Becoming His Slave (42 page)

Read Becoming His Slave Online

Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Paris took a timid sip, it was a little pulpy, but as Dominus had said; it actually wasn’t too bad and resolved himself to drink it down before his palate changed its mind. Then set the empty glass back down on the table.

“The plate is for you too, but don’t eat as fast as you drank. Your body is still in a swirl of sensations. I don’t want you getting sick.”

Paris picked up a piece of banana slice holding it in his hands, his stomach suddenly wanted to protest any suggestion of food. “You must think I’m a fool.”

“Why do you think that is what is on my mind?” The question wasn’t out to ridicule him or antagonize his emotions deeper, but rather warm and concerned.

“Not handling what you did to me up there.”

“You handled it rather well. Why do you feel you did not?”

Paris looked up at him—
Was he serious? Did he not see?
—After coming like an inexperienced boy creaming his pants for the first time then nothing—not even the strength to walk away and grin about it. “You had to practically carry me out of there.” He turned away not even able to put his humility into words.

“That’s because your use to sex pumped with adrenalin and endorphins. Now you have experienced stimulation that was nothing but sensation. Your body did what everyone’s body does. It felt until it could hardly feel any more.”

“Everybody?” That had his attention. “Even you?”

Trenton made a sound in the back of his throat; it was almost laugh—almost. “I don’t sub Paris. So no, but your body did what every Sub and Slave I’ve ever had did. And you did so very beautifully. Everyone who watched enjoyed it.”

Paris frowned. Hell he could have gone the rest of his life without being told that, he was just starting to feel a little better about the whole thing or at least a little less embarrassed—
so much for that now

“Relax Paris. You did good.” He stroked his head urging him to relax back and stop thinking.

As if?

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~












Trenton was just showing up at the club after retrieving Diesel, Marcus and Harper. His three slaves Paris, Marcena and Rachel close in tow as he stepped up to the bar giving Derek a wave, he didn’t need to say anything else. Derek knew what he drank and how he drank it. He had barely reached the bar when Dane was stepping out from his office from behind the bar calling him in, “Dominus, I have a club slave inside I need you to go over protocol rules with.”

“Dane! I already have my hands full—I got three slaves on me. One of which I plan to pawn off tonight, but that doesn’t mean I can handle or even want another.”

“I don’t need you to train her, she wants to be a servant to the club, she’ll be handled by the Doms.”

“Then why aren’t you going over the protocol?” His hands now absently moving his three slaves to their knees to wait quietly while he fussed with his brother.

“Just take a moment to go over the rules with her and give me an evaluation. I need to run over to Stilettos for a bit and I gotta do a liquor count here before we close tonight.” Dane threw his hands up in a—
what do you want me to say
—gesture. “Besides you do it better than I do.”

“Fine, get going and don’t be late getting back.” But Dane paused glancing down at Paris who was kneeling at the door. He ran his hands through the man’s dark hair and pulled him to look up at him. “You should let me take this one off your hands for awhile.” While Dane’s comment was for Trenton, his thoughts as well as his eyes were definitely on Paris.

“Paris stays here.” Trenton brushed past Dane into the office to find this new girl Dane was bringing in and took the seat behind the large desk, taking a moment to glance over the girl’s application laid out.

“I didn’t know you were gay?” Paris flickered a lusty glimmer of his dark alluring eyes up at the Head Master.

“I’m not, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy your mouth on my cock right now.” He rubbed his throbbing bulge against Paris’ face who responded in kind by chewing on the bulge in his slack.

“I can be addictive—” Paris licked his lips,
going in for the kill
— “I’m that good.” Paris let his pride be known. And none of his scruples. He was more than willing to accept any advances at this point; he was so fucking horny. Especially ones coming from the golden boy of the dominion right now? That made it even better.

“Yeah?” Dane was sold on the temptation and was quickly backing into his office, moving for the sofa as he unzipped his slacks and pulled out his growing erection as he dropped down, “Come over here and let’s put that claim to the test.”

“Dane, don’t do it—” Trenton gave him a soft warning, but it was too late. Paris had been too eager to please and was already over Dane’s lap and taking his length into his mouth.

Dane moaned right from the start as Paris sucked him in, his hot tongue wrapping around his aching hard shaft. It was one of the few things he and Trenton differed on. Dane had few scruples about sex as long as he was having it, but he did have a preference for getting sucked off by a man, more so then a woman. That is unless she was trained by Trenton, only then was a woman’s mouth just as good. But right from the start Dane could tell… there was no doubt about it, Paris was everything he claimed to be. The man’s mouth was incredible.

Dane let his drop back over the sofa and he let out a raspy expression part growling, part moan. “Damn that’s good—
— you’re gonna have me coming so quickly.”

Paris was really getting into it. The Dominus and Patronus had kept him worked up and on edge all week. Teasing his arousal to keep him peeked, but never allowing him to receive or even give any amount of physical pleasure. The lack of it made Dane taste all the more tangy and masculine in his mouth . Paris worked the hard flesh greedily, sucking and licking over the sensitized glands determined to have the prize.


Trenton shook his head, he could tell Paris was getting almost as much out of this as Dane was, which meant he’d have to stop it soon. But hell—if he had to do that, he was going to see to it Dane suffered right along with his slave and wait till the very last minute before calling Paris off. In the mean time, he waved his other two slaves in and to the bench seat opposite the sofa in the corner then turned his attention to the girl sitting in front of him.

“Cameron is it?”

“Yes Master.”

“I’m the Dominus. Do you understand what it is you’re contracting for?”

“Yes, Dominus. To be a servant for the club members in the private section.”

“And you understand that means you are available to be sexually used by anyone of them as they please which could also mean several different members in the same night, both male

He could see her breath deepen; her arousal was a dead giveaway. Especially how she tried too hard to watch Dane as Paris sucked him to his content without turning her head completely, but
how her eyes strained to watch and she licked her lips with an unspoken fascination that she could be next to service her new boss in such a way.

fuck yes—” Dane was panting, his head thrown back completely over the back of the sofa, while one hand grasped the side of Paris face.

Trenton shook his head at the two then continued with the girl. “And you understand that by contracting to the club you will be subjected to a number of different expressions of BDSM? You’ll be tied, denied orgasms, cuffed, shackled, flogged, spanked and caned. You’ll be expected to perform oral and receive it, and that sex often comes with toys. Do you understand and accept all of this?”

“Yes, Dominus.” She licked her lips.

“And you understand you can never ask for money from a member and you are not allowed to fraternize with members outside the club. If a member does wish to keep you as their private Sub, you must submit a form of service termination and you will no longer be employed at the club. Leave on good terms and your Dom will be able to bring you in if they wish. Do you still understand all this?”

“Yes Dominus.” She never failed to respond appropriately.

“Have you ever been a Sub before?”

But before she could answer him Dane’s expressions of pleasure spilled out in breathy moans. “Oh yeah—so close. Suck it Paris, suck me harder.” Dane was in his own world, completely immersed in the sensation. Both his hands holding the slave wrapped around his cock.

“Cameron?” Trenton called her attention back to him. “You will keep your focus on me right now. Is that understood?”

Her gaze flickering back to Trenton. “Yes Dominus.” Her head nodding timidly.

“Now you were going to tell me of your experience.”

“My boyfriend Tom trained me. He turned in an application to sell me at your auction, but you turned me down. So I came here.”

Trenton tapped at the desk a moment, as if doing so would bring up the necessary information; he’d turned down many applications. But
boyfriend apps
usually stuck out. They were always bad news. Some guy thinking he can make a quick buck just because he found an eager and perhaps naive girlfriend. Trenton never accepted them. “Do you recall why you were turned down?”

“Your response letter said I hadn’t been trained properly and lacked any real slave experience to be sold yet.”

“It is a very deep and emotional overwhelming experience. Not for the faint of heart.”

“Oh I’m not. That’s why I want to work here.”

“And your boyfriend? What does he want?” Trenton wasn’t about to acknowledge a boyfriend as a Dom, had he been one she would have referred to him as her Dom and nothing else.

“Oh—” her eyes dropped “We broke up.” That only confirmed that
Tommy boy
was hoping to make off with a few bucks and dump his girlfriend at the same time. At a later time he would ask further about
and go have a chat with the boy.

“Did he ever give you safe words?”

“Yes. Super bunny.”

Trenton shook his head, amateurs. “Here everybody uses the same words, Red for
, yellow for
you’re getting too nervous
and green
you’re good to go
. Understood?”

“Yellow sir?”

“There will be times when a Dom is going to push your limits, if you get too scared, but not really wanting the whole scene to end you can call yellow. Your Dom may slow the play, or pause to talk you through some more or change the play for the time. Understood?”

“Yes, master.” She blinked a few moments then glanced up, “Dominus?”


“You keep asking me if I understand. I’m not dim witted.” She defended her honor, but kept the
out of it.

“I do not imply that you are, but you are new to this and I have to make sure you understand what it is you’ve asked to be a part of. A bigger part of BDSM is trust and that only comes with communication. Once you’ve come to understand what you’ve signed up for then we can get started learning what your body needs to experience to get pleasure. Understood?”

She smiled, “Yes Dominus.”

On the sofa, Dane was thrusting into Paris’ mouth now, his deep breaths rasping in his chest hissing more exacerbations, “Fuck yeah—


“Paris—” Trenton called to him calmly and he knew Paris would know what he expected from him, “Paris stop now.” He gave the command.

Paris heard the Dominus and he knew not to disobey, but damn it was hard to stop. He nearly had the Head Master to his climax and he would have relished his flavor, but Paris did as commanded and drew back from Dane’s cock. He kissed the swollen purple head, than dropped his face in his lap, kissing lightly at the soft skin of his loins and bit at his lips. He was so sexually frustrated right now, he was going to pop, rape someone or just fuck a hole into the wall if Dominus didn’t give him some release. Hell, just having Dane cum in his mouth would have been pleasurable enough to be a temporary fix.

“Fuck, you’re an ass Trenton.” Dane gasped his hand petting Paris’ head.

“At least
slaves obey me.”

“Just once I wish they wouldn’t.”

“Paris come over here before he tempts you to do such a thing.”

“I could finish you Head Master Dane.” Cameron turned in offering.

Dane just groaned, but then started the torturous task of getting his erect shaft back into his pants, “Sorry sweetheart, can’t let you.”

She shot an injured look at Trenton.

“Its protocol. As owner he can't enjoy you for a minimum of thirty days from the time you start.”

“Really? Why?” Not in the least hiding her disappointment.

“It’s an adjustment period. So you don’t get the feeling you’re taken advantage of and it protects him from lawsuits.”

Trenton motioned Paris to kneel next to his seat then got up and went to the door, “Derek, come in here your Head Master needs you.”

“The bar?” Derek questioned.

“It's still early. Zane can manage on his own.”

Derek did as commanded and stepped in. Derek had been with Club Pain since it opened, a devoted Sub to the club and served its Head Master whenever called upon and Dane took good care of him in return for the pleasure Derek provided.

Derek stood quietly at the door waiting instructions as Trenton resumed his place behind Dane’s desk and proceeded to pour himself a shot from the small decanter Derek had served him when he first came in. But his eyes caught sight of Cameron’s fingers pressing against her mound between her legs, “Cameron stop.” Trenton’s command bit out quickly and her head snapped to attention with a gasp, fingers frozen in place. “I did not give you permission to touch yourself have I?”

“No Dominus.” Her hand tucked away shyly then down at her side.

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