Beautifully Twisted (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“Alexa, I have the contracts prepared and copies made for Capital Associates. Do you want me to courier the package over to them?” Martina asks, as Alexa wraps up for the day.

“Yes, please. Thank you.”

“Do you think they liked the presentation?”

“They’re signing the contracts,” Alexa replies dryly. She’s beyond distracted thinking of her evening ahead.

“Of course. Sorry for the dumb question.”

Alexa looks up and sighs. “It wasn’t dumb. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“I hope you have fun tonight, boss.”

“I don’t. I just want to have a pleasant enough business dinner.” She smiles. “I’ll see you Monday.”


Alexa wraps herself in her coat and heads to the lobby. When she gets there, she’s surprised to see Scott, leaning his sexy ass body against a column.

“What are you doing here, Scott?”

“Driving you home. I sent your driver away.”

“Why? You know I have plans tonight.”

“I do. I’m just making sure you remember what you already have.”

“This jealousy of yours is ridiculous, you know that? You’re being possessive over something that isn’t yours.”

“That’s not what you said last night.” He grins, but she can sense the underlying tension in his tone. “Let’s go.”


They walk to the car, Alexa’s mind racing with thoughts. He’s never acted like this before. Possessive and jealous, absolutely. But going to so much trouble to be with her–never. Not once. If he had, maybe she’d still be in New York waking up in his bed every morning.

“Doesn’t it feel good to be together again, baby girl?”

“I’m not sure.”

“What’s holding you back?”

“I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do. You can be honest with me.”

“Can I?”

“Of course. Tell me how you feel.”

“Feel? Are you dying or something?”

“Dying? No! Why the hell would you ask me that?”

“You’re acting so strange. What about our no emotion rule? No public displays of affection? Now you want to know how I
? Something’s up, Scotty. Knock off the bullshit and tell me what you’re up to.”

He grins and shifts gears, increasing his speed. “First, tell me that you missed me.”


“You’re being defiant again. I guess you’re looking for another spanking.”

“No, Scotty, I’m not. I’m trying to have an adult conversation without the power trip.”

“You missed me?”

“Shut up.”

“You know I don’t like it when you talk to me that way.”

“I don’t give a damn. I’ve grown up, Scotty. I can fend for myself, in case you didn’t notice.”

“No, I didn’t notice. Seems to me you’re the same girl you always were. At least you were last night, bent over my knee.”

She folds her arms in silence. They’ve driven out of the way to her place, his attempt at keeping her longer. She knows exactly what she can do right now to regain control of this situation.

“Take me home. I have a date to prepare for.”

Scott turns his head to glare at her. He reaches over and digs his fingers into the flesh of her thigh. “You’ll be sorry if you fuck him.”

“Maybe I’ll be sorry if I don’t. He’s an attractive man. Maybe he has something I need.”

“Nobody has what you need but me.”

She laughs and pushes his hand off of her leg. “How will I know if I don’t try?”

“I’m serious, Lexi.”

“I don’t give a fuck.”

“Yes you do or you wouldn’t be here.”

“You sent my driver away.”

“Talk your game, baby girl. You and I both know we’re going to be together.”

“Is that so?”

“I don’t know why you’re trying to piss me off but I’ll make you pay for it.”

Alexa’s skin tingles at the mere suggestion of his revenge. She absolutely must fuck Brett if she really wants to get under his skin. Or at least, make Scott believe she did.

“Poor Scotty, you just can’t stand that you don’t have as much power over me as you used to. It’s killing you, isn’t it?”

“I have plenty of control. Do you want me to show you? You’ll never make it to your date tonight.”

Alexa says nothing and stares out the window. Finally, Scott pulls up in front of her building. That detour costs her precious time. There’s no time to shower, that’s for sure. She goes to open the door but he grabs her arm, pulling her close to him.

“Kiss me.”

“You’re fucked up, you know that, Scotty?”

“I am. Because of you. Kiss me and I’ll let you leave.”

“Fine,” she says, knowing she wants the kiss too.

She leans across the seat and presses her lips to his, slowly opening her mouth to allow him in. It’s a slow, yearning kiss–months, maybe years, of unspoken words between them. She would kiss him forever if she didn’t think it would kill her. Scott Patrick is bad for her, and he is sucking her back in.

She pulls away slightly. “I have to go, Scotty.”

“I know. Please call me later. Don’t make me show you what I’ll do if you don’t.” His words sound more like a plea than a threat.

“I’ll call.”

Scott smiles and releases his hold on Alexa’s arm. She lets herself out and walks briskly to her apartment, not turning to look back. Hearing his car speed off, she finally exhales.

Alexa rushes to her apartment to get ready. Once inside, she chooses a black, cocktail dress. It’s form fitting with leather details and she loves it. It makes her feel powerful. She selects some patent leather platform pumps and decides to put her hair up. She doesn’t want to look soft and feminine tonight. She wants to look like the hard ass business woman that she knows she is.

Her intercom buzzes and she looks at her watch. Seven on the dot. She presses the call button. “I’ll be right down, Brett.”

“Perfect,” he responds with his lovely Scottish accent.

Grabbing her coat and clutch, she heads down.

“You look lovely this evening, Miss Drake,” Brett greets her as she steps off the elevator.

“Thank you. Call me Alexa, please.”

“Certainly. Ready?” He puts his arm out for her to take.

They walk out front and James holds the door, winking at her. Alexa can only imagine what he’s thinking seeing her with two different men on back to back nights. She doesn’t go out for ages, and now all of a sudden she has a social life.

Brett opens the car door for her. “I hope you like French food, Alexa. I got us a table at Beau.”

Alexa nods her head. She hates French food but he is the boss. She’ll play along.

“I’m glad you could make it out with me tonight, Alexa. I’ve heard so many good things about you and the London office. It’s nice to meet the person responsible for it.”

“Thank you. I’m proud of the work we’ve done.”

“I also hear you’re tough as nails and your expectations are high.”

“I ask nothing of anyone that I’m not willing to do myself.”

“I like that. It takes guts to take on everything that you have. Scott was right to put his faith in you.”

“He trained me well.”
In more ways than one.

“I can see that. It’s quite amazing we never met when you worked in New York,” he says.

Alexa thought the same thing and had a feeling Scott never wanted them to meet but decides to keep that to herself. “Just timing, I suppose,” she says.

“Do you like London so far?”

“I do, except for the weather. I’m craving some sunshine.”

“You should go to the South of France in the winter. Or Italy.”

“Who has the time?”

“You should make time to have fun, Alexa, always.”

She rolls her eyes slightly. “I’ve been told that before.”

They drive a short distance to Beau. Even though she doesn’t like this kind of food, she knows how exclusive this restaurant is and she’s impressed he scored a reservation.

“How did you get us in here, Brett? I heard the reservation list is months deep.”

“I have connections.” He smiles and winks.

Alexa suddenly realizes without the bright glare of Scott in the room, Brett is quite attractive. She’s normally not drawn to the fair haired type, what with his lightly freckled skin and pale ginger colored hair. But his eyes shine a bright green and his smile is dazzling white. She’s not sure, but he must be a little older than Scott, maybe late thirties.
Not bad.

The valet attendant opens her door and she waits while Brett joins her. They walk in and are immediately seated at a table overlooking the Thames River. Even though it’s only November, the city is all lit up as everyone prepares for the upcoming Christmas season.

Brett orders wine while Alexa sits staring out the window. Her thoughts drift, wondering what’s in store for this evening.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

Alexa turns her head back to Brett and smiles. “Just noticing how pretty the city looks right now.”

“Yes it’s very nice. I always enjoy my time in London.” He places his napkin across his lap. “Where are you from originally?”

“California,” she says, hoping he doesn’t ask too many personal questions.

“Does your family live there still?” he asks.


“Will you see them for Christmas?”

She shifts uncomfortably in her seat. Talking about her family is never a happy subject. “Unlikely. My mother is going through her fourth divorce. I haven’t spoken to my father in years.”

“I see.” Brett frowns slightly. “Do you have siblings?”

“Two half-sisters. We’re not close.”

“How do you normally spend Christmas, then?”

She shrugs. “It’s just another day.”
I normally spent it in Scott’s bed.

Brett opens his mouth to speak when the waiter approaches to take their drink order. Glancing down at the wine menu, Brett peruses the selections and then shifts his eyes back to Alexa. “You like wine?” he asks.

Alexa nods. She likes any type of alcohol and hopes it will help her relax a little. She listens as Brett orders a bottle of Pinot Noir.

Brett closes the wine menu and leans across the table slightly. “I’ll tell you what I’m really interested in knowing about you.” He smiles and Alexa notices how his eyes pleasantly crease in the corners when he does. “Are you romantically attached to anyone?”

Whew, that’s an interesting question.
She had no idea how to answer it. “It’s complicated.”

“Ah, so I’ll take that as a yes.”

Alexa sighs. “Take it however you like.”

“I hit a nerve?”


“You’re very guarded.”

She looks up at him, a blank look on her face. He smiles and reaches across the table to lightly touch her hand but she pulls it away.

“Don’t. Please,” she says.

“I’d like to get to know you.”


Brett sits back in his seat and grins. “Honestly? I’m attracted to you and I find you to be quite captivating.”

“You’re my boss.”

“I work in Spain.”


“So,” he says, as his lips produce a seductive grin, “no complications that way. You’ll see me once or twice a year for work, and however often you’d like to see me for pleasure.”

Alexa sits back slightly. She definitely didn’t see this coming. Scott was right. Brett’s intentions were never work related.

“You don’t want to be involved with me, trust me,” she says.

“It’s Scott, isn’t it? The man that keeps your life complicated.”

She purses her lips. “None of your business.”

“It’s written all over both your faces but I’d like a chance to change your perspective.”

“My perspective?” She laughs, dryly. “You have no idea what that is.”

“I don’t, that’s true. But, maybe I could make you forget about Scott Patrick,” he says, knowing he should back away from this beautiful girl, but also knowing he is turned on more than he has been in a very long time. He had to at least try.

Alexa opens her mouth to speak, but then the waiter returns with the wine and to take their order.

“May I order for you, Alexa?” Brett asks.

She shrugs her shoulders. “That’s fine.”

Brett rattles off several items, conversing easily in French with the waiter. He’s very sophisticated, Alexa notices.

“Back to you,” Brett says, as the waiter leaves them. “What will it take, Miss Alexa?”

“For what?”

“A night with you?”

She pulls her head back in surprise. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit forward?”

“Yes, I do. That is my intention.”

“It would take a lot, possibly more than you planned on.”

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