Beautifully Twisted (23 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“I haven’t even begun to take it too far, baby girl. You have no idea what I have planned for you.”

“That doesn’t sound appealing at all, Scotty. It sounds ominous.”

“It is, for Brett is he tries to fuck you again.”


“No, Alexa. Listen to me. I have waited so long to be in your life again. I have died a thousand deaths in the last year. Missing you caused a pain in my heart like nothing I’ve ever known. I will protect what is mine the way I think I should. Period. You should just accept it.”

She sighs. His words are sweet but his tactics are overwhelming as always. “I waited too, Scotty. Don’t you think I understand the pain you are talking about? I cried so much I couldn’t summon tears anymore. My heart shut down from emotion and its only purpose was to keep me alive and even that felt like a struggle at times. I’m not going to jeopardize what we have to have a fling with Brett or anyone else. But I am going to live my life and I am going to call Brett back and I’m going to discuss my job with him, just like anyone else would do. You should just accept that.”

Alexa watches Scott’s jaw tense and his lips press into a flat line. He pauses for a moment before rushing towards her. She quickly tries to move away, but he snatches her arm, before she can. “Jesus, Alexa, stop backing away from me. Why do you do that?”

“Because,” she says softly.

“Because why?” he says, pulling her closely, his voice softening.

She lowers her eyes, her mind swirling with thoughts. He gently lifts her face by the chin so he can look her in the eyes. “Why?” he asks.

“I’m afraid you’ll…”

“You’re afraid I’ll punish you?”

Her eyes open with surprise. “No, that’s not it.” She shakes her head. “It’s something different than that,” she says softly.

“What is it then?” he asks, truly concerned.

It suddenly hits her why she’s been resisting his domination so much. She lowers her head. “I guess I just worry because in one way I want what we used to have. There’s a reason I so easily fell into that with you all those years ago. I like the control you take from me and that upsets me honestly. I don’t know why I can be so strong away from you and so weak around you.”

“We need to talk about all of this. I’m willing to figure out how this works for both of us, Lexi. I’m not gonna lie, you know how much I love what we had and you know how much I want that with you. You also know that I would never, will never, can never, do anything that you don’t want.” He grabs her shoulders and stares in her eyes. “It might seem like that sometimes, but I
you. I know what you want.”

“I know you do,” she says softly. “I feel like I want to say no to this old thing we had. I want to be an equal to you. But deep inside, I want to be on my knees in front of you. That’s just the motherfucking truth.”

“Can’t you trust me and trust us?” Scott says, pulling her close and planting his lips on hers, kissing her with every ounce of his soul. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he lifts her off the ground, twirling her around. She breaks from their kiss and laughs.

“Lexi, baby girl, we can do this. We can figure this out. You are strong. You’re the most bad ass woman I have ever known. It’s why I knew you could take on this challenge in London. You are not less than me. What we have is what we both need.”

She nods her head, contemplating his words.
Maybe it isn’t bad that I want him to control me. Oh but I do love a man on his knees in front of me. Maybe we can trade places from time to time.

“What are you thinking, baby girl?” Scott asks, breaking into her thoughts.

“I was thinking…” she smiles, deciding if she should speak her thoughts. “I was thinking I don’t have any clothes to wear and I need to get to work. So let’s get going, shall we?”

He grins. “Yes, we shall. Are you going to call Brett back?”

“We’ve already discussed this,” she says with a tone that suggests the conversation is over. She’s surprised when he doesn’t ask another question.

“Hello, Brett, it’s Alexa,” she says, slightly unsure about talking to him again.

“Hello there, Miss Alexa, how are you this fine day?” Brett’s voice booms through the phone and Alexa smirks just a bit at his strong Scottish accent.

“I’m quite well, thank you. Listen, we need to talk about the Spain trip and I’m really sorry about this morning with Scott…”

“Alexa, you don’t have to say anything about that. He was actually right. I should have called on your work phone and kept it professional. I had some time on my hands at the airport so I just dialed without thinking. I don’t want to cause any problems for you.”

“You’re not. But obviously the last time Scotty saw us together…”

“You were naked,” Brett says, his voice changing suddenly.

Alexa takes a deep breath. She had to be sure his intentions were purely business. There was no way she was going to fuck up her relationship with Scott over this. No matter how nice the guy is.

“Yes, I was naked. Which I do not plan to be again in your presence. We need to have an understanding that the line won’t be crossed again, Brett, or I won’t come to Spain.”

Brett is silent, his breath coming softly through the phone line. Finally, she hears him exhale and begin to speak. “You have my word, Alexa, I will not cross the line. I know you love Scott, and he loves you. Maybe in another time and place, it could’ve been me that won your heart. Maybe, if I had just gotten to you a little sooner, it could’ve been me that warmed your bed. And maybe, if I had just tried a little harder, it could’ve been my name you scream. Ah, but Alexa, I know when I’ve lost and I concede my defeat to Scott Patrick. I promise.”

“Brett,” she says softly. “You are a great guy and I really mean that. But Scott is like, well, he’s my world. My entire world. It took us a long time to get where we are right now and it’s all I’ve ever wanted. It is absolutely not a reflection of you.”

He chuckles softly. “That’s about the strangest let down I’ve ever had but I get it, Alexa. As much as I want you, I am able to control myself. I assure you and Scott, that I will be nothing but professional when you get to Spain. Shall we talk about those arrangements now?”

She loved how Brett switched back to his work mode and that she felt she could trust him.
Now if Scotty could, I’d be all set.
“That’s great, Brett. Thank you. So, when were you thinking, and what are your plans for me when I get there?” As soon as she said the last sentence she wished she could pull those words back. Everything she said sounded like a sexual innuendo and she prayed Brett didn’t take it that way. Oh, but he did.

“Well, my plans for you…” he pauses for a moment and releases a quiet sigh, “are to arrange a few meetings with some people that are very interested in the London office. Social media is still a bit of a new phenomenon to folks out here so they want to know how you do it and why it works.” He then pauses again, and Alexa can tell he is being careful with his words. “I also want to spend some time with you and learn about your career aspirations. It’s an exciting time at Patrick Collins and I think you have a very bright future here.”

“I’m excited too, very excited actually.”

“I wondered if you’d like to extend an invitation for Scott to join us. It would help him feel more comfortable that I can be trusted,” Brett offers.

“No, the way for him to trust us is to allow me to do things on my own and come back in the same condition I left,” Alexa says firmly.

“I’ll follow your lead, Alexa. I just don’t want any more strain between the three of us.”

“I don’t either, Brett, but Scotty knows that this is my job, the job he mentored me for. So he needs to learn what proper boundaries are.”

“If anyone can teach him that, I am positive it would be you,” Brett says, his voice gently soothing her through the phone line.

“Thank you,” she says professionally. “When you would like me to come?”

“As soon as possible.”

Alexa continues to cringe as each phrase passes between them. Even when she tries to sound neutral, every word seems to be an invitation. “Well, the easiest thing for me to do would be to have Martina call your assistant and arrange the details, including where I will stay. Would that be agreeable?”

“Certainly. There is a lovely hotel near the office that I think you’ll enjoy. It’s as elegant and modern as you are.”

“Are you flirting with me again, Brett?” she asks, exasperated.

“Not at all, it’s a simple observation.”

“I trust your trip back to Spain was uneventful?”

“Quite. Most of my life is uneventful, Alexa. That’s why the few moments I spent in your presence were genuinely some of my most exciting. I expect that I will continue to be excited by you with our work relationship.”

She sighs. “Don’t make this difficult for me. I won’t turn my back on Scott.”

“I won’t ask you to. I told you, you have my word, Alexa. I always keep my word.”

“Okay,” she says.

“I’ll tell my assistant Tyler to call Martina and arrange the trip, until then, be well, Alexa.”

“I will. Thank you, Brett.”

She places the phone in its cradle and sits for a moment, her face buried in her hands. She knows Scott is going to have a problem with her taking this trip but she knows it’s something she must do, not only for her career, but to make sure Scott understands he can’t control every aspect of her life. She buzzes for Martina and smiles as she appears in the doorway.

“Hey, boss. What can I do for you?”

“You should be expecting a call from Brett’s assistant, Tyler. I want you to work with him to arrange my trip to Spain.” Suddenly an idea hits her that might solve a lot of her concerns. “I want you to attend the trip with me.”

Martina’s eyes open wide. “Really? You want me to go to Spain? Where are we going? Maybe I can stop by and see my family.”

“Madrid. Is that far from your family?”

She nods. “Yes, but much closer than London. I’ll call them and have them come meet us, if that’s okay with you?”

“Well, why don’t we see what the dates are and then we can go see them. I’d much rather you have the opportunity to visit your parent’s home.” Besides, What Alexa really craved was the chance to spend time with a warm, loving family, something she knew nothing about.

Martina claps her hands and jumps up and down like an excited child. “Oh, Alexa! That would be so wonderful. My mom is totally going to cry.”

“I think you might too,” Alexa says, only slightly teasing.

“Yes, maybe. Are you going to have Scotty the hotty come? You so should. It’s so romantic there.”

Alexa shakes her head. “No, I need to do this alone. Scott needs to learn to trust me.”

“He doesn’t?”

“Not with Brett.”

“Oh, right. Yes, well making out with Braveheart probably wasn’t the best way to win over his trust.” Martina stifles a giggle.

“This I know,” Alexa agrees. “I’m looking forward to a quiet and romantic weekend. Just what Scotty and I need.”

“I’m so jealous. I’m just dying to meet someone and fall in love,” Martina sighs.

“You will. You’re so young still, it will happen. What type of man do you like?”

Martina shrugs her shoulders. “I’m pretty open-minded. I just want someone kind, generous, with a gentle spirit and an open heart. It doesn’t hurt if he’s successful, smart, funny, and hot too.”

Alexa laughs. “Well at least you have standards. Sounds just like Brett actually.”

“Oh I wish I could get someone like him. He’s so out of my league though.”

“He’s not at all. Why do you say that?” Alexa asks.

“Alexa, he was going after
. Anyone who even had a glimmer of a chance with you is out of my league.”

“I disagree with you. He went after me simply because he saw me as a challenge. You are far more of a catch. You have the biggest heart and the warmest personality. Brett deserves someone like you.”

Martina giggles. “Well, I don’t think he would see it that way. Regardless, I think you are an awesome person. I admire you so much and how hard you worked to get to this place. It’s an inspiration.”

Alexa smirks.
Oh I worked hard to get here alright.
“I need to call Scotty and deal with his wrath that I’m accepting this trip.”

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