Beautifully Twisted (9 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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He grins, revealing his eye catching smile. “I have quite a bit of stamina, you should know.”

She feels her cheeks flush. This conversation turned sexual surprisingly fast. Brett reaches across the table to take her hand again, and this time she doesn’t pull it away. At this point, she isn’t sure how to handle this revelation. She sits quietly and watches the waiter place their meals in front of them, Brett politely addressing him in French again.

Alexa studies his face for a moment before speaking. “What if it is Scott that I’m involved with? Doesn’t it bother you that you’re his best friend and you are making a move on me?” she asks.

Brett stops chewing for a moment, considering his words. He knows she is absolutely right to ask him such a question and he was definitely flirting with dangerous territory, but something about Alexa intrigued him to the point where he almost didn’t care.

“You are correct, Alexa. Scott is my oldest friend. I consider him to be my brother and I have considered what I’m asking of both of us.” He takes a sip of his wine. “I’ll just say this. When it comes to women, it’s each man for himself. If you are indeed involved with Scott, then my perception is that he isn’t doing a very good job pleasing you. If he was, you wouldn’t be here with me right now.”

“I accepted your dinner invite because I thought we were going to talk about business. My romantic status is irrelevant.”
At least that’s what I thought.

Brett smiles with an expression that suggests he doesn’t believe a word Alexa is saying. “You’re a stunning woman, you know that?” Brett says, softly. “You’re beautiful, smart, confident, and a bit of a bitch. It’s a hell of a turn on.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“It’s a compliment. Do you know how tired I get of women who trip all over themselves when a man is around? It’s refreshing to meet a woman who can hold her own. In fact, I’d venture to guess that you’re pretty good at calling the shots.”

“Possibly.” She offers a slight smile.

“I’d like to know more about that, more about what you want in a man.”

Alexa never had to think about this question before. The only man she’s ever wanted is Scott. She lowers her eyes while she considers how to answer his question.

“Why don’t you tell me what you want in a woman first,” she says, stalling for time.

She watches as he lifts his wine glass to his lips and takes a sip, closing his eyes momentarily while he savors the flavor.

“Alexa, I like strong women. Women who know how to get what they want. I think that’s why I’m fascinated by you. It’s obvious you don’t take shit from anyone.” He chuckles softly. “In fact, if you can handle Scott, then I know you’re the type of woman that turns me on.”

Alexa takes a sip of her wine. “I can handle him and you if I have to, but that doesn’t mean I want to get involved with you. Mixing work and pleasure is dangerous.” Alexa knows firsthand exactly how true that statement was.

“You don’t strike me as someone who’s afraid of a little danger,” Brett teases.

Alexa smiles just slightly. “No, I suppose, I’m not.”

“So… back to my question. What’s it going to take?”

“I don’t know that I’m interested.”

“Ah, but you don’t know that you’re not. There’s a chance.”

His comment causes her to soften. They eat quietly, Alexa picking at her meal and only eating the parts she likes.

“You don’t like it?” Brett asks.

“It’s okay. The wine is excellent.”

He nods then says, “Will you come home with me tonight?”

His sudden request surprises her but as usual she masks her emotions and responds stoically. “No. I haven’t had that much to drink.”


“I’m not ready. I’ll…think about it.”

“I hope you do.”

As they finish dinner, Alexa’s thoughts are cloudy with decision. She told Scott she wouldn’t sleep with Brett, and she knows it would kill him. Still, it’s very tempting to take this opportunity to hurt him like he hurt her. Who better than his buddy?

She watches as Brett pays the bill then gathers her coat for her. He seems awfully nice, not weighed down by the edgy hardness Scotty bears.

“I’ll take you home now,” Brett says, standing close to Alexa, forcing her to stretch her neck to look at him. He wanted to kiss her but he had a feeling she would not like that at this point.

“Thank you,” she says softly.

Once in the car, he reaches over and touches her leg softly. “I want you in my bed, Alexa, and I don’t easily back down.”

“I don’t easily give in.”

“I can see that.”

She feels her phone vibrate inside her handbag and pulls it out to see a text from Scott.

SP: He doesn’t know you like I do. You don’t even like French food.

Her body tenses.
That asshole.

“Anything important?” Brett asks.

“Not at all.” She makes a decision. “You can come up for a drink, if you want.”

His face fills with a smile. “I’d like that.”

“Good.” She’s satisfied with her choice. If Scott wants to mess with her like this, he should know that two can play this game. Poor Brett is just a pawn in this game.

They pull up to the valet in front of her place. She’s nervous, but feels confident she’s doing the right thing. She is her own woman now; Scott does not control her.

“What changed your mind, Alexa?”

“I haven’t. It’s just a drink. For now.”

“Fair enough. I’ll relish the time I remain in your company.”

She looks at him with suspicion.
Is he for real?
Ignoring the glances of the workers at the front desk, she presses the elevator button.

“Nice building. We must be paying you well,” Brett says.

“Quite well.”

“You earn it.”

“Thanks, Brett.”

They ride to her floor in silence. Only the devil himself knows how far she’ll let this go tonight. This is the worse choice she could make to keep the peace between Scott and her. She opens her door and escorts Brett inside. Shrugging off his jacket, he sits on her red leather sofa, an expectant look on his face.

“What would you like to drink?” she asks.

“What do you have?”



“Yep. Straight up?”

“Yes, please.”

She pours them both a glass and takes a swig, letting the liquid slide down her throat, warming her body. She walks to the sofa, handing him his glass.

He takes a drink and sets it down on the table. “You must be a little curious, to let me come up here.”

“I am,” she says as she sits back against the cool leather.

“I could make you happy, Alexa.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I would do whatever it takes.”

“You say that now, but you don’t know me.”

“I want to.”

“That’s obvious.”

Brett grins. “Do you ever smile? Not your bitchy smile–a genuine, happiness filled smile.”

Alexa raises her eyebrows.
Man, this guy is bold.

“Did Scott make you like this? So cold and hard.”

Her entire body tenses at the mere mention of Scott’s name. It didn’t help that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. “Stop talking about him.”

“Do you have feelings for him?” Brett presses, ignoring her comment. “Just tell me so I know what I’m facing.”

“I don’t have feelings for anyone.”

“I could change that, if you’d let me.”

“What exactly are you suggesting? A relationship with me? Because frankly I think this is all about sex. All this dining and bullshit talk is just distraction.”

“Is it working?”


Brett leans closer to her, his lips just inches away from hers. Alexa wonders if he’s going to kiss her and if she wants him to. He stares into her eyes, silently weighing his options right now. The more she resists him, the more turned on he is. He’s just not sure how far he can push this.

“Alexa, I’ve already told you that I’m extremely attracted to you. I’ve told you I want you in my bed, but I also want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me. Have you considered there is a possibility we could be what the other is looking for?”

“I’m not looking for anything, Brett. Getting involved with you would only make my life harder than it already is.”

Brett leans in just a little closer, his chest pressed against hers, but she makes no attempt to move away. “What if I could make your life easier?”

“How?” she asks, her curiosity intensified.

He reaches up and brushes his finger against her cheek. “It’s important to you to maintain control, yes?”

She nods. “Yes, I suppose.”

“That’s why you’ve been so successful so quickly. You need a man in your life that recognizes that.”

“And that man is you, I take it?”

“I think so,” he says confidently.

“So what are you going to do to prove it? I’m very demanding.” Alexa finds that she is very intrigued by his words and his closeness to her.

A grin spreads across Brett’s handsome face. “I’d like to tell you something about myself. Something you may find interesting.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” Alexa replies.

Suddenly, without warning, Brett slides off the couch onto the floor. Keeping his gaze locked with hers, he lifts her leg and drags his tongue across the side of her shoe, then slowly up her stocking covered leg, stopping at the hem of her dress. Her eyes open wide, watching him intently.

“I can be anything you want, Alexa. You can run me.”

She takes a deep breath.
Holy shit.

“Would you like that? Would you like to control me?” he asks.

“Is that what you’re into?” she asks, her voice revealing her curiosity.

“Yes. And I think you’re exactly the person to give it to me.”

“What exactly do you want? You’ll have to tell me.” She had to hear the words. She didn’t want to assume.

He nods his head. “I’m fascinated by you. It’s so difficult to find the kind of woman that appeals to me; a woman that completes my fantasies,” he whispers, not really answering her question. She sighs in irritation, but as he runs his hand down her leg, a look of pure lust reflects in his eyes, capturing her attention once more.

“Alexa, I want to give myself over to you completely. I want your complete domination of me. I wanted it the minute I laid eyes on you. I want to belong to you.” He smiles once more. “You are one sexy bitch.”

Alexa pauses for a moment, deciding on her next move. She isn’t sure how he picked up on her preference but the thrill she feels from his offer is undeniable and, with pure disregard for the consequences, she quickly switches into domination mode. “You may not call me a bitch unless I give you permission.” She lifts his chin up. “You know better.”

“Yes…mistress.” He whispers the words. “May I call you mistress?”

“I expect that you will.” An evil smile spreads across her lips. This is better than she thought. “I won’t let you fuck me,” she says.


“I didn’t say ever. Not now.”

His eyes plead with her.

“What shall I call you?” she asks.

“I like slave.”

“Okay, slave.” It’s not the first time she’s been asked to use that term. “You should have told me sooner what you wanted from me.”

“I had to make sure I had a chance. You could ruin me with this kind of information.”

“Yes, I could.” She leans down and licks the side of his face. “I won’t, as long as you behave.”

He moans softly. “I will behave, mistress. May I kiss you?”

“Why should I let you? Because you bought me dinner?” Alexa laughs the meanest laugh she can summon, completely in her element right now.

“Because I want to make you feel good.”

“And you think your kisses can do that for me?”

“I can try.”

Alexa stands to give herself even more advantage. Brett remains on his knees at her feet. He’s been very well trained.

“You’re very handsome, slave,” she says as she runs her fingers through his hair.

“Do I please you?”

“Yes, you do. Tell me, what do you want to do?”

“Anything you need, mistress. I would love to please you, to make you come, to release your stress.”

“You think you can make me come?”

“I would spend my days trying.”

She kneels down and looks into his sweet eyes, his desire for her so evident, his willingness to please her, palpable. It’s such a different dynamic with him than with Scott. She reaches out and runs her fingers across his strong cheek and jaw. He closes his eyes, reveling in her touch.

“You are very trusting, aren’t you, my slave?” she asks, sweetly.

He nods. “I trust you, mistress.”

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