The Lily Brand

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Authors: Sandra Schwab

Tags: #historical romance

BOOK: The Lily Brand
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Table of Contents

Title Page



Author's Note


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16


Chapter 17

Chapter 18


About the Author


The Lily Brand


Published by Sandra Schwab

Copyright © 2005, 2015 by Sandra Schwab

Cover design © Sandra Schwab

[email protected]

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual people or events are coincidental.

Forever Marked

Troy Sacheverell, fifth Earl of Ravenhurst, was captured in France. He had gone to fight Napoleon, but what he found was much more sinister: Dragged from prison to an old French mansion on the outskirts of civilization, he was purchased by a rich and twisted widow. But more dangerous still was the young woman who claimed him as hers.

Lillian had not chosen to live with Camille, her stepmother, but nobody escaped the Black Widow’s web. And on her nineteenth birthday, Lillian became Camille’s heir. Her gift was a plaything: a man to end her naiveté, a man perfect in all ways but his stolen freedom. Yet even as Lillian did as she was told and marked that beautiful flesh and branded it with the flower of her name, all she yearned for was escape. In another place, in another world she had desired love. Now, looking into burning blue eyes, she knew there was no place to run. No matter if she should flee, no matter where she might go, she and this man were prisoners of passion, inextricably joined by the Lily Brand.

And while her heart remained locked in ice, his burnt with hate. Would they ever find true happiness?

For Amazie,

as promised

Author’s Note

The Lily Brand
was my debut novel and was first published in July 2005. I’m thrilled to be able to release a new edition for the book’s tenth anniversary. I cleared up a few typos, but apart from that, the text remains unchanged.

I would like to take the chance to thank everybody who contacted me over the past ten years to tell me how much they enjoyed Troy and Lillian’s story: Thank you so much! This book holds a special place in my heart, and I hope with this new edition, Troy and Lillian will find even more readers and make even more friends.

Happy reading!

Sandra Schwab

July 2015


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A Tangled Web

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The varying year with blade and sheaf

Clothes and reclothes the happy plains,

Here rests the sap within the leaf,

Here stays the blood along the veins.

Faint shadows, vapours lightly curl’d,

Faint murmurs from the meadows come,

Like hints and echoes of the world

To spirits folded in the womb.

The Day Dream

Chapter 1

France, Autumn 1815

The rattling of the doors was what alerted him first. In this stinking, dim-lit hell where he was imprisoned, the sound meant food at best and the step of the hangman at worst. But then, most of the men had been here for so long that they welcomed even that.

The shuffling of bodies around him meant his fellow inmates were getting up—both food and hangman were better met standing, if only to rob the prison guards of the glee of hauling one to one’s feet. Warily, Troy stood, ignoring his left leg. The pain there had been a constant comrade ever since his last battle, when shot had peppered his thigh, taking him down, rendering him helpless when he had been taken prisoner. Bringing him

Absentmindedly, he scratched his matted beard, which was dark with dirt. A flea shell cracked under the pressure of two of his grimy fingers, their nails broken, and was flicked away, discarded without conscious thought.

Too long. It had been too long since he had been brought here.

He had lost track of the days and weeks and months; they had blurred together and eventually formed eternity.
Eternal damnation

There had been a rumor that the war was over, that Bonaparte had been overcome. Wasn’t it the custom to release the prisoners of war in case of a defeat? If he had been an officer, they probably would have ransomed him even before that. He
been an officer, he seemed to remember, but he hadn’t been wearing his normal uniform in that last battle. And so he had been treated like a common soldier, had been dragged into an available prison nearby, thrown into the company of thieves and cutthroats, and had been forgotten along with them.

A small prison at the end of the world, at the edge of the sea—or was it? He could not trust his memories on that score, could not be sure whether the roaring in his ears during the drive on the back of that coarse wagon had been the sound of the waves or just his own blood.

As the rattling grew louder, his neighbor dug his elbow into Troy’s ribs, causing the chains which tied them to the wall to rattle in counterpoint. “Ey,
,” the man mumbled in coarse French, “what do you think it’ll be today?”

Troy shrugged.

The other prisoner licked his gray lips. “A flogging? Has been some time since we had one of those. Gratien will be impatient by now. Lusting after our blood.” A strange light entered his eyes. Troy had seen the likes of it too often to be shocked. If it was to be a flogging they would all be crowded into the small courtyard to watch the spectacle.

The prisoners liked floggings. It meant an interruption of the gray time in their cells.

Gratien came into view, shuffling down the aisle between the cells. It might have been a peculiar joke of the Fates that a man whose name meant “pleasing” had grown into a short, red-faced specimen with faded yellow hair, his breath wheezing in his lungs. Yet when Gratien descended into the bowels of his prison, nobody dared to laugh. All the men feared his violent temper.

This time, however, he did not come alone.

When the men spotted who was walking behind him, tall and graceful as Death itself, a murmur rippled through the crowd of prisoners as if a stone had been thrown into a dark, depthless lake.

La Veuve Noire

“Silence!” The handle of Gratien’s whip banged against the bars before he turned to bow low. “Here are more,
.” He had stopped in front of Troy’s cell.

All around him, the men stepped back from the bars in a fruitless attempt to melt into the walls. The Black Widow, with her eyes like cold jewels, was a woman to be feared. Every once in a while she came to the prison to collect… a prize. These men were taken away, never to be heard of again. But there were rumors, strange rumors, strange enough for the prisoners not to seek to become a prize.

The black silk of the woman’s dress rustled as she turned to look into the cell. “I see.” She spoke with the polished accent of an aristocrat, yet her voice was cold enough to freeze the blood in the veins of a man. Against the black of her clothes, her face seemed ghostly white, the eyes painted in such a way that they appeared to be slanted like a cat’s. A slight smile curved her ruby-red lips, and she snapped her gloved fingers. “Light!”

Two prison guards hurried forward, each holding a torch that threw a flickering light on the inhabitants of the cell. The Black Widow studied each man as if she were at market and they were the cattle she wished to purchase.

Troy straightened his back and stared at her, refusing to lower his eyes as everybody else did. Once he had been a man to wield power. Even after all this time, there was enough pride left in him. He would
grovel in front of such a woman.

“Ah,” she said in pleased tones. “Open the cell.”

Gratien hurried to obey her command and waved the torchbearers to follow her inside.

The men shrank away, yet Troy did not notice. Unblinkingly, he continued to stare at the woman until his eyes began to water.

She halted in front of him, and the torchlight glittered on the golden net that held back the mass of her charcoal hair. “Oh, yes.” Her smile intensified. “Come here,

At first, Troy thought she meant him, but when the Black Widow looked back over her shoulder, he noticed another woman standing in the aisle outside, shoulders slightly hunched upward. Her dress of muted gray made her appear like the sad shadow of her companion. Reluctantly, she stepped into the cell, her eyes darting to the filthy men in chains, to the bare stone floor, to the few dirty rushes.

“Don’t be so shy,
La Veuve Noire
extended her hand, fingers beckoning.

Troy blinked.

The other woman, he now saw, was hardly more than a girl. A girl who tightly pressed her lips together. He watched as she laid her hand in the hand of the widow and was drawn forward.

“What do you think of that?”

Looking down, the girl shuffled her foot in the rushes, refusing to acknowledge the question, refusing to meet Troy’s gaze.

“Great, great…” Gratien hurried to the widow’s side, closing his fingers around Troy’s forearm. “A good one, that. Young. Madame wished for young,
? Good shape, very good shape…”

Madame deigned to smile some more. “Everywhere?” she asked with arched eyebrows.

? Oh… well…” Huffing and puffing, Gratien abruptly released Troy’s arm. “I’m sure… if
would like to feel…”

“Indeed.” The widow let go of the girl’s hand in order to strip the glove from her own. Long, white fingers came into view, crowned by long nails, their color matching her red lips.

Troy wanted to jerk out of reach, yet his back was already against the wall, and now Gratien was pressing the end of his whip into the soft spot under his chin, forcing Troy’s head upwards and back so that he would not move. Troy swallowed convulsively, felt the hard wood pressing against his windpipe, before the woman’s fingers closed over the worn material of his breeches and around his manhood. He shuddered with revulsion as, chuckling, she roughly measured the width and length of him.

“Not bad,” she murmured, “not bad.
?" She reached back with her free hand and again brought the girl to her side. “Your glove.”

From the corner of his eyes, Troy saw Gratien lick his lips. He was dimly aware of the soft clinking of his fellow inmates’ chains as they watched this spectacle in uncomfortable silence.

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