Beautifully Twisted (2 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“I can arrange for another driver and I can make sure he knows how you need everything to work.”

“How many days?”

“Three, if I can.”

She sighs, clearly irritated with the request. She doesn’t like to change her routine but honestly, poor Oswald has never asked her for a thing. He’s a loyal and competent driver. The least she could do is let him have a few days off.

“That’s fine.”

Oswald’s face lights up. “Thank you, Miss Drake.”

She says nothing and glances out the window as they pull up to the massive building where she works. Patrick Collins Media, the mass media empire built by Scott and his business partner, Brett Collins, the man she would be meeting today. Alexa ran the newly created Social Media division, an area that for whatever reason, Scott felt she would excel at, and he was right.

Scott ran the print division in New York and Brett Collins ran a thriving office in Spain. Alexa is the first woman in the company given the opportunity to run an office on her own, and she would be meeting Brett for the first time today. She was curious to meet him, knowing he was also Scott’s best friend for years. Somehow their paths never crossed all this time.

She waits for Oswald to open her door. Stepping out from the car, she runs her hands over her hair to smooth it down as the chilly London air swirls it around her face.

Alexa enters the building and rings the call button for the elevator up to her office. From there, she could look out over Buckingham Palace and occasionally even get a glimpse of the Queen’s corgis running around the gardens.

As soon as the elevator doors open on her floor, she notices a hush fall over the office. It happens every day when Alexa arrives. Just once she’d liked to see how everyone behaved when she wasn’t there. Admittedly though, she gets a tiny bit of satisfaction knowing everyone fears her. She feels it is the only way to make sure her authority is never questioned. Running an office of this size and importance at twenty-seven years old left her vulnerable to rumors and power plays.

It didn’t help that the rumors were actually true. She did sleep her way to the top. She can’t remember how many nights she spent tied to Scott’s bed, how many spankings she endured, how many blow jobs granted. She would do it all again though.

Alexa’s faithful assistant, Martina, takes her coat and scarf. “Miss Drake, Mr. Patrick called. He’s on his way with Mr. Collins now. They should be here inside of thirty minutes.”

“Mr. Patrick is here?” Alexa’s voice practically trembles with the knowledge she would be seeing Scott. She didn’t know he was coming too.

“Yes, ma’am.” Martina looks over her shoulder to make sure no one is in ear shot. “Are you nervous to see him?”

Martina is the only person Alexa trusts enough to talk about her personal feelings. She’s the closest thing to a friend that Alexa has. Only Martina knows that seeing Scott is difficult for her. Especially after the last time.

“A bit, yes. I wasn’t expecting him,” Alexa says, absentmindedly chewing her nails.

“Good thing you look amazing then.” Martina smiles and hands Alexa her second cup of coffee. “I put some fresh flowers in your office to perk it up a bit. Oh, and I printed all of our client’s bio sheets for your reference. You’ll impress him, Lexi.”

“Don’t call me that in front of them, remember?” There were two people in the world allowed to call her Lexi, Scott Patrick and Martina. That’s it. And frankly, she never wanted to hear Scott call her that again. It reminded her too much of when she spent her nights in his bed. Martina wouldn’t even know of it if it weren’t for the argument she witnessed the last time Scott was in town.

“Of course. You know I wouldn’t, Miss Drake.” Martina returns to the formality she uses in front of strangers, and offers a sly smile. “Go relax and collect your thoughts for a moment before they arrive.”

“Thanks, Martina.”

Alexa sits behind her sleek, glass desk and fires up her computer. Immediately she notices a blinking email.

Can’t wait to see you, Alexa. SP

He’s already at it again.
The last time I saw him, I told him to fuck off. Now he can’t wait to see me? Fucking hell.

Scott Patrick is the only man that can bring Alexa Drake to her knees. Literally. The last thing she wanted was to fall into another cat and mouse game with Scott. She had worked hard to assert her own will; now she was the dominant one. She did the tying up, not the other way around. She knew there was no way Scott Patrick would be willing to give up his control over her. The very thought of seeing him again made her nervous.

Martina buzzes her office. “They’re here, Miss Drake.”

Alexa takes a deep breath and throws a breath mint in her mouth. “Show them in, Martina.”

She stands and waits for Scott to appear in her doorway, gripping her fingers along the edge of her desk. He enters first; a breathtaking smile on his face. Her legs quiver at the sight of him. He still had ultimate control over her. Her eyes wash over his gorgeous frame–athletic, trim, but muscular. She knew those taut muscles are covered in super sexy tattoos, hidden by his luxurious clothing. He trimmed his black hair short since she saw him last, very short, almost shaved completely. It only served to highlight the angular features of his face. His eyes were as dark as his hair, and one could say, his soul, but that didn’t stop Alexa from staring straight into them. She wants to know if he still has it for her.

Scott walks confidently towards her and she feels herself bracing for impact.
Oh fuck, oh fuck. You stay over there, you sexy bastard.
She stayed safely behind the desk, prompting him to pause in front of it, a taunting grin across his lips.

“Why don’t you come from behind there and meet Brett, Alexa.”

God, his voice! Why does he have to be so sexy? Shit. Shit!

“Of course.” She smiled with confidence, something she didn’t feel at all. But if Scott had taught her anything, it was how to hide her emotions. She was a pro at it. Except, somehow he always knew how she felt. Always.

Brett Collins strides towards her, his hand extended. She remembered seeing his face in many industry magazines and was surprised at how built he was in person. He was handsome enough, in a Scottish sort of way. He was probably far more attractive away from the pure sex aura of Scott Patrick.

“So nice to meet you, Miss Drake,” Brett says, his strong Scottish accent taking Alexa aback slightly. “Scott can’t say enough good things about your abilities.”

Scott barely conceals his grin and Alexa prays that Brett knows nothing of their sordid history together. She searches Scott’s eyes for an answer and is met with a telling wink.
Whew, the secret is safe.

Scott walks to a chair and sits back in it, crossing his well-dressed leg over his knee. Alexa watches as he tugs gently at the tailored pant leg and brushes his fingers over the material before speaking. Such a simple gesture, but so sexy when performed by Scott.

“Mentoring Alexa for so many years gave me such satisfaction. She was my star pupil, and my pride and joy,” Scott says with a tone that sounds like his voice was soaked in honey.

Alexa’s heart beats hard in her chest. Only she understood the double meaning in his words.
Star pupil, indeed.

She clears her throat. “I do owe quite a bit of my success to Scott.”

Brett laughs. “Do you two always speak so formally with each other?”

Scott laughs too. “Not always, right, Alexa?”

She feared for a moment those sweet lips would utter her nickname. She knew if he did, she would fall apart all over again.

“Not always.” She smiles and regains her cold, professional demeanor. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brett. If you’d like, I’ve arranged a tour of the office and lunch for us today. I can go over our accounts with you and future plans.”

“That sounds fine. First, I’d like to make a few calls. Do you have an office I can use?”

“Yes, of course. We’ve set up a guest office for you. I’ll take you to it.”

“Have your assistant take me. You catch up with Scott,” Brett offers.

The last thing Alexa wants is to be alone with Scott Patrick. The last time he was in her office it was a disaster. It does make more sense for Martina to escort Brett to the office though.

She buzzes for her assistant. “Martina, can you take Mr. Collins to his office, please?”

“Of course. Be right there.”

Alexa addresses Scott. “Will you be in need of a visitor office?”

He grins at her and her knees shake a little more. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be in town. Can I get back to you?”

Alexa nods, unnerved by his demeanor, as usual. “Of course.”

Martina arrives and leads Brett out of the room, leaving Alexa and Scott alone. Alexa stares at him, trying to accept his presence.

A slow grin crosses Scott’s lips. “You look stunning, Alexa. London suits you.”

“Thank you. You look well, also.” She tries to keep her words measured, her voice steady. She doesn’t want him to know how much he is affecting her. “What are you doing in London, Scott? I wasn’t expecting you.”

“It’s a surprise then. I wanted to see you. Plus I have a few meetings to attend to while I’m here.”

She narrows her eyes knowing that she handles almost all of the UK business. “Who are you meeting with?” she asks.

Scott waves his hand in the air, dismissing her question. “People.” He stands and walks towards her, causing her to back up against the window. “Don’t back away from me, Alexa. No more of that.”

Her breathing quickens. She wants to run, but there is nowhere to go. Once again, Scott Patrick has her backed against a corner.


“Let me talk first.” He moves in close; so close his body presses up against her. She closes her eyes, absorbing his scent and his closeness. He always smelled like money and sex. It was the best smell on the planet to her.

Scott reaches out and strokes her cheek. “Open your eyes, baby. Come on.” She does and locks her green eyes with his black ones. “You’re gorgeous, you know that, Alexa?”

“Scott, let me go.”

“I can’t, baby girl. Can’t you see that? Why do you think I came with Brett out here to meet you? It gave me a reason to see you again.”

“You came because you couldn’t stand for Brett to be alone with me.”

Scott narrows his eyes slightly. “Maybe.” He brushes his lips against her cheek, causing Alexa to inhale sharply in response. “Let me take you out tonight.”

She knows she should say no, but she also knows she can’t. The last time she declined his invite didn’t go so well. She has no ability to turn away from Scott Patrick and they both know it. Didn’t mean she wouldn’t try.

“No, thank you,” she says with a professional tone.

“Why not?”

“I’m busy.”

“Too busy for an old friend?”

“We are not friends,” she says, her voice full of tension.

“What are we then, baby girl?”

She sighs, and stares into his eyes. As dark as they are, they still seem to dance and play in the little bit of sunlight that streams in her window.

“Please?” he asks sweetly, which Alexa knows is total bullshit.

Scott always wore her down and she had to admit that even after how he acted the last time he was in London, she still very much wanted to be around him. She sighs again and nods her head, unable to utter the words.

“Yeah? You’ll see me tonight?”

“You win.”

“Not yet, but maybe later.” His hand slides up her thigh, stopping just under the hem of her skirt. “I dream about you, baby girl. I remember how soft your skin is, how luscious your tits are. I can’t wait to climb in between those legs of yours again.”

Alexa’s body flushes with heat. “I didn’t say you could do that. I said I would
you; that’s all. You can explain to me why you were such a bastard the last time I saw you.”

He grins and his fingers inch up higher, softly stroking the material of her lacy panties. “Alexa…” His lips drag against her neck. “I need you, you know that. Don’t say no to me.”

Her eyes shoot towards the door, afraid someone will walk in. “Please, Scott, not now.”
Not again.
“We can talk about this later.”

“We’ll talk about it now,” he says, his voice suddenly demanding. “I’ll stop when you tell me you’re still mine.” His finger hooks in her panties and dips inside her wetness, forcing a gasp from her lips. “This is mine.” Her eyes meet his and in them she sees the familiar hardness of the dominating, controlling man she knows all too well.

“It’s not yours,” she says, defiantly. “Lots of other men have had it now. Lots.” Alexa knows this is going to piss him off. Part of her wants to.

“So, you’re a slut now? You just take what is mine and give it away?” His voice is hard and a little bit scary. As much as she wants to be free of him, she loves it when he gets like this over her. This time though, she feels like she has the upper hand.

“I do. I give it to whomever I want. Maybe I’ll give it to Brett.” Her eyes gleam, challenging him to control her.

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