Becoming His Slave (43 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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“Good girl.” He flipped the shot of tequila back, bit back the burn then turned to the business he had with Derek, “Your Head Master’s cock is in need of caring. Please see to it.” He idly gave him his new instructions then grabbed Paris’ hand and pulled it into his lap positioning it temptingly close to his own swelling erection.

Paris took it as a good sign and shifted his fingers to stroke him through his slacks, but stern words stopped him. “Don’t touch.”

“But Dominus?”

“Rotten aren’t I?”

“Yes.” He agreed with a pouting furrow.

Derek knelt down in front of Dane instantly licking his lips at the swollen sight of his Master’s cock only partial tucked away and desperate to get back out. “What’s the matter? The angel wasn’t as good as he wants everyone to believe and couldn’t finish my master?” Derek glanced over his shoulder to Paris just to goad him. He knew better then that just by looking at him. But he also knew Paris was being conditioned for tonight’s games. Dominus and Patronus would no more let him have the pleasure of a Master’s release than his own, but that didn’t stop Derek from taking advantage of the man’s predicament and prod him a bit for his own fun.

Derek freed Dane’s cock from his pants and wrapped his hand around the hard shaft and stroked at it lightly, “Look at it—it’s so beautiful and hard for me.”

Dane was shifting on the sofa. He ignored the rouse from his Sub, allowing him to toy with Trenton’s slave. It was only fair and it would make for a good sport later when they parried the two against each other. But right now what he wanted was Derek’s mouth on his cock and he reached for his head and guided him down. “Stop talking and suck me.”

Derek lathed the broad skin tight head with his tongue and hummed with pleasure, good and loud so Paris would hear him. “You're so close Head Master and to think the prize is going to be mine.”

Lust seethed inside Paris. Turning him pissed now. He could take some goading, but that Derek would get his prize? Those were fightin' words.


Having settled one issue, Trenton turned back to the girl still quietly seated in front of him, hands at her side, eyes down. “The upstairs level closes one hour before the rest of the club which gives you plenty of time to clean up the gear. All Subs are expected to tend to the cleaning of all gear, equipment and toys for proper sanitation. The only exception is if you zoned just previous to closing time.”


“Some call it sub-spaced.” But he could see she didn’t know what that was either, “It's when you reach a heightened euphoria brought on by total submission that basically causes you to zone out. It’s not an everyday recurring experience, but when it does happen, it’s very pleasurable for the Sub and even for the Dom as it’s the best compliment to his skills that brought you into the phenomenon in the first place.”

“How long does it last?” This zoning thing had her deeply yearning for the experience, but Master Dane’s panting and constant appraisals to his Sub were a renewed heavy distraction.

Trenton smiled, that she handled the scene next to her while he went over the details of the world she wanted to dive into head first was a good sign. “Varies. It can last for only a few minutes to half an hour, sometimes in rare events longer, but only the Masters know how to get that kind of results.”

“But what if my Dom or another Dom wants me to perform, what do I do?”

“Nothing, the zone is your prize. And no one is allowed to shake you from it. Such an act can get them banned. If one ever does, you’re to call
then go to whoever is keeping the door and you let them know you’ve called
and need to see one of the Head Masters. Then you kneel and wait.”

“But won’t I get in trouble with the Doms for that?”

“Not at all. Retaliation is not tolerated. Nor are you likely to encounter it upstairs.”

Dane’s breathing picked up, his hands clasped around Derek’s head and he belted out a hard moan when his hips thrusting deep into the man’s throat.

Paris’ hand had been moving, stroking the inside of Trenton’s thigh, like it was his cock. Watching the Head Master’s release and that his prize was being devoured by another had him madder than hell and jacked up over it. While one hand still stroked Trenton’s leg, his other went to his own cock and began stroking himself through the heavy cloth of his kilt.

Trenton caught the movement. “Paris if your hands move again, I will have them bound.”

“Sorry Dominus.” He mumbled, his hands coming to a slow halt. But he gritted his teeth and his gaze was searing a hole in the back of the head that was finishing off the Head Master.

Dane slumped back letting out a long sigh of relieved pleasure, just as Diesel stepped in taking a quick assessment of the room and found most of its parts amusing.

“Shouldn't Derek be behind the bar?” Diesel wasn’t beyond scrutinizing Dane for thinking of his own needs before the club’s.

“Paris wasn’t man enough to bring my master to the finish line.” Derek took full advantages of another opportunity rile the new slave.

Diesel stalled in his tracks and glanced over at Paris who was still kneeling at Trenton's side and looking hotly perturbed. He shifted his gaze back to Derek, “I wouldn't go there Derek or I may have you sucking him off.” That was the worst kind of punishment for a Sub, to be ordered to service a Slave.

Derek slowly came to his feet taking a step closer to Diesel, his eyes locked on Paris, “Perhaps the Patronus would like me to tend to his cock’s needs as well?” It was no secret Paris had a serious thing for his Patronus.

Diesel’s hand snapped to the side of Derek’s neck taking a firm, but non threatening hold of him, “By whose order are you in here?”

Derek bowed his head instantly. He knew right away Diesel was not giving allowance for the power play and submitted to his will without hesitation. “Dominus.”

“Then kneel down till he releases you back to your duties behind the bar.”

“Yes Patronus.” And he did as such.

Diesel circled around Cameron still sitting in the chair. Trenton obviously had too many things he was juggling… he didn’t have the new girl down on her knees as she should be for her first induction.

Marcena and Rachel who were kneeling quietly on the bench seat dressed out in typical
he had picked out for them for the night, remained quiet, but enjoying the play of wills that had been taking place in the room. At least they were where they should be. His hand went to the new girl’s neck, nice and firm. “You should always be on your knees when in the presence of the Dominus or myself.”

Cameron’s head snapped up wide eyed that she had been doing something wrong. “Don’t look.” His command tightened, unwavering. “Always keep your eyes down. Never look up unless your master commands it.”

Her head snapped down, eyes down, but she forget to complete the first command.

“Knees now.” Diesel gave a stern repeat of the order and quickly she scrambled down on the floor to her knees, spreading them and sat back on her heels.

“Very nice, so you have had some training.” His hand stroked her cheek softly, rewarding her obedience.

“Yes master.” She slowly pulled her arms behind her back and clasped her fingers together. The pose pressed her breasts out further and her hard nipples peeked through the thin cotton of her t-shirt announcing her arousal. Diesel straightened, towering over her, he did not give a command for her to look, but she knew by his shadow that he was bearing over her. “I am a Master of Doms and you will answer to me as Patronus from now on.”

“Patronus—yes Patronus.” She said softly.

Diesel dropped down in the chair she had just been sitting in; his attention went to Dane still lounging back on the sofa not even bothering to put his cock away. “Didn’t you have some things to do which was why we had to come in here?”

“I do, but Paris’ lips put me on a detour.” His hand lazily started to stroke his half spent shaft already contemplating another attempt at the man Trenton kept on such a short leash. “That is until Trenton called him off me.”

Diesel’s hand took up several locks of Cameron’s hair, board straight golden brown with chunky streaks of auburn and brassy gold. It was soft like velvet and he was enjoying the feel of it in his fingers, while he listened to Trenton continue on with the last parts of her protocol. Her hair was long, not as long as he liked to see on women, but long enough to do what he liked with it and that was to rub it over his cock while he masturbated. Just the thought had his hand to the bulge inside his jeans and rubbed against it. It was just one more thing prodding after Paris’ emotions.


Paris felt the tinge of jealously and his hand tightened forgetting he still had Trenton’s thigh in his grasp, who did take notice and gave him a glance.

Suddenly, for Trenton, the room seemed overly crowded. “Derek you are dismissed. Dane so are you.”

“Hey my office.” He grinned, but he didn’t take any offense. He’d used up Trenton’s time so he could go take care of business only to use the advantage to sit here for no reason other than stir up playful trouble. “I’m going.” He pushed up from the sofa and restored his slacks and tucked his shirt back in.

“Just make sure your back in time for the closing.” Trenton reminded him.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Dane gave him a satisfied grin.

Diesel got up and moved around behind the desk stepping up behind Paris. Paris’ storming emotions hadn’t gone unnoticed and decided this slave that he was quickly becoming favorable over, needed some focused touching. Diesel’s hands glided over Paris’ shoulders down the front of his chest, grasping the taunt muscles of his pecks in his hand. He closed in on Paris’ small manly nipples and pinched them hard.

Paris’ hissed tossing his head back against Diesel’s thighs and he groaned out loud. He was already jacked up emotionally, but the way Diesel delivered this exquisite pain ignited his flesh. He wanted nothing more than to grab his hands and forced them down around his cock. He wanted to pump into his grip till he was exploding. Then wrestled Diesel down and-

Dane suddenly poked his head back in “Hey! Your mouse just arrived—you’re gonna fall over when you see what she’s wearing.”

Paris let out a growl. Diesel laughed at him clamping his hand under his chin and pulled him up to look at him, “Horny?”

“Fuck yes.”

Trenton practically jumped from the chair, “Kat’s here? Tonight?” and he rushed for the door and stuck his head out. A curse escaped his lips before drawing back into the room and closed the door, “Damn. Doesn’t she know what those little dresses do to me? And then torment me further with the knee high stockings?”

Right away Trenton wanted to do away with everything and everyone before him so he could just be with her. Which he knew he couldn’t, but he could shuffle around some time for his mouse which meant wrapping things up here first. He returned to the desk and immediately poured himself another glass of the silver tequila. “So—Cameron, I want you to go home and think about everything I said. If you still want to keep your contract then you need to call the office on Wednesday. When you come in you’ll dress street casual. Do not come dressed in club wear or in any kind of bondage or fetish wear. You’ll change into those after you arrive. You’ll report to Head Master Dane who will always be your leading Dom.”

“I can’t start tonight?” The whimper in her voice was clear as day.

“No. You need to think it over first.”

“I have thought it over and I want to do this.”

“Maybe you have, but not with the information I just gave you. Now my first command has already been given. Do not disobey me again unless you don’t intend to work here.”

“Yes Dominus—sorry Dominus.” Her eyes dropped, “Am I dismissed Dominus?”


She got up grabbing her bag, “I’ll call Wednesday for my schedule.”

“Good girl” And he flipped his glass up to bottom its contents down his throat then dragged his finger over his tongue delivery the taste of hot sauce to it. “Oh and Cameron—” he chewed on a slice of lime before dropping it to the napkin on the desk, waiting for her to face him, “No sex with anyone between now and your first day and no masturbating. I want you good and eager when you start.” His eyes tightened watching her expression waiver when he gave her the domineering challenge, thoroughly enjoying the nervous gulp she made in response to his command.

“Yes Dominus.”

“If you want this job you will not disobey me. And I
know and then I'll have to punish you on your first day. We don’t want that now do we?”

She gulped again, but her body heated up with arousing anticipation and Trenton had to wonder if she was the type that would purposely disobey just so she could get the spankings. “Yes Dominus.” She gasped then disappeared out the door.

Trenton sat back in his chair letting his thoughts get the best of him. He licked at his fingers again savory the spicy flavor still lingering there. He loved a slave’s first day, just going over the rules, teasing the hell out of them and refusing them their orgasm. Such sweet titillating torture. And he couldn’t wait for the chance to do it to Katianna.

Diesel looked at Trenton now, “So what do you think of the new girl he brought in?”

“A horny little vixen who had a wanna-be Dom boyfriend. Either she’ll be whorishly open to it and become a club favorite or she is in for a major reality call and will be completely mortified that she came here at all. My money is on the first option.”

He glanced at Paris who was quickly slipping back into his comfort zone, that being his fantasy of being firmly sandwiched between Diesel’s body and his own.
What was he going to do with this one?

“Diesel will you take the girls please?”

“And Paris?” He questioned signaling Paris to his feet.

“I’ll keep him with me, we got him well primed for tonight’s games, I don’t want anyone sneaking in and getting a hold of him or vice versa.”

Diesel let out a laugh and reached around rubbing against Paris’ cock through his kilt. Oh yeah Paris was primed alright. The man was hard as a rock.

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