Beautifully Twisted (28 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“Martina, can I get another cup of coffee, please? I have three more contracts to read,” Alexa asks over the intercom on her desk.

Her assistant appears in the doorway moments later, coffee in hand. “Here you go, boss. Late night?”

Alexa yawns. “God, yes. Every night is late since Scotty moved in. I’m exhausted.”

“But it’s good, right?” she asks, as she sits.

“Yeah, it’s great,” Alexa says, dropping her guard. “I actually feel alive again. I come home and he’s got dinner ready, granted it’s takeout but it’s ordered and waiting. He always has music playing and the fireplace lit. It’s so romantic and domestic. We’ve never been like this together.” She shakes her head. “I could seriously get used to this. But we definitely need to get more sleep.”

“Well, it’s awesome seeing you like this. It’s like you’re this other person completely. I mean, you’re still Alexa, running this place like a pro. But you just seem to glide through your days. I love it.”

“Me too. I know at some point though it’s going to have to change. Scotty can’t just camp out in London forever. Eventually he’ll have to go back to New York.”

“I’m sure you guys can figure something out.”

“Yeah me too.” She looks down at her watch. “He’s coming to pick me up for dinner soon. We’re going out to that new Italian restaurant everyone is talking about.”

“Nice. Anymore discussion about the trip to Spain. Is Mr. Hotty cool with it now?” Martina asks.

“We haven’t really discussed it. I don’t think he’s going to be cool with it but I think it’s something I need to do. He needs to let me be my own woman at work and learn to trust me with Brett. It will probably result in a fight though.”

“I hope not. I’m sure Braveheart plans on being professional. Do you worry that he might cross the line?”

“A little. That’s part of the reason I want you to come with me. I think it will help Scotty feel better too. We have a long way to go in some areas.”

“But you’ll get there.” She stands to leave. “Can I get you anything else, boss?”

Alexa shakes her head. “Nope. I just need to get to approving these before SP shows up. When he’s in the room, it’s hard to focus.”

“For all of us,” Martina says, laughing.

Alexa hears a knock on her office door. Looking up, she sees Scott leaning against the door frame, his body draped in a gorgeous blue sweater and black slacks. She simply stares at him for a moment, admiring his confident stance and masculine features. Her smile fills her face as she shuts down her computer for the day.

“Hey, lover,” she says, grabbing her handbag and walking towards Scott.

“Hey, yourself,” he says, kissing her cheek. “You ready for dinner?”

“I am. Did you get some new clothes?”

He runs his hands over his sleeve. “I did. What do you think?”

“I think you’d be handsome wearing a trash bag, but you look great. That color looks good against your skin.”

“Why thank you, Miss Drake.” Scott laughs as they say goodnight to Martina and head down to the lobby. Scott holds the car door open for Alexa and slides in the driver’s seat next to her, kissing her hand before they drive off. “How was your day?” he asks.

“Fine. Busy as usual, but that’s how I like things. You?”

“Good. I got a lot done today. I want you to know that I spoke with Brett and told him you won’t be going to Spain. It’s just not necessary. Anything he wants to show you, he can do in London. When I’m here.” Scott makes his statement so plainly, Alexa almost isn’t sure she heard him correctly.

“I’m sorry. Did you just totally dictate my career?” she asks, clearly annoyed.

“I’m not dictating anything, Alexa,” Scott says, sighing. “We’ve been over this goddamn issue about Brett many times and I think you are clear on how I feel about it. Non-negotiable.”

“Maybe you don’t understand something. You’re right. It is non-negotiable because it’s
career. I call the shots here, you don’t.”

He chuckles sarcastically. “That’s amusing since I gave you your career. Funny how I have no say all of a sudden. There was a time when you wouldn’t make a single move without consulting me first. Now you’re all high and mighty.”

Alexa turns to him and narrows her eyes. “Isn’t this what you groomed me for? Didn’t you teach me everything I needed so I could be independent and make my own decisions?”

“I did and you do. You’re amazing at your job. This is not about your career and you know it. This has everything to do with things that have happened. You may not realize this, but Brett is not over you.”

“What do you mean, over me? We went out twice. It’s not like we even talked, really.”

“He’s still into you, baby girl. And until he’s not, I don’t feel comfortable with you and him alone. End of story.”

“Scotty…” Alexa starts.

“I said, end of fucking story, Alexa. I’m serious.” He reaches over and rubs her cheek before returning his attention the road. “I want us to enjoy our evening. So can we just put this behind us?”

Alexa’s anger simmers just below the surface. She wants to discuss this and find resolution but she knows it will just end up in a fight, something she’s not willing to have at the moment. For now, she just wants to be with Scott and savor his presence. She will find a way to approach the Brett subject when the time comes. There was one thing she was certain about. She was going to make her own career decisions and Scott was just going to have to get used to it, whether he likes it or not.

“Okay, Scotty,” she says softly.

“Good.” Scott smiles as he pulls into the valet area of the parking lot. He glances at her as they enter the restaurant; his thoughts conflicted over how to deal with this situation. Part of him knew he was overstepping his boundaries with her on the whole Brett deal, but there was no way he trusted Brett yet and he didn’t want his girl in that kind of position. He wanted to keep his friendship with Brett and he definitely wanted his relationship with Alexa. The only way to do both of those things in his mind was to keep the two of them far apart. Eventually, Alexa would understand.

Alexa sits at her desk sending off several project emails before Scott arrives to take her home. Martina walks in the office, a pile of paperwork in her hands.

“Alexa, these are all the contracts from last month. I’m ready to file them if you’re done with them,” she says.

“I’m done. Thanks for staying on top of those,” Alexa says.

“No problem, boss. Oh, I spoke with Brett’s assistant today and got everything set up for the trip. It was weird though. He seemed to think we weren’t coming anymore.”

Alexa rolls her eyes. “That’s because Scott called Brett and told him I wasn’t. So to your previous question, SP is not cool with it.”

“But you’re going anyway?” Martina asks.

“Yes. At this point, I’m going out of principle. I’m just not going to back down from this.”

“I guess you know what you’re doing, boss,” Martina says, not at all sure she does.

“How long does he expect us to be out there?” Alexa asks.

“He said at least three days. I was thinking you and I could go out a few days early and see my folks. Then we could spend the rest of the week working. I have it all written out. We just need to sit down and plan the actual dates so I can book our plane tickets.”

“Plane tickets for what?” Scott’s voice comes from the doorway.
Dammit, why is this man always sneaking up on me?

Martina freezes unsure of what to say next. Alexa nods her head indicating she should leave so she can deal with Scott.

“Scott, I know you don’t want this but we’re talking about the business trip to Spain,” Alexa explains.

“I thought we were clear on this. I do not want you to go.”

“I’m aware of that, but Brett has plans for me and my career and I’m going.”

“You will not go, Alexa. I can help you just as much with your career if not more than he can. Besides, Spain holds nothing crucial for your success.”

“This is not something you have any say over, Scott. I need to make my own work decisions.”

“Then I’m going too.”

“No, you’re not. Martina is going with me and you need to trust me. If this relationship is going to work, I need your trust, just like you’ve asked of me.”

“Not negotiable, Alexa.”

She rises from her desk, taking her handbag from the drawer. “I’m not going to date him or fuck him. I promise I won’t even be alone with him.”


“No? I’m not a fucking child, Scott.”

“But you are mine and I said no.”

Alexa looks at Scott in disbelief.
Is he really going to be such an ass about this?
She prepares herself for the fight she knows is inevitable, but she has to stick up for herself in this area of her life or things will never be equal.

“I belong to you in the bedroom, Scotty, but out here, I’m my own woman. You need to accept that, or this won’t work.”

Scott runs his hands over his head. “Come here,” he says, his voice dark and brooding.

“No,” Alexa says, standing firmly behind her desk.

“I will come and get you if you don’t come and you will not like it.”

“I know what you’re doing and I don’t want any more of this dom bullshit in my office. I have a fucking reputation to uphold.”

“I don’t give a fuck about your reputation. Come here, now.”

Alexa considers her options for a moment and then realizes she doesn’t have many. If she doesn’t go over there, he will really come get her but if she does, God only knows what he’ll do. She sighs and decides the lesser of the two evils is to obey. She slowly walks from behind the desk and stands in front of him.

“I’m going to give you one final chance to make the right decision, Alexa. You will decline this trip to Spain.”

“And if I don’t?” she asks, both defiant and curious.

“If you don’t… I’ll assume that my wishes are meaningless to you and I’ll leave.”

Alexa crosses her arms and juts out her chin. “Dammit, Scott! You can’t threaten to leave me just because I don’t do something the way you want. It’s not fair.”

He narrows his eyes at her. “I never said it was fair, baby girl.”

“How would you feel if I said you couldn’t do something?”

“It’s not the same and you know it. You
why this is a problem for me.”

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