Beautifully Twisted (27 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“Thank you, Scotty,” Alexa whispers.

“Seriously,” he continues, as he runs his hands over her smooth skin. “We’ve never talked about this, about how this thing with us started.” He kisses her stomach. “You were distracting to me. That’s never happened before. You were so good at your job and you just adapted so quickly. I was really impressed. But damn, you made my cock twitch every time we interacted. I had to get inside of you.”

Alexa is shocked at his confession. He was right, after all this time they never really talked about why he crossed the line with her. Quite frankly, she assumed it was something he often did and maybe that was one of the reasons he went through assistants so frequently. She never questioned it.

“Your lips, Lexi, fuck. They’re so beautiful. You would sit across from me and all I could see was my cock sliding in and out of your mouth.” Scott drags his tongue up her neck, causing her to sigh. “And those skirts you wear. Your legs are phenomenal and I wanted them wrapped around me. I loved that you didn’t seem afraid of me, yet there was just that underlying passiveness to you that I wanted so much to explore. I risked my entire reputation to fuck you. Did you know that, baby girl?”

Alexa shakes her head. She had been so overwhelmed that he wanted her that she never bothered to think about what he was risking.

“When you told me you were a virgin, I almost wanted to walk away. I thought you should give it to a man you loved. But you were so excited and it just made me want you more. It thrilled me to know I could be your first.” His hands move behind her and unfasten her bra. He leans closer and suckles each breast in his mouth, nibbling gently on her nipples. “You’re tits, Lexi. So fucking perfect,” he whispers. “I’ve always loved them,” he says, twirling his tongue over her aroused skin. He sucks hard on her nipples, knowing she delights in the feeling.

Alexa can hardly believe the words coming from Scott’s lips. She is finally getting a peek at what went on in his head.

“That first night, baby girl, at my place. You were so eager to please me. You did everything I asked of you. You amazed me and I was immediately addicted to you. I’ve always said you have the sweetest pussy on the planet.” He drags a finger up her still sore slit, gently massaging her as he does. “I thought I was going to ruin you, but it was you that ruined me. I never wanted another woman as much as I wanted you.”

He plants a soft kiss on her lips. “In the back of my mind though, I knew there would come a day when I would have to let you go. I knew there was a chance you might want to fall in love with someone and not spend all your time with someone as fucked up as me.”


“Let me finish, Alexa. I wouldn’t let myself even think about how I felt about you. I only knew I was going to keep you in my life as long as possible. I honestly didn’t think I would have any trouble letting you go. But the day we broke up was brutal. It was the first time I even had a clue that I was in love with you.”

Alexa reaches up to pull the blindfold off but Scott stops her. “The pain in your eyes haunted me for months,” he continues. “I knew after that I loved you, but I thought I lost you. That first time I came to London, man you were so pissed at me, and you had every right to be. I fucking panicked and treated you like shit. It took me six months to be brave enough to face you again. But this time I knew I was going to stay here until I got you back.”

Scott’s strong hands spread her legs and she feels his tongue against her, causing her to gasp. Next, Scott spreads warm chocolate across her skin–first on her nipples, then down her stomach, and finally on the inside of both her thighs. His tongue drags over every spot, licking and sucking where all the chocolate is, coercing soft moans from Alexa’s lips.

“You are amazing, Alexa. I love you so much,” Scott whispers as he continues sucking chocolate from her skin.

“Can I speak, Scotty?” she asks.

“Not until I’m done with you. Just absorb what I told you. Know that you have my heart. I’m completely exposed to you right now, Alexa. You could kill me if you wanted to. You’re the only woman that can.”

Alexa sighs, trying to follow his words. Scott pushes her legs open further and buries his face between them, his tongue dipping sensuously beneath the folds of tender flesh. She places her hands on top of his head, pressing his face harder against her clit.

“This is for you, Lexi. All of it, your pleasure, sweet girl,” Scott murmurs against her body. “God, Lexi, I love your sweet scent,” he says licking between her folds, “you taste so fucking good. I can’t get enough of you. You’re my drug, baby girl. I love you so much.”

Alexa gasps and grinds against his mouth. She feels her eyes tearing up and she knows pure joy is threatening to spill out of her.

Scott reaches up and pulls the blindfold from her eyes. “I need to see your gorgeous eyes,” he says.

She blinks her eyes several times, focusing on her surroundings. Looking around the room, she sees that Scott obviously spent time setting up this romantic scene before she came home. Her heart instantly swells with love for him. Who knew Scott Patrick had all of this in him. She softly shakes her head.

“Look at me, Lexi,” Scott asks. “Please.”

She gazes down at the man between her legs and smiles. He responds by sucking harder on her clit, making her arch her back from the intense pleasure shooting through her body. “I want to see that heavenly face of yours while I make you come. I want to hear your voice scream my name. This is all for you.”

She wraps her legs around his shoulders as his licking and sucking intensifies. One of her hands grips her breasts and squeezes while the other twists in her hair. He’s making her crazy with lust. “Ah fuck, baby. Scotty, you’re so fucking amazing. So good, baby. So good.”

“Are you ready, baby girl? Are you gonna come for your Scotty.”

“Yes, oh my God, yes, oh baby, yes, baby…oh,” she sighs as her body climaxes, waves of pleasure washing over her. Scott kisses every part of her body as she squirms on the couch, her body glistening from the after effects of the orgasm she just had. He moves up her body and sucks her tongue into his mouth, his lips pressed passionately against hers. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. They kiss for what seems like ages, before Alexa finally releases Scott from her hold. She looks up at him, her green eyes glimmering like emeralds in the candle light. “This was perfect, Scotty. Thank you for putting your guard down and letting me in, really in. It means the world to me. I didn’t know you had this in you.”

He shrugs, smiling. “I’ve been inspired.”

“I love it.”

“We’re not done yet. I’m going to feed you dinner then I’m going to bathe you. After that, I’m going to massage you and then I’m going to wrap you in my arms and hold you while you sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, my face will be the first thing you see, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than lying next to you.”

“Scotty, that is about the sweetest thing that’s ever been said to me.”

“I want to give you this.” He lowers his eyes. “Isn’t this why you dominate men? To get them to worship you, Alexa?”

She shakes her head. “No, they feared me and obeyed me but by no means did they worship me.”
Only one even tried but I’m not about to tell Scott that.
“And none of them ever woke up with me.”

Scott tilts his head. “I’m actually glad to hear that. I get to be your first again.” He smiles. “I gotta say though, it’s pretty fucking hot that you make men bow to you.”

She smiles. “Yeah, I’m a total bad ass, in case you haven’t noticed.”

“Trust me, I’ve noticed. Now, it’s time for dinner. I ordered out. Are you hungry?”

“I am. What about you though? Don’t you want a little attention?” she asks.

Scott shakes his head. “I spent two hours today buried inside you. I told you–tonight is about your pleasure. I’m sure I’ll be pressing my cock against your beautiful ass by morning,” he says, laughing.

Alexa watches as Scott heads to the kitchen and starts plating their meal. She notices that he seems really at home, easily navigating around the room. She still finds it hard to believe they are back together and are really together. Not just fucking.

Scott glances over at Alexa sitting on the couch and grins. She deserves his affection, as much as he could give her. She waited so long and endured so much shit because of him, and yet, she still gave him a chance. She still let him in.

“Hey, baby girl, hope you like curry. Martina suggested it,” Scott says as he approaches the couch. Alexa pours them each another glass of champagne.

“I like whatever you got,” she grins.

“Well, I’ve got a lot.”

“Oh, I know,” she says laughing. “Thank you for tonight. This is beautiful. I feel really special right now.”

“You are really special and I’m the lucky bastard that gets to love you. You’ve got me all twisted inside in the best way.”

“I like twisting you.” She smiles.

He leans across the couch and kisses her lips. “Hungry?” he asks, lifting the fork to her lips.


Alexa feels her hair moving from her face and stirs in the early morning darkness. Her eyes slowly focus on the sexy man lying next to her. She smiles and receives a smile in return.

“Morning,” she says, softly.

“Morning,” he says. “You’re fucking gorgeous, you know that?”

“Love does that to a girl,” she says, grinning.

“How do you feel this morning?”

“Great. I had the sexiest man on the planet cater to my every need last night. How could I be less than perfect?”

Scott grins. “I’m glad to hear that. Last night was incredible for me too.” He takes Alexa’s hand and pulls it under the covers, resting it on the erection straining against his boxers. “You want to shower?”

She laughs softly. “Yes, I guess we should get up and get ready for work and, um, take care of you.”

“Maybe someday I won’t have a constant hard on around you.”

“I certainly hope not.”

“I can just imagine me as a little old man chasing you around the house with my walker and a hard on.”

Alexa throws her head back in laughter. “That’s a funny thought.”

“Come on,” Scott says, pulling Alexa from the bed. “Let’s shower and get you to work.”

“What’s the plan for you today?” she asks.

“I need to get on the phone with New York and tie up some appointments. After that, I thought I’d go shopping and get myself some extra clothes I can keep in London, if that’s cool with you?”

“Of course. I want you here. As long as you want to stay, Scotty. You know that.”

“What if I want to stay forever?” he asks, stroking her cheek.

“I would like that.”

“I want to figure out how to make that happen,” Scott says.

“I hope we can. I like you being here with me, in this space. It’s suddenly warmer and comforting. Actually…” she lowers her eyes.

“What is it, baby girl?”

She looks up and smiles softly, “It feels like home with you here. Waking up with you is what I know, and I like it.”

“I like that,” he says, grinning and then kissing her neck. “You’re gonna be late.” He slides his hands down her body and buries his face in her hair. “I can’t let you go yet.”

“Mmm…” Alexa wraps her arms around his neck. “Yeah, totally late,” she says, as Scott continues smothering her in kisses. “And I don’t give a damn.”

“I’m corrupting the great Alexa Drake,” he murmurs against her neck, his hand reaching down into her robe, caressing her breast.

“You created her,” Alexa whispers.

Scott looks down at her, staring into her deep green eyes. “I
her. The greatness was already there. I just helped bring it out. And look what you’ve become. I’m so fucking proud of you, girl.”

“I’m glad.”

“Let’s shower. For real this time. Of course, you know I’m going to bend you over and fuck the shit out of that sweet pussy of yours.”

Alexa laughs. “I love the way you talk to me. You’re so dirty.”

“Yeah, it’ll take a lot more than water to clean me up.”

“I like you better dirty,” she says as she walks into the bathroom, dropping her robe behind her.

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