actually taken notice of her in a non-platonic way.

              “There’s something that you should know, though.” He leaned forwards to whisper in her ear. “I’m only interested in sex. Nothing more.”

              Angela gasped as he gently nipped her earlobe with his teeth. He sucked lightly on the soft flesh before running his lips down the length of her throat, inhaling deeply.


I love dark-skinned girls.” He cupped her chin between his, long white fingers. “What do you say, baby? Do you want to share that glorious chocolate body of yours with me just for one night?”

              “Yes,” Angela whispered before she could stop herself. “I would like that very much.”

              Dimitri grinned, flashing the deep cleft in his chin. He wrapped an arm around the redhead and pulled her close. “Any chance I can tempt you in a threesome?”

              “A threesome, huh?” Angela swayed on the spot, taking another swig of tequila. It was a bad move, she knew, especially since she could hardly feel the floor underneath her legs anymore, but for once in her life she just wanted to let loose.

              “Yes.” Dimitri reached for her bottle and took a gulp of the tequila. “A threesome is what I want for my…” he frowned. “There’s some occasion today… birthday… anniversary… anyway, it’s a special night for me.”

              Angela closed her eyes and moaned as he pressed the bottle neck to her lips, allowing the burning liquid to trickle down her throat. She threw her head back and opened her eyes, looking directly at him as she clasped her soft, full lips even more tightly around the bottle. His gaze smoldered into hers, the sexual pull between them almost palpable.

              “What do you say, baby?” He slipped his hand down the other woman’s dress to squeeze her bare breast. “Would you like to join us tonight?”

              Even in her drunken state, Angela couldn’t help but hesitate for the briefest of seconds. She’d never been with another woman before but there was something about tonight… she didn’t know if it was the alcohol, the party, or simply the fact that Dimitri was finally showing some interest in her. Heck, it may even be due to being unceremoniously dumped for a much younger blonde bimbo. Either way, Angela was determined to throw her inhibitions away for just one night.

              Setting the bottle down on the table, she brutally grabbed the other woman’s red locks and planted a wet kiss on her lips. She smiled at the unfamiliar - but not altogether unpleasant - sensation of another woman’s lips moving over hers. Opening her eyes, Angela looked directly into Dimitri’s burning gaze as she darted out her tongue and slowly ran the very tip around the redhead’s mouth.

              “Fuck…” Dimitri groaned. “I want both of you in my bed. Right now. Let’s go.”

              “My, my…” Angela whispered, ignoring how the room titled on its axis as she bridged the small distance between their bodies. “Now that’s a new side to you, isn’t it? The elusive Mr. Fox. Drunk with two women in a shabby bar. There are many faces to you, aren’t there?” She grabbed his tie and yanked his face to hers. “I’m more than willing to fuck you, Dimitri. But I don’t share. It’s either me or her.”

              Dimitri’s glassy eyes locked with hers. The atmosphere between them was slowly shifting, morphing into something darker, more intense. Very slowly, he released the redhead and held his hand towards her.

              “Shall we?”

              Angela parted her mouth to reply but before she could say anything Dimitri’s lips landed on hers in a surprisingly soft kiss. Even in her drunken stupor, she could feel every inch of her body responding to him. A low moan broke in her throat as his lips shaped hers, molding every curve, every contour of her mouth. Powerful arms wrapped around her, pressing her to the solid wall of muscles in his chest. His fingers knotted her hair, titling her head back as his tongue invaded her mouth. She eagerly darted her tongue out to meet his, moaning softly in his mouth when he gently gathered her lower lip between her teeth and pulled.

              In that moment she forgot that they were both drunk out of their minds. She forgot that they were in the hotel’s crowded pub and that Lilly could be watching them at that very instant. Every fiber of her body, every single sense, was focused on Dimitri.

              They finally broke apart for breath. She gasped through her swollen lips as she looked at him. The raw need in his caramel-tinted eyes was almost unbearable. Molten lava pooled in her lower body, spreading languorously to the warm, humid space between her legs.

              “I’ve got a suite upstairs,” he murmured. “Shall we?”

              “Yes,” she moaned.

              And then, in full view of everyone, he swept her into his arms. Angela wrapped her arms around his neck, throwing back her head and giggling as he walked out of the pub and crossed the hotel’s ornately decorated lobby, completely ignoring the curious looks. He stumbled drunkenly into the elevator but never once released his hold on her. Upon reaching his posh suite he slammed her into the wall with enough force to knock the breath out of her before grabbing her wrists and thrusting her arms above her head. Angela felt dazed, her breasts heaving up and down with each breath as, with surprising tenderness, he ran his index finger down her lips, slowly trailing it down to her breasts and moving it lower and lower past her navel. She moaned loudly as his finger skimmed across her body, lingering on her heated skin.

              “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, lightly brushing his lips against hers. “I’ll never forget the first time you walked into my office. You had this white dress on…” he kissed the nape of her neck. “It contrasted so wonderfully with your black skin.”

              “I…” She threw back her head, moaning as he sucked on a particularly sensitive area on her neck. “I didn’t think you even noticed me.”

              “Trust me, baby.” He murmured. “You‘re hard to miss. I’ve wanted you for months now.”

              “Really?” She whispered, her voice breaking into a groan as he grabbed her around the waist and spun her 180 degrees so her back was facing the Victorian four-post bed. Placing his hand in the middle of her chest, he gently pushed her down until she was lying on her back, legs spread, her arms thrown above her head.

              “Look at you,” He said in a soft, seductive voice. “Legs wide open… spread eagle in my bed. Where you belong.”

              How anyone could turn her on so wildly with mere words was beyond her comprehension. Her entire body felt inflamed and aching, her senses raw from sheer longing. Somewhere through her drunken stupor she knew that she would probably regret all of this in the morning but, right then, she couldn’t care less about what was right or wrong.

              Sitting up on an elbow, she grabbed his tie and pulled him down on her. Her petite body was completely crushed under his bulk and she couldn’t help but rub her pelvic against the hardening tent between his legs. He pushed up her dress to expose her lace panties and she wrapped both legs around his hips, drawing him deeper into her. Without taking his eyes off hers, Dimitri yanked down her panties, groaning as his fingers brushed against her moist slit.

              He pulled back just long enough to remove his clothes. She hastily struggled out of hers and resumed the position under his hard body, laying completely naked and ready for him to have his way with her. For a moment, Dimitri could only stare at her, marveling at her beauty. Her dark black skin looked exquisitely smooth under his palm as he ran it down the length of her body. She shivered, a soft mewl escaping her as he replaced his hand with his lips.

              “Dimitri…” Angela groaned, burying her fingers in this thick hair as he kissed his way down her neck, moving all the way down to her full, round breasts. Her swollen black nipple grew even stiffer in his mouth as he tightened his lips around it, ever so lightly grazing the hardened protuberance with his teeth. “Ah…”

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